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431122 (M.S.), INDIA.

Affiliated to
Experiential Learning Programme (Hands on Training)
“ Productionand Marketing ”
“Ginger Garlic and Green Chilli Pickle.”
(Principal of Adtiya college of food technology)
Miss. Dhembre Sonali Bhagwat
REG NO- 2017FTAD016

I am grateful to Aditya College of Food Technology, Beed
for giving the opportunity to complete the project. Only passive learning is
not of gives until and unless student become interactive in practical
knowledge, though education is not possible, our university such
opportunity. We are fortunate that we got guidance and inspiration from Prof.

We feel as a great pleasure to take this opportunity to thanks all of those to

directly or indirectly provide invaluable encouragement and assistance
during the presentation of this project report on “ Production and
Marketing of Ginger Garlic Pickle”.

We consider our self the persons to guide by helpful natured person Prof.
Nagargoje. K. D. (Principal, Aditya College of Food Technology,
Beed). We also thanks to Prof.Nagargoje. S. R. for their encouragement
andbyheart co- operation tocompletethisvaluableproject report.

Finally, we are greatly thankful to the whole Teaching and Non

Teaching Staff and Our Friends of Aditya College of Food
Technology, Beed for their tolerance encouragement and professionals.


We hereby declare that, the entire work embodied in this project

report or part there of has not been previously submitted by us any
degree or diploma to other institution or university.

Name :- Dhembre Sonali Bhagwat


This is to certify that, the Hands on Training project on ‘Production and Marketing of
Ginger Garlic Pickle.’ submitted by Miss. Dhembre Sonali Bhagwat
(Reg.No.2017FTAD016) student of Aditya College of Food Technology, Beed in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the Experiential Learning Programme (Hands on
Training) under my guidance and supervision is a result of original project work and is of
sufficiently high standard to warrant its presentation to the examination.
I also certified that the no part of this report has been submitted by them for the award
of degree or diploma of any university or institution.

Prof. Nagargoje. K. D. Prof.

(Principal Aditya College of (External Examiner)
Food Technology, Beed)
(VNMKV, Parbhani)

Prof. Nagargoje. S. R. Prof. Nagargoje. K. D

ELP Incharge ELP Adviser
(Dept. of FPT)


This flavourful ginger garlic mixed pickle also known as athrak lasun ka
achaar from our range of delicious Indian pickles collection being tangy, spicy and all time
favourite, this pickle is made in Mustard oil and is healthy and tasty. Ginger garlic pickle
is prepared from ginger (35%) Green chilli(30%) and spices (10%) Ginger garlic
pickle is nutritional and healthy aids is weight loss and, rich in antioxidants, rich in
vitamins, high in fibre. Ginger is helpful for digestion system, garlic can combat
sickness and help to reduce blood pressure.Garlic improves cholesterol level, which
may lower risk of heart (150.72 kcal) , carbohydrates 26%, dietary fibre
4.22g, Protein 1.57g. ginger garlic pickle is rich in high nutritional and storage at room
temperature.Ginger contains chemicals that may reduce nausea and inflammation.
Researchers believe the chemicals work primarily in the stomach and intestines, but
they mayalso work inthe brain and nervous system to control nausea.
Important Gingerols:-The main active components in ginger are called gingerols.
These phenolic compounds, or plant compounds, are responsible for many of ginger’s
antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory benefits. Gingerols also contribute to
the high nutritional quality of foods made with ginger, such as pickled ginger.
Keywords: Ginger, garlic, green chili, lemon juice, Mustard oil, cumin seeds, salt,
turmeric, Mustard Seed, coriander seed, fennel seeds, Black pepper, and Fenugreek
seeds, aamchurPowder.etc

Sr. No. Content Page no.

