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Department of Computer Science

1501263 Intro. to Database Management Systems

Fall 2021-2022

iTBL 2-B
(1) Database state:
a. What is an empty state of a database?

Empty state happen when there is no content,it is the state before loading any data to show
either to clients or users.For example they can include a list without list items or a search that
returns no result.

b. What is an initial state of a database?

It is the database state when the data is initially loaded into the system.

c. What is an current state of a database

content at any particular time that could be valid or not valid and it changes everytime
tha database is uploaded.
(1) Choose a database application (other than the university DB) with which you are familiar. Design
a schema and describe it using schema diagram. Indicate any constraints on your DB.

Hospital DB

doctor_name doctor_id doctor_salary doctor_department doctor_speciality

Patient_name patient_gender patient_age Department name Department location

Department_name numberOfRooms numberOfPatients Department_location
Nurse_name nurse_id nurse_salary nurse_work_section

FK ( foreign key) is also DrId and DepNumber and DepLocation since we referenced
them in the other tables

PK (primary key) DrID and DepNumber

indicating that they have to be unique and not NULL
Department of Computer Science
1501263 Intro. to Database Management Systems
Fall 2021-2022

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