Grade 1 English LP - Oct 26 Writing - Hudson Sheen

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Subject/Grade: Lesson/Date: October 26th Time: 9:20-10:20

Grade 1 English

Stage 1: Desired Results

GOs: General Outcome 3: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage
ideas and information.
SOs: 3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate
-list related ideas and information on a topic, and make statements to accompany pictures
4.1 Enhance and Improve
-identify and use an increasing number of words and phrases related to personal interests and
topics of study
-use words and pictures to add sensory detail in oral, print and other media texts
Learning Students will:
Objectives  Practice stretching out word sounds to spell on mini whiteboards.
 Add details and words to better their teaching books.
 Silent read with finger lights.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative FA: Observation of behaviour and Summative SA: Completed teaching books will be
Assessment eagerness to participate. Assessment graded using my Writing Rubric at the
end of the week.

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to N/A Resources: Mini Whiteboards, Dry Erase Markers,
Lesson: Finger Lights
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
Introduction: Have students sit down quietly at the front of the class in front of the smartboard with
5  Welcome to Writing!
minutes  Q: What did we do last writing class?
 For a hint, show them a mini whiteboard.
 Q: What were we doing with these mini whiteboards?
15 Learning Activity 1:
minutes  Start singing the alphabet. As they sing along, write down the letters of
the alphabet on the smartboard.
 Hand out whiteboards to listening and ready students.
 Pick a student’s name with your popsicle sticks. Have them choose a
 Q: What is an object or an item in this school that starts with that letter?
 Have them sound that word out slowly and write it on their whiteboards.
 Teaching point: Writers need practice in hearing sounds and matching
them to letters. To do this, writers say the word they want to write, and
stretch it out like a rubber band. 
10 Learning Activity 2:
minutes  Teach them the new verse of our song:
We stretch out every word
We stretch out every word
And we try our very best
Subject/Grade: Lesson/Date: October 26th Time: 9:20-10:20
Grade 1 English
We stretch out every word!
 We are practicing our spelling so we can be great authors!

 Q: What are we going to do with our stories once we are done?

 Q: What are all the things we should add into our books to make them
the best they can be? (adding words, drawing and colouring pictures,
adding pages, adding words, and adding details)

Transition: Movement Break YOUTUBE: This is Halloween JUST DANCE

25 Learning Activity 3 (if necessary, otherwise remove):
minutes  Remind students that today is our second LAST day to work on our
stories! Work HARD!
 Today we can do some show and tells at the end of the class.

 Quiet WORK TIME with Calming Music. Circulate to help individual students.

 SPONGE: Quiet Reading Time with optional finger lights.

5 Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:
minutes  You are almost official authors! YOU ARE AMAZING, I have seen some fantastic

5 minutes before, have students Clear off their desks and choose students to go
wash their hands and get their lunches out QUIETLY. They will then come back
into class with their lunches and washed hands for nutrition break.
Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:

We sound out every word
We sound out every word
And we try our very best
We sound out every word

We don’t forget our name!

We don’t forget our name!
We add lots of labels
We don’t forget our name!

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