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Surname 1

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Importance of Education

Proper education is an essential element that frames the quality of life for an

individual. Education is merely not limited to books but also determines an individual’s

manners, behavior, and perspective on life. Similarly, in my situation, education can improve

my life situation by teaching me the knowledge needed to succeed at being a great lawyer.

Being a lawyer has always been my dream and I feel that by achieving this, I can be

instrumental in ensuring justice and curbing lawlessness. Being a lawyer is a respected

profession and can be termed as my life’s ambition. However, as prestigious as the career

path is, it is equally an arduous task. It would require me to get fluent with the national and

international laws and legislation. Along with that, it will also require me to be well-versed

with the rights of various entities.

Therefore, proper education on those aspects as well as additional worldly concepts is

the prime requirement that is the basis of me achieving my sought-after career path. It is the

only medium that can provide me with the knowledge and the experience to ensure that I live

my dream. Therefore, I have vowed to ensure that I give it all to getting myself educated and

frame myself as the harbinger of justice in the future.

In conclusion, without education, my dream would merely live up to its term and not

translate into reality. Thus I will get a good education in the hopes of attending a law school

and ensure that the courtroom becomes my professional space one day.
Surname 2

Public Schools and their Dress-Code Policy

A school is a place where kids are enrolled to ensure that they get a good and a

worthy education that aids them in sourcing their lives purpose. However, public schools do

not have a policy on school uniforms and this aspect greatly affects the educational capacity

of the students. Therefore, it is integral for public schools to adopt a dress code policy or

deny enrollment to the students.

This can be attributed to the fact that having a proper uniform provides the students

with a sense of belonging towards the prestigious educational institution. Furthermore,

establishing a uniform is also instrumental towards curbing peer pressure to wear the best of

looks every day. It has been witnessed that in several institutions, students spend a majority

of their time deciding what to wear to school. If dress codes are to be established then it

would save the precious time of students from having to think about such aspects each day.

That time can easily be employed towards achieving something productive.

In addition to that, having a dress code can also prove to be economical towards the

parents as they would be saved from having to spend an obscene amount of money on

changing trends. It also saves the students from instances of bullying and peer pressure as if

each one of them has identical clothes then there would be no grounds of bullying in terms of

attire. Last but not the least, in a broader sense, having a dress code in public schools also

contributes towards environmental sustainability as the reduction in the demand for fast

fashion may curb its production to an extent.

In summation, several positive points can be taken into consideration by public

schools concerning the enforcement of dress codes. Therefore, owing to these points public

schools should tighten their policies and deny enrollment in case the policies are not

Surname 3

My Most Memorable Moment

As nature would have it, we women are provided with the fortune of being able to

have our little ones. This privilege cannot be sidelined in any case and when I am asked to

think about the best moment of my life, my heart immediately flutters to the time when I was

pregnant and joyously preparing for motherhood.

The moment I saw the lines on the stick, I could not believe my eyes. I shrieked and

cried at the same time. I and my partner had been trying for a while now and were eagerly

waiting for the time when our wish would materialize. I could not hold back my tears at that

moment of discovery as it was truly one of the most emotional moments of our lives. After

that began a series of doctor visits as we did not want any circumstance or condition to

interfere with the growth of our baby.

Even our families shared in our joy and helped us in every way they can. I gave it my

all to prepping towards motherhood. I started eating a lot healthier, an action I thought I could

never undertake! It was not easy all the time as some moments and pains seemed unbearable

at times but the thought of enduring it for my little one kept me going. I started shopping for

the tiny guest like crazy and my partner entirely supported me in doing so.

Spending days reading prenatal and parenting books, the boredom did not hit me

once. I ate like a hungry wolf and yet managed to feel hungry. It was a rollercoaster of

emotions at times and at times, I personified a sloth. However, I would not trade those days

for anything as they added meaning and sense into all our lives.

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