Form RPS Bahasa Inggris

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Alamat : Gedung H, Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati Semarang 50229
Telp: (024) 8508092/93 Fax: (024) 8508093/850808, Laman: – Surel:

No. Document No. Revisi Hal Edition
FM-01-AKD-05 06 1 of ….. 21 February 2021

Course: ………………… Semester : Credit unit : 3 Course code : 20P01818

Study Program : Staff/Person in charge : Learning Form : pilih sesuai bentuk mata kuliah
………………………… ………………………. A. Lectures, Responses, Tutorials,
B. Seminar,
C. practicum, studio practice, workshop practice, field practice, work practice, research,
design, or development, military training, student exchange, internship,
entrepreneurship, and / or community service
Validation Lecturer Coordinator of the Study Field Group Coordinator of the Study Program

sign sign sign sign

……………………... ………………………. …………………………. ………………………………..
Graduate learning outcome (GLO) Attitude
Diambil dari matrik hubungan GLO
General skills
dan Bahan Kajian Kurikulum Prodi,
mintalah kepada Prodi! Specific skill
Pastikan matakuliah memiliki
minimal masing-masing satu GLO Knowledge
sikap, GLO ket umum, GLO ket
khusus, dan GLO pengetahuan.

Course learning outcome (CLO) CLO 1 ( related to Attitude GLO)

Perhatikan bahwa CLO ditulis dengan - Accepting and demonstrating critical, creative, honesty, politeness, and curiosity attitude (GLO 1)
kode (CLO1, CLO4, dsb) yang diturunkan CLO 2 (related to General Skills GLO)
dari GLO. Satu GLO bisa diturunkan - Being able to make decisions appropriately in the context of problem solving in the field of evaluation of biology teaching, based
menjadi 1 CLO atau lebih, dan 1 atau 2 on the results of information and data analysis. (GLO 2)
GLO yang sejenis bisa diturunkan hanya
CLO 3 (related to Special skills GLO)
menjadi 1 CLO
- Being agile in sorting and selecting methods and evaluation tools according to the curriculum they teach by practicing
conservation values and fostering the character of their students. (GLO 3)
CLO 4 (related to Special skills GLO)
- Being able to make decisions on student learning outcomes in biology learning, providing follow-up and reporting, based on
assessment data analysis (GLO 4)
CLO 5 (related to Knowledge GLO)
- Mastering philosophy, approaches, methods, models, and media in teaching evaluation science to support learning biology in
classrooms and schools that are oriented towards life skills. (GLO 5)
Course Description The biology learning evaluation course is a compulsory subject that is managed by a biology education study program, taught with
Perhatikan cara menuliskan deskripsi an exploratory approach that utilizes the student's socio-cultural environment prioritizing team-based projects and case studies so
bukan sekedar isi/bahan kajian that students are able to master and discuss measurement and assessment in biology learning, competency-based assessment,
matakuliah designing and implementing learning evaluations using test and non-test measuring instruments, scoring and evaluating evaluation
actions, analyzing the quality of learning evaluation measurement tools and interpreting evaluation actions based on conservation
character values. The student learning process and outcomes are assessed by promoting authentic assessment.
References: terdiri atas sumber dari buku, hasil penelitian, dan jika ada ditambah dari url yang relevan
1. _____, 2011. Assessment of Higher Order Thinking Skills. Schraw, G. and Robinson, D.R.(Edt). North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, Inc
2. _____, 2015, Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century kills: Methods and Approach, Griffin, P. And Care, E. (Edt). (sBook), London: Springer
3. Azwar, S. 2000. Tes Prestasi, Fungsi Pengembangan dan Pengukuran Prestasi. Ed.II. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
4. Crocker, L. & Algina, J. (1986). Introduction to classical and modern test theory. New York: Holt,
5. ……. Etc
Research resources:
1. Annisa Rochmawati, Wiyanto, Saiful Ridlo. 2019. Analysis of 21st Century Skills of Student on Implementation Project Based Learning and Problem Posing Models in
Science Learning. Journal of Primary Education. (accessible
2. A Novitasari, S Ridlo, TN Kristina. 2017. Instrumen Penilaian Diri Kompetensi Klinis Mahasiswa Kedokteran. Journal of Research and Educational Research (accessible
3. …. etc
Online (URL):
…. etc