1. Introduction to ELP Programme 5-8

2. Summary of ELP Products 9
3. Market survey ofproducts 10-13
4. Introduction of Ingredients 14-23
5. Production 24
6. Materials 25-26
7. Methodology 27-31
8. Packaging and labelling 32-33
9. Image of finalprocedure 34-35
10. Physical and sensory analysis 36
11. Techno-Economic Feasibility of project 37-38
12. Break Even point 39-43
13. Result and Discussion 44
14. Outcome of ELP project 45
15. Photo Album 46-47
16. Conclusions 48
17. Reference 49


Education system in India has provided technically qualified
human resource that played the fundamental role in radical
transformation of agriculture which is fondly called Green Revolution.
With time the problems confronted by agriculture changed but the
qualityofhumanresourceproducedbythesystemdidnotadjusttothe change
in demand. Consequently, shortage of graduates in many new areas and
persistent production of graduates in areas of weak demand coexist. The
contemporary labour market is not able to absorb large proportion of
graduates and post graduates churned out by the system. Rising
unemployment, typically among agricultural graduates, has become a
common phenomenon along the length and breadth of the country. Efforts
are therefore, necessary to attune agricultural education curriculum and its
delivery to overarch the present day needs and future demands of job markets
with quality of agricultural graduates.
An analysis of jobs market suggests that employment in public
sector is declining. Due to this decline, agricultural graduates should have:
(a) Knowledge and skills in Industrial agriculture to get absorbed infast
expandingagroindustryor(b)Entrepreneurialspirittosetupan enterprise
independently on production agriculture and advisory
competencetoanalyse an agricultural problemandshouldbeableto suggest
solutions to alleviate it. Future graduates must be taught in new subject areas
and exposed more and more to learning bypractice in real lifesituationofa
field,factoryorinengineeringworkshop.Itisinpursuit of hands on training,
a scheme on creating facilities for establishing

experiential learning model plants. Visionary guidelines presented in this note
are aimed to enhance understanding of the scheme objectives and for
providing pragmatic material to the universities to take necessary steps
towards conceptualizing, planning, implementation, monitoring and
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has
recommended a new initiative called “Experiential Learning Program” The
primary aim of this initiative is to remove the weaknesses in the earlier
higher food technology education system and to develop technically
skilled professionals who can create their own enterprise in food processing
sector. Therefore, the course designed as experiential learning i.e. “Hands on
Training” is aimed at competence development through knowledge in all
aspects of enterprise management so that the B.Tech. (Food Technology)
graduates have complete understanding of project planning, development and
execution with an end to approach. Emphasis has been laid on developing
skills for carrier in the field of food technology. It is expected that the Hands on
Training Program will bring professionalism and practical work experience
in real life situation of B.Tech. (Food Technology) students. In order to
bring in high quality entrepreneurial skills and commercialization of
technologies, enterprises have to be established and run by the students with the
assistance of the teachers The scope of the Program would include hands on
trainingin pre-selectedvocations.Itwouldinvolvecreationoffacilitiesinthe
form of instructional farms, model plants or engineering workshops. The
training program would lean heavily on practice in technologically
advanced methodologies for production of agricultural crops, fruits,
vegetables, ornamental, medicinal, aromatic, forest plants including fibre
and fuel crops etc. It would also engage students in integrated

farming systems consisting of production of fish, poultry, livestock for
milk, eggs, meat and wool, and processing for value added products etc. The
other avenues ofpractical training would include internships in private
industrial houses, technology transfer and rural Development program.
The practical exposure would also involve students in preparation of
project feasibility And implementation reports, proper methods and
procedures for maintenance of records including inventory Of materials,
maintenance of accounts, and management of the enterprise.

1. To develop greater confidence, competitiveness and competence among
the graduates to meet needs of private sector and to undertake self-
employment in vocations of their choice.
2. To guarantee learning opportunity to the undergraduate students
through integration of basic knowledge and conceptual aspects with hands
on training and practice in a real life work environment.
3. To induct hands-on training for undergraduate students in Food
Technologyandalliedsciences as partofthecoursecurriculum.
4. To develop the students as skilled professionals through practical work
experience in real life situations.
5. To develop technical and managerial competence in students in
commercialization of technologies.
6. To mould the students as job provider rather than job seekers.
7. To train the students in high quality entrepreneurship skills in all the
aspects of enterprisemanagement.
8. The primary objective of the model report is to facilitate the
entrepreneurs in understanding the important of setting up of unit of
related to product. This model report will serve as guidance to the
entrepreneurs on starting up such a new project and basic technical
knowledge for setting up such a facility.


