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01003454170 – 01096578440 – 01116752775

 It involves the technological platform ‫ بيئة العمل‬/ ‫ األس اس‬that supports all the information
 It refers to the set of physical devices and software required to operate the enterprise.
 It includes the following 7 components :
a) Computer Hardware.

b) Computer Software (Operating Systems).

c) Data Management & Storage Services, which organizes, manages and processes
business data.

d) Networking and Telecommunications technology, which includes:

 Networks (Internet Platform, extranets, intranets, and World Wide Web (WWW)).
Technological Infrastructure

 Telecommunication technology (voice and video communications).

e) Consulting System Integration Service, which includes all the IT – related support,
maintenance and consultation services.

f) System Integration services.

g) Enterprise Software Applications (such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, BEA, People Soft.)

N.B.: Ideally, this infrastructure should support the firm ’s business and information systems

Internet platforms
Mr. Ahmed Galal – MIS – 2nd Grade – BMT – Part (2) – November 2021 1
Categories / Types of Computer Systems:
 Computers come in different sizes with varying processing capabilities ‫قدرات تشغيلية مختلفة‬.

 The performance / speed measurement ‫ سرعة الجهاز‬/ ‫ قياس أداء‬is divided into 2 main types:
1) FLOPS, which refers to the Floating Point Operations per Second [Scientific + Arithmetic / Calculations Speed]
‫وحدة لقياس سرعة العمليات الحسابية و العلمية‬.
2) MIPS, which refers to the Million Instructions per Second. [Processing Speed] ‫وحدة قياس سرعة جهاز الكمبيوتر‬.

 Digital Computers are classified according to size into the following:

1)Super-Computer Systems ‫أنظمة كمبيوتر فائقة‬:
 It is the largest, fastest, and most powerful computer.
 It is a more sophisticated computer used for tasks requiring extremely / very (1)rapid (2)massive
and (3)complex calculations (thousands of variables and millions of measurements).
 It is used in scientific simulations, engineering, military / weapons research, weather forecasting,
and several business applications.
.‫أكبر و أسرع و أقوى أجهزة الكمبوتر و الذي يستخدم في العمليات التي تتضمن حسابات سريعة و كثيرة و معقدة مثل بعض التجارب العلمية و العمليات الهندسية و األبحاث العسكرية و التنبأ بالحالة الجوية‬

2)Mainframes ‫ كبيرة‬/ ‫أنظمة كمبيوتر رئيسية‬:

 It is a large, fast, and powerful computer with a large primary-storage capacity and high
transaction-processing that can process large amounts of complex computations very rapidly.

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It is used by airlines services for thousands of reservations per second.
IBM introduced the mainframes in 1958.

3)Mid-Range (Mini) Computers (Servers) ‫أنطمة متوسطة الحجم‬:

 It supports computer networking and sharing files and resources to handle large-scale
processing of business applications {intranets, extranets and other enterprise-wide applications [such as the enterprise
systems [Enterprise-Resources Planning (ERP)]}.
 It provides the hardware platform that facilitates e-commerce.
.‫ و التجارة اإلليكترونية‬ERP ‫ تستخدم لتسهيل تبادل المعلومات و عمل الشبكات و ما يتبعها من أعمال تجارية مثل نظام الـ‬... ‫أجهزة كمبوتر متوسطة الحجم و القدرة‬

 It involves the following computer types:
 It is a desktop microcomputer with more powerful mathematical and
graphical processing capabilities than a PC.
 It used for specialized tasks ‫كمبيوتر خاص ذو إمكانيات عالية و يستخدم في مجاالت متخصصة‬
 It is a desktop microcomputer to meet individual needs.
 It is relatively inexpensive.
Personal Computers
 The Personal Computer era started in 1981 to present.
 IBM introduced the first PC in 1981, and then it proliferatied in the 80s
and 90s, which resulted in the growth of personal software .
 It is a portable compact computer ‫ كمبيوترـ متحركـ و مضغوطـ‬that meets
Laptop / Notebook
individual needs.
 It is referred to as the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or Information
Appliances ‫ جهاز المعلومات اإلليكتروني‬/ ‫المساعد الشخصي‬.
 It involves the computers that fit into a pocket ‫ الجيب‬and runs on
 It involves Smart-Phones, Net-Books, and E-book Readers.

