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We, the People

70 years United Nations

Humanity House, The Hague

11:00 Opening
Introductions & speed dates

11:15 HagueTalks and dialogues, discussing relevant themes in relations to goal #16
1. Governing the World, Law, Justice and Global Reputation
2. Cyber-Governance and Social Media in a Conflict Zone
3. The Future of the UN Peacebuilding architecture and Peace operations
4. Global Governance: Climate Change and other Inconvenient Truths

13:15 Lunch

14:00 Plenary session, presentations about the dialogues

15:30 Creation of ‘Hague Manifesto’ to be signed by the ‘world’

16:00 – 18:00 HagueTalks and dialogues, reflections on the importance of goal #16

18:00 - 19:00 Presentation ‘Hague Manifesto’ & Press conference

Café de la Paix

20:00 - 00.00 UN70 Night: ‘We the People’ – HagueTalks, speed dates, film, dance, music,
Café de la Paix

00.00 - 02.00 UN70 world party

Peace Palace, The Hague

20:00 Welcome & HagueTalks ‘We the people, 70 years United Nations’

Reflections on importance of goal #16 by dignitaries of the international

courts and tribunals, represntatives of UNHCR and UNICEF
Moderator: Davine

21:30 Musical postcards

Composer Merlijn Twaalfhoven
Played by Amer Shanati

22:00 Igniting the UN blue lights on the Peace palace facade

22.15 Closing
  Join UN70 party in Humanity House

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