Comparative Pharmacology of The Ketamine Isomers

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Br.J. Anaesth.

(1985), 57, 197-203


Studies in Volunteers

Preliminary clinical studies with the ketamine isom-

ers suggested that there were quantitative and qual- SUMMARY
itative differences between the enantiomers in their The clinical and electroencephalographic (EEG)
effects on the central nervous system (White et al., effects of the individual ketamine isomers were
1980). We reported differences between the optical compared with the racemic mixture in five volun-
isomers of ketamine in terms of their anaesthetic teers who received each drug on a separate occa-
potency, intraoperative effects, postoperative sion. Racemic ketamine 275 ± 25 mg, s(+)
analgesia and side-effects in surgical patients. Based ketamine 140 ± 21 mg or R(-) ketamine
on this earlier study, the more potent s(+) isomer 429 ± 37 mg produced an anaesthetic state last-
appeared to offer significant clinical advantages over ing 6 ± 2 min (mean ± SD). However, the EEG
R(-) ketamine. evaluation of the R(-) isomer revealed less overall
Since racemic mixtures (of stereoisomers) do not slowing, and an absence of the large slow wave
necessarily behave as compounds containing equal complexes produced by the s(+) isomer and the
proportions of the individual isomers (Haley and racemic mixture. The pharmacokinetic profiles for
Gidley, 1970), further studies were needed to assess the individual isomers of ketamine did not differ
the potential advantages of S(+) ketamine compared significantly from the racemic mixture. Even
with the currently available racemate (Ketalar, though the apparent anaesthetic state produced in
Ketaject). The present investigation was designed to these healthy volunteers did not differ qualitatively
evaluate the pharmacokinetic characteristics and between the three drug groups, recovery times
pharmacodynamic effects of the optical isomers (v. (assessed using a standardized battery of
racemic ketamine) in volunteers receiving the drugs psychometric tests) were consistently shorter fol-
in a controlled, cross-over fashion. The comparative lowing the individual isomers compared with the
effects of these drugs on the central nervous sys- racemic mixture. The serum ketamine concentra-
tem (CNS) were assessed using clinical signs, the tions associated with regaining consciousness
electroencephalogram (EEG), and a battery of and orientation were consistent with an s(+):R(-)
psychometric tests. Finally, relationships between isomer potency ratio of 4:1. In terms of their ability
the serum concentrations of the three drugs and to impair psychomotor function, the s(+):R(-)
recovery times were used to assess their relative potency ratio varied from 3:1 to 5:1. After compar-
potencies. able degrees of CNS depression, we conclude
that the more potent s(+) isomer of ketamine was
SUBJECTS AND METHODS associated with a more rapid recovery of
psychomotor skills than the currently used
Five healthy, male volunteers (age 36 ± 3 yr,
racemic mixture.
SHAFER, M.D.; DONALD R. STANSKI, M.D.; Department of weight 75 ± 3 kg (mean ± SD)) received racemic
Anesthesia, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, ketamine or one of the two F.D.A. Investigative
California 94305, U.S.A. YUKIO HORAI, PH.D. ; ANTHONY J.
TREVOR, PH.D.; Department of Pharmacology, University of New Drugs No. 14107, s(+) ketamine, or R ( - )
California, San Francisco, California 94143, U.S.A. ketamine, by infusion i.v. at 7-14 day intervals
Correspondence to P.F.W. (Room S-268C). using a cross-over experimental programme. Each

