Quantifying The Movement and The Influence of Load

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Australian Institute of Fitness Research, University of Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia


McKean, MR, Dunn, PK, and Burkett, BJ. Quantifying the he squat exercise is commonly used by strength
movement and the influence of load in the back squat exercise. coaches, health professionals, physical therapists,
J Strength Cond Res 24(6): 1671–1679, 2010—The squat is and fitness trainers in exercise programs. The squat
used extensively in strength and conditioning, physical therapy, has been generally categorized into 3 groups:
rehabilitation, and fitness programs. However, the movement
partial squats, parallel squats, and full or deep squats (8,31,37).
Partial squats represented as a squat less than parallel, parallel
pattern of the hip and knee is still relatively unknown, in
squats indicated by thighs being parallel to the floor, and full
particular, the timing of when maximum angles is reached. The
squats indicated by a deeper squat than parallel thighs, all
purpose of this study was to quantify the hip and knee
of which have a broad range of applications across many
movements of the squat and establish if load alters these environments. The most common squat cited in the literature
movements. Twenty-eight subjects (16 men and 12 women) to date is the parallel squat (19,25,34,37), but because of the
performed 2 sets of 8 squats. Load was applied in random variety of squat depths cited in the literature, any comparison
order as no additional weight (body weight [BW]) or an of joint movements and timing from these studies is difficult.
additional load of 50% of the subject’s weight (BW+50%). Previous research on squat movements has predominantly
Joint angles and time for hip and knee, as well as forward knee, focused on the movements of the knees in isolation to the hip
displacement in the descent and ascent phases were measured for a rehabilitation focus, such as the forces at the knees
with significance at p , 0.05. Regardless of gender, phase, and (4,27,35), knee stability (7,13), and muscle recruitment of the
load, all subjects achieved their maximum hip and knee angles thigh (6,22,33). No previous studies have provided a complete
within 2% of the deepest position. Load significantly increased picture of the hip-knee movements and timing in squatting
because they have not been examined as part of a coordinated
the flexion angle at the hip and knee joints in men. The knees
global movement. Knee angles have been shown to reach as
movement forward of the toes ranged from 63.8 to 64.7 mm in
much as 40° flexion (9) and hip angles up to 34°(37), yet both
men and 93.2 to 96.6 mm in women. A significant difference
knee and hip angles have been reported as maximums only
in the timing of when the maximum forward knee movement with no mention as to the timing of when these maximum
occurred was observed because of gender. The overriding angles occur during the descent or ascent phases of the squat.
factor for the practical prescription of squat technique was Young athletes, people new to strength training, and those
regardless of load, gender, or phase; the maximum angles of the recovering from injury are taught to squat as part of the
hip and knee are reached almost simultaneously at the bottom exercise regimen with the aim of increasing the loads used for
of the squat. Furthermore, for all subjects, the knee moved sport-specific gains (32,36) or developing better muscular
forward of the toes when squatting with men reaching their control to support the knee after injury (22,26). Coaches,
maximum forward knee position around 84% of the descent therapists, and trainers who work with these groups of
phase, whereas this occurred for women around 93%. people need to have an understanding of the coordinated
pattern of squatting to develop a new pattern of movement or
KEY WORDS technique, hip, knee, knee movement, pattern retrain the desired pattern of movement, which may change
as a result of injury (21). The coordination of joints and the
timing of these movements in squatting need to be quantified
to provide a clearer understanding of the squat movement
Address correspondence to Mark R. McKean, mmckean@usc.edu.au. pattern when coaching this exercise.
No funding was received for this research project. Multiple loading parameters have also been used in
24(6)/1671–1679 previous squat research ranging from body weight (BW)
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research squats to 1 repetition maximum (1RM). In 2005, Scaglioni-
Ó 2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association Solano et al. (31) studied movement patterns of squats using

