الذهبي ٤ Corrected by Yes We Can 2021

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٤ ‫اﻟﻤﻠﻒ اﻟﺬﻫﺒﻲ‬

Corrected by yes we can


1. How is a vertical root fracture best confirmed?

A. Bite test

B. Percussion
C. Exploratory surgery
D. Electric pulp tester
2. Which of the following is the corresponding file size of Gates-Glidden size 2?
A. 40
B. 50

C. 60
D. 70

4. A 65-year-old woman with history of osteoporosis presents for follow up 3

months after extraction of a lower molar. She has been taking yearly intravenous
bisphosphonate. She has no history of radiation. Clinical exam reveals exposed
bone in the non-healed socket area. There is no purulence or pain in the area.
Which of the following is the best course of action?
A. Vitamin D
B. Antibiotics

C. Jaw resection
D. Chlorohexidine and follow up

5. What length should the spreader go for optimum cold lateral compaction?
A. Apex
B. Working length

C. Middle third of length
D. 1-2 mm short of the working length

6. Which of the following is the main inorganic material found in dentin?

A. Osteopontin
​B. Hydroxyapatite
C. Collagen type I
D. Collagen type V

✳✳7. A patient has an acute odontogenic abscess (see image). Which of the
following is the most likely source of infection?
A. canine
B. first molar
C. first premolar
D. second premolar
8. Which of the following greatly influences the spread of odontogenic infections
into fascial spaces?
A. Patients age
B. Vascular supply

C. Bacterial species
D Anatomic position of the tooth

11. During non-surgical root canal treatment of lower molar, a working length
radiograph was to be taken from distal angle. Which of the following will be
encountered considering the Buccal Object SLOB Rule?
A. The disto-buccal root canal moves bucally

B. The disto-buccal root canal moves Lingually
C. The disto-lingual root canal moves distaly
D. The disto-lingual root canal moves mesially

12. A 50-year-old woman on regular daily doses of steroids for her arthritis has
gingivitis and needs Superficial scaling. Which of the following is the best
A. Prescribe antibiotics for 7 days

B. Prescribe antibiotics prophylaxis
C. No need for supplemental steroids
D. Add supplemental steroids before the procedure

13. A 32-year-old woman came complaining of a discolored tooth. Root canal

treatment was done 6 years ago, and the tooth has been restored with temporary
filling since then Tooth#21 is tender to percussion (see image). Which of the
following is the diagnosis for tooth #21?

A. Necrotic pulp with symptomatic apical periodontitis
B. Previously treated with symptomatic apical periodontitis
C. Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis
D. Previously initiated with asymptomatic apical periodontitis

14. Which of the following mishaps occurs by violating the danger zone of
multi-rooted teeth with over-use of Gates-Glidden bur or files?

A. Apical zipping
B. Strip perforation
C. Separation of the files
D. Over-instrumentation beyond the apical foramen

15. Which of the following is the classic picture of a minor salivary gland biopsy
with sarcoidosis?
A. Fibrosis
B. Acanthosis

C. Acinar hypertrophy
D Granulomatous inflammation
**Sarcadosis disease involving abnormal collections of inflammatory cells that
form lumps known as granulomata.

16. Which of the following is the maximum dose of epinephrine that can be given
to a cardiac patient?

A. 0.02 mg ▶▶ with normal pt.
B. ​0.04 mg
C. 0.06 mg
D. 0.08 mg

17. A 50-year-old woman comes to the clinic complaining of a continuous burning

feeling of the tongue. She reports taking an antibiotic as prescribed by her
physician. The dentist notes diffuse loss of the filiform papillae of the dorsal
tongue with redness, giving it a bald appearance. Which of the following is the
best method used to obtain and confirm the most likely diagnosis?
A. Culture

B. Serology
C. Exfoliative cytology
D. Saliva for diagnostics

18. Which of the following is the best diagnostic aid needed to localize an
impacted maxillary canine prior to surgical exposure?
A. Panoramic radiograph