Sr. Particular Description

1. Name of project Preparation of Ginger Garlic Pickle

2. Location of project Homeplace

3. Raw materials required Ginger,Garlic,Greenchili,lemon,oiland

4. Equipment required Plate, knife, mixer grinder, kadai, spatula,
gas, gas stove, weighting machine.
5. Packaging materials Plastic container
6. Time requiredfor One day for two batch
7. Quantity of Batch 2.5kg per batch
8. Total batch of production 8

9. Man power requirement 2

10. Total production 40 kg

11. Total cost ofproduction Rs 7383

12. Total Revenue generated Rs 10400

out of production
13. Total profitearned Rs 1910

14. %Profit 18.36%

15. Selling Price (SP) Rs65/250gm


“Market survey is the survey research and analysis of the market for a
particular product/service which includes the investigation into customer
inclinations. A study of various customer capabilities such as investment
attributes and buying potential. Market surveys are tools to directly collect
feedback from the target audience to understand their characteristics,
expectations, and requirements”
Marketers develop new and exciting strategies for upcoming
products/services but there can be no assurance about the success of these
strategies. For these to be successful, marketers should determine the category
and features of products/services that the target audiences will readily accept.
By doing so, the success of a new avenue can be assured. Most marketing
managers depend on market surveys to collect information that would catalyse
the market research process. Also, the feedback received from these surveys
can be contributory in product marketing and featureenhancement.
Gain critical customer feedback: The main Concept of the market survey is to
offer marketing and business managers a platform to obtain critical
information about their consumers so that existing customers can be
retained and new ones can be got on board.

Understand customer inclination towards purchasing products Details such
as whether the customers will spend a certain amount of money for their
products/services, inclination levels among customers about upcoming
features or products, what are their thoughts about the competitor
products etc.
Enhance existing products and services: A market survey can also be
implemented with the Concept of improving existing products, analyse
customer satisfaction levels along with getting data about their
perception of the market and build a buyer person a using information from
existing clientele database. Make well-informed business decisions: Data
gathered using market surveys is instrumental in making major changes in
the business which reduces the degree of risks involved in taking important
There are 5 factors and importance of a market survey.
A product is most likely to be successful if it is developed by
keeping in mind the demand and supply of the target market. This way,
marketers can obtain insights about market capabilities to absorb new
products and concepts to develop customer-centric products and
The World is a target market for anorganization, especially a well-
established one. Getting data from the target market thorough market
research using market surveys and segmentation can be a source of creating
concrete and long-term marketing plans.

All marketing activities revolve around customer acquisition. All small and
large organizations require market surveys to gather feedback from their target
audience regularly, using customer satisfaction tools such as Net Promoter
Score, Customer Effort Score, and Customer Satisfaction Score etc.
Organizations can analyse customer feedback to measure customer
experience, satisfaction, expectations etc.
Market surveys are influential in understanding where to test new
products or services. Market surveys provide marketers a platform to
analyse the scope of success of upcoming products and make changes in
strategizing the product accordingto thefeedback theyreceive.
Customer demographics form the core of any business and market
surveys can be used to obtain intricate and sensitive details about
customer demographics such as race, ethnicity.


• To selection of food product.

• To identify the consumer need.
• To identify customers of food product.
• To know current sales of food product.
• To know current prices of food product.
• To know demand of food product.
• To know supply of different food materials.
• To know marketingchannels.
• To identify the competition of market place.
• To provide information of marketing manager.
• Identify the consumer response to company’s product.
• Seek maximum information about the consumer i.e the know
consumer’s incomerangetheirlocation, buyingbehavioretc.
• Knowthenatureandextentofcompetitionandalsothestrength and
weaknesses of the competitors.


Ginger of commerce is the dried underground stem of the

herbaceous tropical plant grown as an Annual. The whole plant is
refreshingly aromatic and the underground rhizome, raw or processed, Is
valued asspice.
Ginger is a slender perennial herb, 30-50 cm tall with palmately branched
rhizome bearing leafy Shoots. The leafy shoot is apseudostem formed by leaf
sheath and bears 8 to 12 distichous leaves.

