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G.R. No. 168612, December 10, 2014
Philippine Electric Corporation (PH!EC" i# a $ome#tic corporation en%a%e$ in the man&'act&re
an$ repair# o' hi%h olta%e tran#'ormer#. )mon% P*+ member# ere #electe$ 'or promotion, there'ore
or$erin% them to &n$er%o trainin%, eent&all- #hall receie alloance &ntil the trainin% i# complete$. P*+
i# a le%itimate labor or%aniation an$ the e/cl&#ie bar%ainin% repre#entatie o' PH!EC# ranan$'ile
emplo-ee#. PH!EC an$ it# ranan$'ile emplo-ee# ere %oerne$ b- collectie bar%ainin% a%reement
proi$in% 'or the #tep# in increa#in% the emplo-ee# ba#ic #alar- in ca#e o' promotion. P*+ member#
claime$ that #che$&le o' trainin% alloance $i$ not con'orm to )rticle 3 o' their C). P*+ an$ PH!EC
$eci$e$ to #ettle their %rieance to ol&ntar- arbitration. PH!EC conten$# that the- applie$ 5o$i'ie$
7G9 pa- %ra$e# to aoi$ #alar- $i#tortion. Hoeer, ol&ntar- )rbitrator hel$ that PH!EC iolate$ it#
C) ith
ith P*+, there'ore or$erin% the PH!EC to pa- the P*+ member# alloance ba#e$ on their C).
PH!EC 'ile$ a petition 'or certiorari on Co&rt o' )ppeal# (C)", alle%in% that ol&ntar- )rbitrator %rael-
ab&#e$ it# $i#cretion in ren$erin% hi# $eci#ion, b&t the C) a''irme$ the $eci#ion o' ol&ntar- )rbitrator.
PH!EC 'ile$ it# petition be'ore the 7C 'or reie on certiorari in#i#tin% that the- $i$ not iolate their C)
ith P*+.

*hether or not ol&ntar- )rbitrator %rael- ab&#e it# $i#cretion in $irectin% PH!EC to pa- the
trainin% alloance ba#e$ on C) ith P*+.

No, the ol&ntar-
ol&ntar- )rbitrator $i$ not %rael- ab&#e it# $i#cretion.
$ i#cretion. :he ol&ntar- )rbitrator
)rbitrator correctl-
aar$e$ trainin% alloance# ba#e$ on the amo&nt# an$ 'orm&la o' the C). ) Collectie ar%ainin%
 )%reement i# a contract e/ec&te$ &pon the re;&e#t o' either the emplo-er or the e/cl&#ie bar%ainin%
repre#entatie o' the emplo-ee# incorporatin% the a%reement reache$ a'ter the ne%otiation# ith re#pect
to a%e#, ho&r# o' or an$ all other term# an$ con$ition# o' emplo-ment, incl&$in% propo#al# 'or 
a$<&#tin% an- %rieance# or ;&e#tion# ari#in% &n$er #&ch a%reement.9 ) collectie bar%ainin% a%reement
bein% a contract, it# proi#ion# con#tit&te the la beteen the partie#9 an$ m&#t be complie$ ith in %oo$
'aith. :here'ore, the alloance o' the member# o' the P*+ m&#t be comp&te$ ba#e$ on )rticle 3 o' their 
C). 5oreoer, PH!EC alle%e$l- applie$ the 5o$i'ie$ 7G9 pa- %ra$e #cale to preent an- #alar-
$i#tortion ithin PH!EC# enterpri#e. :hi#, hoeer, $oe# not <&#ti'- PH!EC# noncompliance ith the
e bar%ainin%
bar%ainin% a%reement.
a%reement. :hi# pa- %ra$e #cale i# not proi$e$ in the collecti
e bar%ainin
a%reement. t co&l$ hae inoe$ )rticle 2=2 o' the !abor Co$e, to incorporate the 5o$i'ie$ 7G9 pa-
%ra$e #cale in it# collectie
collectie bar%ainin
% a%reement
a%reement ith P*+.
P*+. &t it $i$ not. :here'ore
:here'ore PH!EC
PH!EC cannot
in#i#t on the 5o$i'ie$ 7G9 pa- %ra$e #cale# application.
G.R. No. 1>201?, @ctober 2, 200A
Petitioner# ere emplo-e$ a# 'li%ht atten$ant# o' Philippine )irline# on $i''erent $ate# prior to
Noember 1AA6. :he- ere member# o' Bli%ht )tten$ant# an$ 7tear$# )##ociation o' the Philippine#
(B)7)P" &nion, the e/cl&#ie bar%ainin% or%aniation o' the 'li%ht atten$ant#, 'li%ht #tear$# an$ p&r#er#.
@n &l- 2001, re#pon$ent an$ B)7)P entere$ into a C) incorporatin% the term# an$ con$ition# o' their 
a%reement 'or the -ear# 2000 to 200= (comp&l#or- retirement o' == 'or 'emale# an$ 60 'or male#". n &l-
200?, petitioner an$ #eeral 'emale cabin cre#, in a letter, mani'e#te$ that the proi#ion in C) on
comp&l#or- retirement i# $i#criminator-. @n &l- 2004, B)7)P pre#i$ent #&bmitte$ their illin%ne## to
commence the collectie bar%ainin% ne%otiation# at the #oone#t po##ible time. @n the #ame month,
petitioner# 'ile$ a #pecial ciil action 'or $eclarator- relie' ith i##&ance o' temporar- re#trainin% or$er 
(:R@" ith the R:C 5aati. :he R:C i##&e$ a :R@. )'ter the $enial o' the re#pon$ent on it# motion 'or 
recon#i$eration 'or the :R@, it 'ile$ a petition ith the Co&rt o' )ppeal#. :he C) %rante$ re#pon$ent#
petition an$ or$ere$ the loer co&rt to $i#mi## the ca#e. Hence, the petitioner# 'ile$ a petition be'ore the