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2010 | 1671

Influence of Load in the Back Squat Exercise

BW only, finding that deeper squatting shifted the effort from these issues, the specific aims of the current study were to
the knee joint to the hip joint and after 65°knee bend, the hip quantify the timing and movement relationships of the hip
and knee movements became more similar in behavior. and knee joints for the back squat exercise and changes to
Abelbeck (2) used BW squats to study the biomechanics of these patterns because of (a) changes in load, (b) the ascent
linear motion squats reporting segment mass movements and and descent phases, and (c) gender.
providing feedback on hip and knee positions. Finally,
Dionisio et al. (11) applied BWas the squat load to investigate METHODS
the kinematic, kinetic, and electromyographic pattern in Experimental Approach to the Problem
downward squatting. Submaximal loads have been used in A 3-dimensional analysis of the lower limbs and torso was
research to minimize fatigue (6) and use a repetition range conducted as subjects completed 2 sets of 8 repetitions of the
similar to those common in training (15), whereas 1RM loads back squat exercise. The independent variables were load,
up to 2.5 times a subject’s BW (25) have been used to study phase, and gender. The dependent variables were hip angle,
behavior at a subject’s strength limits. To determine if load knee angle, knee forward position, and timing. The 3-
influences squat technique, loads that allow a number of dimensional analysis machine allows the timing and move-
repetitions to be performed without fatigue and provide for ment of the hip and knee joints to be measured simulta-
safe progressions need to be used, so the repetitions captured neously during both the descent and ascent phases of
can be analyzed for consistency and coordination. movement. Subjects performed 8 squats with 2 different loads
Strength training exercises can be broken into the phases (BW with no external load, and BW + 50% of BW as an
of descent and ascent. To the author’s knowledge, the dif- external load); the order for each subject was randomized. For
ferences, if any, in the movements of the hip and knee in each each load, each subject did 8 squats (with 90- to 120-second
phase is not mentioned in the literature, despite the fact that recovery between each set); data were only collected for 3 of
the squat requires both up and down phases, which sub- these squats, but the 3 selected for data recording were not
sequently requires different concentric and eccentric muscle made known to the subjects.
innervations. Specific knee angles or the parallel position of In random order, the load for each set was either BW (BW,
the thighs have been used as the finish point for the descent no external load) or BW plus 50% BW load (BW+50%).
phase of the squat, yet this restriction may limit the user’s
natural movement pattern of the squat. A more appropriate
Twenty-eight subjects with at least 1-year experience in using
measure of determining squat depth would be the vertical
the back squat as an exercise in their training routine
displacement of the pelvis to set the start and completion of
volunteered for the study (Table 1). Subjects were either in
each phase. In exercise prescription, changing training tempo
their final year of study to become a personal trainer or
for each phase is commonly used to create a training emphasis
already working as an accredited personal trainer. Subjects
(1,20), yet there has been little research to determine if there
had been performing squats as an exercise in their strength
are changes in joint coordination in the different phases,
and conditioning training programs at least twice a week for
which may ultimately alter the muscles involved and the
a minimum of 12 months. Subjects were informed of the
influence of adjusting eccentric and concentric speeds.
experimental risks, and written informed consent was
Because of the different contraction types during the decent
obtained under the guidelines approved by the university
and ascent phases, each phase should be quantified sepa-
human research and ethics committee before any experi-
rately and the vertical displacement was used to set top and
mental testing. All subjects indicated that they had no
bottom positions of the squat.
existing conditions or history of musculoskeletal injury.
Forward horizontal movement of the knees over the toes
during the squat has been associated with increased forces at Procedures
the knee joint and suggests that the knees should be restricted Total body mass was measured to the nearest 0.01 kg with
to a position behind the vertical line of the toes to protect calibrated electronic scales (TI BWB-600P, Digital Personal
the knees (30). The study by Fry et al. (19) showed that the Scale; Wedderburn Pty Ltd, Willawong, Australia), and
technique of restricted forward knee movement adjusted the standing height of individual subjects was measured to the
squat movement and produced more anterior lean and an nearest 1 mm with a portable stadiometer (Telescopic Metal
increased hip angle when compared with the unrestricted Height Scale [PE063]; Mentone International, Moorabin,
squat technique. Forward knee movement in the back squat Australia) The laboratory is a nationally accredited facility for
needs further examination to understand its impact on joint athletic testing. Real-time kinematic motion of the lower
coordination and the relative timing in squatting movements. limbs and torso was collected at 120 Hz by a 3-dimensional
There is also a contradiction in previous studies regarding magnetic tracking device (Motion Monitor, Version;
differences in the patterns of movement between men and Innovative Sports Training, Chicago, IL, USA). Eight
women. Some studies show that there had been a significant magnetic sensors were placed on anatomical segments as
difference in these patterns (29,39), and others have shown described in Table 2. Validation of the system was confirmed
no significant differences between genders (3,10). To address against standardized reference measures, and the variation
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TABLE 1. Subject characteristics (mean and SD).