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Client / Server Computing:
 It is a form of Distributed Computing where it splits ‫ تقسم‬processing between 2
‫ مجزئة‬/ ‫عمليات مقسمة‬

machines “Client ‫ ”العميل‬and “Server ‫”الخادم‬, where each machine is assigned functions that it is best
suited to perform ‫كل جهاز يكلف باألعمال التي تناسبه‬.
 The client/server era started in 1983 till present.

 The client is the user's point of entry for the required function (desktop computer, workstation, or laptop
The user generally interacts / interface directly only with the clients. ‫نقطة دخول المستخدم إلى الشبكة‬
 The server stores and processes shared data and perform network management activities.
‫الشبكة التي يقوم المستخدم بالدخول إليها‬

 It involves 2 models:
1) Two-Tiered Client / Server Architecture , which is the simplest form of
networks, where the processing is split ‫ مقسم‬between the 2 types of machines (Client and Server). This as
illustrated in the following figure:

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2) Multi-Tiered Client / Server Architecture (N-Tier) , which is the
complex form, where the work / load of the entire network is balanced over several different levels of
servers. It is illustrated in the following figure:

Smaller and Less-Expense Servers  Nearby the User

N.B.: The Internet is the largest implementation of the client / server computing.

Contemporary Hardware Trends

1) Grid Computers ‫األجهزة الشبكية‬:

 It is a type of distributed / parallel computing ‫ متوازية‬/ ‫ مجزئة‬/ ‫عمليات مقسمة‬ , where it involves connecting
geographically remote computers into a single network to create a “virtual supercomputer” by
combining the computational power of all computers.
 Servers or personal computers (1)run independent tasks and are (2)loosely linked by the internet
or low-speed networks.
 It provides cost savings, speed, and agility.
N.B.: It uses the unused processing power in all the connected computers.
‫ حيث يستغل الطاقة الغير مستغلة في كل األجهزة المتصلة ببعض‬،‫ واحد‬Supercomputer ‫يعتبر نظام كمبيوتر موازي و موزع حيث يقوم بربط عدة أجهزة كمبيوتر متفرقة للعمل و كأنها‬
.‫ في عمل بعض األعمال الغير مترابطة‬processing ‫لزيادة سرعة الـ‬

2) Mobile Digital Platform:

 It is based on the new hand-held hardware like the cell-phones, smart phones (IPhone,, Android,
Blackberry) net-books and tablet computers, which allows using wireless communications through
the 3G / 4G cell networks or through the Wi-Fi.

Managing It involves balancing the gains in productivity from using the mobile devices with
Mobile Platforms the expenses of equipping employees with these devices.
It refers to the small light—weight notebooks optimized for the wireless
communication and core tasks.

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3) Nano-Technology (10-9):
 It involves creating computer chips ‫ شرائح‬and other devices thousands of times smaller through
individual atoms ‫ ذرات‬and molecules ‫جزئيات‬.

Nanotubes are tiny tubes about 10,000 times thinner than a human hair. They consist of rolled up
sheets of carbon hexagons and have the potential uses as minuscule wires or in ultrasmall
electronic devices and are very powerful conductors of electrical current.
N.B.: Nano-tubes, which are about 10,000 times thinner than a human hair, are very powerful conductors of electrical
current, which consists of rolled up sheets of carbon hexagons to be used in ultra-small devices.
‫ و تستخدم في األجهزة متناهية‬، ‫ و تتكون من صفائح ملفوفة من الكربون سداسي األضالع‬،‫ و هي موصالت قوية جدا للتيار الكهربائي‬،‫أنابيب أصغر بكثير من قطر شعرة اإلنسان‬

4) Cloud Computing ‫حوسبة سحابية‬:

