Lesson Reparation: Name:Danica Pearl L.Hortelano Course/Yr./Section: BSHM-1A Program: Evening

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Name:Danica Pearl L.Hortelano Course/Yr.

/Section: BSHM-1A Program: Evening

Lesson Preparation

Teacher tips:Class Preliminaries.

The teacher will let the students watch a short documentary clip of Filipino Characteristics/values.

1.Site some situations that you have experienced or portrayed one of the Filipino Characteristics.

•Adaptability and Resilience-Even though I encounterd struggles in life,but I never give up.And despite
of those struggles in my life,I stay resilience and persistent,I get back of my feet,with or without the help
of other people.

•Faithfulness-whatever happens,I still have faith in God and I don't lose hope for a better future.

•Bayanihan(Unity in Spirit)-As part of nitizen in our barangay,everytime there is upcoming big events,I
cooperate the activities that the barangay officials made especially in cleaning the areas specifically the
roads with my neighbors.

•Triftiness-Everyday when there is a class,I always save my allowance for my future or emergency
used.And I am also conscious to the prices,discounts of products that I buy to get and save my money.

•Politeness-Since we are young,my parents teach us to give respect to our elders and bringing the back
of their hands of our parents,grandparents and the elder one's especially before and after leaving the

•Family-Oriented-Every sunday we always give time to have a bonding with my family even in a simple
way especially when we are eating our meals.

•Sense of Humor-Even thogh I have a problems in life,but I tend to smile,joking with my friends,have a
hope in life and being positive in order to forget those problems that I have.

•Gratefulness-Everytime I recieved a gift or reward or even a simple things that I have,I always say
thank you,give respect and gratitude to the person that gives me that thing or even a person that helps
me in times of my needs.

•Generousity and Helpfulness-Even in a simple way of helping other people,but unless I can help them
in complying thier needs,I will help them,because one of my happiness is when I help other people and
make them happy because of the good deeds that I give to them.

2.Does the Filipino characteristics we have help us to grow as a country?

•Yes our Filipino characteristics can greatly help us to grow our country.And by having those Filipino
characteristics,means that how proud and grateful we are as a Filipino citizen by having and applying
those kind of characteristics.And by having this Filipino characteristics,it can also give us a good and
beautiful impact to other country.And as a whole,it will all affect to our beloved country for having a
beautiful and admirable country all over the world.


A .Student will site at least 20 situations portraying Values/Characteristics.

1.Faith in the Almighty God-whatever happens,I stiil praise and have a faith in God.An I attend mass on
Sunday to praise and worship Him.

2.Respect other People-Everytime I met elder one's, especially my grandparents and my parents,I
always give respect to them like bringing back of their hands especially in the early evening and also
before and after linving the house.

3.Family-Oriented-Every Sunday or work holidays,we always give time to have a bonding with my family
even in a simple way, especially when we are eating our meals.

4.Love-Even if I have misunderstandings to other people sometimes,but I always prioritized the love that
I give to them and the love that we build together in order to maintain the good communication
between us and to understand each other.

5.Freedom-As a nitizen,I have a freedom to choose what is good and bad and what is right and
wrong.Such as freedom to make my own decisions in life.

6.Politeness-Since we are young,our parents teach us to give respect to our elders and bringing back of
their hands especially our grandparents and our parents.

7.Sense of Humor-Even though I have a problems in life,but I tend to to smile,joking with my

friends,have a hope in life and being positive in order to forget those problems that I have.

8.Triftiness-I always save 5 pesos of my allowance everyday amd keep it in order to use it in my
emergency needs.

9.Adaptability and Resilience-Event though I encounterd struggles in life,but I stiil keep fighting and
never give up.Nad despite of those struggles that I encounterd,I stay resilience and persistent,I get back
of my feet,with or without the help of other people.

10.Gratefulness-Evertime I recieved a gift or reward or even a simple things that I have,I always say
thank you,give respect and gratitude to the person that gives me that thing or even a person that helps
me in times of my needs.
11.Generousity and Helpfulness-Even in a simple way of helping other peopple,but unless I can help
them wholeheartedly I will help them,because one of my happiness is to help other people and make
them happy because of the good deeds that I give to them.

12.Unity-As a part of a nitizen in our barangay,everytime there is upcoming events,I cooperate the
activities that the barangay officials made especially in cleaning the areas specifically yhe roadsides with
my neighbors.

13.Hospitality-We Filipino's give a warm welcome to our visitor's, entertaining them well and providing
a food to eat.And if there's a time we give them a tour around our local destinations.

14.Strong work ethic-We Filipino's are very hard-working people to the point that we are willing to work
almost the whole day.And one of the examples of a hard-working persons are the farmers for they earn
so little but still they work very hard for not much compensation.

15.Resourcefulness and Creativity-We are creative in many ways,we Filipino's can come up a brilliant
idea despite of poverty or lack of financial resources but we are also good in recycling trash and turns
them into ingenious products.

16.Deligent and Patient-majority of our livelihood here in the Philippines is based on agriculture,and it
takes a lot of back-breaking works to plant the fields,Then it takes patience to care,water and harvest it.

17.Bravery-we Filipino's are also known to be a fearless people especially in defending our
homelands.And we also have the most fearless heroes namely;Lapu-lapu,Andres Bonifacio amd Jose
Rizal.They are our soldiers that probably the braviest in the world who fight for tha sake of our country.

18.Discretion and Dignity-I always think twice before making a decision whether it can give me a
positive impact or not.

19.Honesty and Commitment-When I am making a promise to myself or to other people,I will try my
best to fulfill that promise.Because for me, fulfilling my promises to others is my greatest self fulfillment.

20.Equality-Everyone desrves to be equal in order to avoid confusions.

A.Create a short poem for each of good citizenship clusters reflecting the values that fall thereto.


Faith in the Almighty God

We Filipinos are very faithful and hopeful,

Because we believe if we pray we become successful.

In every trials that we encountered,

God will never get tired for us to be covered.

I believed in God the Father Almighty,

Because He promised and act His own duty.

Thank you Lord for waking me,guiding me and protecting me everyday.

I love you Today, Tomorrow and every single day.

2.Pagka Makabayan


We Filipino's are very united,

In terms on doing activities everyone must cooperated.

No matter what happen,we should help each other,

To make the work easier and faster.

The word success and happiness is really there,

Especially when we are helping each other.

3.Pagka Makatao

Love is there,

And love can be found everywhere.

Loving your neighbor is very admirable,

And that is a good practice of our Filipino culture.

We Filipino's are very lovable,

In terms of dealing with visitors and guest we are very responsible.

That is why many other people love's to visit our country,

Because of the good values of the Filipino's that they have see.

4.Pagka Makakalikasan

Concern of the Government

Government who leads

Give rules on how individual should behave.

Hence,people will follow and apply what it says

And together impact greatly not only ourselves but also

to the environment we live.

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