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Common Causes of O-Ring Failure

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Common Causes of O-Ring Failure

No one wants seals to fail, however it can happen. In this handy guide, indications of the common
causes of O-Ring failure are given with possible contributing factors. But remember, involving
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions in the design stage can avoid such issues.
in the groove magazine

The failure types identified below are based on historical data and extensive industry research.
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Indications: Blisters, cracks, voids or discoloration.

Contributing Factors: Incompatibility with the chemical and/or thermal environment.


Indications: Small cuts, nicks or gashes

Contributing Factors: Sharp edges on glands or components. Improper sizing of elastomer. Low-modulus / hardness
elastomer. Elastomer surface contamination.


Indications: Parallel flat surfaces corresponding to contact areas; possible circumferential splits.
Contributing Factors: Improper design – failure to account for thermal or chemical volume changes, or excessive
compression. in the groove magazine


Indications: Flat surface parallel to the direction or motion; loose particles and scrapes on surface
Contributing Factors: Rough sealing surfaces. Excessive temperature. Process environment containing abrasive
particles. Dynamic motion Poor elastomer surface finish.


Indications: Foreign material on the surface or within the cross section

Contributing Factors: Process environment deposition. Reactions or degradation of the elastomer.


Indications: Flat-sided cross section corresponding to mating seal surfaces

Contributing Factors: Excessive compression. Excessive temperature. Incompletely cured elastomer. Elastomer with
high compression set. Excessive volume swell in chemical.


Indications: Ragged edges, generally on the low pressure side

Contributing Factors: Excessive clearances. Excessive system pressure. Irregular clearance gaps due to eccentricity.
Sharp gland edges. Low-modulus/hardness elastomer. Softening of elastomer due to fluid incompatibility. Excessive
gland fill.


Indications: Cuts or marks spiraling around circumference

Contributing Factors: Difficult or tight installation (static). Slow reciprocating speed. Low-modulus/ hardness
elastomer. Irregular O-Ring surface finish (including excessive parting line). Excessive gland width Irregular or rough
gland surface finish. Inadequate lubrication
in the groove magazine


Indications: Surface blisters, pits or pocks. Absorption of gas at high pressure and subsequent rapid decrease in
pressure; elastomer surface blisters and ruptures as pressure is rapidly removed.
Contributing Factors: Rapid pressure changes. Low-modulus/ hardness elastomer.


Indications: Often difficult to visually detect; may exhibit a decrease in cross-sectional size
Contributing Factors: Improper or improperly cured elastomer. High vacuum levels. Low hardness/ plasticized


Indications: Small surface cracks perpendicular to the direction of stress

Contributing Factors: Exposure to ozone, UV radiation or other air pollutants. Excessive seal stretch


Indications: May exhibit radial cracks on the highest temperature surfaces; certain elastomers may exhibit signs of
softening or a shiny surface.
Contributing Factors: Elastomer thermal properties. Excessive temperature excursions or cycling.

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