USES of Ginger:-
Fresh ginger, dry ginger powder, oleoresin and oil are used in food
Processing. It is indispensable in the manufacture of ginger bread,
Confectionary, ginger ale, curry powders, certain curried meats, table
Sauces, in pickling and in the manufacture of certain cordials, ginger
Cocktail, carbonate drinks, liquors etc. In medicine, it is used as
Carminative and stimulant. It has wider applications in indigenous
Medicines. Thegingeroilisused as food flavourantinsoftdrinks.

Nutritional composition of ginger per 100 g :

Sr. No. Composition Value

1. Water 9.38
2. Food energy(kcal) 347
3. Protein(g) 9.12
4. Fat(g) 5.95
5. Carbohydrates(g) 70.79
6. Ash(g) 4.77
7. Calcium(g) 0.116
8. Phosphorus(mg) 148
9. Sodium(mg) 32
10. Potassium(mg) 1342
11. Iron(mg) 1152
12. Thiamine(mg) 0.046
13. Riboflavin(mg) 0.185
14. Niacin(mg) 5.155
15. Ascorbic(mg) ......
16. Vitamin (RE) 15


Garlic has been revered as an offering fit for the gods and
despised as a substance suitable only to be fed to hogs. For over 5,000 years
garlic has been used as food, medicine, an aphrodisiac, money, and magic
potions. Garlic warded off the evil eye, was hung over doors to protect
medieval occupants from evil, gave strength and courage to Greek athletes
and warriors, protected maidens and pregnant ladies from evil nymphs, and
was rubbed on door frames to keep out blood thirsty vampires. Garlic clove
pendants hung around the neck protected you from the sharp horns of a bull,
warded off local witches, kept away the black plague, and even prevented
others from passing you (or your horse) in arace.

Uses of Garlic
1. Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis):- Taking garlic powder by
mouth, alone or with other ingredients, seems to help slow hardening of the
2. Diabetes:- Takinggarlicpowderbymouthseemstoreducepre-meal blood
sugar levels by a small amount in people with or without diabetes. It seems to
work best if it is taken for at least 3 months. It’s unclear if garlic reduces
post-mealblood sugar levels or HbA1c levels.
3. High levels of cholesterol or other fats (lipids) in the blood
(hyperlipidemia):- Taking garlic by mouth daily for at least 8 weeks might
reduce total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL, “bad”
cholesterol) in people with high cholesterol levels. But any benefit is
probably small.
4. High blood pressure:- Taking garlic by mouth seems to reduce systolic
blood pressure (the top number) by about 7-9 mmHg and diastolic blood
pressure(thebottomnumber) byabout 4-6 mmHginpeople with high blood
5. Build up of fat in the liver in people who drink little or no alcohol
(nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD):- Taking garlic powder
by mouth seems to help to improve liver health in people with NAFLD.
People who eat more garlic also seem to be less likely to be diagnosed with

Nutritional composition of Garlic per 100 g :-

Sr. No. Composition Valu


1. Water 62.8
2. Minerals(g) 1.0
3. Protein(g) 6.3
4. Fat(g) 0.1
5. Carbohydrates(g) 29.0
6. Calories 142
7. Calcium(g) 50
8. Phosphorus(mg) 310
9. Sodium(mg) -
10. Potassium(mg) -
11. Iron(mg) 1
12. Thiamine(mg) 0.06
13. Riboflavin(mg) 0.23
14. Niacin(mg) 0.4
15. Fibre(g) 0.8
16. Vitamin C (RE) 13

Green chilli:-

Capsicum fruits have been a part of human diets since about

7,500 BC, and are one of the oldest cultivated crops in the Americas, as
origins of cultivating chili peppers are traced to east-central Mexico some 6,000
years ago. They were one of the first self-pollinating crops cultivated in
Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America.Peru is the
country with the highest cultivated Capsicum diversity because it is a center
of diversification where varieties of all five domesticates were introduced,
grown, and consumed in pre-Columbian times. Bolivia is the country where the
largest diversity of wild Capsicum peppers is consumed. Bolivian consumers
distinguish two basic forms: ulupicas, species with small round fruits
including C. eximium, C. cardenasii, C. eshbaughii, and C. caballeroi
landraces; and arivivis with small elongated fruits including C. baccatum
var. baccatum and C. chacoense varieties.
Chili pepper pods are, technically, berries. When used fresh, they are most
often prepared and eaten like a vegetable. Whole pods can be dried and then
crushed or ground into chili powder that is used as a spice or seasoning.
Chilies can be dried to prolong their shelf life.

