Getting Started: What & Why?

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Getting Started

What & Why?

Git & GitHub – What…

Hosting & Collaboration

Version Control System

Manage Source Code & Track

Git Repository Hosting
Changes in Code History

Mainly for Developers but not Limited to Those

… and Why?

First Draft Second Draft First Draft Second Draft

Third Draft Third Draft

Draft 4 Draft 4

Draft 20 Draft 20
Another draft Another draft

Final Final

Final Final Final Final Final Final

Copying Files Single File Only Version Management

Course Content

Git Git &
Mac Terminal & Windows
The Basics GitHub
Command Prompt

Deep Dive
Optional: Command Line Basics

Text Based Computer Interaction

Module Content

Text Based Computer Interaction – What & Why?

Mac User: Z-Shell Basics

Windows User: Command Prompt Basics

Text Based Computer Interaction – What & Why

Graphical User Interface

Command Prompt
Start Servers

Download + Install Tools

Run Code

Execute Files
User Friendly Time Saving

Working with Git

Easy to Explore More Possibilities
Mac Terminology

Terminal Shell

Text Input Environment Text Input Interface

(“Hardware“) (“Software“)

Bash zsh (Z-Shell)

Windows Terminology

Command Prompt (cmd) PowerShell Git Bash

Initial Windows Shell New Shell (Windows 7 Bash Emulation for

Release) Windows
Command Line Tools

Command Prompt Terminal

(cmd) (z-Shell)
Mac: Terminal (z-Shell) – Useful Commands

pwd cd /Users rm
(print working directory) (users directory) (delete file)

ls cd or cd ~ rmdir
(list items) (home directory) (delete empty folder)

cd (..) touch cp
(change directory) (create/ ”touch” file) (copy file/folder)

cd / mkdir mv
(root directory) (create directory) (move file/folder)
Windows: Command Prompt – Useful Commands

cd echo text > name(.type) copy file

(print current path) (create file) (copy file)

dir mkdir foldername move file folder

(list items) (create directory) (move file or folder)

cls del file

(clear command prompt) (delete file)

cd (..) rmdir folder

(change directory) (delete folder)
Version Management with Git

The Basics
Module Content

Theory – How Git Works

Installation & Development Environment

Repositories, Branches & Commits

How Does Git Work – Simplified!
“master“ branch

Working Directory

“Snapshot 1“ index.html styles.css images

Web Shop

“Snapshot 2“ styles.css

index.html styles.css images

“Snapshot 3“ script.js
Git under the Hood

Working Directory .git (hidden) Repository

Staging Area Commits

(Index File) (Objects Folder)
index.html styles.css images

add commit
styles.css styles.css styles.css

Git = Tracking changes - Not storing files again and again!

Branches & Commits

Working Directory/Tree Working Directory/Tree

Master Branch Landing-Page Branch

Commit 1 Commit 2 Commit 3 Commit 1 Commit 2 Commit 3 Commit 4

What is the “HEAD“?

master c.1 c.2 c.3


other c.1 c.2 c.3 c.4

The “detached HEAD“

master c.1 c.2 c.3

Detached HEAD

other c.1 c.2 c.3 c.4

“HEAD“ vs “detached HEAD“

HEAD Indirectly points to commit

git checkout branchname

Points to branch which points to commit

Detached HEAD Directly points to commit

git checkout commitid

Points to commit with specified ID

Commit is not related to specific branch

Deleting Data

Working Directory Files

(already part of previous commit)

Unstaged Changes

Staged Changes

Latest Commit(s)

Basic Commands Summary: General

git --version Check installed Git version

git init Create empty Git repository

Check working directory &

git status
staging area status

Display all commits of

git log
current branch

git ls-files List data in staging area

Basic Commands Summary: Commit Creation & Access

git add filename Add single file or all WD

git add . files to staging area

git commit –m “message“ Create new commit

Checkout commit (detached

git checkout commitid
Basic Commands Summary: Branch Creation & Access

Git 2.23+

git branch branchname git switch branchname Create new branch

git checkout branchname Go to branch

git checkout –b git switch –c Create and access new

branchname branchname branch

Bring other branch‘s

git merge otherbranch
changes to current branch
Basic Commands Summary: Deleting Data
git rm filename Run command after file was
WD File*
git add filename deleted from working directory

git checkout (--) .