B. Lateral Cephalometric radiograph
C. Cone bean computed tomography
D. Periapical radiographs with cone shift technique

19. A 70-year-old man presented for root canal treatment of tooth #47 (see
periapical radiograph). Upon examination, #47 is sensitive to percussion. Patient
had pacemaker several years ago. Working length was inconclusive with EAL.
Which of the following is the cause of difficulties in working length determination?
A. Difficult root anatomy
B. Presence of apical periodontitis

C. Presence of Full Coverage Metallic Restoration
D. EAL should not be used with patient had such madical history

** EAL▶Electronic apex locater

20. Which of the following instruments is best used to achieve a straight line

A. K-files
B. Gates glidden
C. Lentulo spirals
D. Barbed broach

21. Which of the following is applicable in relation to the walking bleach

A. Heat treatment is used
B. Procedure should be repeated daily

​C. Can be done in both vital and non vital teeth
D. A mixture of sodium perborate and inert liquid is used

22. A 47-year-old man presented to the clinic complaining of a painless swelling

in the right mandible that has been growing gradually (see report). Radiograph:
Showed a multilocula radiolucent lesions causing root resorption in the area.
Which of the following is the most definitive treatment?
A. Curettage
B. Radiotherapy

C. Chemotherapy
D. Marginal resection

✳✳25. A 28 - year - old patient complaining of persisting in the upper anterior

area after completing a root canal treatment 2 months ago, tooth # 21 is tender to
percussion and palpation. No swelling or sinus tract noticed (see image). Which
of the following is the most appropriate management of tooth # 21?
A. Trephination
B. Intentional replantation
C. Surgical root canal treatment

D. Extraction with prosthetic replacement
‫✳ اﻻﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺗﻌﺘﻤﺪ ع اﻟﺼﻮرة‬
27. A 24 year - old woman complains of a painful ulcer on her right cheek.
Clinical examination showed a single yellow - white lesion covered by
fibrinopurulent membrane, which is encircled by erythematous hallo. The lesion
is about 4 mm in diameter and is located at the anterior aspect of her right buccal
mucosa Which of the following is the best treatment for this lesion?
A. 0.50% acyclovir ointment
B. 3.00% benzocaine ointment

C. 2.00% metronidazole cream
D. 0.05% of betamethasone gel
28. Which of the following conditions is associated with hypercementosis and
ankylosis of the teeth?

A. Cherubism
B. Paget's disease
C. Hyperparathyroidism
D. Monostotic fibrous dysplasia

29. A 24 - year - old pregnant patient in her 32 weeks of gestation came to the
Dental Clinic for the treatment of her painful carious tooth. Which of the following
sitting positions may induce hypotension during treatment?

A. Side
B. Supine
C. Upright
D. Semi - supine

✳✳30. A 34 - year - old man presented to the clinic for restorative treatment,
Upon radiographic examination, a radiolucent lesion was found on the posterior
left mandible (see image) Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Periapical abscess
C. Stafne bone defect
D. Cemental dysplasia
‫✳✳اﻻﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺗﻌﺘﻤﺪ ع اﻟﺼﻮرة‬
b ‫ﻣﺒﺪﺋﯿﺎً ﻧﺴﺘﺒﻌﺪ اﻟﺨﯿﺎر‬

👆🏾👆🏾 stefan bone defect

👆🏾👆🏾Cements osseous dysplasia

✳✳‫ ▶ ﻟﻮ ﺣﻮل اﻟﺮوت‬d
‫ ▶ ﻟﻮ ﺑﺎﻟﻌﻈﻢ ﻣﺜﻞ ﻣﺎﻫﻮ ﺑﺎﻟﺴﺆال ﺗﻘﺮﯾﺒﺎ‬c

31. Which of the following is a sign or symptom of a concussion luxation injury?

A. Fractured clinical crown

B. Tooth that tests non - vital
C. Tooth with positive percussion
D. Tooth displaced from the socket
32. Which of the following is the most diagnostically dental erosion location in
helpful patients with bulimia nervosa?
A. Incisal edges
B. Occlusal surfaces

