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Character Analysis

Finding the character by speculating from the facts in the script

1. Character’s vocation and career potential:

a. Kind of work s/he does: Riley's fear
Explain: To keep Riley safe

Evidence: Fear leaps to the console. “JOY (V.O.) : “That’s Fear. He’s
really good at keeping Riley safe.”

(Character : Fear, Joy page: 3)

b. How s/he feels about his work: fear

Explain : Always be careful on what Riley doing.

Evidence: FEAR : “Ahh! Look out!!! No!” Fear leaps to the console.

(Character: Fear, page: 3)

c. How s/he got where s/he is: Headquarters in Riley Andersen's mind
Explain: To keep Riley safe.

Evidence: Evidence: Fear leaps to the console. “JOY (V.O.) : “That’s

Fear. He’s really good at keeping Riley safe.”

(Character : Fear, Joy page: 3)

d. Ambitions
 To keep Riley safe

Fear’s job is to warn them of potential dangers and to point out things
that could go wrong.

Evidence: Fear leaps to the console. “JOY (V.O.) : “That’s Fear. He’s
really good at keeping Riley safe.”

(Character : Fear, Joy page: 3)

2. Character’s state of mind:
a. Influence/ activity of imagination and/or fantasy:
Fear’s main job is to protect Riley and keep her safe. He is constantly on the
lookout for potential disasters, and spends time evaluating the possible dangers,
pitfalls and risk involved in Riley’s everyday activities. There are very few
activities and events that Fear does not find to be dangerous and possibly fatal.

Riley approaches a POWER CORD on the ground. FEAR : “Ahh! Look out!!! No!”

Fear leaps to the console.

JOY : “That’s Fear. He’s really good at keeping Riley safe.”

Riley stops. She cautiously steps over the power cord.

FEAR : “Easy... we’re good! We’re good.”

b. Integrity:
 Fear constantly on the lookout for potential disasters, and spends time evaluating
the possible dangers, pitfalls and risk involved in Riley's everyday activities
Fear leaps to the console.

JOY : “That’s Fear. He’s really good at keeping Riley safe.”

Riley stops. She cautiously steps over the power cord.

FEAR : “Easy... we’re good! We’re good.”

c. Fears:
 Fear job is to make sure Riley safe and he scared about think that he sure about.

Evidence: (Which is the dialogue)

Dad lifts a spoonful of food to Riley’s mouth.
JOY: “Hmm. This looks new.”
FEAR: “Do you think it’s safe?”

3. Character’s emotional adjustment. Indicate apparent dominant adjustment

Mature adjustments:
a. Dealing successfully with one’s emotions
Fear is one of human emotion. as it part of Riley mind, Fear take full responsibility to
make sure Riley safe.

Evidence: (Fear leaps to the console.

JOY : “That’s Fear. He’s really good at keeping Riley safe.”

Riley stops. She cautiously steps over the power cord.

FEAR : “Easy... we’re good! We’re good.”

b. Aware of self
Fear good at their jobs. When Riley's having a terribad stress dream about her first day of
school, for example, Fear's so well-versed in the tropes of nightmares that the otherwise
unsettling dream is downright boring to him.

Evidence: RILEY'S DREAM CLASSMATE: Look! Her teeth are falling out!

A mind worker sprinkles teeth in front of the camera.



FEAR: Teeth falling out. Yeah, I'm used to that one. Let me guess, we have no pants on.

ONE MORE DREAM CLASSMATE: Hey, look! She came to school with no pants on!

FEAR: Called it!

Immature adjustments:
a. by defence mechanism - Fearful, cooperative, insecure, skillful, aware, caring,
thoughtful, responsible, loyal, hard-working, anxious,
cautious, dependable, self-deprecating,humorous, victorious,
proctective, methodical

Evidence : (Fear leaps to the console.)

JOY : “That’s Fear. He’s really good at keeping Riley safe.”

Riley stops. She cautiously steps over the power cord.

FEAR : “Easy... we’re good! We’re good.”

b. by repression - anxiety, phobias,compulsion

Anxiety: Feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that

can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of
anxiety at some point in their life. 

Dad lifts a spoonful of food to Riley’s mouth.

JOY: “Hmm. This looks new.”

FEAR: “Do you think it’s safe?”

Phobia: A phobia is an irrational fear of something

that's unlikely to cause harm.

Evidence : TEACHER : “Okay, everybody. We have a new

student in class today.”

FEAR : “Are you kidding me?! Out of thegate? This is not


Compulsions: the action or state of forcing or being

forced to do something; constraint.

Evidence: (Fear leaps to the console.)

JOY : “That’s Fear. He’s really good at keeping Riley safe.”

Riley stops. She cautiously steps over the power cord.

FEAR : “Easy... we’re good! We’re good.”

4. Element of relationship
Identification with important members of the immediate community (Give hierarchy or

Who are the important characters?

