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Marquez 1

Cruz Marquez

Ms. McCann

English 1301.125

30 August 2021

Saving the Cheetah

Organizations that are made to protect extinct animals are very important to the world.

The organizations organize their websites in ways that catch an individual’s attention.

Organizations like Panthera, Cheetah Conservation Botswana, and African Range-Wide Cheetah

Conservation Initiative all use features in their websites to convey their message to the reader.

The Cheetah Conservation Botswana, African Range-Wide Cheetah Conservation Initiative, and

Panthera use the internet website because their communities aim to bring awareness to the

endangerment of the cheetah using bold lettering, hyperlinks, and images.

Organizations have been using the internet to create websites that allow them to express

their message in different ways. Communities Like Panthera, Cheetah Conservation Botswana,

and African Range-Wide Cheetah Conservation Initiative use features in their websites to

express their message that are similar to each other. One of these features is the use of bold

letters in the text. These bold letters are used in all of the three websites and their purpose is to

catch the reader’s attention. The bold lettering is used in similar ways and with the same purpose

throughout the websites. For instance, the communities use the bold letters to signify that they

are in a different section of the website. The headings are bolded most of the time for this exact

reason. The bold lettering is meant to catch the readers attention and keep them interested in

what the website is talking about.

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Hyperlinks are also used by all threes of the communities in their websites. Hyperlinks

are highlighted words or phrases that take you to a different section of the website after clicking

it. They usually change color when your mouse is hovering over it as well as be yellow in color.

This feature allows the reader to learn more about a topic in the website that is related to the

word or phrase that was highlighted. These links have more information and are more detailed

however this is not the only way that these links are used. Some websites that have this feature

do not take the reader to a different part of the website, instead it gives the reader the information

in a pop-up besides the phrase or word that was highlighted. All of the websites use this feature

to give the reader information about a specific topic that they are talking about in the paragraph

that the reader had just looked at.

Another feature in the websites is the use of pictures. Pictures are meant to catch the

reader’s attention and give them context on the topic or message that the writers are trying to

express. There are different pictures placed around the websites. These pictures are put in placed

where they are visible to the reader. All of the pictures in the websites are clear and high quality

to keep the reader interested in the website. In addition, the pictures are meant to make the

readers feel bad and want to keep knowing about the cheetahs and how to help them. The

pictures show the audience that the cheetahs are there and it also helps illustrate that there aren’t

many of them left in the wild.

Although there are many similarities between ways the websites use the bold lettering,

hyperlinks, and pictures also have many differences between them. The bold lettering is different

for all of the websites. For instance, in Panthera the bold lettering is put as a heading for to

signify that the website will talk about something different and gives the audience a clear

understanding of what is to come. The other websites add the bold lettering in some of the words
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in between the paragraphs that show the audience that the word or phrase is important to the


Hyperlinks are one of the most common features amongst the websites. They can be

found in all of the websites and are very resourceful. However, the websites use them in different

ways. Panthera uses the websites hyperlinks to take the reader to a different section of the same

website. For instance, when you click “after a recent study revealed significant population

declines.” (Panthera) the hyperlink will take you to a section of the website named “Sprinting

Towards Extinction” which talks about how many cheetahs are left in the world with them being

only about 7,100. The African Wide-Range Cheetah Conservation Initiative uses the hyperlinks

to take the audience/reader to their Facebook page. They each use the hyperlinks in different

ways to express the importance of saving the cheetahs.

Pictures are also used very differently in the websites. Some pictures are more obvious

than others and some are bigger and more noticeable. The Cheetah Conservation Botswana has

pictures of cheetahs on the background of the website. The pictures of the website are barely

visible however they do have one picture at the top of the website that is clearly visible.

Panthera’s pictures are more visible to the reader and don’t get blocked off by anything other

than the text in the website. It has many more pictures of the cheetahs scattered around the

website. They use different sizes of pictures to show the reader of what and who they are

speaking about. The African Range-Wide Cheetah Conservation Initiative uses the pictures in a

very different way than the other websites. The website’s picture moves when you scroll from

the top to the bottom. This feature follows the reader and keeps them invested in the website and

what they are talking about. The picture also changes if you move low enough.
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The websites use the different features in different and similar ways. They all have things

that are similar that seem repetitive in the website but there is also many different things that can

keep the reader interested in the websites and what they are talking about. The way they use the

features are different however they all convey the same message which is to save the cheetahs.

These different websites allow the reader to keep interacting with the websites with their

different features. The features are a big part of the website by adding things to the website that

keep the reader interested in the website.

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Works Cited

“Cheetah Conservation Botswana.” CHEETAH CONSERVATION BOTSWANA,

“Cheetah: Panthera.”,,

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