volunteer received all three drugs on separate occa- White et al., 1980). The total doses of racemic
sions. Two volunteers received S(+) ketamine, fol- ketamine, S(+) ketamine, and R(—) ketamine were
lowed by racemic ketamine, and then the R(-)) 275 ± 25 mg, 140 ± 21 mg, and 429 ± 37 mg,
isomer. The remaining three volunteers received respectively (mean ± SD).
R(—) ketamine, followed by racemic ketamine, and A clinical assessment was performed at 1-min
finally, the S(+) isomer. The study was approved by intervals during and immediately after the drug
the local Committee on Human Research, and infusion and included: (1) responsiveness to verbal
informed consent was obtained from each subject. commands, (2) the presence or absence of the eyelid
Resolution of the two enantiomers followed a pro- reflex, and (3) the degree of spontaneous motor
cedure involving recrystallization of the (+) or (—)- activity, facial grimacing and vocalizations on a scale
tartaric acid salts (Meliska, Greenberg and Trevor, from 0 (none) to 3 (severe). After termination of the
1980). On treatment of (—) ketamine-free base with infusion, the times to regaining the eyelid reflex,
hydrochloric acid, the S(+) ketamine hydrochloride responsiveness to simple commands (e.g. "open
salt was formed with m.p. 258-261 °C and your eyes", "squeeze my hand"), and orientation to
M D 2 5 = + 93.6 °C (c = 2.0, water). On treatment person, place and time were recorded. The duration
of free base (+) ketamine with acid, R( —) ketamine of anaesthesia (min) was defined as the duration of
hydrochloride was formed with m.p. of 256-258 °C loss of the eyelid reflex. The battery of psychomotor
and [a] D 25 = - 93.5 °C (c = 2.0, water). These tests was repeated when the subject was fully-
separation procedures resulted in resolution exceed- oriented and, subsequently, at 15-min intervals
ing 90% for each isomer. The two isomers were until the test scores returned to the predrug baseline
administered as the hydrochloride salt and all desig- values (± 10%). Amnesia was assessed at the time the
nations of sign of optical rotation refer to the respec- subject was judged to be fully oriented (George and
tive salt forms. Dundee, 1977). A follow-up questionnaire was com-
pleted within 24 h of each study to assess the relative
A standard battery of psychomotor tests was incidences of side-effects (e.g. dreaming, dizziness).
administered on the evening before each study. The
battery of tests included the time distortion index The time distortion index relates to the subject's
(Yesavage, Freeman and Bourgeois, 1978), Trieger ability to estimate 30 s (the actual elapsed time was
test (Newman, Trieger and Miller, 1969), five sepa- recorded). Trieger tests were scored in terms of the
rate visual analogue scales (Bond and Lader, 1974), number of dots missed (maximum 40) and the total
and symbol-digit test (Lezak, 1967). On the morn- distance from the missed dots to the nearest line
ing of each study, the volunteers were taken to the (maximum 200 mm). Each individual visual
recovery area where two peripheral catheters were analogue scale was scored from 0 (almost asleep,
inserted i.v. under local anaesthesia (one for drug tired, clumsy, fuzzy or drowsy) to 100 mm (wide
and fluid administration and the other for obtaining awake, energetic, well-coordinated, clear-headed or
the blood samples required for drug analysis). An alert). The symbol-digit test (matching a series of
electrocardiogram (four-lead EEG), electro-oculo- symbols and numbers) was scored in terms of the
gram (eye movement), and Dinamap (Model 845) number of correct responses and number of attemp-
arterial pressure monitor were applied. Supplemen- ted matches. The symbol-digit matching key was
tary oxygen was provided throughout the study changed before each test. Temporal changes in the
period using nasal cannulae. Predrug "baseline" psychometric tests were evaluated using repeated
psychometric test scores were obtained. Glycopyr- measures of analysis of variance and the average time
rolate 0.2 mg i.v., an antisialagogue without CNS required to return to the predrug baseline (± 10%)
effects, was administered. Subsequently, racemic was reported. Continuous variables were analysed
ketamine 50 mg min~', s(+) ketamine using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) (SAS Insti-
25 mg min" 1 , or R(—) ketamine 75 mg min" 1 was tute, Inc., SAS Circle, P.O. Box 8000, Cary, North
administered over a 5-7-min interval by continuous Carolina 27511) one-way analysis of variance and
infusion i.v. using an Autosyringe (Model 5A) Duncan's multiple range test (P < 0.05). Categori-
pump. The infusion was discontinued after 5 min cal variables were evaluated with Chi-square
(or when no further changes were observed in the analysis (P < 0.05).
EEG over a 30-60-s interval).) The infusion rates Samples of venous blood were obtained at 1-min
were based on results from previous studies with the intervals during the infusion and, subsequently, at
ketamine isomers (Ryder, Way and Trevor, 1978; 5-60-min intervals for 480 min. Specimens were