Week Lesson Learning Topics Learning Platform; Methods; and Experience / Indicator and Taxonomy level of Weigh for final
Outcome Assignments cognitive, affective and grade
(sub-CLO) LPA (Learning Process Activities), IA Time psychomotor, Technique of
Independent Activities), and SAA Allocation Assessment
(Structured Assignment Activities)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Sub-CLO 1: Measurement and Platform: LPA 3x50’ (1) coordinating the basic principles Formative
1 Explaining the basic assessment SAA: Downloaded and studied SLP IA 3x60’ and relationships of measurement, assessment
principles and 1 Measurement, (semester lesson plan) and its SAA 3x60’ assessment, test and evaluation / C5 1: 10%
relationships of Assessment and explanatory video asynchronously ‘ - mind mapping rubric (Ru1)
measurement, Assessment LPA: (2) accept a critical attitude to foster
assessment, 2. Evaluation  Synchronously discussion inspirational character in
assessment and Function  Offer and contract making lectures, encouraging learning / A1 - self-
evaluation by 3. Purpose of and highlight of subject matters evaluation attitude scale (Ed1)
demonstrating Evaluation  Approach: JAS exploration of (3) presents the mind mapping of
curiosity value (CLO 4. Principles of experience knowledge / P5 - product
5 and CLO 1) Evaluation  Method: conceptual assessment using a mind mapping
2. Sub-CLO 2: 5. Evaluation Ethics achievement and discussion rubric (Ru1)
Being able to IA: create mind mapping
communicate the
basic principles and Remark: Announcing at week 14 that it
relationships of contains an independent assignment
measurement, to plan and implement high school
assessment, biology assessments in the form of
assessment and team-based project observations at
evaluation (CLO 3) school
(notifying that these activities will be
carried out starting week 8)
2 …… ….. ……. ….. ……..
3 ….. ……. …… …… ………

4-5 …… ……. ……. ….. ……. formative

assessment 2:
Isi dengan sub_CLO diberi Isi bahan kajian Jelaskan uraian sesuai dengan Tulis sesuai Isi dengan indikator terkait Isi dengan
1 minggu kode nomor urut. yang relevan bentuk bentuk pengukuran level kognitif, afektif, bobot dari
n atau Satu sub-CLO bisa pembelajaran/perkuliahan pembelajaran/ dan psikomotor sesuai sub-CLO penilaian
lebih merupakan mata kuliah tsb perkuliahan yang dituju. Beri juga teknik sesuai bahan
turunan dari satu 1. platform yang digunakan mata kuliah pengukurannya/pengujiannya kajian
CLO atau lebih. terutama Jika bentuk terutama yang berbasis pada sumbangannya
CLO yang berasal 2. KPB isi dengan uraian perkuliahan pendekatan team-based project terhadap nilai
dari GLO sikap singkat terkait dengan maka ada KPB dan atau case method. Tuliskan final. Jika
tidak pernah kegiatan pembelajaran 50’/sks, KPT kode instrumen yang kelak juga tertulis 5% itu
diturunkan ke terutama penggunaan 60’/sks dan harus dikembangkan pada form artinya
dalam sub-CLO pendekatan team-based KM 60’/sks. tersendiri penilaian atas
tetapi harus project dan atau case Jika makul bahan kajian
digamit dalam method praktek atau pada I minggu
CLO yang 3. KPT isi kegiatan penugasan lapangan Taksonomi sesuai arasnya pertemuan
diturunkan dari terstruktur yang relevan maka hanya Pengetahuan/kognitif : C1 atau lebih
GLO pengetahuan 4. KM isi dengan kegiatan ada KPB (mengingat), C2 (memahami), C3 maka
dan mandiri yang revan 170’/sks. (menerapkan), c4 (menganalisis), mahasiswa
keterampilan. KPT dan KM untuk menjelaskan Jika C5 (mengevaluasi), C6 (mencipta). sudah
rencana tugas (RT) yang bentuknya Sikap/afektif: A1 (menerima), A2 memperoleh
dirancang terutma yang sesuai seminar (menanggapi), A3 (menilai), A4 5% dari nilai
dengan pendekatan team- maka ada (mengelola/mengorganisasi), a5 akhirnya
based project dan atau case KPB 100’/sks (mengamalkan/karakerisasi)
method dan KM Keterampilan konkrit: P1
70’/sks (menirukan), P2 (menggunakan),
P3 (presisi), P4 (artikulasi), P5
Keterampilan abstrak: P1
(mengamati), P2 (menanya), P3
(mencoba), P4 (menalar), P5
(menyaji), P6 (mengkreasi)
16 final exams all materials Plattform: LPA 3x50’ Achieve courses learning outcomes 5 Final test 30%
have been SAA and IA SAA & IA (CLO 5) / C2 - C6 Test selecting
studied Studying and collecting portfolio 2x3x60’ responses and constructing
LPA: responses (TesUAS)
Doing objective and subjective items

Assessment plan

Dibuat fleksibel sesuai kebutuhan tetapi konsisten berdasarkan hasil pemetaan hubungan antara GLO dan CLO di RPS
Contoh jika sesuai hasil pemetaan GLO dan CLO di atas adalah masing-masing GLO diturunkan menjadi satu CLO, yaitu:
CLO 1 diturunkan dari GLO 1 (satu GLO sikap)
CLO 2 diturunkan dari GLO 2 (satu GLO keterampilan umum)
CLO 3 diturunkan dari GLO 3 (GLO keterampilan khusus yang pertama)
CLO 4 diturunkan dari GLO 4 (GLO keterampilan khusus yang kedua)
CLO 5 diturunkan dari GLO 5 (satu GLO pengetahuan)