Revert changes in tracked files
Unstaged 2.23 git restore filename or .
git clean -df Delete untracked files

git reset filename &

Staged Remove file(s) from
git checkout –– filename
Changes staging area
2.23 git restore ––staged filename or .

git reset HEAD~1

git reset ––soft HEAD~1 Undo latest ( ~1) commit
git reset ––hard HEAD~1

Branches git branch –D branchname Delete branch

* Already part of previous commit

Diving Deeper Into Git

Beyond The Basics

Module Content

Diving Deeper into Commits

Managing & Combining Different Branches

Resolving Conflicts
Combining Master & Feature Branches

Master = Main project branch

Feature = Separate branch “based“ on

master branch

? ?

Combining master & feature branch
Merge Types


Non Fast-Forward

Recursive Octopus

Ours Subtree
Master & Feature – Merge (“fast-forward“)

No additional commit in
master m.1 m.2 ?
(after feature branch
was created)

Merge moves HEAD

forward but does not
create new commit!
feature m.1 m.2 f.1 f.2
Master & Feature – Merge (“recursive“)

Additional commits in
master m.1 m.2 m.3 ?
both master & feature
branch after feature
branch was created

Additional (merge)
commit is created in
master branch
feature m.1 m.2 f.1 f.2
Master & Feature – Rebase

master m.1 m.2 m.3 f.1 f.2

feature m.1 m.2 f.1 f.2

Rebase – What happened?

“m.3“ becomes new base commit

for commits created in feature

rebase master to feature branch

master m.1 m.2 m.3 f.1 f.2

merge rebased feature into master

feature m.1 m.2 m.3

f.1 f.1
f.2 f.2

“rebase“does not move commits,

it creates new commits
Never rebase commits outside
your repository!
Rebase – When to Apply?

New commits in master branch while working in feature branch

Feature relies on additional commits in Feature is finished – Implementation into

master branch master without merge commit

Rebase master into feature +

Rebase master into feature branch
(fast-forward) merge feature into master

Remember: Rebasing re-writes code history!

Merge vs Rebase vs Cherry-Pick

Rebase Cherry-Pick
(non fast-forward)

Change single commit‘s Add specific commit to

Create merge commit
parent branch (HEAD)

Copies commit with

New commit New commit ID(s)
new ID
Deep Dive Summary

git stash Temporary storage for unstaged and uncommitted changes

git reflog A log of all project changes made including deleted commits

Combining commits from different branches by creating a new merge

git merge
commit (recursive) or by moving the HEAD (fast-forward)

git rebase Change the base (i.e. the parent commit) of commits in another branch

Copy commit including the changes made only in this commit as HEAD to
git cherry-pick
other branch
Understanding GitHub

Leaving the Local Repository

Module Content

What is GitHub?

Connecting Git & GitHub

Understanding the GitHub Basics

Git & GitHub

Hosting & Collaboration

Version Control System

Manage Source Code & Track

Git Repository Hosting
Changes in Code History
Connecting Git & Github – Create New Repository

git push

Local Repository git remote add origin URL Remote Repository

git pull

“Name of the remote machine“ or alias of the URL of the

remote repository
Connecting Git & Github – Access Existing Repository

git push

Local Repository git clone Remote Repository

git pull

Clone repository into directory

More Branches?

git push origin master git pull origin master

Local Branch master master

git merge

Remote Tracking Branch remotes/origin/master remotes/origin/master

git fetch

Remote Branch
master master
(“origin“ repository)

Remote repository‘s name (“origin“) and branch name must always be added
Branch Types - Overview

Branch on your machine only

Local Branch
(as seen in the course)

Branch in remote location

Remote Branch
(e.g. in GitHub)

Tracking Branch

Local copy of remote branch

Remote Tracking Branch git fetch
(not to be edited)

Local reference to remote git push

Local Tracking Branch
tracking branch (to be edited) git pull
Local & Remote Tracking Branches

Remote Branch git remote Show remote servers

git fetch

git branch -a List all branches

Remote Tracking Branch
git branch –r Show remote tracking branches
Local cache of remote branch‘s content
git remote show origin Show detailed configuration

git merge git push

List local tracking branches and

Local Tracking Branch git branch –vv
their remotes

Remote repository‘s name (“origin“) and branch

git branch –-track branchname
Create local tracking branch
name can be omitted origin/branchname
GitHub – Summary

Repository Local Remote git remote add origin URL

git branch --track branchname

Branches Local-Tracking Remote origin/branchname

git pull/push origin branch

Working Directory Stash Tags

Staging Area Reflog Origin & Remote

Repository Merge Clone


Tracking &
Commits & Branches Rebase

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