*hether or not, the proi#ion on comp&l#or- retirement in C) i# &nla'&l an$ &ncon#tit&tional.

:he petitioner# primar- relie' i# the ann&lment o' the part o' the C), hich alle%e$l-
$i#criminate# a%ain#t them 'or bein% 'emale 'li%ht atten$ant#. :he #&b<ect o' the liti%ation i# incapable o' 
pec&niar- e#timation, e/cl&#iel- co%niable b- the R:C. ein% an or$inar- ciil action, the #ame i#
be-on$ the <&ri#$iction o' !abor :rib&nal#. :he #ai$ i##&e cannot be re#ole$ b- #olel- b- appl-in% the
!abor Co$e. Rather it re;&ire# the application o' the Con#tit&tion, !abor #tat&te#, !a on Contract# an$
the Conention on the elimination o' )ll Borm# o' Di#crimination )%ain#t *omen, an$ the poer to appl-
an$ interpret the con#tit&tional CED)* i# ithin the <&ri#$iction o' trial co&rt#, a co&rt o' %eneral
 <&ri#$iction. n Geor% Grot<ahn G5H  Co. . #nani, the Co&rt hel$ that not eer- $i#p&te beteen an
emplo-er an$ emplo-ee inole# matter# that onl- labor arbiter# an$ the N!RC can re#ole in the
e/erci#e o' their a$<&$icator- or ;&a#i<&$icial poer#. :he <&ri#$iction o' labor arbiter# an$ the N!RC
&n$er )rticle 21> o' the !abor Co$e i# limite$ to $i#p&te ari#in% 'rom an emplo-eremplo-ee relation#hip
hich can onl- be re#ole$ b- re'erence to the !abor Co$e, other labor #tat&te#, ot their collectie
bar%ainin% a%reement.


G.R. No. ! 10>12, )&%&#t 10, 1A16
Re#pon$ent Carlo# G#ell i# en%a%e$ in the man&'act&re o' &mbrella#, matche# an$ hat#.
Petitioner )n#elmo Berraini a# emplo-e$ b- G#ell a# 'oreman in the 'actor- one$ b- the re#pon$ent.
 )t #ome point, he a# $i#char%e$ b- the re#pon$ent, #o he 'ile$ a ca#e to recoer $ama%e# 'or an
alle%e$ ron%'&l $i#char%e. Re#pon$ent G#ell, 'or hi# part a$mitte$ he $i#char%e$ petitioner Berraini
itho&t ritten a$ice o' #i/ month# in a$ance a# proi$e$ in the their contract. &t he conten$# that the
$i#char%e a# la'&l on the acco&nt o' ab#ence, &n'aith'&lne## an$ $i#obe$ience o' or$er#. :here'ore
the re#pon$ent #o&%ht a co&nterclaim 'or '&rther alle%e$ breach o' plainti'' b- en%a%in% in b&#ine## in the
Philippine #lan$# #ince leain% the #erice o' the $e'en$ant an$ itho&t $e'en$ant# re;&e#t or con#ent,
in iolation o' hi# contract ith the $e'en$ant here'ore, the $e'en$ant $eman$# <&$%ment a%ain#t the
plainti'' 'or a #&m o' mone-. :he plainti'' a$mit# that he entere$ the emplo-ment in the Philippine #lan$#
a# a 'oreman on #ome con#tr&ction or itho&t the con#ent either ritten or erbal , o' the $e'en$ant.