assayed for total ketamine and its principal meta- vocalization during the infusions did not differ be-
bolite (norketamine) using a modified version of the tween the three treatment groups. In addition,
gas chromatographic procedure of Chang and haemodynamic changes during the infusions did not
Glazko (1972) as described previously (White, differ significantly between the three groups (fig. 3).
Johnston and Pudwill, 1975). Serum concentration Maximal increases (above baseline values) in mean
v. time data for each volunteer were fitted to an open arterial pressure and heart rate were 42-59% and 56-
two-compartment model using extended least 84%, respectively. There were no correlations bet-
squares nonlinear regression analysis (L. Sheiner, ween changes in arterial pressure or heart rate and
unpublished report). Pharmacokinetic parameters the concentrations of ketamine or norketamine.
were derived using standard formulae (Gibaldi and Pharmacokinetic parameters indicated a high
Perrier, 1975). clearance and a moderately large volume of distribu-
tion for racemic ketamine and its individual isomers
(table I). Although there were no significant phar-
RESULTS macokinetic differences between the three drugs,
All three drugs produced an anaesthetic state (ab- the coefficient of variation for distribution phase
sence of eyelid reflex) 3 ± 1 min after starting the kinetic parameters (initial volume of distribution,
infusion and lasting 6 ± 2 min (mean ± SD). distribution half-life) ranged from 38% to 78%. In
However, the individual ketamine isomers pro- contrast, the coefficients of variation for elimination
duced differing effects on the EEG. When S(+) phase variables were less than 30%. Serum concent-
ketamine or the racemic mixture were infused to rations of ketamine after termination of the racemic
produce a state of clinical anaesthesia, a progressive ketamine, S(+) ketamine, or R(—) ketamine infu-
decrease in EEG amplitude and frequency occurred, sions are summarized in figure 4. The serum con-
followed by intermittent high amplitude polymor- centrations associated with regaining consciousness
phic delta activity (figs 1 and 2). In contrast, R(-) and orientation are summarized in table II. The
ketamine was unable to suppress the EEG activity to ratios of these serum concentrations were consistent
the same extent even though larger doses of the ( - ) with a' S(+): R(—) isomer potency ratio of 4:1. Recov-
isomer were infused (fig. 2). Both isomers and the ery times were decreased following the individual
racemate were infused until plateau effects were isomers compared with the racemic mixture (table
observed with respect to changes in the EEG (maxi- II). Results of the psychometric testing were also
mal slowing). consistent with a more rapid recovery after the indi-
The magnitude and duration of spontaneous vidual isomers, irrespective of the sequence of drug
motor (or myoclonic) activity, facial grimacing or administration (table III). In terms of their ability to
impair psychomotor functioning, the S(+):R(—)
Baseline Racemic ketamine

R(-) Ketamine


c z -o 2

[50/iV [50/iV
1s 1s

FIG. 1. The control (baseline) four-lead EEG in an awake FIG. 2. A typical four-lead EEG pattern demonstrating the
volunteer and the maximal slowing recorded immediately after an maximal slowing during or immediately after the infusion of S(+)
infusion of racemic ketamine i.v. ketamine or the R(—) isomer i.v.




40- M



70- 0.01
60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
60- Time ( min )
FIG. 4. Venous serum concentrations of ketamine (mean values
± SD) on a logarithmic scale as a function of time after infusion
50- ofracemic ketamine (• • ) , s(+) ketamine (• •) or R ( - )
ketamine (A A). Arrows indicate time of awakening, for
example, opened eyes (1); ability to follow simple command, for
: 40- example, squeezed hand (2); orientation to person, place and time
Q_ (3); and return to predrug scores for Trieger (4) and symbol-digit
< (5) tests.
potency ratio varied from 3:1 to 5:1.
The incidence of dreaming did not differ between
20- the drug groups. In general, the dreams were
described as pleasant illusionary-type experiences.
10- Amnesia was not associated with either the racemic
mixture or the individual isomers. Incidences of
postanaesthetic side-effects (dizziness 47%, floating
sensation 67%, diplopia 60%) did not differ between
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 the three groups.
Time ( min)
FIG. 3. Percentage changes from predrug baseline values in mean
arterial pressure (A MAP) and heart rate (A HR) during the infu- The sequential changes in the EEG produced by
sion of racemic ketamine (• • ) , S(+) (• • ) , or R(-) racemic ketamine and the S(+) isomer were similar
ketamine (A A).
to the EEG pattern reported previously by Domino,
TABLE I. Pharmacokineiic parameters following administration ofracemic kelamine or one of its individual isomers (mean values ± SD)