Uses of Green chilli:-
1. Weight loss:- Green chillies have zero calories, can boost

2. Vitamin C:- Green chillies contain a high amount of vitamin C.

3. Heart Health:- Consumption of green chillies prevents heart

problems like atherosclerosis.

4. Iron Booster:- Green chillies are natural iron boosters.

5. Common cold:- Capsaicin in green chillies helps with common


Nutritional composition of Green Chilli per 100 g :-

Sr. No. Composition Value

1. Water 6.5
2. Food energy(kcal) 415
3. Protein(g) 14.0
4. Fat(g) 14.1
5. Carbohydrates(g) 58.2
6. Ash(g) 7.2
7. Calcium(g) 0.1
8. Phosphorus(mg) 320
9. Sodium(mg) 10
10. Potassium(mg) 2100
11. Iron(mg) 9.9
12. Thiamine(mg) 0.590
13. Riboflavin(mg) 1.660
14. Niacin(mg) 14.2
15. Ascorbic(mg) 14.2
16. Vitamin (RE) 5180


The lemon plant forms an evergreen spreading bush or small tree, 3–6
metres (10–20 feet) high if not pruned. Its young oval leaves have a decidedly
reddish tint; later they turn green. In some varieties the young branchesofthe
lemonareangular;somehavesharpthornsattheaxilsofthe leaves. Theflowershave
asweetodourandaresolitaryorborneinsmall clustersintheaxilsoftheleaves.
Reddish-tintedinthebud, thepetalsare usuallywhiteaboveandreddishpurple
below. Thefruitisoval with abroad, low,apicalnippleandforms 8to10segments.
Theouterrind,orpeel,yellow when ripeand rather thick in some varieties, is
prominentlydotted with oil glands. The white spongy inner part of the peel, called the
mesocarp or albedo, isnearlytastelessandisthechiefsourceofcommercialgradesof
pectin.The seedsaresmall, ovoid, andpointed; occasionallyfruitsareseedless. The
pulpis decidedly acidic.

As a cultivated tree, the lemon is now grown to a limited extent in most tropical
andsubtropicalcountries.Lemontreesforcommercialplantingare usually
propagated by grafting or budding the desired variety on seedlings of other Citrus
species, such as the sweetorange, grapefruit, mandarin orange, sourorange,or
tangelo.Seedlingsofthesespeciesaresuperiortolemon seedlings as rootstocks
becausetheyaremoreuniformandlesssusceptibleto the various crown- and foot-rot

Uses of lemon:-
Highbloodpressure.Middle-agedwomenwhodrinkmorelemonjuiceoreat more
lemons seem to have lower systolic blood pressure (the top number). But theydon’t

Heart attack. In peoplewhoare inthehospitalaftera heart attack, early research

shows that inhaling the scent of lemon might reduce blood pressure and anxiety, and
possibly help the heart recover.

Morning sickness. A small study shows that placing lemon essential oil on a cotton ball
and inhaling the scent might reduce nausea in pregnant women.

Introduction of final Product:-
❖ Thepreservationoffoodincommonsaltorinvinegarisknownas
❖ It is one of the most ancient method of preserving fruits and vegetable.
❖ Pickle are good appetizers and add to the palatability of a meal simulate the
flow of gastric juice and thus help in digestion.
❖ Theyarepreparedwithsaltvinegaroilorwitha mixtureofsaltoilspices and
Ginger garlic pickle:-
❖ Pickle are aromatic and spicy food prepared from ginger garlic chillies
lemon juice oil with additional Of Spices.
❖ Itistheprocessofpreservingfoodbuyanaerobicfermentationinbrineto
produce electricacid.
❖ The most under appreciate food in our kitchen is a achar means pickle There
are several types of pickle.

