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Identify a school, and Gather information on how a school develops

its curriculum to enrich teaching practice/s.

In the Philippines, schools generally implement conventional or traditional
schooling. Students come to campus to attend classes, interact with
classmates, read at the library, and perform or complete group tasks and
other activities. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools had to hurriedly
shift to online learning and other modes of instruction. It is inevitable for
schools to make the adjustments, should they intend to survive and continue
serving the public. The shift caught all the stakeholders in education off-guard.
Government regulators, school administrators, teachers, students and parents
are all scrambling primarily because of the lack of readiness. Fortunately,
FSUU has been building on its IT capacities over the past decade. Online
Learning, at its core, is similar to conventional or traditional learning. In terms
of curriculum and educational outcomes, they are the same, but the two differ
significantly in terms of delivery, assessment, experience and engagement.
The roles of the stakeholders, then, need to adjust to this shift. In particular,
the engagement of the parents.
Father Saturnino Urios University Basic Education Department pursues its
mission to provide quality education to our students through online
asynchronous and blended pedagogy. It commits itself to meet the needs of
students who cannot attend face-to-face classes due to the health risks
brought by the pandemic

FSUU Curriculum development regarding online learning

I. Planning Online Curriculum
a.) The conduct of online class instruction is guided by the university’s
framework in planning and implementing a curriculum which is standards-
based and competence-based. The crafted curriculum map contains the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS), online assessment and activities
which are aligned to the standards.
b.) The Online Instructional Plan using 5E Learning Model for each subject is
prepared to ensure quality online classroom instructions. The Instructional
Template is filled-out weekly by the subject teacher.
The Instructional Learning Plan is a complete and comprehensive plan in
teaching a subject to a class through the online method. In the 5E instructional
model, teachers seek strategies that help students gain a full understanding
of new concepts. It aims to engage students, motivate them to learn, and
guide them toward skill development and Urian values formation.
c.) One Instructional Learning Plan using the 5E model is prepared weekly by
each teacher based on the Subject that is assigned to him/her.

II. Institutional Support

a. Faculty members are given training in the transition from classroom
teaching to online teaching using FSUU Learn.
b. Members of ad hoc committee are chosen to train and assist the teachers
who have difficulty manipulating the online learning platform.
c. Online teaching training continues throughout the progression of the online
d. Support for on-going training, development of instructional materials, and
content migration is provided.
e. Individual faculty is supervised by the subject chairperson, principal, and
f. The LMS Admin is responsible for coordinating all e-class activities with the
subject chairpersons, school principal and the university registrar. This
involves managing the online learning environment, providing teacher and
learner support, and providing relevant e-class evaluation data to

Online learning, in its fullest sense, is new to each one of FSUU’s stockholders.
Two of the great challenges the shift poses are (1) on the aspect of the quality
of delivery of the lesson and (2) the efficiency of the platform. FSUU
guarantees to cover both bases. Teachers are prepared and have been trained
with the use of FSUU Learn. This was done in the hopes of ensuring and
promoting active and engaged participation from the students.
a. The online lessons are prepared and administered by each teacher and
checked by respective Subject Area Chairperson.
b. Each online lesson which is good for one week is composed of the following
I. Engage (Students’ prior knowledge is assessed and misconceptions are
identified. Hook activity that rouse interest to the new topic is provided.)
ii. Explore (Activities for students to use process skills are provided.)
iii. Explain (Teachers allow students demonstrate their understanding and
clarify misconceptions.)
iv. Elaborate (Teachers provide opportunity for practice and students apply
new knowledge.)
v. Evaluate (Teachers assess the students using the most appropriate tool to
measure students ‘learning.)

