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By Zarni Wutt Hmone Han

What is halloween?

Halloween is a popular American holiday for

children and adults. It is celebrated on October
31st every year. Children dress up in costumes
and go after dark from house to house. They
dress as skeletons, witches, ghosts , fairies and
princess. It is also a time that people have fun
halloween parties.
Another world for

Another name for Halloween is

Allhallows Eve (the night
before Allhallows). Halloween is
commonly used as a modifier in
phrases like Halloween
costume, Halloween party,
Halloween candy, and
Halloween night.
Why is halloween
Halloween's origins can be traced back to the
ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain, which was
held on November 1 in contemporary calendars. It
was believed that on that day, the souls of the dead
returned to their homes, so people dressed in
costumes and lit bonfires to ward off spirits.
How do we celebrate?
Trick or
treating 01
Carve jack
o’lanterns 02
“ Thank you and I witch you a Happy Halloween”

— Zarni

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