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Tumbang preso

As a child, one of my favorite games was “Tumbang Preso”. Tumbang Preso is a popular
Philippine game. This is a very active game requiring a lot of stamina, speed, and
agility due to the intense running, dodging, and blocking. It is a game with complex
rules that are easy to remember once played. Tumbang Preso is a game that has been
around for a long time and is still played today. The game is played by kids and
teenagers all over the Philippines. Tumbang Preso is a popular outdoor game that can be
played in schoolyards, parks, streets, or even parking garages. The game can be intense
because it is usually played outside in hot weather where players struggle to run around
the playground. Even in the heat, some Filipinos enjoy playing this game. The goal of
this game is to avoid being tagged by the “it”. A few things must be done before the
game can begin. First, a playground. This game is best played with at least three
people, but it is always more fun with more people. It is best to play this game in a
large open area with a flat and level surface so that the players have plenty of room to
run around. This game is best played on a basketball court, parking garage, or street.
The next step is to choose the tagger or “it”. The first tagger can be chosen by a
player or by all players. Everyone else goes offensive once a tagger is chosen. The
“base” is required for the game after the tagger is chosen. The tagger's main goal is to
defend his/her base, so the base is crucial. A base is usually in the playground's
center. A base is a large circle that can fit a person. The tagger must defend an object
inside the circle. This object can be anything that is easily knocked over. A good
example is “Can”. The offensive player's main goal is to knock down the object inside
the base, while the tagger tries to defend it. The offensive players use these “weapons”
to knock over the object inside the base. The weapons used in the game are non-injurious
but heavy enough to knock the base over. The players usually use “tsinelas” (rubber
slippers or rubber flip-flops) as weapons. Because it won't hurt anyone and can easily
knock down a piece of Can. Also, it reduces their weapons to two. The offense can also
knock the base over if the player can kick the can without being tagged. The defender's
main goal is to tag an offensive player. Make sure the object inside the base isn't
knocked over, because the tagger can only make tags if the object is upright. So long as
the object is upright inside the base, the tagger may chase after the offensive players.
If the object falls, the tagger must quickly pick it up and place it back in the circle
to continue tagging. The tagger can also collect all weapons by blocking the offensive
players' weapons and placing them inside the circle. Then the “it” can easily tag the
offensive player. Once tagged, the “it” becomes an offensive player, and the tagged
player becomes the new tagger. Next, a new tagger can enter the fray. In short, some
think Tumbang Preso is unfair because the tagger plays alone while everyone else teams
up against the “it”. Even though the tagger has some drawbacks, it is what makes the
game meaningful and fun. It's also not a big deal because the tagger can easily tag the
offending players. Even though the tagger is up against many opponents, the tagger can
devise strategies to make a tag. One strategy is to keep blocking the offensive's
weapons. Once the weapons are collected, the tagger can run freely without fear of the
base being destroyed. Another strategy is to tag the group's slowest member. There are
many ways to help the defender in the game, but the main concern for this game is that
it teaches kids sportsmanship and keeps them active while having fun. The game's rules
and description are based on my childhood memories.

Patintero , Piko & Bahay - bahayan

Playing the game "Patintero" has been a memorable experience for me. As I
recall from my elementary school days, I used to enjoy playing this game with
my friends and classmates after school or just before we went home. Even my
mother is irritated with me because I always arrive late at home. But I really
enjoyed that game, so I went against my mother's wishes and took advantage of
the limited time she gave me, even though I knew it was wrong. I'm not sure
what it is about that game that has me so intrigued, even though I am well
aware that I am not a better player than my classmates or fellow players.
Perhaps I was drawn to these types of games because of the laughter, shouting,
running, and exhilarating feelings they elicited in me. Those were the days,
those were the enjoyable moments in my life that I miss. It is those
experiences in my life that have become a part of my stage in life, and which
I will never forget.

When I was in kindergarten and elementary school, I used to enjoy playing this
game. Patintero is a great game to play when you have a large group of
classmates or friends to play with, but this game can also be played with a
small group or even just yourself, and it is no less enjoyable for it. I also
learned to be competitive in this game (lol), because if you're eliminated,
you'll have to sit around and wait for the others to finish, which will be
tedious and time-consuming. The majority of the time, we play in the afternoon
until it gets dark. When you get home, your mother will scold you because
you're dripping wet, and she'll wash you up. After that, you'll have to eat
your dinner while watching tv patrol. I wish I could go back in time to those
stress-free days of my life.

