Seafarers Flag State Port State Database

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(Indian National Database of seafarers), is a computerised national database of

Indian seafarers which is of use for quick reference by statutory authorities such as Flag State, Port State,
Immigration & Employers etc., to prevent the fraudulent issue of certificates. The database includes data
like the seafarer's address, photographs, signature, telephone, etc. An INDos number consists of eight
alphanumeric characters. Henceforth, no seafarer without an INDos number will be admitted to any
course other than a three month pre-sea training course in India.

All Indian and foreign nationals holding a COC (Certificate of Competency) granted by the Government of
India or an Indian CDC (Continuous Discharge Certificate) or who have completed modular courses
approved by DG Shipping are listed in the database. Courses not approved by the Government of India,
except GMDSS, will not be included in the INDos data.

The advantage to seafarers is that they do not need to carry the original document while training ashore
with the implementation of INDos. For example, at present, a second mate has to undergo seven modular
courses and one competency course for which he has to carry all his original documents. Once he has an
INDOs certificate, he does have to produce the original document for admission to any course in India.
Furthermore, in case of the loss of original documents, the INDos will help in retrieving a duplicate
certificate. Notwithstanding INDos, seafarers still need to carry the original document while serving
onboard a ship.

Clip from DGshipping notice as refer bleow link- quote 'Every seafarer shall obtain INDos No certificate
from the assessment centers /LBS CAMSAR, Mumbai.'

Details of documents issued by government authorities like COCs, Letters of Authority for issue of a COC
(commonly referred to as a "Blue Chit"), endorsements for serving on special ship types, CDCs, etc.,
issued in due course are directly communicated to the INDos centre for updating the data. Such details
are not accepted from the seafarer.

Such certificates are verified subsequently from records provided to INDos by the training institutions and
authorities that distribute these documents.[1


It is a computerized national database for quick reference by statutory authorities such as Flag State, Port
State, Immigration & Employers etc. to prevent fraudulent issue of certificates. The database will include
address, photographs, signature & telephone etc. The INDOs No. consist of eight alphanumeric
character. Henceforth, no seafarer with out INDOs No. will admitted to any course other than three month
pre-sea training course


All Indian and Foreign Nationals holding COC granted by Government of India or Indian CDC or who
have done modular courses approved by DG Shipping. Courses not approved by Government of India
except GMDSS will not be included in the INDOs data.


The officer in-charge, INDOs, LBS College, Hay Bunder, Mumbai - 400 033.
Tele : 91-22-3719977, Fax : 91-22-3739784, Email :


For fresh entrance the profession :-

Rs. 100/- (US $ 5 for foreign nationals) for the first entry made through approved pre-sea training institutions
that conduct induction course of three months duration or more.
Rs. 100/- for every subsequent input updating the course undergone by the seafarer. Such input and payment
would be provided to INDOs by the institution conducting each course.

For persons already in the profession :-

Rs. 500/- (US $ 25 for foreign nationals) when they fill up the form for first time.
Rs. 100/- for every subsequent input updating the course undergone by the seafarer. Such input and payment
would be provided to INDOs by the institutions conducting each course.
For enquiries from employers.
Rs. 500/- per printout of details of a seafarer. Such printouts would be on special paper with Govt.
emblem printed on the background.


The advantage to sea farer will be that he would not need to carry original document while training
ashore. for eg. presently, a second mate has to undergo seven modular couress and one competency
course for which he has to carry all his original documents. Once he has the INDOs certificate, he would
not have to produce original document for admission to course anywhere in India. Further, in case of loss
of original documents, INDOs will help in getting re-issue of duplicate certificates. Not withstanding
INDOs, seafarers will still need to carry original document while serving onboard ship.   


For those entering the profession

INDOs numbers would be allotted by LBS College when a person joins a pre-sea training institute that
conducts approved pre-sea training courses of three months duration or more.
Details of any modular course certificates obtained by the seafarer would be accepted only directly from
approved training institutions by way of monthly statements.
Details of documents, issued by Government authorities, such as Certificates of Competency, Letter of
Authority for issue of a Certificate of Competency (Commonly referred to as 'Blue Chit') endorsement for
serving on special ship types. CDCs, etc., issued in due course would be directly communicated to the INDOs
centre for updating the data. Such details would not be accepted from the seafarer.

For those already in the profession

Photocopies of certificates produced by those already in the profession would be accepted and entered into
Such certificates would be verified subsequently from records furnished to INDOs by the training institutions
and authorities such as Chief Examiners (Certificates of Competency), Mercantile Marine Departments (Letter
of Authority for issue of COS and endorsements for special ship types), Shipping Masters (CDCs), etc.


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