Subjects Age (yr) Weight (kg) Height (cm) ASIS width (cm)

Women (n = 12) 24.2 (6.5) 62.1 (7.9) 167.1 (4.9) 24.4 (2.2)
Men (n = 16) 24.3 (5.1) 83.2 (12.2) 179.5 (6.5) 25.5 (1.3)
Combined (n = 28) 24.2 (5.7) 74.1 (14.9) 174.2 (8.5) 25.0 (1.8)
ASIS = Anterior Superior Iliac Spine.

was less than 0.5° and within 0.0034 m. Three-dimensional To determine if load influenced movement patterns in a safe
magnetic tracking has been shown to be more accurate than and repeatable manner, the loads of BW and a submaximal
2 dimensions and has been previously validated (28). load of BW + 50% (BW+50%) were chosen. These 2 loads
The pelvis was digitized using the Bell method, which uses the allowed multiple sets of 8 repetitions without fatigue (12),
anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) width to determine hip joint a range of repetitions and loading parameters similar to the
center and pelvic girdle structure. The knee and ankle joint training environment they would be exposed to, and the
centers were determined using the centroid method. The hip capture of 3 blind repetitions for analysis.
joint angle is the angle between the alignment of the pelvis and To develop 50% load, an aluminum Olympic bar and associated
line between the hip and knee joint centers. The knee joint angle weights was placed into a standard position across the upper
being the angle between the lines connecting the joint centers of trapezius and superior aspect of the spine of scapula, the hands
the hip to knee and knee to ankle as defined in previous studies placed outside shoulder width in a palm forward grip. A standard-
(2,6,19,31). The most anterior aspect of the patella was digitized sizedOlympicbar constructedfrom aluminum(AustralianBarbell
with a 3-dimensional landmark referenced to the knee joint Company, Mordialloc, Victoria, Australia) was used because
center, allowing it to be tracked with regards to forward knee normal ferrous metals in traditional bars cause interference with
movement in the sagittal plane (19). the magnetic fields of the magnetic tracking device.
The subjects warmed up as per their usual routine for The subject assumed the setup position, and the width of feet
strength training, and then with the sensors attached, the was established using a steel measuring ruler and marks placed
subjects performed a warm-up set of squats. The width of on the floor. Starting in an upright position, the subject
stance was controlled with the inside distance between the descended to the lowest point they felt in control and
subject’s heels, the same as the pelvic width measured from comfortable, with no limit placed on the depth of the squat.
right ASIS to left ASIS (15), using skeletal goniometers (TTM
Bone Calliper, PE054; Mentone International). The feet were
aligned parallel to the sagittal plane, that is, toes pointed
straight ahead, and the knees were free to move in any position.

TABLE 2. Position of sensors for 3-dimensional

magnetic tracking device.

Sensor Anatomical segment

1 Stylus to digitize the subjects dimensions

2 Thorax (the C7-T12 junction)
3 Lumbar (dorsal surface of T12-L1 junction)
4 Sacrum (dorsal surface of L5-S1 junction)
5 Left Thigh (anteromedial aspect of upper
6 Right Thigh (anteromedial aspect of upper
7 Left Shank (anteromedial aspect of the
Tibia shaft)
8 Right Shank (anteromedial aspect of the
Tibia shaft)
Figure 1. A digital of a man squatting with a warm-up load.