Bahay - bahayan

I really enjoy this game because it reminds me of how much I adored my mother
when I was a child and still do. When we play bahay bahayan, I always want to
be the mother and take care of my playmates in the same way that my mother did
for me when I was younger. My boy cousins will be in charge of making the
bahay bahayan, while my girl cousins will be in charge of purchasing the
ingredients (which will consist solely of leaves) for the food that I will be
preparing. We also used to share fruits such as santol, guava, and any other
fruit that was readily available. I remembered when we have to go home because
our parents will call for us to eat our meal, so we must eat quickly so that
we can return to the bahay bahayan to play again as soon as we finish our

Langit - lupa , Luksong baka & Taguan

Langit - lupa
A popular traditional Filipino game, Langit Lupa gets its name from two
combined Filipino words (Tagalog), Langit meaning 'Heaven' and Lupa meaning
"Earth" or simply "ground level." Langit Lupa is one of the most popular
traditional Filipino games. Where it can be played by 3 or more people.
Because we must expend a significant amount of energy while running and
chasing each other across the ground field, this game will undoubtedly burn a
significant amount of fat from our bodies. The Langit Lupa is one of the best
ways for the early childhood generation in the Philippines to spend their
leisure time, as it provides us with numerous valuable and beneficial
benefits, such as keeping our bodies in good shape, engaging with our
childhood friends, practicing our critical, strategical, and analytical
thinking skills, practicing sportsmanship, boosting one's self-confidence
through socializing and interacting with the masses of people, and earning a
lifelong friend.

Luksong baka

Filipino children certainly enjoy galloping around and jumping around. As a

result, we have games like Luksong Baka ("jump over a cow") and others. As
other players jump over in Luksong Baka, the "cow" will crouch down to avoid
being hit. As the level rises, the height gradually increases.Luksong-baka is
a game that I used to enjoy when I was a kid. This game has me running as fast
and jumping as high as I can; I even got a scar from falling so hard during
the gameplay.


Hide and seek is a simple game, but it is made unique in the Philippines by
the chant used to locate those who are hiding, which begins with the words
"Tagu-taguan maliwanag ang buwan." This chant is used to locate those who are
hiding before they are discovered by the seeker. Taguan is one of my favorite
games because I look for places where no one can see me and by the time "taya"
notices me, I run as fast as I can so that I can tap on his location first
before he does.

Awanabi atutubi , Jackstone & Paper dolls

Awanabi Atutubi

When I was in elementary school, and even into high school, I would regularly
engage in this game with my peers. On the surface, you have to perform
lumpiang makulob first, and then the loser (while facing the back) will be the
one to guess which person is holding the stone, and whether it is on her right
or left hand. You must sing the awanabi atutubi chant, and when the song comes
to an end, it will be the loser's responsibility to guess where the stone is
hidden. This is one of my favorite game because this game is not exhausting
and requires only the use of observation skills, and I am always fortunate
when playing this game.


In the Philippines, jackstones is a traditional game that is very popular. It

is a game that anyone can enjoy playing with their friends. Having big and
fast hands is a huge advantage in this game, so I'm not very good at it this
game. It also becomes more difficult with each level, due to the increasing
number of jackstones you must collect with one hand and the increasing
complexity of the tricks. The game is competitive in that the person or team
who scores the greatest number of points wins. It is referred to as "jacks" in
some circles. Give Jackstones a try; it's a lot of fun.

Paper dolls

If you enjoy dressing up games in your adult life, such as those found in the
sims series, it is most likely due to the Paper Dolls we used to play when we
were children. Apparently, only females participate in this game, and I am the
first in line. Simply put, I used to enjoy dressing up dolls as a child, and
these paper dolls are the only thing I can afford with the money my mother is
willing to provide. They were so cheap and easily affordable that we were able
to purchase them from stores along the roadside. There were a plethora of
choices as well!

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