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Lesson "Medicine"

Why we need to learn medicine and

medical vocabulary
We never know what is going to happen tomorrow.
Common understanding of how your body works can help
you to deal with symptoms of many diseases and provide
help to other people. Learning medical vocabulary can
come in handy if you are abroad and need to explain
what's happening to you if you have some problems.
Internal organs
Take this quizz to find out if you understand the main terms connected to
internal organs of our body

Push the picture above

Let's watch short videos about some of
the internal organs

*to open the video click on numbers

**make some notes while watching
Retell the main information you've
learned from these videos
Do this task:
Let's talk about symptoms

What do you usually What symptoms or What symptoms signal that

What are main symptoms
do when you realize diseases are you afraid you really need to visit your
of some common
you have some of? doctor?
diseases that you know?
Read this short article about symptoms that you shouldn't
ignore. Translate it, paying special attention to words in red
Watch a video and fill the gaps
1. If you are not feeling well, you should immediately ... a medical ... to have an ... diagnosis and proper
... of Cov-19
2. These symptoms are ... ... into
3. The beginning symptoms are similar to the ... ... with a mild ... ... and neither having a ... nor feeling
4. Althoug it;s uncommon, other symptoms like mild ..., ... or mild diarrhea are possible to ... ...
5. The patients that haven't started ... by day 7 get more serious ... and ... difficulty.
6. Many patient are ... to hospital at this stage.
7. Doctors are ordering imaging tests like ... ... to ... the severity of respiratory ... in patients.
8. The condition also needs immediate treatment in ...
9. But some patients may be still ... by mild cough even after hospital ...
Watch one more
These are episodes from the famous
american TV show "Grey's Anatomy".
Write down 5 phrases you consider
to be the most useful for you in this

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