*hether or not, the part o' the contract preentin% the petitioner to enter into emplo-ment o' an-
enterpri#e in the Philippine# i# a%ain#t p&blic polic-.

Fe#, the Co&rt r&le$ that the part o' the contract preentin% the petitioner to enter into
emplo-ment o' an- enterpri#e in the Philippine# i# a%ain#t p&blic polic-. 5anre#a $e'ine$ p&blic polic- a#
hich $oe# not here #i%ni'- the material eepin% o' p&blic or$er  repre#ent# in the la o' per#on# the
p&blic, #ocial an$ le%al intere#t, that hich i# permanent an$ e##ential o' the in#tit&tion#, that hich, een
i' 'ao&rin% an in$ii$&al in hom the ri%ht lie#, cannot be le't to hi# on ill.9 - p&blic polic-, a# $e'ine$
b- the co&rt# in the +nite$ 7tate# an$ En%lan$, i# inten$e$ that principle o' the la hich hol$# that no
#&b<ect or citien can la'&ll- $o that hich ha# the ten$enc- to be in<&rio&# to the p&blic or a%ain#t the
p&blic %oo$, hich ma- be terme$ the polic- o' the la,9 or p&blic polic- in relation to the a$mini#tration o' 
the la. :he 'ore%oin% i# #&''icient to #ho that there i# no $i''erence in principle beteen the p&blic polic-
in the to <&ri#$iction# a# $etermine$ b- the Con#tit&tion, la#, an$ <&$icial $eci#ion#. :he contract &n$er 
con#i$eration, te#te$ b- the la, r&le# an$ principle# #et 'orth, i# clearl- one in &n$&e or &nrea#onable
re#traint o' tra$e an$ there'ore a%ain#t p&blic polic-. t i# limite$ a# to time an$ #pace b&t not a# to tra$e.
t i# not nece##ar- 'or the protection o' the $e'en$ant, a# thi# i# proi$e$ 'or in another part o' the cla&#e.
t o&l$ 'orce the plainti'' to leae the Philippine #lan$# in or$er to obtain a lielihoo$ in ca#e the
$e'en$ant $ecline$ to %ie him the ritten permi##ion to or el#ehere in thi# co&ntr-.


G.R. No. !1?6AA, Noember 12, 1A18
:he plainti'' an$ $e'en$ant entere$ into a contract &n$er the term# o' hich $e'en$ant a%ree$ to
enter the #erice o' plainti'' 'or the perio$ o' three -ear#. :he contract $oe# not #peci'- the character o' 
the #erice# to be ren$ere$ b- the $e'en$ant to plainti''. :he a%reement i# that he ill #ere the plainti'' or 
hi# #&cce##or# e/cl&#iel- 'or a perio$ o' three -ear# an$ promi#e# to carr- o&t hi# emplo-er#
in#tr&ction# to the be#t o' hi# abilit-, an$ %o hereer hi# emplo-er# intere#t #ho&l$ re;&ire him to %o.
7econ$ cla&#e o' the contract proi$e$ that hen #&ch three -ear# are oer, he #hall not en%a%e in an-
b&#ine## either 'or him#el' or other# #imilar to the b&#ine## carrie$ on b- hi# pre#ent emplo-er, or in
hich hi# emplo-er ma- be en%a%e at that time, 'or one -ear at lea#t, or itho&t 'ir#t hain% #ec&re$ the
con#ent o' hi# preio&# emplo-er in ritin%. Eent&all-, the $e'en$ant le't plainti'' emplo-, an$ #hortl- a'ter 
the chan%in% con$ition# o' tra$e an$ commerce. *ith tri'lin% e/ception#, #ai$ chan%e# hae been
contin&o&# $eelopment o' %eneral r&le. :he earl- ca#e# #ho plainl- a $i#po#ition to aoi$ an$ ann&l all
contract hich prohibite$ or re#traine$ an-one 'rom &#in% la'&l tra$e at an- time or an- place,9 a# bein%
a%ain#t the bene'it o' the #tate. !ater, hoeer, the r&le became ell e#tabli#he$ that i' the re#traint a#
limite$ to a certain place, #&ch contract# ere ali$ an$ not a%ain#t the bene'it o' the #tate. !ater ca#e#,
an$ 7C #tate# that,  e thin the r&le i# no ell e#tabli#he$, hae hel$ that the contract in re#traint o' 
tra$e i# ali$ proi$in% there i# a limitation &pon either time or place. ) contract, hoeer, hich re#train#
a man enterin% into a b&#ine## or tra$e itho&t either a limitation a# to time or place ill be hel$ in ali$.

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