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2010 | 1673

Influence of Load in the Back Squat Exercise

The squat was performed ac-

cording to the National Strength
and Conditioning Association
(NSCA) position guidelines on
squats and monitored by the
main researcher who is an NSCA
Certified Strength Conditioning
Specialist coach at the elite level.
A digital of a typical man squat-
ting with a BW+50% load is
shown in Figure 1.
One squat was complete when
the subject returned to the orig-
inal upright starting position. If
there was a safety concern, or the
subject wishedtoceasetheaction,
2 spotters were positioned to
support the subject. The subject
exhaled on the ascent and inhaled
on the descent, and each subject
was given 90- to 120-second
recovery between each set. The
middle 3 repetitions of each set
were collected for analysis with
the subject being blind to which Figure 2. Angle conventions used for analysis.
repetitions were collected for the
project. All angles are orthopedic
angles of the lines connecting the digitized joint centers of the hip, The time for each phase (decent and ascent) was normalized,
knee, and ankle. The hip angle was defined as the anterior angle with the starting point at the top of the squat (highest vertical
between the trunk and the thigh; the knee angle was defined as displacement of the sacrum) represented as 0%, whereas the
the posterior angle between the thigh and the lower shank deepest part of the squat (lowest vertical displacement of
(Figure 2). Forward knee movement (measured in the sagittal the sacrum) represented as 100%, regardless of the phase of
plane) was defined as the horizontal distance the anterior aspect the movement.
of the knee moved with respect to the front of the shoes.
If the knees remained behind the toes, this was reported Statistical Analyses
as a negative score. If the knee moved anterior to that of A total of 6 different responses were analyzed (maximum hip
the vertical line drawn from the front of the shoe, the score angle, the time at which the maximum hip angle occurred,
was positive. maximum knee angle, the time at which the maximum knee

TABLE 3. The maximum angle for the hip joint and normalized time for when this occurred (mean and SE) during the
descent and ascent phases of the back squat, for body weight load and body weight + 50% body weight.

Descent phase Ascent phase

Description Body weight Body weight + 50% Body weight Body weight + 50%

Hip max angle (degrees) 77.5 (3.4)* 73.6 (3.5)* 77.4 (3.5)* 73.6 (3.5)*
Time max hip (%) 98.4 (0.4) 98.2 (0.4) 98.9 (0.1) 98.1 (0.4)
Hip max angle (degrees) 77.2 (1.6) 76.3 (1.2) 77.3 (1.6) 76.3 (1.2)
Time max hip (%) 98.6 (0.2) 98.7 (0.2) 98.9 (0.1) 98.9 (0.1)
*Significant difference (p , 0.05) between the maximum hip angles achieved in both phases for men when comparing the 2 loads.

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TABLE 4. The maximum angle for the knee joint and normalized time for when this occurred (mean and standard error)
during the descent and ascent phases of the back squat, for body weight load and body weight + 50% body weight.

Descent phase Ascent phase

Description Body weight Body weight + 50% Body weight Body weight + 50%

Knee max angle (degrees) 64.6 (2.2)*† 59.1 (2.0)*† 63.4 (2.3)*† 59.2 (2.0)*†
Time max knee (%) 99.2 (0.3) 99.0 (0.2) 98.9 (0.1) 99.0 (0.2)
Knee max angle (degrees) 72.6 (3.3)† 72.4 (2.9)† 72.7 (3.3)† 72.5 (2.9)†
Time max knee (%) 99.3 (0.2) 98.9 (0.3) 98.7 (0.2) 98.7 (0.2)
*Significant difference (p , 0.05) between the maximum knee angles achieved in both phases for men when comparing the 2 loads.
†Significant difference (p , 0.05) between the maximum knee angles achieved in both phases when comparing genders.