Benefits of Ginger Garlic Pickle:-

❖ Many people dislike spicy food and wood rather avoid them then rick's
sketchingtheirtongueanddrinkingalotof wateroreatingsomething sweet
to relieve the burning feeling.
❖ Improve digestion while also relieving constipation.

Raw Materials Required:-
❖ Ginger
❖ Garlic
❖ Green Chilli
❖ Lemon
❖ Oil
❖ Pickle Masala
❖ Hing

Spices for pickle masala:-

❖ Mustard seed
❖ Funnel seed
❖ Cumin seed
❖ Coriander seed
❖ Methi seed
❖ Black pepper
❖ Black salt
❖ Common salt
❖ Red Chilli Powder
❖ Dry Mango Powder

Equipment and Utensils Required:-
❖ Knife :-Knife is used for cutting, chopping, dicing, slicing, mincing, peeling,
separating, and other kitchen tasks
❖ Plate :- Plate can also be used for ceremonial or
decorative purposes
❖ Kadai :- It is usually used for sautéing, deep-frying, and for
preparing curries and gravies.
❖ Mixer grinder :- Mixers help automate the repetitive tasks of
stirring, whisking or beating.
❖ Gas stove :- The gas stove is only used to cook food.
❖ Bowl :- used to prepare medium amounts of sauces or for
mixing dried ingredients.
❖ Spatula :- A spatula is a hand-held tool that is used for lifting,
flipping, or spreading.
❖ Weighting machine :-
Weighing scales are used to measure weight and/or mass of an object,

❖ Chopping Board :-
A cutting board (or chopping board) is a durable board on which to place material
for cutting

Flow chart:-
Selection of Raw materials

Washing and Cleaning


Take Kadai and add oil

Add Hing

(Ginger, Garlic, Chilli)


(Some position of raw materials)

Mix well

Cooked For 2-5minute

Add Pickle Masala

Add Salt and lemon juice




Preparation of Pickle Masala:-
Selection of Species
(Mustardseed, funnelseed, cuminseed, corianderseed, methi
seed, black pepper.)

Roast in low flame

(Roastupto aromatic)

Cool completely

Add Powderspecies
(Salt, turmeric, red chilli powder, dry mango powder.)

Grind in finepowder

Pickle masala

Recipe of Ginger garlic pickle (1kg) :-

No. Ingredients Quantity

1. Ginger 300gm
2. Garlic 350gm
3. Green chilli 400gm
4. Lemon juice 1.5 cup
5. Oil 1.5 cup
6. Mustard seed 2.5tsp
7. Cumin seed 5tsp
8. Black paper 2.5tsp
9. Fennel seed 5tsp
10. Methi seed 2tsp
11. Coriander seed 1.5tsp
12. Turmeric powder 1.5tsp
13. Red chilli power 5tsp
14. Common salt 2.5tsp
15. Hing 2tsp
16 Dry mango powder 1.5tsp

Selectionofrawmaterial:- SelectedfullymatureGingerGarlicand
Green Chili.

Cleaning and Washing:- Cleantheingredientandwasheditfor


Cutting and Peeling:- Cutthegingerinsmallpiecesthechilliinslide

pieces and peel the garlic.

Take a kadai and at oil in it and heat

Addsomeamountof Hingtokadaiaddingredient. Addtheraw

ingredient Ginger Garlic and Green Chili and cooked in low flame.

Grinding:- GrindsomepartofRawingredients.Andmixthemixture in


Add salt and lemon juice and mis it properly.

Cooled:- Cool the Pickle Completely.

Packaging:- Packed in plastic jar container.
Storage:- Store in a room temperature.

Plastic packaging is one of the most important contributors to
protecting food from spoiling. Food waste has a significantly higher
environmental impact, particularly in the form of its carbon footprint, than
packaging waste. Plastic packaging allows food to travel further distances, stay
longer on the shelves, and ensures that large amounts of food do not go to waste.
Because it takes considerably more resources to create the food itself, it often
makes environmental sense to protect it for as long as possible so the resources
invested in its growth are not invested in vain. As well as helping to deliverfood
around ourglobal economy, liquids, gels, powders, out-of-season fruit, and other
specialist items are all safely protected by the material. There are many types of
plastic that have different functional properties such as being safe for food,
flexible, transparent, opaque, and chemical and heat resistant. Plastics thus are the
ideal packaging material for a variety of modern requirements. Without plastic
packaging to serve all these needs, it becomes very difficult (and often impossible)
to transport and utilise a wide range of products peoplerely on every day.

