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Department of Computer Science

1501263 Intro. to Database Management Systems

Fall 2021-2022

iTBL 1-B

(1) Which approach (DB, File, or Spreadsheet approach) is more appropriate in the
following senarios, and Why?

 A company wants to develop a system that supports printing interesting

summaries of their data such as standard deviation, logistic regression,
classification, and other statical operations.
Spreadsheet approach since it is specifially designed for statistics weather complex
statistics.A database approach can do simple statistical analysis and it is costly so it is un

 A company wants to develop a system that supports two operations: adding and
deleting customers’ requests.

File approach because I don’t want to modify any data, I will just input the requests then
delete them,That does not need any code modification.

(1) Discuss whether the data used in each of the following approaches is self-describing
or not:
a. Speadsheet (Excel) approach:

It is self describing,because it is for organization analysis,and store, spreadsheet users

can adjust any stored value, which makes the spreadsheet useful for displaying the data
either as numbers or text.

b. Database approach:

It is self describing, because it contains the description of the whole data

structure(meta-data) , constrains and variables .
Department of Computer Science
1501263 Intro. to Database Management Systems
Fall 2021-2022

(2) Give one example of each of the following types of end users: sophisticated, naïve,
and worker behind the scene.

Sophisticated: Engineers
Naïve: bank tellers
worker behind the scene: DBMS systems designers and implementers.

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