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Economic Load Dispatch using Novel Bat


S. Gautham J. Rajamohan
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
SASTRA University SASTRA University
Thanjavur, India Thanjavur, India

Abstract— The primary role of Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) The paper is arranged as follows: Firstly, the ED problem
is for obtaining the most efficient operation out of a power system formulation is discussed. Then Bat Algorithm is presented,
generation network. The main objective of performing the ELD is following which the Novel Bat Algorithm and Particle
to minimize the generator fuel cost. The minimum cost function Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms are briefly described.
found using optimization techniques is a widely researched area. Finally, numerical solution of a 5 bus and 6 bus system is
One such optimization technique is the Bat algorithm. In this found using Novel Bat Algorithm and convergence graphs
communication, Novel Bat Algorithm has been introduced to solve are plotted. The results are compared with the other
the ELD problem. The Novel Bat Algorithm introduces the idea of algorithms.
using Doppler Effect and movement of bats between different
habitats. It is compared with the Bat algorithm and the Particle II. ECONOMIC LOAD DISPATCH PROBLEM
Swarm Optimization to find the most efficient among them. The
effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by testing it on The mathematical formulation of an ED problem can be
5-unit and 6-unit systems. given as minimization of cost function (which is the
objective function) subject to different constraints. The
Keywords— Economic load dispatch; Novel Bat Algorithm; constraints, apart from the power balance equation, include
Valve point loading; Bat Algorithm power generation limits of each generator. Equation (1) is the
objective cost function while (2) and (3) are the constraints
The emergence of optimization techniques has led to the
development of many new approaches for minimization of a (1)
parameter in any problem in the recent past. New algorithms
developed are either nature inspired or are dependent on the (2)
behavior of animals. Apart from development of new
optimization algorithms, many new variations of a particular (3)
algorithm are being continuously developed. One such instance
is the Bat Algorithm, which was originally proposed in [1], and Here, n is the number of generating buses; P i is the power
has seen a variety of modifications being incorporated to find th
generated by the i bus; Pd is the power demand and Pl is the
which among them proves to be most optimal. In other words, power loss.
variations of the same algorithm are developed to determine the
best solution of a particular problem in a particular field of III. BAT ALGORITHM
study. In this paper, a new variation — the Novel Bat Algorithm Bats are the only mammals with wings and they also have
(NBA) has been discussed and applied for an ELD problem. As advanced capability of echolocation. Most of the bats use
per [2], this is the first attempt to solve an economic dispatch echolocation to a certain degree; among all the species,
problem using the NBA. The application of NBA and few other micro-bats are famous for their extensive use of echolocation,
algorithms are discussed to an economic dispatch problem. while mega bats do not use them. Micro-bats use
Economic Dispatch (ED) is an important task in a power plant echolocation to detect prey, avoid obstacles, and locate their
which determines the optimal combination of power outputs roosting crevices in the dark [5].
from all generating units at minimum cost and satisfying system
constraints. If some of the echolocation characteristics of micro-bats
are idealized, various bat inspired algorithms can be
The convex type ED problems can be solved by gradient and developed. For simplicity, the following approximate rules
Newton’s methods [3, 4]. Non convex ED problems can be are used:
solved by dynamic programming, but they suffer from the 1. All bats use echolocation to sense distance. They also
limitation of requiring dimensionality. Hence, newer algorithms know the difference between food/prey and other background
like the Bat Algorithm are being developed. barriers.

978-1-4673-8587-9/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

2. Bats fly randomly with velocity vi at position xi with a A. Quantum Behavior of Bats
fixed frequency fmin (or wavelength λ), varying wavelength λ It is assumed that the bats will behave in such a manner that
(or frequency f) and loudness Ao to search for prey. They can as soon as one bat finds food in the habitat, other bats would
automatically adjust the wavelength (or frequency) of their immediately start feeding from them. Such an assumption leads
emitted pulses and adjust the rate of pulse emission (in the to the mathematical formulation of the virtual bat positions as
range of 0 to 1) depending on the proximity of their targets. shown below [6]:
3. Although the loudness can vary in many ways, it is
assumed that the loudness varies from a large value Ao to a
minimum value Amin.
The mathematical equations that can be formulated from the (8)
above discussion are given below [6]:

) (4)
B. Mechanical Behavior of Bats
(5) The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. This speed cannot be
exceeded by the bats. Also the Doppler Effect is compensated by
the bats and this compensation rate has been mathematically
(6) represented as CR. It varies among different bats. A value ξ is
considered as the smallest constant in the computer to avoid the
(7) possibility of division by zero. The value of CR [0,1] and the
inertia weight w [0,1].
Another simplification is that ray tracing is not used in
estimating the time delay. In addition to these simplified Here, if the bats do not compensate for the Doppler Effect
assumptions, subsequent approximations have been used for at all, then CR is assigned 0, if they compensate fully, CR is
assigned 1. Now, the following mathematical equations
simplicity. Generally, the frequency f in a range [fmin, fmax]
explain the description [6]:
corresponds to a range of wavelengths [λ min, λmax].


The bats that engage in habitat search vary with species. Bats
can adjust their echolocation behavior under different habitats to (10)
which they get adapted to, thus prompting them to forage in
multiple habitats [7]. Also, different species of bats can forage
in the same habitat [8]. (11)
In the Bat Algorithm (BA), the Doppler Effect and the idea of
foraging of bats was not taken into consideration. In the original (12)
BA, each virtual bat is represented by its velocity and position,
searches its prey in a D-dimensional space, and its trajectory is
obtained. Also according to BA, it is considered that the virtual bats
C. Local Search
would forage only in one habitat. However, in reality, this is not When bats get closer to their prey, it is logical to assume,
always the case. In NBA [6], Doppler Effect has been included in they would decrease their loudness and increase the pulse
the algorithm. Each virtual bat in the proposed algorithm can also emission rate. But apart from whatever loudness they use, the
adaptively compensate for the Doppler Effect in echoes. factor of loudness in the surrounding environment also needs
to be considered. This means the mathematical equations are
Meanwhile, the virtual bats are considered to have diverse developed as follows for the new position of the bat in the
foraging habitats in the NBA. Due to the mechanical behavior local area are given by the below-mentioned equations, where
2 2
of the virtual bats considered in the BA, they search for their rand n(0,σ ) is a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and σ as
food only in one habitat. However, the bats in NBA can search standard deviation [6]. At time step t, the mean loudness of
for food in diverse habitats. In summary, the NBA consists of all bats is .
the following idealized rules for mathematical formulation
purposes. If (rand (0, 1)>ri) (13)
1. All bats can move around in different habitats.
2. All bats can compensate for Doppler Effect in echoes.
3. They can adapt and adjust their compensation rate and
depending upon the proximity of their targets.
The simulation for economic dispatch problem has been σ 2= |
conducted on a 5 bus and a 6 bus system using this method and
has been found to be most optimal when compared with other D. Pseudo code
methods. The pseudo code for the novel bat algorithm is given below