c. Learning resources chosen are checked by the subject chairperson and ad

hoc committee to avoid plagiarism. They are also reviewed to ensure their
alignment with the standards. d. Enough time is given in the preparation of
online lesson. Individual faculty undergoes a training prior to online lesson
Learning is an individual activity. The teacher provides the learning
experience and helps the pupils to draw more understanding from the
experience and hone their skills. An online lesson is a learning experience
designed by a subject instructor using online tools (electronic presentations,
discussion forum, blog, video, website, etc.) to achieve the learning objectives
in a particular topic.
IV. Online Teaching of a Subject
a. All faculty members are required to create an e-class for all their teaching
loads containing the curriculum map, learning outcomes, and other pertinent
course intent and information.
b. Faculty members may do blended delivery mode as directed by the
university administration to integrate on-campus learning activities with
online instruction for an assigned subject provided that subject delivery
requirements are met. The online sessions may be asynchronous or
c. All online learning activities in a blended delivery must be reflected in the
e-class subject calendar approved by the subject chair and the principal.
d. Faculty members must take into account the number of hours allotted for
each learning session in creating content so as not to overwhelm the learner
and thereby sacrificing the outcome and competency. The assessments and
performance tasks are carefully crafted in order to allow student enough time
to produce quality output.
e. Subject chair and the school principal shall regularly monitor all faculty
conducting online classes to ensure compliance.
f. During the school year, the teacher must:
g. Prepare and enhance online lessons.
ii. Prepare the assigned student assessments.
Pre-Assessment, Formative and Summative assessments will be given online
using appropriate and manageable digital tools. These will be conducted in a
manner in which the integrity of the assessments will be protected.
iii. Prepare the TOS and TQ approved by the subject chairperson and principal.
The quarterly assessment should be conducted in a manner that its integrity
is protected.
iv. Discuss the conduct of the subject including subject policies, online learning
activities and schedule.
v. Ensure that students access all assigned learning materials by regularly
checking the activities of the students enrolled in each class.
vi. Assess pupils’ understanding of concepts, make sure that assignments are
turned in regularly and log into the classroom.
vii. Provide feedback on the pupil's progress.
viii. Allow time for online follow-up and consultation with students and

V. Modes of Delivering Online Classes

a. The mode of delivering online instruction that the school will implement is
blended learning in which some face-to-face contact hours are replaced with
online instruction through the FSUU Learn.
b. The online learning of the pupil is teacher-facilitated that combines both
synchronous and asynchronous learning.
I. Asynchronous Session is an e-class activity that does not require all students
to be online at the same time.
II. Synchronous Session is an e-class activity in which the faculty and all
students are simultaneously logged on to FSUU Learn using the chat feature.
c. The following are different types of online learning components that are
utilized in an online instruction, such as:
1. E-learning. Learning activities are conducted via electronic media
predominantly through the internet.
2. E-class. The online class designed as an alternative to the classroom based
or face-to face meeting in the campus. The e-class should be created by a
faculty with a teaching load during the semester or school year using FSUU
3. E-class Session. A scheduled activity conducted within the electronic class
using FSUU Learn.
4. Online Learning Activity. A learning activity where students are required to
access lessons and assessment activities within the e-class.
VI. Students’ Learning in a Subject and Attendance
a. The pupil is oriented on the following:
1) 5E’s Online Learning Plan and expected weekly tasks/outputs
2) Navigation and important features of FSUU Learn
3) Online rules for attendance, behavior, punctuality, and accomplishment of
outputs and weekly tasks.
4) Online conference
5) Grading System
Grading system shall follow the institutional grading system as mandated
by DepEd per subject from G1- SHS.
b. Attendance in online classes is mandatory. Students are expected to
regularly attend all classes for which they are registered. Absence from class,
regardless of the reason, does not relieve the student of his/her responsibility
to complete all subject requirements within the required deadlines
c. Attendance will be tracked by the teacher through the online student
management system. Attendance will incorporate completion of subject
requirements, participation in completing subject assignments and
interactions with the teacher.
d. The teacher must report excessive and/or unexplained absences to the
Guidance Center for investigation and potential intervention.
e. Topics are delivered in such a way that pupil’s mastery of the lesson is
ensured before moving forward in the lessons.
f. Regular individual feedback is shared with the students.
Education is the right of every child" Curriculum enrichment is
absolutely vital and a dynamic process to be meaningful in any educational
system. As we are aware that no matter how good the curriculum material is
on paper and whatever theory or rationale that led to its development, the
teacher makes the difference and plays a critical role in making the curriculum
come alive in the classroom. It is also noteworthy that curriculum enrichment
cannot take place in isolation or in a vacuum without the involvement of
classroom teachers. The responsibility rests on the shoulders of teachers in
shaping the destiny of students. The enrichment of curriculum means giving
it a greater value, by putting life into the overall education process.
Enrichment describes activities which colleges provide in order to extend
students' education beyond their main course of study. The best session
included opportunities for personal research, group projects, practical work,
creative expression, discussion and brain-storm. This method generally
adopted by the students and there is some evidence that increases their
motivation. The commitment to providing opportunities for broadening
students' educational experience is widespread throughout the further
education sector. Successful enrichment programs enhance students' life at
school & college increase motivation, achievements and retention.


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