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Olayah, Riyadh, KSA

I. Critical Thinking
1. How did the exploration affect the development of modern science?

Answer: discoveries outside the realm of ancient Scholars: led to closer study of the natural world, need for accurate

2. How was the scientific method different from previous methods of understanding?

Answer: reliance on testing ideas by experimentation, rather than accepting the view of traditional authorities

3. Why Copernicus did not publish his work until the last year of his life?
Answer: He knew the church would oppose it uncertain about weakness of theory.
4. What changes led to the dawn of modern science?
Answer: traditional authority challenged, new theories posed and tested, exploration, led to closer study of
natural world, development of scientific method
5. How did the bill of rights become part of the constitution?
A group of opponents wanted protection for individual rights to be added to the constitution


1. The Sons of Liberty in Massachusetts expected a war ,as consequence they_____________
a. They hid weapon in the countryside and towns of west Boston’s
b. They hid all the Tea crates from Boston port.
c. They join Chine and ask for the nuclear weapons.
2. The colonist called the First Continental Congress in 1776 Philadelphia in to______________
a. To ask for bargain for the Tea Tax
b. To list their grievances against the British government
c. To establish their own government
3. In April 19, 1775 British troops confronted about 75 colonial militiamen in Lexington .Shots and rang out,
and the American Revolution began.
a. 75 colonial militiamen
b. 85 colonial militiamen
c. 96 colonial militiamen
4. How do they protest on the act known as “Tea Party”?
a. They made a party offering free tea to everyone
b. The Sons of Liberty dumped hundreds of crates of tea into the harbor to protest the tax
c. They boycott buying Tea.
5. He wrote a draft of the Declaration incorporating ideas from Locke and Rousseau.
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. John Adams
6. In 1781 September the French and American armies surrounded the British army under _______________in
a. Lord Cornwallis b. Benjamin Franklin c. George Washington
7. Before the independence declared, second Continental Congress assigned _________________ as
commanding General of the Army.
a. Benjamin Franklin b. George Washington c. Thomas Jefferson
8. How did the Lord Cornwallis troops decide to surrender to American and British army?
a. They don’t have enough soldiers
b. Cornwallis grew tired of waiting for British enforcement after the siege.
c. They were ambush by the American and French Armies
d. None of the above
9. Sons of Liberty in Massachusetts expected war so they decided to hid weapons in the country side and
a. South of Boston
b. North of Boston
c. West of Boston
d. East of Boston
10. Who are the Sons of liberty?
a. They are the sons of a Queen name Liberty
b. They are the committee who made the draft for the declaration of independence
c. A group of rebellious Bostonians who boarded three ships in Boston harbor
d. None of the above
11. In January 1776 pamphlet, “Common Sense” written by Thomas Paine argue that ______________
a. argued that tea tax must be lifted
b. argued that the colonies had matured to the point that they no longer need British rule, instead they
argued they deserved independence
c. argued about the man Act from the British government.
12. The Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence when?
a. July 4, 1776
b. June 4, 1778
c. July 14 1778
d. August 4 1776
13. The Second Continental Congress in 1776, a committee formed to write a document declaring the colonies’
independence from Britain. They were________ ___________ _____?
a. John Thomas, Thomas Hanson and Benjamin Franklin
b. John Adams , Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin
c. Adams Apple, Thomas Cart and Benjamin Clark
14. Largest colonial cities and a major port called for boycott of English product that result to chaos, Bostonian
harassed the troops. British disciplined snapped troops shots and killed five men in an accident known as
a. Boston Tea Party
b. Boston Massacre
c. Sons of Liberty
15. The Declaration of Independence drew its ideas from___________
a. English Bill of Rights
b. “Common Sense” pamphlet written by Thomas Paine
c. British Bill of Rights