angle occurred, the maximum knee forward position relative above 0.7, showing good reliability of the data. Statistical
to the toes, and the time at which the maximum knee forward interpretation focused on the main effects, and the threshold
position relative to the toes occurred). Each of these 6 for statistical significance was set to p # 0.05. Linear mixed
responses was analyzed separately for differences among models were used to model the data using subjects as random
gender (men or women), phase (ascent or decent), and load effects. Models were fitted individually with one response
(BW or BW+50%). The results (Tables 3–5) are presented as and one explanatory variable (gender, phase, or load) as a
mean and SE analyzed for gender (men or women), load fixed effect. Differences were then detected using the p values
(BW or BW+50%), and phase (ascent or decent). Intraclass from the analysis of variance F tests on the corresponding
correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated to assess the fixed effect.
reliability of the repeated measures using the Bland and The ICC values for the dependent variables are included in
Altman method (5). Intraclass correlation coefficient values Table 6.
less than 0.4 represented poor reliability, 0.4–0.7 fair reli-
ability, 0.70–0.90 good reliability, and greater than 0.9 RESULTS
excellent reliability (16). Sixty-six percent of ICC values The maximum hip joint angle and normalized time for when
were in the excellent category (above 0.9) and 25% in the the maximum occurred during the descent and ascent phases
good category (above 0.7), giving a total of 91% of ICC values for both men and women are presented in Table 3.

TABLE 5. The maximum knee forward movement distance and normalized time for when this occurred (mean and standard
error) during the descent and ascent phases of the back squat, for body weight load and body weight +50% body

Descent phase Ascent phase

Description Body weight Body weight + 50% Body weight Body weight + 50%

Knee toe distance (mm)* 67.4 (7.4) 72.1 (6.5) 63.8 (6.9) 74.9 (6.8)
Time knee toe (%)† 82.5 (3.5) 87.5 (2.8) 84.2 (2.1) 81.4 (2.5)
Knee toe distance (mm)* 96.6 (9.0) 85.7 (12.6) 93.2 (8.9) 83.0 (12.4)
Time knee toe (%)† 92.1 (2.0) 94.1 (1.4) 93.7 (1.6) 94.9 (1.0)
*Significant difference (p , 0.05) between the maximum forward knee movement achieved in both phases when comparing
†Significant difference (p , 0.05) between the time of the maximum forward knee movement achieved in both phases when
comparing genders.

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Influence of Load in the Back Squat Exercise

TABLE 6. ICC values for dependent variables.*

Descent phase Ascent phase

BW BW+50% BW BW+50%

Hip angle 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.99
Hip time 0.86 0.91 0.91 0.85
Knee angle 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.99
Knee time 0.90 0.85 0.90 0.90
Forward knee position 0.98 0.99 0.97 0.98
Forward knee time 0.94 0.85 0.90 0.83
Hip angle 0.97 0.96 0.97 0.97
Hip time 0.53 0.49 0.57 0.41
Knee angle 0.92 0.98 0.99 0.98
Knee time 0.75 0.85 0.78 0.87
Forward knee position 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
Forward knee time 0.88 0.88 0.80 0.91

*BW = body weight; BW+50% = body weight plus 50% body weight load.

