Essay - How Advertising Affects Shopping

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The Impact of Advertising on Shopping

Nowadays, consumerism has undoubtedly reached its peak. People living in this specific time of the
history have more than ever and yet are not satisfied. How is that possible? Well, there is a certain
process working behind the scenes at all times to keep us hungry for more: advertising.

There are many forms of advertising that have found their way into our lives. Just turn the TV or
radio on and you will be overwhelmed by the countless brand new products and special offers served
to you in a split second. Similarly, big banners with colourful signs and catchy phrases are there to
keep your attention busy. While the more old-fashioned forms of marketing such as adds in the news
or leaflets still exist, promoting products via social media seems to be on its rise.

Since the promotion of a product is done by the manufacturers, it can hardly ever be purely
objective. However, an aspect in which every business should try to set an example in is ethical
advertising and transparent marketing strategy. I am convinced that all firms should be interested
not only in their own profit, but also in the satisfaction of their clients. Sadly enough, unethical
companies that try to manipulate customers to buy their products by presenting deceiving
information are still a threat to consumers.

There is no doubt that advertising has both positive and negative effects on buyers. As far as the
advantages, adds keeps us informed and updated on what products are available on the market.
Since the technological progress made these days is so massive, there are innovative products
coming our way almost nonstop. However, this trend is only contributing to consumerism and
therefore to pollution. In addition, many people feel the constant pressure of not having enough
created by adds.

To conclude, advertising can be a great help or enemy to the way we shop. In the end, it all comes
down to the ability to sort information presented by adds in a wise and responsible way.

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