MULTIPLE CHOICES; Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Galileo learned about a glass that allowed one to see distant objects. What kind of glass is this?
a. Tinted glass
b. Crystal glass
c. Sailor’s spy glass
d. None of the above
2. He changed the world of science by bringing together astronomy, physics and mathematics. Who is he?
a. Sir Isaac Newton
b. Johannes Kepler
c. Nicolaus Copernicus
d. Galileo Galilei
3. Galileo Galilei described his amazing discoveries in his book. What is the title of his book?
a. “Starry Universe”
b. “Starry Messenger”
c. “Magic Star”
d. None of the above
4. These observing, measuring, explaining, and verifying are aspect of what?
a. Verification
b. Hypothesis
c. Experimentation
d. Commentary
5. Sir Isaac Newton published his great work in 1687.What is the title of his work?
a. “Starry Messenger”
b. “The Mathematical Principles of Natural principles.”
c. |”Scientific Revolution”
d. “Heliocentric Theory”
6. Isaac Newton developed Calculus and accused a German philosopher, plagiarism and feud for many years. What
is the name of the German Philosopher?
a. Johannes Kepler
b. Galileo Galilei
c. Gottfried von Leibniz.
d. Aristotle
7. He built the first telescope used for astronomy in 1609.
e. Aristotle
f. Johannes Kepler
g. Nicolaus Copernicus
h. Galileo Galilei
8. The famous book of Sir Isaac newton “Principia” explained what?
a. “Law of universal gravitation”
b. His autobiography
c. “Astronomy”
d. “Supernova “
9. Why ancient Greek philosopher Galen‘s work is inaccurate?
a. because his not sure
b. because he had never dissected a human body
c. because he didn’t finish the book
d. None of the above
10. Newton developed a new kind of mathematics. How it was called?
a. “Chemistry”
b. “Biology”
c. “Calculus”
d. “Physics”
11. He is Flemish doctor that became known for his work in anatomy at the University of Padua. Who is he?
a. Johannes Kepler
b. Galileo Galilei
c. Gottfried von Leibniz
d. Andreas Vesalius
12. After he learned about the work of Andreas Vesalius, he made the bodies of executed criminals available to him.
Who is he?
a. Scientist
b. Doctor
c. Veterinarian
d. Judge
13. Andreas Vesalius published his greatest work. What is the title of his work?
a. “Starry Messenger”
b. “The Mathematical Principles of Natural philosophy “
c. “On the working of the Human body”
d. “Principia”
14. He observed and explain the human heart, he described how the blood and circulatory function
a. Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
b. Andreas Vesalius
c. Gottfried von Leibniz
d. William Harvey
15. He is a Dutch scientist used his interest in developing a magnifying glass to invent microscope. Who is he?
a. Andreas Vesalius
b. Gottfried von Leibniz
c. Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
d. William Harvey
16. He is credited with the term “cell”, he used an early microscope to described appearance of plants in
microscopic level.
a. Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
b. Andreas Vesalius
c. William Harvey
d. Robert Hooke
17. He is the father of modern chemistry, he was the first to define elements.
a. Robert Hooke
b. Robert Boyle
c. Gottfried von Leibniz
d. Andreas Vesalius
18. Antony Van Leeuwenhoek the first person to use an equipment to describe the appearance of bacteria, red
blood cells, yeast and other microorganism. What is this equipment?
a. Telescope
b. Test tube
c. Microscope
d. Barometer
19. Lavoisier introduce Metric System of measurements, and invented the first periodic table, which include ____
elements. How many Elements he first invented?
a. 44
b. 34
c. 44
d. 33
20. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier recognized and named _____.
a. Oxygen
b. Cell
c. Bacteria
d. Animal cell
21. ______________His work is inaccurate because he assumed that human anatomy was similar to that of animals
because he had never dissected a human body.