978-1-4673-8587-9/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

and is similar to [6]. This idea can be used upon to formulate the and the gbest, pbest and ibest values are obtained. It is conducted
program for the ELD problem. on the objective function by supplying possible solutions to
the objective function.
Input: N: the number of individuals (bats) contained by the Updating gbest and ibest: The values of global best data and
population individual best data are updated based on their previous
M: maximum number of iteration values and the current values that are obtained. Concurrently,
P: the probability of habitat selection, their position and velocity are also modified.
w: inertia weight,
CR: the compensation rates for Doppler Effect in In the below equations, the velocity (v) and position
echoes function (x) are described. The term c1 is cognitive coefficient
θ: contraction–expansion coefficient and c2 is social coefficient. The updated velocity and position
G: the frequency of updating the loudness and vectors are given as:
pulse emission rate
ν, φ; fmin; fmax; A0; r0: parameters in original Bat –
t = 0; Initialize the population and the related parameters.
Evaluate the objective function value of each individual.
While (t < M)
If (rand (0, 1) < P)
Generate new solutions using Eq. 8.
Generate new solutions using Eqs. (9) – (12). End
if. for i = 1, 2, 3, . . .,N
If (rand (0, 1) > ri) The variable pbest,i is used to store the best position of the ith
Generate a local solution around the selected particle while gbest stores the value of the best position of all
best solution using Eqs. (13) and (14). particles. A maximum of N particles are considered. The
End if variables, r1 and r2 are random numbers in the interval [0, 1].
Evaluate the objective function value of each The term ‘k’ denotes the iteration number while ‘w’ denotes
the inertia weight.
Update solutions, the loudness and pulse emission rate
using Eqs. (4)–(7). Satisfying convergence criteria: An initial value of
Rank the solutions and find the current best g . convergence is set until which the iterations are performed.
If g does not improve in G time step, Once the pre-set value of convergence is breached, the
Re-initialize the loudness Ai and set iterations are stopped and the latest value of gbest is taken to
temporary pulse rates ri which is a uniform be the optimized value.
random number between [0.85, 0.9].
t = t + 1; A comparison has been made between the Novel Bat
End while Algorithm, and other algorithms considering a 5 generator
Output: the individual with the best objective function (fuel bus (IEEE 14 bus) and a 6 generator bus (IEEE 30 bus)
cost function) value in the population. system.
A. With valve point loading effect considered
The fuel cost coefficients with valve point loading effect
The algorithm for Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) required for a 5 bus system is shown in Table I and the results
technique has been discussed in [9]. It comprises of the of NBA and BA are compared in Table II. The valve point
following steps: loading effect introduces additional cost coefficients (d and e)
apart from the three cost coefficients used in (1). Hence, the
PSO intialization: Particles are considered to be part of equation is modified and is given in (15):
swarms and the objective is to choose the best particle in each
swarm. The function that is required be optimized, that is, either
maximized or minimized is initialized. All the required (15)
variables, such as inertia weight, accelerating constants,
iterations, velocity and position of each particle with minimum
B. With losses considered
and maximum permissible values, are also initialized with
default values, if required. Generally, the variables gbest, pbest The various data required for a 6 generator bus system is
and ibest are commonly used in all PSO algorithms. shown in Table III. The comparison of BA and NBA methods
has been shown in Table IV. It is seen that the total cost
Fitness Evaluation: The fitness of each particle is evaluated incurred by adopting the NBA method for the same load of

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Bus ai bi ci di ei Pmin Pmax

No. (MW) (MW)
1 0.0015 1.8 40 200.0 0.035 50 300

2 0.0030 1.8 60 140.0 0.040 20 125

3 0.0012 2.1 100 160.0 0.038 30 175

4 0.0080 2 25 100.0 0.042 10 75

5 0.0010 2 120 180.0 0.037 40 250


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Cost ($/hr)
BA 229.14 101.30 114.05 74.26 211.23 2042.88 Fig. 2: Convergence graph for 6 bus system.

NBA 218.02 109.01 147.53 28.38 227.04 1837.90 1263 MW [10, 11]. Here, the valve point loading effect has
been neglected and losses have been considered. The loss data
TABLE III. FUEL COST COEFFICIENTS AND ACTIVE POWER LIMITS FOR A 6 BUS is given in [11]. The convergence graph is shown in Fig. 2.
SYSTEM For the NBA method, the power loss is calculated as 13.3569
Bus No. ai bi ci Pmin (MW) Pmax (MW)
1 0.0070 7 240 100 500
In this paper, the Novel Bat Algorithm for an economic
2 0.0095 10 200 50 200
dispatch problem is discussed. The idea of Doppler Effect and
3 0.0090 8.5 220 80 300 foraging of bats between different habitats are the additions to
this algorithm. For the test cases of a 5 generator bus system
4 0.0090 11 200 50 150
with a power demand of 730MW and a 6 generator bus system
5 0.0080 10.5 220 50 200 with a power demand of 1263MW, this algorithm proves to be
6 0.0075 12 190 50 120 the best in giving the lowest cost, among the algorithms with
which it has been compared. Also, the 5 generator bus test
case involves the valve loading effects without power loss
TABLE IV. COMPARISON BETWEEN PSO, BA AND NBA being considered. The 6 generator bus test case considers
power losses but neglects valve loading effects. It can hence
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Cost ($/hr)
be concluded that NBA is a robust algorithm for the
experiments performed. This method can be extended to
PSO 447.49 173.32 263.47 139.05 165.47 87.12 15450 determine its robustness for higher dimensional problems.
BA 447.40 173.27 263.39 138.90 165.38 87.02 15443
NBA 435.94 191.62 264.63 147.32 157.71 78.57 15393
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978-1-4673-8587-9/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

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