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Project Title: Online Trivia Event

Project Time-frame: October or November, Weekdays

I. Project Contacts
The officers discussed and decided to divide the work based on our skills


AUDITOR Gwyneth Dane Tabinas 09977088301
TREASURER Maria Prima Goya 09534416784
PROJECT OFFICER Glozirie An Bacang 09555725425


P.I.O. Jarrel Troy Solomon 09533394669
P.I.O. Francis Jeremiah 09291547395
MEMBERSHIP OFFICER Cloie Glaze Omos 09483501227

PRESIDENT Mark Justin Escuadro 09617981371
VICE-PRESIDENT Hannah Marie Canastra 09655217542
SECRETARY Gwylah Parado 09074875326

II. Project Summary

The month of October is here, yet the pandemic is still ongoing. Thankfully we can
already notice some changes and proof that we students are coping and engaging with the new
normal changes in the ways of education today. After a thorough online meeting, the science
club officers planned on hosting an online trivia game entitled “Quizzical Science Detectives”
with the objective of enlightening and challenging students with well-rounded questions to
evaluate learners’ proficiency in the field of science by the use of the club’s Official Facebook

Naturally, an event won’t be fun without prizes that motivate students on winning.
Developing club sources of funds is complex, which is why we need the support of sponsors
when it comes to our funds. The officers will be distributing sponsorship letters to science
teachers in our school hoping for their consideration.
With each other’s help, The Questions Team will brainstorm and give birth to the best
science-related question. Every week the topic of questions will change because there are three
branches of science; physical, earth, and life science. As the officers discussed and decided,
there will be a trivia game every weekday for this month. Through posting the trivia on
Facebook, the Publicity team will edit the trivia poster and encourage students to join and
cooperate. The first user to comment the correct answer will win and receive the prize of 50
pesos load. With the help of technology and social media apps teachers and students can
communicate through messaging apps and be updated. We chose Facebook as our media
because it is the majority used by students lately.

This project will transpire in the month of October if approved. Even if late, that won’t
stop us from doing activities and promoting the club. In terms of cost and expenses, the only
difficulty is in terms of sponsorship where we collect our funds for the prizes of 50 pesos for
each trivia winner.

III. Project Background

Through this ongoing pandemic, online activities are highly useful and essential. Many
clubs and organizations are already using social media in constructing online events and
activities which can help in promoting the club. Trivia Games are a great help in teaching
students and testing their knowledge. By educating them online in a fun way.

By answering questions and learning, you’re improving your cognitive skills. Retaining
information about topics you’re interested in is like an exercise for your mind, allowing you to
expand your intelligence and improve mental capabilities, This leads to greater creativity,
innovation and problem-solving skills.

IV. Project Objectives

The main aim of this project is enlightening and challenging students with well-rounded
questions to evaluate learners’ proficiency in the field of science. Promoting and continuing the
activities for the development of the club.

Knowing Obscure Facts Is Good for Our Mental Health. Experts say playing trivia games
can provide a dopamine rush much like gambling, without the negative effects. It can be quite
satisfying and doesn't have many downsides. That's how psychologists describe the mental
health benefits of trivia.

Taking part in a science club is a wonderful way for children to engage with science from
an early age. It gives them an introduction to scientific methods, helps them to develop a love of
science and can give them the confidence to continue studying science further up their

Quizzes encourage pupils' self awareness of progress and self assessment. By taking
quizzes, pupils get instant feedback on their responses. And this can help them identify areas
they need to develop themselves and highlight progress for them to be proud of.
V. Project Methodology

This section details the plan for how the project objectives will be achieved.

A. Work Breakdown and Task Estimates

1. Sending sponsorship letters to science teachers in our school.

 After making the sponsorship letter, the Sponsor team will give science teachers
the letter.
 They will be in charge of collecting funds from the sponsors, and they will be the
ones that will give the prize award.
2. Making the Trivia Post
 The club P.I.O.s will use their skills in editing to make an attractive trivia poster.
 The Questions Team will discuss to make a worth it questions.
 They will make a persuasive post caption that will encourage the students to
3. Observing the posts
 The trivia will be posted at 8:00 am. And will end at midnight. The winner for
that day will be posted the next day.
 The first to comment with the correct answer will be the winner.
 One student will be given only one chance to comment.
4. Claiming the prize
 The page will message the winner through messenger asking for their
 The Sponsor team will send the 50 pesos load to the number of the winner.
B. Project Deliverables

Figure 1. The Poster for the Trivia event edited by the PIOs and is approved by the majority of the club
officers. (The date for the event is not yet confirmed)
Science Club Sponsorship Letter
Unified Science Paragons
Sindangan National Highscool
Dapaon, Sindangan, Z.N.

October 21, 2021

Dear Ma’am/Sir,

Unified Science Paragons is organizing an event for the month of October. The club will be
conducting an Online Trivia Game named Quizzical Science Detectives, which will be held during the
weekdays from October 21, 2021 to as long as possible. Our club’s mission is to promote the importance
of different branches of science. Which helps their knowledge and to sustain club activities along with
student online cooperation despite this ongoing pandemic. 

I am writing this letter to invite you to be a Sponsor of this event! As a supportive science
teacher in our school, your involvement with us in this event as a sponsor is an opportunity for our club
to receive exposure and progress. We are doing our best to collect funds hopeful that our efforts will
give birth to success.
              As a developing club, there are however expenses connected with running this online event, it is
delicate for students to cooperate in online club activities without the help of prizes which motivates
them to play a part. The major expense for the club is the fund that will be used as a prize for answering
the trivia correctly, which is 50 pesos every weekday, as planned

In return for your sponsorship, we would of course be willing for you to be listed as our key
sponsor on all our trivia posters, posts, and captions in recognition of your help. If you want to offer
advertising opportunities or any achievable requests, we will surely welcome your opinion
accommodatingly. We do hope that this is something you might be willing to think about. 

We look forward to hearing from you. For questions, comments, suggestions, and If you’re
willing to sponsor, please contact @snhs.unifiedscienceparagons, our Facebook page Unified Science
Paragons directly to through messenger or in Gmail through, You can as
well call us at the number, 09291547395. We thank you for your support. Best Regards.


Unified Science Paragons

Figure 2. A Sponsorship letter sample mad by our project officer with the approval of the majority of the
club members.
C. Project Risk Management

 No participants – There is a possibility of the lack of participants but the publicity

club will do their best to encourage students to cooperate and join the event.

VI. Project Costs

The major expense for this event is the fund that will be used as a prize for answering the trivia
correctly, which is 50 pesos every weekday, as planned.

If this project will be approved, the “Sponsor Team” will give the sponsorship letter to science
teachers of the school, hoping for their kind consideration and support.

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