Key parameters to be considered when selecting a Packaging
system are :-
➢ Process.
➢ Distribution, shelf-life requirements,legislation.
➢ Product composition and quality as produced and at full shelf-life.
➢ Product protection required during storage, distribution and retail sale.
➢ Pack size, printing options, display, etc.
➢ Packing system concept, automation options, ability to integrate with
existing and/or future systems.
➢ Consumer appeal, image of product and packing.


Raw materials Cutting and peeling

Species Rostating species

Grinding species Sorting raw materials

Adding Pickle Masala Pickle

The separation of substance into a constituent element to
determine the either their natural(Qualitative Analysis) or their
proportional (Quantitative Analysis).

Physical Analysis:-
1. Colour:- The colour of Ginger Gali people is reddish since a very nice
colour and it looks wonderful.

2. Appearance :-For its crunchy juicy structure.

Sensory Analysis:-
1. Aroma:- Garlic, Ginger,pungement and spicy Aroma and the Aroma Of
Spicesprovidepleasant Aroma to the ginger garlicpickle.

2. Flavour:- Feel the spicy pungent flavour of fresh Ginger strong

Aroma Of Spiecs provided spicy flavour to the pickle.

3. Mouthfeel:- Ginger garlic pickle rice task and juicy, crunchy texture
combining the spicy pungent taste.

4. Smell:- It smell papery Sharp pungent, aromatic and spicy.

5. Taste:- The flavour of fresh Ginger Garlic pickle is slightly peppey

spicy Aroma must like garlic fresh Ginger.

6. Consistency:- Consistency is thick made with ginger garlic chilis

lemon juice andspices.

Techno-economic analysis of product justify its suitability for
commercialexploitation.Thetechno-economicanalysisof40kg Ginger
Garlic Pickle is summarised here in following table.

Techno-economic Feasibility For 40kg Ginger Garlic Pickle:-

Product Name Cost

Raw materials cost(RMC) Rs. 5300

Processing cost 15%(PRC) Rs. 963

Totalmanufacturingcost(TMC) Rs. 6263


Packagingand Labellingcost Rs. 1120

Total costproduction Rs. 7383


Sale quantity(SQ) 40kg

Selling price(SP) Rs. 65

Total selling price (TSP) Rs. 10400

Total Profit Rs. 1910

%Profit 18.36%

%Yield 98.60%
Production Report:-

Day No.Of Manpower Production Tatal

Batches required in one production
batch in
one day
1. 2 2 2.5kg 5kg

2. 2 2 2.5kg 5kg

3. 2 2 2.5kg 5kg

4. 2 2 2.5kg 5kg

5. 2 2 2.5kg 5kg

6. 2 2 2.5kg 5kg

7. 2 2 2.5kg 5kg

8. 2 2 2.5kg 5kg

Break Even Point in Unit:-
We have,

Fixed cost = Rent+ Salaries+ Equipment rent



Variable cost= Material cost + Direct expenses + Packaging + Labelling

= 5300 + 80 + 800 + 320

= 6540

Where as contribution= Selling price per unit – variable cost per unit
=1300 – 817.5

= 482.5

Break Even Point = Fixed cost ÷ Contribution per unit

= 1950 ÷482.5

= 4.04kg

In terms of money value = FC×S÷(S-V)
= 1950 × 10400 ÷ (10400-6540)

= 1950 × 10400 ÷ 3860

= Rs5253.88

Capital Investment:-
Processing Cost : It has to be 15% of the production cost.
Processing cost = Total cost × 15/100

= 6420 ×15/100

= 963

Packaging Cost:
The packaging cost of Rs 5 per package


Labelling cost is Rs 320

Total production cost (Rs) : Rs 5300 + 963 + 1120

Selling Price : Rs 15/250gmpackage

Total profit = Total Selling cost – Total expenditure
= 10400 – (1950 + 6540)