Volumes of distribution
Distribution Elimination
half-life half-life Clearance VC Vd area
Drug group (min) (min) (ml kg"1 min"1) (litre kg'1) (litre kg"')
Racemic ketamine 12.6 ± 8.6 132 ± 32 16.1 ±4.6 1.0 ±0.4 2.9 ±0.5
S(+) ketamine 22.8 ±14.7 158 + 45 21.3 ± 1.6 1.6 ±0.7 4.7±1.1
R (-) ketamine 11.8+ 9.2 155+42 17.4±2.5 0.9 ±0.7 3.9± 1.3

TABLE II. Time to awakening and orientation (min) and the associated serum concentrations of kelamine ([ig mt~l) following infusion ofracemic
ketamine or one of its individual isomers (mean values ± SD) *Value significantly different from racemic: P < 0.05

Racemic ketamine S(+) ketamine R (-) ketamine

1 1
Variable (min) (ugmr ) (min) (ugml- ) (min) (ugml-1)
Opened eyes 11 + 3 2.6 ±0.7 8±1 1.2 ±0.3* 7±2 5.2 ±0.8*
Squeezed hand 22 ± 8 1.6±0.5 12 ± 3 1.0±0.3 9 ±2* 4.1 ±0.9*
Oriented to person 33 ± 11 1.2 ±0.3 14 ±2* 0.9 ±0.2 10 ±2* 3.9 ±0.8*
Oriented to person,
place and time 45 ± 10 1.0 + 0.1 21 ±2* 0.7 ±0.2* 18 ±3* 2.7 ±0.5*

Chodoff and Corssen (1965). However, the present plete the surgical procedure, compared with those
volunteer study has demonstrated qualitative mor- receiving the S(+) isomer ofketamine. The inability
phological differences in the EEG patterns produced of R ( - ) ketamine to produce an adequate depth of
by the individual ketamine enantiomers (fig. 2). anaesthesia in the presence of surgical stimulation
Although dose-response data regarding the might explain the higher incidence of intraoperative
ketamine isomers are not available, analyses of the complications such as movement and tachycardia,
individual EEG tracings using the median frequency and greater need for adjunctive drugs. Further-
demonstrated that a "plateau" effect (maximal slow- more, we would postulate that these clinical differ-
ing) had been reached with each isomer as well as ences may be related in part to the differing analgesic
with the racemic mixture (Schiittler, Stanski, White potencies of the individual isomers (Ryder, Way and
and Trevor; in preparation). Furthermore, there Trevor, 1978). If the S(+) isomer is a more effective
was a correlation between changes in the median fre- analgesic, this might also contribute to the lower
quency and the serum concentrations ofketamine. incidence of emergence delirium observed in the
The R(-) isomer was unable to achieve the degree early postoperative period in the prior clinical study.
of EEG slowing recorded during the infusions of the We would speculate that pain increases anxiety as
S(+) isomer or the racemic mixture. This observa- well as the incidences of postanaesthetic emergence
tion is consistent with the reduced hypnotic and phenomena.
analgesic potency of the R(—) isomer (v. s(+) Anaesthetic recovery following an i.v. infusion of
isomer) reported in our previous study (White et al., either racemic ketamine or one of its optical isomers
1980). If the serum concentrations of ketamine was assessed using clinical signs and a battery of
associated with specific clinical endpoints (e.g. awa- psychomotor tests. These tests were consistent with
kening, orientation) are compared, S(+) ketamine a more rapid rate of recovery following either of the
would appear to be approximately four times more isomers compared with the currently used racemic
potent than the R(—) isomer (tables II and III, fig. 4). mixture (tables II and III). One might speculate that
In our earlier clinical study, a significantly higher the more rapid recovery following the R(-) isomer
percentage of patients receiving R(—) ketamine was a result of its more limited depressant effects on
required supplementary anaesthetic drugs to com- the CNS. Yet, how does one explain a slower recov-