Learning GLO 1 GLO 2 GLO 3 GLO 4 GLO 5

Outcome Contoh isi sesuai pemetaan CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5
di atas
Plan CLO 1
Components Contoh isi sesuai pemetaan Sub-CLO ………….. Sub-CLO …………. Sub-CLO ……….. Sub-CLO …………….
di atas
Sub-CLO 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 18
Embedded location Contoh isi: ……………… …………….. …………… ……………..
Asesmen formatif 1, 2, 4
Trace of team-based √ contoh isi √ √
Trace of case method √ √ √ √ √
Technique Contoh isi ………. ……….. …….. Portfolio
Evaluasi diri Project assessemnt
Observasi Test
Instrument Ed1, Ob1, Ob2, Ob3, Ob4, …….. Ru1, Ru2, Ru6 ……. Ru1, Ru2, Ru3, Ru5, Ru7,
Ob5 isi kode instrumen TesUTS, TesUAS
Level of comtepetence Contoh isi P5, P6 P5, P6 P5, P6 C2, C3, C4, C5, C6
A1, A2, A3, A5
Criteria of Minimum Contoh isi ……. 80% students will meet or ……. …….
Completeness 80% students will meet or exceed expectations with
exceed expectations with criteria ≥71
good criteria

Contoh lain jika CLO 1 diturunkan dari 2 GLO sikap

CLO 2 diturunkan dari GLO keterampilan umum dan GLO keterampilan khusus
CLO 3 diturunkan dari 1 GLO pengetahuan

Learning GLO1 GLO 2 GLO 3 CPL 4 GLO 5

Outcome Contoh isi sesuai pemetaan GLO dan CLO CLO 2 CLO 5
Plan Contoh isi sesuai pemetaan CLO dan sub-CLO Sub-CLO …………. Sub-CLO …………….
Components Sub-CLO 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 18
Embedded location Contoh isi …………….. ……………..
Formative assessment 1, 2, 4
Trace of team-based contoh isi sesuai pemetaan pada RPS √
project √
Trace of case method √ √ √
Technique Contoh isi ……….. Portfolio
Self evaluation Project assessment
Observation Test
Instrument isi kode instrumen Ru1, Ru2, Ru6 Ru1, Ru2, Ru3, Ru5, Ru7,
Ed1, Ob1, Ob2, Ob3, Ob4, Ob5 TesUTS, TesUAS
Level of comtepetence Contoh isi P5, P6 C2, C3, C4, C5, C6
A1, A2, A3, A5
Criteria of Minimum Contoh isi 80% students will meet or exceed expectations …….
Completeness 80% students will meet or exceed expectations with criteria ≥71
with good criteria

Contoh lain jika : CLO 1 diturunkan dari satu GLO sikap

CLO 2 diturunkan dari satu CPL keterampilan umum dan satu GLO keterampilan khusus
CLO 3 dan CLO 4 diturunkan dari satu GLO pengetahuan

Learning GLO1 CPL 2 GLO 3 CPL 4

Outcome Contoh isi sesuai pemetaan di atas CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4
Plan Contoh isi sesuai pemetaan di atas Sub-CLO ………….. Sub-CLO …………….
Components Sub-CLO 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 18
Embedded location Contoh isi: ……………… ……………..
Asesmen formatif 1, 2, 4
Trace of team-based √ contoh isi √ √
Trace of case method √ √ √
Technique Contoh isi ………. Portfolio
Asesmen antar teman Project assessment
Observasi Test
Instrument Ed1, Ob1, Ob2, Ob3, Ob4, Ob5 isi kode instrumen …….. Ru1, Ru2, Ru3, Ru5, Ru7, TesUTS, TesUAS
Level of comtepetence Contoh isi P5, P6 C2, C3, C4, C5, C6
A1, A2, A3, A5
Criteria of Minimum Contoh isi ……. …….
Completeness 80% students will meet or exceed expectations
with good criteria

Contoh isi
Nilai Akhir (NA) = (10%Skor-formtf1 + 10%Skor- formtf 2 + 20%Skor- formtf 3 + 15%Skor- formtf 4) + 15%Skor UTS + 30%Skor-UAS
= 55%NUH + 15%NUTS + 30%NUAS
Usahakan merancang penilaian dengan prosentase paling tidak 50% berasal dari penilaian yang berasal dari pendekatan team-based project dan atau case method. Ingat bukan case
study (seperti jenis penelitian kualitatif) tetapi case method. Jika perlu beri penjelasan pada formulasi nilai akhir tersebut.

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