C. Labial surfaces of maxillary teeth
D. Palatal surfaces of maxillary teeth

33. Which of the following cancers is The Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

associated with
A Skin
B. Bone

C. Salivary glands
D. Oropharyngeal

34. Which of the following is the most proteolytic endodontic irrigation solution?

B. Saline
C. NaOCl
D. Chlorhexidine

36. Which of the following is the temperature of Endo lce (1,1,1,2

tetrafluoroethane) in Celsius?
A. 2.9

B. 13.5
C. -26.6
D. 78.5
38. A 57 - year - old healthy woman presented to the clinic with severe pain and
swelling on the lower left sihat of the mouth that was of rapid onset and kept her
from sleeping for 2 nights. Upon examination, tooth # 36 has a deep dass i
composite restoration and did not respond to cold, and was tender to biting and
percussion. A fluctuant swelling was noted in the buccal vestibule extending
from tooth # 35 to distal of tooth 937. No systemic signs of infection were
presented Which of the following is the most appropriate management of this
A. Incision, drainage and delay RCT

B. Extraction of the offending tooth
C. Incision, drainage and initiate RCT
D. Incision and drainage and prescribe antibiotic

39. Which of the following is the recommended splinting time in weeks for

subluxation injuries?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
40. A 61 - year old presents with sensitivity to cald drinks in the lower left
mandibular region. On examination, application of Endo Ice to tooth # 37
produced a strong pain that lasted for 45 seconds, while percussing the tooth
produced a sensitive Response see image. Which of the following is the
endodontic diagnosis?
A. Reversible pulpitis with normal apical tissues
B. Necrotic pulp with apical periodontitis

C. Necrotic pulp with asymptomatic apical periodontitis
D. irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis

41. A 63 - year - old woman presented to the Dental Clinic complaining of sudden
intraoral discomfort. Patient has diabetes and osteoporosis managed by
Zoledronate. Which of the following is the most common complication?
A. Facial palsy

B. Leukoplakia
C. Bone necrosis
D. Intraoral hematoma

43. Which of the following superior alveolar nerves supplies the mesiobuccal root
of the maxillary second molar?
A. Middle
B. Inferior

C. Anterior
D. Posterior

**MB Uperr 6 👉 a
Upper 7👉d
44. Which of the following treatment options is considered most favorable for a
minimally intruded luxation injury of tooth # 11 for a 12-year-old patient?
A. Repositioning with possible splinting
B. Immediate root canal therapy with splinting

C. Extraction due to predictable pulpal and periapical pathosis
D. Observation for four to six weeks with subsequent necessary treatment

46. Which molar tooth does the parotid duct open opposite to?
A. Upper first

B. Lower first
C. upper second
D. Lower second
47. Which of the following is the most widely used surgical procedure for the
treatment of patients with mandibular deficiency?
A. Subapical osteotomy
B. Inverted Losteotomy

C. Vertical ramus osteotomy
D. Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy

48. Which of the following is the CD4 count for diagnosis of Acquired

Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)?
A. <200
B. <500
C. <1000
D. <2000

**The CD4 cell count of a person who does not have HIV can be anything
between 500 and 1500.
People living with HIV who have a CD4 count over 500 are usually in pretty good
People living with HIV who have a CD4 cell count below 200 are at high risk of
developing serious illnesses. HIV treatment is recommended for all people living
with HIV. It is especially important for people with low CD4 counts

49. A 49 - year - old patient presented with severe pain that disrupt his daily life
routine. Upon examination, tooth # 25 had negative response to cold and EPT,
and was tender to percussion and palpation (see image). Which of the following
is the diagnosis of tooth # 25?
A. Necrotic Pulp with acute apical abscess

B. Previously initiated with acute apical abscess
C. Necrotic Pulp with symptomatic apical periodontitis
D. Previously initiated with symptomatic apical periodontitis

50. Which of the following is the main use of Gates - Glidden drills?
A. Faring of the coronal third
B. Enlarging the apical foramen
C. Instrumentation of the apical third
D. Bypassing of intracanal obstructions image to inlarge

✳✳51. A 43 year - old patient presented to the clinic for treatment of tooth # 63,
which is tender to biting and percussion. What the endodontic mishap is related
to tooth # 63? shown the rediograph (see image)
A. Ledge
B. Overfilling
C. Transportation
D. Furcal perforation
‫اﻻﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺗﻌﺘﻤﺪ ع اﻟﺼﻮرة‬

