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Reading File 5

Part 4
1. Because for him to get down to work with family and television putting him off.
2. He noticed straight aways he got more done. On the days he was working from home he would
get up at the same time as when he was going to work, but instead of spending time on the train
he was getting onto the system and getting things done.
3. Because the company moved to smaller premises to save money and that means that she have to
take it in turns to come into the office. She come in on Wednesdays and Thursdays and have to
share a desk with two other people, which means she can never find anything and there are
always dirty cups on her desk.
4. Her husband thinks because she isn’t at home all day she can do the housework and the
cooking, her husband doesn’t seem to understand she is still working even she is not going to
work. And her boss phones her at all hours whether it’s 7.00 a.m. or 9.00 p.m. her boss still
expects her to turn on the laptop and deal with a problem.

Part 5
1. Get up
5. Growing up
7. Getting things done
8. Turn on
10. Get down to
11. Look forward to
12. Catch up with
13. Switch off

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