 It is an on-demand computing services model obtained over network, where firms and individuals
access and obtain computing resources (infrastructure / devices, platform, power, storage, software) over the internet
without being restricted by physical configuration or geographic location.
 It involves computing power and software applications supplied over the Internet or other
network, which allows companies to minimize the IT investments. However it involves several
concerns about security and reliability (Drawback).
 The cloud and mobile computing era started in 2000 till present, and it is the fastest growing form
of computing.
N.B.: Cloud can be public or private
N.B.: In cloud computing, hardware and software capabilities are a pool of virtualized resources
provided over a network, where businesses and employees have access to applications and IT
infrastructure anywhere, at any time, and on any device.

 It includes applications such as:

a)Cloud Infrastructure ‫ األجهزة‬/ ‫ البنية التحتية‬as a service (iaas).
b)Cloud software ‫ البرامج‬as a service (saas).
c)Cloud platform )‫ برامج‬+ ‫ بيئة العمل (أجهزة‬as a service (paas).

5) Green computing
 It refers to the practices and technologies for manufacturing, using disposing of computing and
networking hardware.

6) Edge Computing Platform:

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 It is a method of optimizing cloud computing systems by performing data processing at the edge
of the network, near the source of the data to balance the processing load across the client and
edge computing platform.
 It pushes applications, data and computing power away from the centralized points to the logical
extremes of the network.
Server ‫ على حافة الشبكة بالقرب من مصدر البيانات و ليس مستخدمها لموازنة التحميل عند مصــدر المعلومة أو الــ‬Processing ‫وسيلة لتحسين نظم الحوسبة السحابية من خالل عمل الـ‬
.Client ‫الرئيسي و ليس عند مستخدمها أو الـ‬

7) Mashups ‫المزيج‬:
 It is a web page / application that uses the contents from more than one source / site to create a
single new service / new site displayed in a single graphical user interface (GUI).
‫موقع إليكتروني يقوم بتجميع عدة مواقع أخرى صغيرة في واجهة إليكترونية واحدة‬
 It refers to the combinations of two or more online applications, such as combining mapping
software (Google Maps) with local content

8) Apps.
 It refers to the small pieces of software that run on the Internet, on your computer, or on your cell
phone iPhone, Android, which are generally delivered over the Internet.

9) Widgets ‫القطع الصغيرة‬:

 It is a small application with limited functionality that can be installed and executed within a web
page by an end user (Such as Apple Dashboard – Yahoo Weather).
‫برنامج محدود ذو وظائف محددة يمكنـ تشغيله أو تحميله مباشرة من اإلنترنت‬

10) Virtualization ‫خلق عالم إفتراضي‬:

 It refers to the act of creating a virtual (not actual) version of something, including virtual
computer hardware platform, operating system (OS), storage devices, or computer network

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 Server Virtualization involves running more than one operating system (OS) at the same time on
a single machine. ‫تشغيل أكثر من نظام تشغيل في نفس الوقت على نفس الجهاز‬

 It allows single physical resource to act as multiple resources (i.e., run multiple instances of OS),
which (1)reduces hardware and power expenditures and (2)facilitates hardware centralization.

11) Multicore Processors (CPU):

 It is a single computer component with 2 or more independent actual processors / central
processing units (CPUs) (Cores).
 It allows (1)enhanced performance, (2)reduced power consumption, and (3)more efficient
processing of multiple tasks.

12) Autonomic Computing ‫الحوسبة المستقلة‬:

 It involves the development of systems that can (1)configure, (2)diagnose problems, (3)heal
themselves when broken and (4)protect themselves from outside intruders (self-updating antivirus software).
 It is similar to self-updating antivirus software.
N.B.: Apple and Microsoft both use automatic updates.

13) Web Services:

 It refers to the set / collection of web services and software components that allow electronic
devices to communicate / exchange information with each other using the web communication
standards and languages.

14) Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA):

 It refers to the set of self-contained services that communicate with each other to create a
working software application
 Software developers reuse these services in other combinations to assemble other applications
as needed
 Example: an “invoice service” to serve whole firm for calculating and sending printed invoices
 Example: (Dollar Rent A Car), which uses Web services to link online booking system with
Southwest Airlines’ Web site.
Dollar Rent A Car uses Web services to provide a standard intermediate layer of software to
“talk” to other companies’ information systems. Dollar Rent A Car can use this set of Web
services to link to other companies’ information systems without having to build a separate link
to each firm’s systems.

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Computer Hardware

1) Input Technologies / Devices:

 Input devices (1)gather data and (2)convert / translate data and instructions into electronic / digital

 It includes the following types:

1) Keyboard.

2) Pointing Devices, such as: Mouse, Trackball and Touch Screen.

3) Optical Devices, such as:

a) Scanners.
b) Magnetic Card Readers.
c) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) (Banking Industry).

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d) Optical Character Recognition (OCR) (Bar-Code readers).
e) Optical-Mark Recognition (OMR).
f) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Readers.

4) Image Capturing Devices (Digital Cameras).

5) Audio-Input Devices (Voice-Recognition Systems) (Microphones).

6) Pen-Based Inputs (Stylus – Tablets).

7) Sensors ‫أجهزة إستشعار‬.

2) Output Devices:
 They convert electronic data produced by the computer system and display them in a form that
people can understand.

 It includes the following types:

1) Monitors (Display Screens), which produces output as a soft copy.

2) Printers, which produces output as a hard copy.

3) Audio and Video Devices, which produces output as a soft copy.

3) Storage Technologies:
 Computers store data and information in either Primary Storage or Secondary Storage.
.‫ وهو تخزين دائم و آمن‬،‫ أو تخزين ثانوي‬،)‫ وهو تخزين مؤقت (عرضة للمخاطر خاصة عند إنقطاع التيار الكهربائي‬،‫تخزين المعلومات إما عن طريق التخزين األولي‬

1) Primary Storage (Volatile Memory), which is a temporary storage that uses micro-electronic
memory chips. It involves Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read-Only Memory (ROM). ‫التخزين‬
‫األولي هو تخزين مؤقت متطاير حيث أنه عرضة للمخاطر خاصة عند إنقطاع التيار الكهربائي و يتضمن استخدام رقائق الذاكرة اإللكترونية الدقيقة‬

2) Secondary Storage Technologies, which is a permanent storage that involves the use of:
1) Magnetic Tape, which is a lower-cost sequential storage for archival ‫ األرشيف‬and backup storage.

2) Magnetic Disk, which involves both Hard-Disks and Floppy Disks.

3) Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID), which is a data virtualization technology that
combines / packages multiple / massive physical disk drives into a single logical unit for the purpose
of data redundancy and performance improvement.

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.‫ مما يساعد على تحسين األداء و تكرار البيانات‬،‫ مع بعضهمـ ليعملوا كأنهم جهاز إفتراضي واحد‬Hard-Disk ‫توصيل أكثر من‬

4) Storage Networking, which includes Storage Area Network (SANs), which connects multiple
storage devices on a separate high-speed network dedicated to storage. It supports storage in
different storage. ‫ مع أكثر من وسيلة تخزين أخرى لزيادة السعة التخزينية و خاصة للشركات التي لديها شبكات سريعة‬RAID ‫توصيل أكثر من‬

5) USB Flash Drives (Jump Drive), which uses a small chip containing thousands of transistors.

6) Optical Disks, which involves:

a) Compact Disks (CDs), whether CD-ROM (Read Only Memory), CR-R (Recordable - One Time Writable), or CD-
RW (Rewritable - Read-Write). [The storage capacity ranges from 600 – 700 Megabytes]
b) Digital Video Display (Digital Versatile Disk) (DVDs) , whether DVD-ROM, DVD-R, or DVD-RW.
[The storage capacity ranges from 4 – 5 Gigabytes]
4) Processing Systems:
 Information systems collect and process information in one of two ways
1) Batch Processing, where transactions are stored for a predefined amount of time, then
processed as group.
2) Online Processing, where transactions processed immediately.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

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A process is a program in execution ‫برنامج أثناء التنفيذ‬.