53. A 32 - Year - old patient presented to the dental clinic complaining of cold
sensitivity related to his teeth. which of the following is the appropriate diagnostic
test to start with based on his complain?
A. Hot test

B Percussion
C. Cold test (endo ice)
D. Electrical pulp tester (EPT)

54. Which of the following is mostly associated with the prosence of an isolated

vertical bone loss affecting 1 root of a heavily restored root canal treated tooth?
A. Vertical root fracture
B. Chronic periodontitis
C. Chronic apical abscess
D. Incomplete root fracture

55. A 45 - year - old woman presents with severe pain to drinks related to tooth #
47. On examination, cold test produced a prolonged pain on # 47 percussion and
papation test were normal in whole quadrant, tooth # 47 is restorable (see
image). what should the general dentist do to alleviate the pain?
A. Antibiotic prescription

B Extraction and implant
C. Pulpotomy and refer to endodontist
D. Pulpectomy and long - term placement of calcium hydroxide

56. A patient presented with sudden, sharp narve - like pain in the mandible
oropharynx and base of the longue, triggerd by swallowing, moving the jaw, or
turning the neck. The patient also complained of limited range of lateral head
movement. Which of the following is the diagnosis?
A Eagle syndrome
B Cluster headache

C Trigeminal neuralgia
D Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
57. which of the following values ​is the major consideration in dental treatment of

a patient with HIV infection?
A. CD4
B. CD8
C. Basophil
D. Eosinophil

59. clinical examination in an HIV patient revealed a linear band of erythema

involving the free gingival margin extending 2-3 mm apically. Scaling and
prophylaxis with oral hygiene instructions were completed and at a follow up
appoinment the patient clearly improved plaque control but the gingival findings
did not improve. which of the following prescription would be the next step in

A. Valacyclovir
B. Fluconazole
C. Amoxicilin
D. Prednisone
61. A 40 year - old with swelling in her upper right side of the jaw. Upon
examination, tooth # 16 showed negative response to cold, EPT, and tender to
percussion and palpation. After accessing the tooth, Pulp stone was found (see
image) How could the pulp Stone be removed?
A. H files

B. Explorer
C. Ultrasonic tips
D. Rotary instrument

✳62. which of the following medications can be safely prescribed in an anxious

asthmatic patient?
A Narcotics

B. Barbiturates
C. Acetaminophen
D. Benzodiazepines✳✳
63. A 33 Year - old healthy man presents to the dental clinic seeking a
permanent restoration for tooth # 37. On examination, tooth # 37 has a defective
temporary filling, placed immediately after endodontic treatment 4 years ago.
Tooth # 37 responds normally to percussion and palpation. Periodontal probing
ranged between 1-2 mm (see image) which of the following is the most likely
cause of endodontic treatment failure?

A. Mised canal
B. Coronal leakage
C. Short obturation
D. Inadequate debridement

**Defective TF > coronal leakage

✳✳64. A 69 - year - old woman presents to the dental clinic with unresolved
symptoms after the initation of root canal treatment for tooth #16 last month.
Periodontitis (see image). which of the following is the most likely cause for the
persistence symptoms?
A. Advanced patient age
B. Undiagnosed periodontal disease
C. Missed second mesiobuccal canal

D. Presence of pretreatment apical radiolucenc
‫** اﻻﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺗﻌﺘﻤﺪ ع اﻟﺼﻮرة‬

65. which of the following is the causative organism for syphilis?
A. Treponema pallidum
B. Mycobacterium leprae
C. Staphylococcus pyogenes
D. Fusobacterium necrophorum

66. which of the following is the pain relievers is safe to prescribe in a patient with
peptic ulcer?
A. Aspirin
B. Ibuprofen
C. Naproxen
D. Acetaminophen

67. which of the following sealers is an epoxy resin based?

