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Application of EthicsApplication of Ethics 2

Application of Ethics

Ethics can be described as the unwritten moral codes which enable an individual to

lead a disciplined and a fruitful life. It aids an individual in harmonizing better with the

nature and socializing better with his peers. Good ethics and a stand on the moral high ground

also make an individual approachable and can be regarded as an ideal member of the society.

Therefore, this paper focuses on evaluating key philosophical ideas from thinkers such as

Hannah Arendt, Philippa Foote and Judith Jarvis Thompson and how their ideas apply in the

practical scenarios.

Hannah Arendt was one of the most influential political thinkers and a commendable

philosopher who lived during the era of the Nazis and presented arguments against the

totalitarianism regime which strips off the individuals of their right of live freely in a public

space as well as their freedom of expression having every aspect is controlled by the state

(Yosypenko,2018). Arendt placed forward and advocated that interaction and sharing of

thoughts and actions in public space is an individual’s way of connecting with the society and

stripping that away undermines the basic human need to socialize (Morgan, 2016).

Philippa Foot is also considered to be one of the most notable philosophers who

believed that true goodness should be seen in every human and that moral and ethical values

are the pillars of the community. She also put forward the claim that morals and ethics are the

prime characteristics that should be carried by each and every human being as in the long run

the same becomes beneficial for him . Her works in relation to subjectivism and emotivism

seems to be highly influenced by the work of Ludwig Wittgenstien as both are heavily

connected to moral concepts (George & Hacker-Wright,2018).

Judith Jarvis Thompson did commendable work by upholding the key ethical value

that everyone should uphold being the “right to life.” She did notable works in regards to
Application of EthicsApplication of Ethics 3

defending abortion. Her key ideology in the sense suggests that abortion cannot be conclude

as morally impermissible as it the woman’s right to live as much as the society’s take on the

fetus to live I(Block,Wirth & Butt,2018). She presents the same with a variety of experiments

and instances where one cannot deny that abortion is a choice that is to be made by the

woman whose body currently houses the fetus and not the conservative society who cannot

contribute anything towards it but still choose to comment and put up barriers.

I feel that Foote’s philosophical approach towards how bearing good ethical and

moral values will aid in any normal setting in life. In the contemporary world, it is extremely

essential to have core values which will make me into a suitable and a well liked member of

the society and enhance a good bond between them. In addition to that, if tomorrow if iin my

workplace or any social setting the basic right of socializing and speech is withdrawn than I

sure will imply the thoughts of Arendt and emphasize on the importance of the same.

Similarly if a friend of mine is going through an ethical dilemma if she should carry on with

the baggage of a child she is not ready for or abort it in order to live her life freely, I’ll

definitely place forward my suggestion and aid her in seeing the light and rising above

societal rebukes. Thus, all of those ideologies are applicable in real life and make the society

a better place.
Application of EthicsApplication of Ethics 4


Block, W. E., Wirth, H. E., & Butt, J. A. (2018). Judith Jarvis Thomson on abortion; a

libertarian perspective. DePaul Journal of Health Care Law, 19(1), 3.

George, & Hacker-Wright. (2018). Philippa Foot on goodness and virtue. J. Hacker-Wright

(Ed.). Palgrave macmillan.

Morgan, M. (2016). Hannah Arendt and the ‘freedom’to think. Journal of educational

administration and history, 48(2), 173-182.

Yosypenko, S. (2018). Philosophy and Post-Totalitarian Practices. Future Human Image, (9),


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