The process can take any of the following states ‫أوضاع‬:

1)New State ‫حالة التحضير‬, which refers to the creation of a process.
2)Ready State ‫حالة اإلستعداد‬, which refers to the process that has no barriers to its execution, where the
process isn't waiting for any event to occur, or for any data to be brought in from the secondary
3)Running State ‫حالة التشغيل‬, which refer to the process that is currently being executed by the CPU,
where its instructions are being processed in the fetch-execute cycle ‫دورة إبحث و نفذ‬.
4)Waiting State (In Queue) ‫حالة اإلنتظار‬, which refers to the process that is currently waiting for
5)Terminated State ‫حالة اإلنتهاء‬, which refer to the process that completed its execution and is no
longer an active process.

N.B.: While running, the process might be interrupted by the operating system to allow another
process its chance on the CPU. In that case, the process simply returns to the ready state.
N.B.: A running process might request a resource that is not available. In that case it is moved to the
waiting state.
CPU Scheduling:
It refers to establishing the timing of using the central processing unit (CPU) through determining
which process in the ready state ‫ حالة اإلستعداد‬should be moved to the running state ‫حالة التشغيل‬.

It involves using the following Priority Rules:

1)First Come – First Served (FCFS), where processes are moved to the CPU to be processed in the
order in which they arrive in the running state.

2)Shortest Job Next (SJN), where the CPU algorithm looks at all the processes in the ready state,
where the shortest processes (smallest service time) are processed first and so on.

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3)Round Robin (RR), which distributes the processing time equitably among all the ready processes
based on a limit specified by the operating system.

Example (1): You are given the following processes and their service time as follows:
Process Service Time (Minutes)
P1 75
P2 100
P3 25
P4 200
Illustrate the sequencing of the CPU Processes using FCFS, SJN and RR assuming that the
specified time limit is 50 minutes.
1)First Come – First Served (FCFS):

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‫‪P1‬‬ ‫‪P2‬‬ ‫‪P3‬‬ ‫‪P4‬‬
‫‪0‬‬ ‫‪75‬‬ ‫‪175 200‬‬ ‫‪400‬‬
‫هبدأ بنفـس الترتيـب إللـي موجود فـي المسـألة‪ ،‬و هبدأ مـن الصـفر‪ ،‬فأول ‪ Process‬هتأخـد ‪ 75‬دقيقـة‪ ،‬و بعدهـا الــ ‪ Process‬الثانيـة هتأخـذ ‪ 100‬دقيقـة‪،‬‬
‫يعني وصلنا للدقيقة الـ ‪ ،175‬و بعدين الـ ‪ Process‬الثالثة هتأخد كمان ‪ 25‬دقيقة لحد الدقيقة ‪ ،200‬و بعدين الـ ‪ Process‬الرابعة هتأخد ‪ 200‬دقيقة‪.‬‬

‫‪2)Shortest Job Next (SJN):‬‬

‫‪P3‬‬ ‫‪P1‬‬ ‫‪P2‬‬ ‫‪P4‬‬
‫‪0‬‬ ‫‪25‬‬ ‫‪100‬‬ ‫‪200‬‬ ‫‪400‬‬
‫هبدأ بالـ ‪ Process‬إللـي وقتهـا أقصر‪ ،‬إللـي هـي الـ ‪ Process‬الثالثـة‪ ،‬و بعدين ثانـي أقصر ‪ Process‬و هـي األولى و هكذا يبقى الثانية و بعديـن‬