A. Apexit
B. AH plus
C. Seal Apex
D. Tubli - seal
68. which of the following is the most appropriate method in differential diagnosis

between periodontal abscess and apical abscess?
A. Pulp testing
B. Probing patterns
C. Loction of swelling
D. Radiographic appearance

69. which of the following best describes carvical lymph node involvement with

A. Lith
B. Scrofula
C. Sequestrum
D. Tuberculum
70. A 40 year - old healthy man presents to the dental clinic for comperhensive
treatment. On examination, teeth # 34 & 37 responde normally to cold test and
topalpation and percussion as well. Upon caries excavation from tooth # 37, a
gross carious pulp exposure was encountered. Tooth # 37 well serve as an
abutment for fixed dental prosthesis (see image) which of the following would be
the best management for teeth # 37?
A. Tooth extraction
B. Partial pulpotomy

C. Direct pulp capping
D Root canal treatment

71. A 32 Year - old woman came to the clinic with facial swelling and severe pain
after she saw her dentist few hours ago. She started that her dentist said Sodium
hypochlorite accident happened during non - surgical root canal treatment.
which of the following is the most likely cause of apical extrusion of irrigating
solution during irrigation?
A. EndoVac Irrigation System

B. NaviTIP irregation technique
C. Apical positive pressure needle system
D. Passive ultrasion irrigation technique
72. During the extraction of lower right third molar, the tooth disappeared into one
of the soft tissue spaces which of the following is likely the location for the
displaced tooth?
A. Submental

B. Submasseteric
C. Submandibular
D. Lateral pharyngeal

73. which of the following lesions will most likely respond to aspirin when treating
A. Osteoma

B. Osteoblastoma
C. Osteoid osteoma
D. Ossitying fibroma
74. morning which of the following conditions carries the highest risk to develop
infective endocarditis after dental procedure?
A Prosthetic heart valve ✅✅
B. Intravenous drug abuse
C. Mitral valve prolapse with murmur
D. Mitral valve prolapse without murmur

76. A 44 year - old patient complaining of pain in the upper left area Tooth # 26
did not respond to cold and was tender to biting and percussion, no clinical signs
of a sinus tract or swelling present. Radiograph provided (see image). which of
the following is the recommended treatment plan for tooth #26?
A. Apicoectomy

B. Direct pulp capping
C. Root canal treatment
D. Extraction with prosthetic replacement

77. A 44 year - old patient complaining of pain on biting over the past three
months related to tooth # 26. The tooth was endodontically treated more than 4
years ago, clinically, the tooth was tender to poth percussion and palpation and
radiographically there were apical radiolucencies around all three roots. which of
the following is the pulpal and periapical diagnosis?

A Previously treated; chronic apical abscess
B Previously treated; symptomatic apical periodontitis
C. Previously initaited, symptomatic apical periodontitis
D. Previously initaited; symptomatic apical periodontitis

79. An 8 year - old boy attended the dental clinic after receiving a traumatic
dental injury at his school. Thermal testing of the anterior teeth was inconclusive.
Electrical pulp tester (EPT) was used to assess teath vitality How does electrical
pulp tester (EPT) determine the degree of pulpal inflammation?
A. A short response indicates a healthy pulp
B. A midrange response indicates partial necrosis

C. midrange indicates pulpal inflammation
D it can only determine the presence or absence of vital tissue
80. A 27 year - old man came to the clinic with intermittent severe pain in tooth #
46. The pain lasts more than 3 minutes after cold drink in addition f pain on
biting. During clinic examination, tooth # 46 respond to cold test with severe pain
that lingers for more than three seconds (see report). Radiograph: Showed a
deep carious lesion and thickening of PDL space. Slight tenderness to
percussion was revealed which of the following is the definitive diagnosis of tooth
# 46?
A Symptomatic irreversible pulpits with normal apical tissues
B. Symptomatic irreversible pulpits with chronic apical abscess

C. Symptomatic irreversible pulpits with asymptomatic apical
D. Symptomatic irreversible pulpits with symptomatic apical periodontitis
81. A Patient with history of sickle cell disease presents with severe pain from the
first molar preventing him from eating, drinking or sleeping. Percussion causes
severe pain and vitality test indicates necrosis. which of the following immediate
action should be taken?