No. Character Justify Relationship

1 Joy Protagonist
2 Riley Headquartes of 5 emotions
3 Sadness Deuteragonist
4 Fear Riley emotion
5 Anger Riley emotion
6 Disgust Riley emotion
7 Mr Anderson Riley father
8 Mrs Anderson Riley mother

9 Bing Bong tritagonist

10 Gloom Antagonist

5. Element of Stress:

Primary stress element - - as Fear representing scared feeling, he also kind of keep
overthinking and overreact.

FEAR (O.S.) : “Ahhhhh!! It’s the house of the dead! What are
we gonna do?! We’re gonna get rabies!!!”

6. Character Rhythms. Describe and explain.

A. Contextual Rhythms – Rhythms based on dialogue pattern, general style and word flow:
Explain: in my opinion, contextual rhythms in the Inside out skrip is in page 4 which he was
curious base on dialog.

Dad lifts a spoonful of food to Riley’s mouth.


JOY : “Hmm. This looks new.”

FEAR : “Do you think it’s safe?”

B. External Rhythms – Rhythms produced outside body demanding complementary

Determined by analysis of character interaction and actions:
Explain: External rhythms is a reaction to something happening around it.
In Inside out, Fear try to save Riley from falling by controlling the console.

Evidence: (Fear leaps to the console.)

JOY : “That’s Fear. He’s really good at keeping Riley safe.”

Riley stops. She cautiously steps over the power cord.

FEAR : “Easy... we’re good! We’re good.”

C. Internal Rhythms – determined by fundamental individual pattern of energy release as

influenced by effects of tension and metabolism, include breathing rate:
Internal Rhythms are reactions to anything that occurs that causes a person to experience pain,
and the pain is sensed in such a way that the person becomes sad or furious. In Inside out,
Fear almost fainted after jump on Anger head and get burned by Anger.

Evidence: FEAR : “Ahhhhh!! It’s the house of the dead! What are we gonna do?! We’re
gonna get rabies!!!”

Fear jumps into Anger’s arms. Anger fires up the flames.


Fear runs around on fire. Joy puts him out with a fire extinguisher.

7. Physical location of centre of energy:

 Fear’s physical location of the centre of energy is his eyes.


 Fear always look for Riley safety and make sure Riley safe from danger.

Fear leaps to the console.

JOY : “That’s Fear. He’s really good at keeping Riley safe.”

Riley stops. She cautiously steps over the power cord.

FEAR : “Easy... we’re good! We’re good.”

The play and character’s through line of action

Summarize what the play is about in one short sentences:

Summarize each act and scene; each in short sentences (Chronologically):
Act Scen Summarization of scene
1 1 Fear supervise Joy to drive when Riley runs through the house. To make sure the
safety of Riley, Fear take over quickly the console to avoid any danger obstacle.
2 Except for Joy, all of the emotional characters scream to death when they learn
that the home has been sold and that they would be moving to another place that
the daydreams have unlikely mentioned. They're all in charge of the monitor,
which shows how Riley's room will be decorated later.
3 Fear was scared then screaming all over the place and then get burned by anger.
4 Sadness messes up Riley's finest moments, almost causing the core memory to
break and turn blue, while they project his best times. Joy and Sadness chat about
how stressing out will impair Riley's basic memories.
5 When Joy and Sadness are gone, Fear, Disgust and Anger try their best to make
everything better but Anger cant control his anger emotion and take over the
console which cause the angry emotion of Riley. Fear try to calm Anger but
getting pushed by anger.

Character’s Spine (support by quoting lines from play):

Fear is one of the five emotions that Riley Andersen experiences in this film. He works with the other
emotions at HQ. Riley's safety is his responsibility. Riley and her parents go to San Francisco, and he,
Anger, and Disgust are dissatisfied with the deficiencies that come with the transfer, but Joy manages
to see the silver lining. Fear proposes that he and the remaining emotions act like Joy until Riley
returns, but this backfires when he, Anger, and Disgust are unable to make Riley joyful due to their
respective emotion representations, and he and his friends unintentionally cause Riley to make
decisions that cause the islands to fall into an abyss that threatens Riley's life.
Character’s Super Objective (support by quoting lines from the play):
Riley's primary responsibility is to guard her and keep her safe. He is always on the watch for
potential disasters and spends time assessing the potential risks, difficulties, and risk that Riley's daily
activities may entail. Fear considers just a few actions and occurrences to be harmful and potentially

Character’s Simple Action for each scene:

Act Scen Character Summarization of Scene

1 1 Fear Headquarter ( Riley mind)
2 Fear Headquarter ( Riley mind)
3 Fear Headquarter ( Riley mind)
4 Fear Headquarter ( Riley mind)
5 Fear Headquarter ( Riley mind)
6 Fear Headquarter ( Riley mind)
7 Fear Headquarter ( Riley mind)

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