‫]‪3)Round Robin (RR): [Specified Limit = 50 Minutes‬‬

‫‪P1‬‬ ‫‪P2‬‬ ‫‪P3‬‬ ‫‪P4‬‬ ‫‪P1‬‬ ‫‪P2‬‬ ‫‪P4‬‬ ‫‪P4‬‬ ‫‪P4‬‬
‫‪0‬‬ ‫‪50‬‬ ‫‪100‬‬ ‫‪125‬‬ ‫‪175‬‬ ‫‪200‬‬ ‫‪250‬‬ ‫‪300‬‬ ‫‪350‬‬ ‫‪400‬‬
‫المسـألة محددة إنـي هأعطـي لكـل ‪ Process 50‬دقيقـة بالتسـاوي‪ ،‬فهشتغـل بنفـس ترتيـب المسـألة‪ ،‬و هبدأ مـن الصـفر‪ ،‬فأول ‪ Process‬هتأخـد ‪50‬‬
‫دقيقـة (بـس هـي كده لسـه مخلصـتش ‪ ...‬مـش مهـم)‪ ،‬و هروح للــ ‪ Process‬الثانيـة‪ ،‬و بردوا هديهـا ‪ 50‬دقيقـة (بـس هـي بردوا لسـه مخلصـتش)‪ ،‬و‬
‫هروح لل ـ ‪ Process‬الثالثـة‪ ،‬هالقيهـا مـش محتاجـة أكثـر مـن ‪ 25‬دقيقـة‪ ،‬فهديهملهـا‪ ،‬و أروح لل ـ ‪ Process‬الرابعـة و أديهـا ‪ 50‬دقيقـة (بـس هـي لسـه‬
‫بردوا مخلصـتش)‪ ،‬و بعديـن أبدأ أرجـع ثانـي أخلـص إللـي كان ناقصـني‪ ،‬فهرجـع للـ ‪ Process‬األولى هالقيها مش محتاجـة الـ ‪ 50‬دقيقة كلهم علشان‬
‫هــي كان ناقصــها ‪ 25‬دقيقــة بــس فهديهملهــا‪ ،‬و بعديــن أروح للــ ‪ Process‬الثانيــة و أديهــا الــ ‪ 50‬دقيقــة بتوعهــا و أخلصــها‪ ،‬و بعديــن أروح للــ‬
‫‪ Process‬الثالثة هالقي نفسي مخلصها من قبل كده‪ ،‬فأروح للـ ‪ Process‬الرابعة أديها الـ ‪ 50‬دقيقة بتوعها (بس هي لسه بردوا مخلصتش) و أبدأ‬
‫أعيد ثاني‪ ،‬بس في الحالة دي لما أجي أرجع هالقي نفسي مخلص كل الـ ‪ Processes‬ما عدا الرابعة‪ ،‬فأوزع باقي الوقت عليها ‪ 50‬دقيقة و هكذا‪.‬‬

‫]‪4)Round Robin (RR): [Time Limit = Total Time / 4 = 400 / 4 = 100 Minutes‬‬
‫‪P1‬‬ ‫‪P2‬‬ ‫‪P3‬‬ ‫‪P4‬‬ ‫‪P4‬‬
‫‪0‬‬ ‫‪75‬‬ ‫‪175 200‬‬ ‫‪300‬‬ ‫‪400‬‬
‫المسألة مش محدة الوقت أد إيه‪ ،‬فهناخذ إجمالي الوقت المتاح و نقسمه على عدد الـ ‪ ،Processes‬و نكمل زي إللي فاتت بالظبط‪.‬‬

‫‪Example (2): You are given the following processes and their service time as follows:‬‬
‫‪Process‬‬ ‫‪Service Time‬‬
‫‪P1‬‬ ‫‪140‬‬
‫‪P2‬‬ ‫‪75‬‬
‫‪P3‬‬ ‫‪320‬‬
‫‪P4‬‬ ‫‪280‬‬
‫‪P5‬‬ ‫‪125‬‬

‫‪1)First Come – First Served (FCFS):‬‬

‫‪Mr. Ahmed Galal – MIS – 2nd Grade – BMT – Part (2) – November 2021‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬
2)Shortest Job Next (SJN):

3)Round Robin (RR): [Specified Limit = 50 Minutes]

Example (3): You are given the following processes and their service time as follows:
Process Service Time (Minutes)
P1 75
P2 110
P3 25
P4 200
P5 50
Illustrate the sequencing of the CPU Processes using FCFS and SJN knowing that the
company has 2 cores (2 processors).