a. Galen b. Andreas Vesalius c. Dr. Isaac Newton d. Robert Hooke

22. ____________ He brought together astronomy, physics and mathematics in his studies.
a. Isaac Newton b. Galileo Galilei c. Robert Hooke d. Gottfried Von Leibniz
23. ______________He independently developed calculus at the same and Newton accused each other of
Plagiarism and Feuded for many years.
a. Galileo Galileib. Gottfried Von Leibniz c. Robert Hooked. Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
24. ______________He developed a new kind of Mathematics called, calculus in his work.
a. Isaac Newton b. Gottfried Von Leibniz c. Robert Hooked. Antony Van
25. _______________ What Mathematical concept did Isaac Newton developed to predict the effects of gravity to
the earth and Universe?
a. Geometry b. Calculus c. Algebra d. Multiplication
26. ___________________He develop a lens to invent the microscope
a. Galileo Galileib. Gottfried Von Leibniz c. Robert Hooked. Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
27. _________________ He was the one to described the Bacteria, red blood yeast and develop the term “Cell”.
a. Galileo Galileib. Gottfried Von Leibniz c. Robert Hooked. Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
28. He hired an artist for drawings and published his work “On the Working of the Human Body”
a. Galen b. Andreas Vesalius c. Dr. Isaac Newton d. Robert Hooke
29. What is the law of Universal Gravitational law?
a. States gravity affects the objects in the universe as well as earth.
b. States gravity never affects the object in the universe as well as earth.
c. States gravity in the earth are exactly same of the universe.
d. None of the above
30. Why Galen’ work about Human anatomy was not accurate?
a. He do not have enough money for the study.
b. He only assumed that human anatomy was similar to that of animals because he never dissected human
c. He died during the study.
d. None of the above.

II. True or false: Write TRUE if the Statement is correct and FALSE if the is incorrect and write the appropriate word
that makes it correct.

1. True Middle ages question about the natural world sought answer from the traditional authorities the church
and ancient scholar.
2. False Heliocentric theory explained that earth was the center of the universe and that the sun, moon and
planets revolved around the earth.
3. True For centuries Scholars and church were the accepted authorities for European intellectual.
4. True Scientific Revolution posed theories about the natural world and developed procedures to test ideas.
5. True Scientific method consist of five basic steps.
6. True Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes developed scientific method
7. False Greek philosopher Copernicus proposed geocentric theory.
8. True Francis Bacon wrote that the only true way to gain scientific knowledge as through experimentation.
9. True Experimentation aspects are observing, measuring, explaining, and verifying.
10. True Rene Descartes believed that everything should be doubted until it would be proven by reason.
11. False Francis Bacon relied on mathematics and logic to prove basic truth.
12. True Nicolaus Copernicus recognized the geocentric theory did not explain the movements of the sun, moon
and the planets accurately.
13. True Heliocentric theory-explained that the Earth revolves around the sun.
14. False The movie “On the Revolution of the Heavenly Speres” of Copernicus it contradicts teaching of the
15. False Copernicus did not published his book not be ridicule for the expensiveness of the book.
16. False Copernicus did predict the position of the planets very well.

17. True Tycho Brahe wrote a book proving the visible star on earth is about supernova.
18. False Brahe’s book impressed King Frederick II of Sumer.
19. True King Frederick II gave Brahe money to build two observation.
20. True In Prague, Johannes Kepler assisted Brahe to his observation.
21. False Johannes Kepler was the first to prove that the planets orbited the sun in a rectangular pattern or ellipse.
22. True Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier recognized and named oxygen.
23. False Lavoisier introduce Metric System of measurements, and invested the first periodic table, which include
44 elements.
24. True Robert Boyle’s significant contribution in physics was Boyle’s Law.

25. True Boyle’s law describes how temperature ,volume temperature, and pressure affects gases


1. The British government formally recognized the independence of the United States by signing
2. The__________________________ divides the national government’s power among three branches of
3. The first government of United states of America was establish by the
4. , Bostonian harassed the troops. British disciplined snapped troops shots and killed five men in an
accident known as ________________________________
5. ___________________________ is a group of rebellious Bostonians who boarded three ships in Boston



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