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The Gardens At The Betwitching Hour is an independent production by Jean

The Gardens
Verne and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or
Stockholm Kartell. It is published under

At The 3
Third Party

2 License. MÖRK

c h i n g

B e w i t
copyright Ockult
Games and

Stockholm Kartell.

a tragic excursion into nostalgia

by Jean Verne
Somewhere in Grift, an ancient
place of leisure, calm and peace.
PCs 4
will end
Now a rotten monument to the up captured. If they Inspired by the album
Spiritual Instinct
silent despair that inhabits the city. investigate, if they decide to by Alcest.
Recently, people have been disappearing a lot. leave the city, doesn’t matter.
More than usual. It’s quite worrying, even in Anyway, they are knocked
such times. So much that everyone in Grift unconscious and dragged to the
knows about it, and the players won’t hear gardens in the middle of the night.
the end of it. “The gardens, that’s where
they all go and ne’er come back!”
Roll a d6 to know where
they wake up:
1,2,3 - The Quagmire 4,5 - The Amphitheater
1. THE QUAGMIRE 6 - They awake on the way! But they’re lost in the Forest.
A small patch of land, used to be a pond but
is now a foul swamp. As long as the PCs stay 2. THE FORGOTTEN STAGE
on the land, they’re fine. But how long can A decayed decor set on a decrepit stage in an ancient
If you are trying to escape from
they stand the putrid smell? As soon as they
start going through the muddy water, Bog
amphitheatre. As the PCs come to their senses, they realise
they have been crudely dressed up and are surrounded
the gardens or you want to shake off
your assailants, you will have to cross
Devils will come out and try to drown them. by comedians wearing shabby costumes, acting out a
the forest. And you will inevitably get
When attacked, the Bog Devils will take it as play everyone has forgotten. At some point one of the 6. THE GATES
lost. The garden keepers are long gone
a playful reaction and will only try harder to performers will turn to the PCs, expecting them to say Quite unusual for gardens,
and the forest is where the vegetation has
pull you in the mud with them. their line. The play is the last thing the troupe still cares but the Gates are highly fortified, and
grown most impenetrable. The only way out
about, and they will not let anyone disrupt it. must be operated from a tower. And the
for the PCs is to get back on one of the paths
BOG DEVILS near the central square. Even then they won’t tower is locked. Who has access to it? The
HP 4 Morale 6 TORMENTED COMEDIANS Seedsman, who wanders the gardens like
be safe as all the other visitors of the gardens
Slippery skin -d2 Sticks and rocks d3 HP 10 Morale 9 a king in his realm. A powerful being, the
roam these paths.
SPECIAL Throws mud at your face (DR 12 Shabby costumes -d2 Props (are they?) d6 Seedsman is the keeper of the gardens,
to dodge). If it hits, several Devils will jump SPECIAL Once at 2HP, a Comedian falls to the ground, allowing its visitors to reside
on you and drag you under water (DR8 to pretending to be dead. On their next turn they will try to 5. THE DISGRACED BELIEVERS there as long as they do not
escape, +2 for each Devil dragging the PC). backstab the PCs (DR14 to evade). Former priests of the Two-Headed Basilisks have harm the plants.
gathered in this old temple. They were initially sent to
3. THE DECADENT COURT THE GOLIATH Grift to rekindle the inhabitants’ faith. Their failure was THE SEEDSMAN
A kick in the guts. Glaring and blinding lights. A goliath looks down HP 24 Morale - too shameful - and worthy of an execution - that they HP 18 Morale -
at you before ordering you to get up and go serve food to the guests. Splint armour -d6 decided to remain hidden in the gardens to try out Bark -d4 Colossal wooden
In this isolated part of the gardens, the aristocracy makes the best Zweihander d10 + Crossbow d8 more aggressive methods of repentance. mace d6 (DR16 to defend)
of each night, thinking each might be the last one. These decadent SPECIAL Gets enraged, DR+2 to all SPECIAL Can transform and
orgies mostly involve liqueurs and opiates, which in this day and checks involving the goliath until his DISGRACED PRIESTS regrow armour and weapons (on
age seem to liberate the aristocracy’s most violent instincts, invariably next turn. HP 10 Morale 10 the turn it happens, DR-2 to
ending in the killing of the staff. Yet they won’t try to stand against Tattered robes -d2 Flagged spear d6 (DR10 to attack) attack). Uses the plants around
warriors such as the PCs. SPECIAL d3 priests have a random Sacred Scroll to camouflage himself (DR+2 to
But the goliath will. Each encounter should involve d8 members per faction. They all which can only be used once. defend on next attack).
hate each other, so make sure you turn this into a battle royale.

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