Load was significantly associated with the squat technique in ascent knee angle was 4.2° deeper for BW+50% squats.
men with the BW+50% squat reducing the hip and the knee Further, for the descent and ascent phases, and for BW and
angles, when compared with the BW squat. There was no BW+50% load, men achieved significantly deeper angles of
significant change in the time for when the maximum angles knee flexion compared with women. Finally, when compar-
was reached because of different loads. There was no statis- ing the difference between the maximum angles at the hip
tically significant difference in the maximum angles achieved in and the maximum angles at the knee, women differed by
the BW squat at the hip joint for men and women, with a maximum of 4.6°, whereas men differed by a minimum
differences of 0.1° between phases and 0.3° between genders. of 12.9°.
However, with an increased load of BW+50%, men achieved The maximum knee forward movement and normalized
a maximum hip angle 3.9° deeper, and the ascent hip angle was time for when the maximum occurred during the descent
3.8° deeper than women.
The maximum knee joint
angle and normalized time for
when the maximum occurred
during the descent and ascent
phases for both men and women
are presented in Table 4.
Gender had a significant in-
fluence on knee angle achieved
with men reaching greater knee
flexion angles for both phases,
when compared with women.
However, the timing of when
maximum knee angles were
achieved was not significantly
associated with gender. Knee
movements also produced sig-
nificant results in regards to
changes brought about by the
increased load of BW+50%.
The descent knee maximum Figure 3. Sample male hip and knee movement in a body weight plus 50% body weight load squat.
angle was 5.5° deeper, and the
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and ascent phases for both men and women are presented movements when compared with women. Research has
in Table 5. shown that a subject’s height, tibial length, and femur length
Both men and women showed a forward horizontal move- account for 77.8% of the explained variances in a subject being
ment of the knee. This distance was significantly different for able to keep their heels flat when squatting (18). To keep the
gender in both phases. There was also a significant difference in heels flat, a subject would need to alter the hip-knee
the time of when the maximum forward horizontal movement movements to maintain balance. This alteration in move-
of the knee was achieved because of gender, with men ments may be similar to the manner in which men in the
achieving the maximum distance at less depth in the squat in current study altered their hip-knee actions.
both phases. Men significantly increased the forward move- The similarities in angles achieved by women at the hip and
ment of the knees during the BW+50% squats compared with knee joints also suggest that women tend to be more
BW, whereas women significantly reduced the forward knee synchronized for the hip-knee interjoint–coordinated move-
movement during the BW+50% squats compared with BW. ment of squatting. This is demonstrated as the hip and knee
When subjects squatted with no restriction on knee angles, joints differ by 4.6° or less in both loads and phases in women,
forward knee movement, or depth of the squat, all subjects compared with men whose hip and knee joint angles differed
reached their maximum hip and knee angles within 2% of the by as much as 14.5°. This finding is also supported by
deepest part of the squat, in both descent and ascent phases, Lindbeck and Kjellberg (24) who suggest that women have
regardless of load and gender. A screen shot of a typical hip better hip-knee joint coordination for lifting tasks, when
and knee movement comparison is shown in Figure 3. compared with men. Although women maintained similar
angles at the hip and knees, the pattern of squatting for men
DISCUSSION shows that they increase the angles at the hip and knee
The specific aims of this study was to first quantify the timing joints to perform the back squat when loads are increased to
and movement relationships of the hip and knee during the BW+50%. These increased angles at the hip and knee sug-
back squat exercise, then to consider any changes to these gest that the heavier loads allow men to squat deeper, which
movements with respect to changes in load, the ascent and may reflect the increased strength levels of men or the fact
descent phases, and gender. that the 50% load was a lower percentage of the men’s 1RM.
Squatting depth has long been a contentious issue in the When squatting with BW, only there was no difference
practical training environments, and the safe depth of in the timing of the hip and knee joints between men and
squatting, commonly reported as being a parallel squat, is women. There was, however, a significant difference in the
usually indicated by the thigh being parallel to the floor (14). knee flexion angle between genders, which highlights a
Deep squats are cited less often as a recommended technique. difference in movement patterns across genders and supports
The freely selected squat depth within the current study other studies (17,23,24,38). As the load increased, only men
would categorize the squats performed in this study as deep, changed their degree of flexion at each joint, which further
and this greater range of movement provides the participant reinforces this finding.
with the greatest freedom to move naturally. Knee position, relative to the toes, is also a contentious
The significant differences of both the hip and the knee topic when performing squats. Very little scientific data have
angles achieved by men with respect to changes in load been recorded regarding the distance the knees move
suggest that men differ in the manner in which their lower forward, with respect to the feet during squats. The current
extremity absorbs and transfers load through their muscles study found that subject’s knees did naturally move forward
and joints when performing squats. These results show that as of the front of the foot by a considerable margin. Only
the loads increase, men’s hip and knee angles increase to 1 reference was found measuring forward knee movement in
accommodate the loads, thus altering the relative angles of squatting (11), and forward knee movement was measured
these 2 key joints yet maintaining the timing of when these from the start of the squat and not with respect to the
maximum angles occur. The low standard of error in the position of the front of the foot. Any comparison with the
timing of when the maximal angles were reached reinforces current study is difficult because the previous study allowed
the consistency of the timing and the patterns of movement subjects to only half squat and restrictions were placed on the
achieved across both loads and gender and suggests that this position of the trunk relative to a wall in front of the subjects.
is a dominant overriding component of the squatting pattern Any restriction placed on the knee movement in the squat
of movement, which is somehow maintained at all times. exercise will result in mechanical changes at the hip and knee
Women on the other hand produced almost identical hip (19). The results from the current study could indicate a truer
and knee angles for BW squats and BW+50% squats, and the relationship of the hip-knee simply because the subjects were
descent and ascent phases of the squat, suggesting a more not restricted in knee movement or squat depth and per-
coordinated squatting movement. No similar studies were formed the squat in a way that was most comfortable for
found in the literature that compared these variables. Stature them as individuals, resulting in a forward knee movement
may be considered as an influence on this changed behavior. appropriate to them as individuals. The timing of the maxi-
Men are taller, and this may account for the altered hip-knee mum knee forward position was before that of the maximal