A. Request blood transfusion
B. Ensure hydration of the patient
C. Start antibiotic and reshedule the appointment
D. Extract using loca anaethesia (LA) without epinephrine
✳✳82. A 56 year - old woman presents with defective PEM crown in tooth # 36.
On examination, tooth # 36 normally to palpation, percussion, and periodontal
tests. The health of the attached and alveolar mucosa is within normal limits
(see image) which of the following is the most likely dianosis for # 36?
A. Previously treated with chronic apical abscess
B. Previously initaited with symptpmatic apical periodontitis
C. Previously initaited with asymptpmatic apical periodontitis

D Previously treated with asymptomatic apical periodontitis
‫اﻻﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺗﻌﺘﻤﺪ ع اﻟﺼﻮرة‬

84. which of the following is the generally preferred time for repairing the defect

if a cervical root perforation occurs during incomplaete root canal treatment?
A. Immediately after obturation
B. After cleaning and shaping is complete but before obturation
C. Immediately, and before proceeding with further preparation
D. After an appropriate recall period, to assess the status of the tissues

(85) which of the following syctic lesion has the highest rate of recurrence after

A Radicular
B. Keratocyst
C. Dentigerous
D. Aneurymal bone
(86) A 55 Year - old man is taking cindamycin for the management of an
odontogenic abscess. He develops abdominal pain and diarrhea a few days
later. which of the following is the likely cause?
A. Viral infection
B. Allergic reaction

C. Fungal infection
D. Clostridium difficile

➡- one of the adverse effects that is causes overgrowth of C. Difficile

(88) which of the following is the most common pathognomonic sign of a
mandibular fracture?
A. Laceration

B Chin edema
C. Malocclusion
D. Luxated mandibular teeth

✅✅Also ecchymosis of the floor of the mouth

(89) A young man was referred to the clinic for evolution of white lesion on his left
cheek, according to the patient there is no pain and lesion did not change in
size. Examination did not show any ulceration or rolled margins and the lesion
size was about 5 mm. After how many days could you recommend biopsy of the
A. 7
C. 21
D. 28

(91) which of th following are the most common types of bacteria involoved in
odontogenic infections?
A. Aerobic
B. Acid fast

C. Anaerobic
D. Mixed aerobic and anaerobic

(92) A 40 year - old patient with a history of aplastic anemia. He came for dental
treatment including multiple fillings and extractions (see lab results).
which of the following is the most appropriate treatment?

A No treatment at this stage
B. Treat the patient normally
C. Only emergency treatment

👇🏾👇🏾 👇🏾👇🏾
D. Treat the patient under general anethesia.
lab result
(94) Why chlorhexidine has a wide spectrum of antimicrobail proprties?

A. Because of its cytotoxicity
B. Because of its substantivity
C. Because of its high concentration
D. Because of its tissue dissolving capacity
(95) A 65 - year - old man patient with a history of hypertension presented to the
clinic for a dental extraction, has been on 81 mg aspirin daily for 3 years. which

of the following is the recommended action regarding the patient’s aspirin intake?
A. continue use of daily aspirin
B. Change the anti - platelet drug therapy
C. Stop the aspirin 24 houre before the procedure
D. Make sure that the patient’s International normalized ratio is below 3

(96) Where does the submandibular duct empty into the oral cavity?
A. Oropharynx in front of tonsil

B. Side of the frenulum of tongue
C. Mouth floor by 10-20 short ductules
D. Vestibule opposite second maxillary molar

(97) in which root can an extra canal by found in upper first molars?
A. Palatal

B. Distobuccal
C. Mesiobuccal
D. Mesiopalatal

(99) which of the following is a definition of concusion injury?

A. Displacement of the tooth outward or incisally
B. Tooth tender to percussion but without displacement
C. Displacement of the tooth inward and into the alveolar bone
D. Displacement of the tooth in any lateral direction except axially
(100) A 19 Year - old patient presented with periodontal disease and severe CL
11 malocclusion which of the following actions must be taken first?
A. Reducing overjet
B. Checking growth completion

C. Starting with orthognathic surgery
D Treating and stabilizing periodontal disease

By Dr.Afnan 💕
‫اذﻛﺮوﻧﻲ ﺑﺪﻋﻮة‬

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