TABLE III. Time required for psychomotor scores to return to predrug baseline score (min) and the associated serum kelamine concentrations
(\ig mt~') following infusion ofracemic kelamine or one of its individual isomers (mean values ± SD). *Value significantly different from
racemic: P < 0.05

Racemic ketamine S(+) ketamine R (-) ketamine

Test (min) (ugml-1) (min) (ugml- ) 1

(min) ((igml-1)

Analogue scales 161 ±21 0.4 + 0.1 150 ±22 0.2 ±0.03* 123 ± 19 0.7 ±0.2*
Trieger test 164 ± 17 0.4 ±0.1 87 ±13* 0.3 ±0.1* 65 ±9* 1.1 ±0.3*
Symbol-digit 178 ± 19 0.4 ±0.1 122 ± 29 0.2 + 0.1* 104 ± 19* 0.8 + 0.3*
Time distortion 118 ±24 0.5 ±0.2 74 ± 12* 0.3±0.1 57 ± 20* 1.2 ±0.8

ery following the racemic mixture compared with S(+) isomers) were similar irrespective of the sequence of
ketamine? The two most plausible explanations are, drug administration, would argue against tolerance
first, that a greater depth of anaesthesia was as an explanation of our findings.
achieved with the racemic mixture (v. S(+)
ketamine) or, second, that the presence of the less In summary, R(—) ketamine was unable to pro-
potent R(—) isomer in the racemic mixture exerted duce the same degree of EEG slowing as S(+)
an inhibitory effect on the rate of recovery from S(+) ketamine and, therefore, one would predict that it
ketamine. The fact that the EEG patterns achieved would be more difficult to achieve an adequate
with the racemic mixture and the S(+) isomer were depth of anaesthesia with the less potent R(—)
virtually identical would argue against the first exp- isomer. The more potent S(+) isomer, on the other
lanation. However, it is possible that the EEG is sim- hand, was able to achieve the same degree of EEG
ply not a good index of anaesthetic depth. slowing produced by racemic ketamine. Further-
Regarding the second possibility, the phar- more, after comparable degrees of CNS depression,
macokinetic profiles for the S(+) isomer and the a more rapid recovery of psychomotor skills was
racemic mixture appear to be similar (table I). How- noted with the S(+) isomer than the racemic mix-
ever, the gas chromatographic method used to mea- ture. We conclude that the more potent S(+) isomer
sure serum ketamine concentrations does not permit of ketamine would offer clinically useful advantages
assessment of the actual concentrations of the indi- over the currently used racemic mixture.
vidual isomers in the serum following administra- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
tion of racemic ketamine. It is possible that the mea-
The authors thank the American Society of Anesthesiologists
sured concentrations following racemic ketamine do Committee on Research for providing funds from the Parker B.
not reflect a constant 50:50 distribution of the indi- Francis Foundation and Stanford University for the Biomedical
vidual isomers. In fact, chiral interactions in which Research Support Grant NIH 2S07 RR 5353-20 (1981). Part of
metabolism of one enantiomer of a drug is inhibited this work was supported by NIH grants NS17956 and AG03104.
by its optical antipode have been reported for the The authors also acknowledge the assistance of Drs C. P. Larson,
jr and W. L. Way in the final preparation of this manuscript. The
isomers of the analgesic propoxyphene (Murphy research fellowship of Dr Schiittler at Stanford University was
et al., 1976) and the psychotomimetic amine made possible by a NATO Foundation Grant (300-402-511-3)
l-(2, 5-dimethoxy-4-methylphenyl)-2-aminopropane awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service.
(McGraw, Callery and Castagnoli, 1977). Thus, REFERENCES
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