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2010 | 1677

Influence of Load in the Back Squat Exercise

angles of the hip and knee. This mechanism has not been BW+50% were found. As the load increased, men squat
found in the literature and indicates that the knees may in fact deeper achieving increased hip and knee angles. This result
become more static once this maximum forward position suggests that under the heavier load of BW+50%, men still
was reached. In all cases except men with BW+50%, the controlled joint coordination timing but adjusted the rate at
maximum forward knee position was greater in the descent which the movement occurred at each joint to do so. Women
than for the ascent. Under BW+50% load, men achieved on the other hand produced almost identical hip-knee
a greater maximum forward position in the descent than in movements for BW squats and BW+50% squats, suggesting
the ascent phase, which may reflect the increased angles of a more controlled and coordinated squatting movements.
flexion achieved at the hip and knee for the increased load. This joint coordination timing appears to be maintained
The knees of both men and women moved forward regardless of load and gender and suggests that it is a key
horizontally past the vertical line of the front of the foot; aspect to squat movement pattern.
however, women produced a greater forward movement than In the practical setting, coaches and trainers should be
men when squatting. It should also be noted that for all aware of the differences between men and women in
subjects, the distance the knees moved forward during the adjusting hip and knee movements to handle additional
squat produced the greatest variation of all the data reported. loads. Allowing for the adjustments made by men, the timing
This shows that the forward knee movement in squatting element of these maximal angles still appears to be
produces a range of very individual results and suggests that maintained, and this could be used to visually assess the
this is a secondary function in squatting that occurs because coordination of the squat movement. If the timing of when
of some other movement. Added to these differences, the maximum angles are reached appears to be significantly
current results also found that the time for when these different, this research suggests that they may have an altered
maximum forward positions were reached differed signifi- movement pattern and may need to have further coaching on
cantly. In the BW+50% squats, men reached their maximum squat technique to ensure that maximum angles are reached
forward knee position 6.6% sooner in the time of the descent almost simultaneously near the bottom of the squat.
and 13.5% later in time of the ascent compared with women. The current study also showed that subjects with at least
The current research has shown differences in lower limb 1-year squatting experience tended to squat deep when not
kinematics across gender, with men reaching their maximum limited by instruction and allowed their knees to move
forward knee position much sooner than their hip and knee forward over the front of the feet during the performance of
angles reach their maximum angle of flexion. Conversely, the back squat. This research shows that to perform a deep
women on the other hand reach their maximum forward knee squatting action, subjects will not restrict the forward
position much closer to the time at which their hip and knee movement of the knees over the toes, instead allowing them
angles also reach their maximum, confirming that women to move forward as required as if the forward knee movement
tend to be more synchronized in the squatting movement. is a secondary element of squatting, which relies on other
movements to control its action. In developing athletes,
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS those with little strength training experience, and people
This research showed that there were 2 key aspects to performing squats as part of a rehabilitation process, this study
squatting: (a) the timing of the hip and knee maximum angles suggests that coaches and trainers should allow the knees
and (b) the forward knee movement past the toes. to move to a position in squatting where the hip and
This research found that performing the squat with BWand knee coordination is maintained rather than restricting the
submaximal loads establishes a very definite timing of joint knee any specific alignment and causing a change to the
maximum angles and coordination of the lower extremities, hip-knee coordination.
that is, hip joint, knee joint, and forward knee movement. The
timing of when the hip and knee reach their maximum angles REFERENCES
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