Profit in % = (Profit ÷ Total selling price) × 100
= (1910 ÷ 10400) × 100

= 18.36%

Raw Materials cost:-

Ingredients Cost per Quantity used Quantity Raw

kg in per kg in gm used for materials
Rs 40kg cost(RMC)

Ginger Rs 25 300gm 12kg Rs 1000

Garlic Rs 45 350gm 14kg Rs 1800

Green chilli Rs 22.5 400gm 16kg Rs 900

Lemon juice Rs 5 355ml 14.4l Rs 200

Oil Rs 22.5 355ml 14.2l Rs 900

Mustard seed Rs 1.25 15gm 600gm Rs 50

Cumin seed Rs 1.75 20gm 800gm Rs 70

Black paper Rs 1.25 10gm 400gm Rs 50

Fennel seed Rs 1.25 15gm 600gm Rs 50

Methi seed Rs 0.75 15gm 600gm Rs 30

Coriander seed Rs 0.75 15gm 600gm Rs 30

Turmeric powder Rs 0.75 15gm 600gm Rs 25

Red chilli power Rs 0.60 10gm 400gm Rs 25

Common salt Rs 0.75 15gm 600gm Rs 10

Hing Rs 0.60 10gm 400gm Rs 70

Dry mango powder Rs 0.75 15gm 600gm Rs 90

Total:- Rs 5300

Total cost of Production:-
Cost Cost for total Cost for Cost for
production (for 40 1kg 1
kg) package

Raw materials cost Rs 5300 Rs 132.5 Rs 33.12

Processing cost(15% Rs 963 Rs 24.07 Rs 6.01

of total cost)

Packaging cost Rs 800 Rs 20 Rs 5

Labelling cost Rs 320 Rs 8 Rs 2

Total Cost Rs 7383 Rs 184.57 Rs 46.14

Final Production Cost:-

Particulars Amount (in

Total ingredientscost 5300

15% Processingcost 963

Total Packagingcost 800

Total Labellingcost 320

Good and acceptable quality of Ginger Garlic Pickle
where prepare. Ginger Garlic Pickle has good consumer response and
found to be economically cheaper than other pickle in market quality
and shelf life of these Ginger Garlic Pickle is found to be excellent
compare to other pickle in market. Overall result is that commercial
production of such product can be easily done and will be
economically more profitable because raw material easily availableat
low cost and estimate cost of processing is found to be less when
comparing to that of total profit.

This ELP project provided us an opportunity to utilize our technical
knowledge and enhance our commercial skills and equipped us with
following benefits.

We became capable of handling the responsibility for commercial


Provided insight for utilization of our knowledge for economic benefit.

Enriched us with the infield experience of purchase, production, marketing and

financial management.

Made us capable for understanding the importance of market survey and need
of consumers.

Enhance our communication skills.

Made us capable for being food entrepreneurs.




Ginger garlic pickle has wide scope for commercial Exploitation because of its
spicy flavour. Ginger Garlic Pickle is a shelf-stable product which can be stored
at ambient condition for a longer period of time which make it feasible
commercial product for an entrepreneur. Processing of Ginger Garlic Pickle is
feasible for commercial exploitation which could provide better revenue for
the small businessman, farmer and generate employment for the masses in
the region. The implemented study was made has the pilot as part of much
larger project. All member of the preparatory work in this ELP study are
begging on both planning and executing of such sensory taste. Initially, it
was hard to introduce the method to the consumer in a proper way without
during too much of guardians and own word of examples, not to influence
the consumer thought but still deliver in thought information to understand
the same what fuzzy talks. Ending up with map where it only says “good or
bad taste” does not receive very useful information. Finally a sensory method is
never in its own more beneficial than another but instead release on the
understanding of it usage. The method purposed has most suitable for the
panel also need to be correlated to the aim of study and the intended
outcome from evaluation, not to forgot that selected sensory method is
depend on the product within the sample set. It is concluded in many studies
before this one that no certain sensory method is to prepare but inside
communication of different method for different occasion.



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