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History AnswersHistory Answers 2

History Answers

1. How should Germany be punished? How can we ensure justice is done to the

criminals, but avoid the mistakes of the Treaty of Versailles?

Germany was the major conspirator that led to a devastating world war one where the

resources of numerous nations comprising of both men and material were lost.

However, after the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was subjected to “guilt” and

compensation was demanded that was unacceptable to the Germans (Sirzen). This

method was also critiqued by various scholars such as Lombard (1-12). Therefore, a

more diplomatic approach could have been taken to ensure the prevalence of justice.

It is a legitimate demands of the affected nations to demand funds from the nation

who proved to be destructive towards their nation. However, this can be done in the

format of an installment as even Germany was recovering from the war. Moreover,

emotive words are not to be included in concrete documents as the world “guilt” is a

powerful emotive term and should be exempted from using. The allies could have

focused on nation-building and cordial relations rather than vengeance.

Berlin Blockade Answers

1. It was completely surrounded by Soviet-ruled East Berlin.

2. Stalin wanted Germany to stay weak in terms of both economic as well as military


3. When the Americans restarted to build Germany, Stalin thought that they were eyeing

to invade Russia through the medium of Germany.

History AnswersHistory Answers 3

4. The Americans decided to rebuild their side of Western Germany without the aid of


5. By obstructing transportation and food to the Western Allies Zones in Berlin, Stalin

was trying to create significant blocks and ultimately stop the Americans from

rebuilding their area.

6. In such a time, Stalin did not immediately shoot down the planes containing cargo as

this would have been an offensive attack from the end of the Soviets and could have

triggered world war 3. During such a time, such an expensive war could not be

afforded by any of the powers.

7. The acts against the planes could not be considered acts of aggression as no action

was directly aimed. However, these actions were developed to cause a panic among

the Americans so that they would stop their operations.

Canada 1950’s

Three significant differences between the Canadian economy of 1930’s and 1950’s are as


Economy of 1930s Economy of 1950s

The great depression struck Canada with its The 1950’s in Canada is considered to be the
mighty force and resulted in the growth of decade of economic stability and prosperity
unemployment. Almost 20 percent of the due to rapid industrialization and that period
total employable population was unemployed saw that the unemployment rate in the nation
was below 5 percent.
Wages significantly dropped and prices of The end of Korean war gave a boost to the
commodities were at an all time low. Only economy and prices of commodities were
the property owners and concrete job people leveled along with a steady growth in
were secured. The farmers and the working international trade.
class suffered greatly and thus economic-
disparity was at an all time high (Florida ).
In the years, 1929-1933, the Canadian Gross Post 1950, the economic standing of the
National Product fell by 42 percent as well as country vastly improved mainly due to oil
History AnswersHistory Answers 4

the national income was also severely and mining companies and the average
affected. The volumes of imports also were annual salary increased to $1863 from $854
down by 56 percent. in 1930s (Florida).

Page 139 Q2

2. As seen from the above figures and quotes, it is abundantly clear that the Canadian

government’s policy on immigration was racist as they majorly focused on only

accommodating the white population. They did not want to integrate Chinese citizens

or the black population into the Canadian sphere. Their policy on the Chinese men not

being able to bring about their wives was to ensure that their progeny could not obtain

Canadian nationality. There were even hefty head taxes placed against Chinese

nationals to prevent them from entering Canada. This was not levied on people of

other nationalities but only on people having Chinese nationalities. Furthermore,

various instances of black immigrant discriminations were also witnessed. It was also

seem that such actions did not exist for the white but was prevalent for the blacks and

Asians (Wong, Lyod and Guo, 1-9).

Page 141 1 and 2

1. Causes and consequences of baby boom:

Causes Consequences

End of world war 2 and couples wanted It saw a rise in the demand of larger cars,
to return to normalcy and plan for a more number of schools, bigger houses
family. and a wider variety of baby products

Stronger economy after the war was also More women entered the workforce to
a major cause support their families, most of it was part-
time to suffice the roles of both the spaces
History AnswersHistory Answers 5

Canadian governmental policy It resulted in a demand for more jobs and

encouraged women to give birth by markets.
providing “bonus”

Values changed for couples as they There was a significant increase in

wanted to marry sooner and have more marriages

Traditional values such as ensuring They resulted in entering the workforce

women to be busy with their children at and significantly curbing the
home post marriage was also a major unemployment problem of Canada.
contributor towards the baby boom.

2. The 1930s in Canada was a time period when the family life was not suitable due to

the threats presented by international tension. Many men went off to war and never

returned and thus their families were left to fend for themselves. The great depression

also significantly lowered the standard of living as there was no income. However, in

the 1950s the family life took a pleasant turn with the burst of industrialization that

presented better income opportunities. Families had more disposable income and led a

comfortable life. Furthermore, the baby boom also contributed to a decreased age of

marriage and larger families. Divorce rate was very low during the 50s as it was

viewed as a social stigma and women were constricted to taking soft jobs such as

maids and mid-wives. However, the present scenario dictates that women have

significantly entered the male dominated workforce and the rate of divorce has

jumped four times in comparison to the 1950s (Margolis).

History AnswersHistory Answers 6

Works Cited

Florida, Richard L. Building six million good jobs in Canada. Martin Prosperity Institute,


Lombard, Andreas. "THE VANITY OF GUILT." First Things 297 (2019): 1-12.

Margolis, Rachel, et al. "Capturing trends in Canadian divorce in an era without vital

statistics." Demographic Research 41 (2019): 1453-1478.

Penny J.,. Berlin Blockade. 2014.

Sirzén, F. "Treaty of Versailles 1919, article 231-the German guilt clause." История:

факты и символы 1 (22) (2020).

Wong, Loyd, and Shibao Guo. "Canadian ethnic studies in the changing context of

immigration: Looking back, looking forward." Canadian Ethnic Studies 50.1 (2018):


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