Mr. Ahmed Galal – MIS – 2nd Grade – BMT – Part (2) – November 2021 15
1)First Come – First Served (FCFS):
P1 P3 P4
0 75 100 300

P2 P5
0 110 160
... ‫ فـي نفـس الوقـت‬Process ‫ يعنـي ممكـن أعمـل كذا‬... Core )2( ‫ بـس الزم أالحـظ إنـي عندي عدد‬،‫هبدأ بنفـس الترتيـب إللـي موجود فـي المسـألة‬
،Core (2) ‫ الثانيـة لــلـ‬Process ‫ و أدي الـ‬،Process ‫ هبدأ بأول‬Core (1) ‫ ففـي الـ‬... ... Core 2 ‫فهأمشـي بنفـس فكرة المسـائل إللـي فاتـت بـس علـى‬
.‫ و هكذا‬... ‫ الثالثة‬Process ‫و أول واحد فيهم يخلص يأخذ الـ‬

2)Shortest Job Next (SJN):

P3 P1 P4
0 25 100 300

P5 P2
0 50 160
.Core (2) ‫ لـ‬Process ‫ و أدي ثاني أقصر‬،Core (1) ‫ في الـ‬Process ‫هبدأ بأقصر‬
.‫ و هكذا‬... ‫ الثالثة‬Process ‫و أول واحد فيهم يخلص يأخذ ثالث أقصر الـ‬

Computer Software
 It includes the intangible ‫ غير ملموس‬information processing instructions ‫تعليماتـ‬, known as Programs
‫برامج‬, which tell the computer, step-by-step, how to carry out a particular task being performed.

 Computer Software is classified into 2 main types:

A) System (Background) Software
 It refers to the programs, which control and support the operations of a computer system.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – MIS – 2nd Grade – BMT – Part (2) – November 2021 16
 It involves a collection of programs such as:
It handles the following:
a)Manages the computer resources.
b)Provides the graphical user interface (GUI).
c)Runs the applications.

Operating It involves the following categories:

(Platform) 1)Stand-Alone Operating Systems (Client Operating System), which is found in desktop
computers. [Such as Windows XP / 7 / 8 / 10]
2)Network Operating Systems, which is found in the linked computers (Super Computers –
Mainframes – Servers) [Such as Linux (Open-Source = Free + Modifiable) and Unix].
3)Embedded Operating Systems (Mobile Operating Systems) , which is found in
handheld Computers. [Such as I-Phone's Mac OS X]
Utility It performs specific (1)maintenance )2( ,‫صيانة‬virus-detection and (3)recovery / backup
Programs tasks.
Language It translates orders / instructions written in programming / human languages into
Translators machine language [Binary Code (0 / 1)].

N.B.: Open-source software is

produced by community of programmers
Free and modifiable by user Examples:
Apache web server, Mozilla Firefox
browser, OpenOffice
Open-source OS
Used in mobile devices, local area networks,
servers, high-performance computing
Mr. Ahmed Galal – MIS – 2nd Grade – BMT – Part (2) – November 2021 17
B) Application Software
It refers to the end-user oriented programs, which direct the computer processing to do a variety
of tasks.

It involves the following main categories, which are:

1)General Purpose Applications (Desktop Productivity Packages):
They are programs that perform common information-processing jobs, such as:
1)Web Browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome), which support the web navigation ‫تصفح اإلنترنتـ‬.
2)E-mail and Instant Messaging (IM).
3)Word Processing (Word), which is used to create, edit, and print text-based documents.
4)Electronic Spreadsheets (Excel), which is used to (1)organize, (2)analyze & (3)graph numeric data.
5)Presentation / Graphics Programs (PowerPoint), which is used to combine a variety of visual objects
to create visually interesting multimedia presentations.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – MIS – 2nd Grade – BMT – Part (2) – November 2021 18
6)Database Management Systems (DBMS) (Access), which is used to electronically store data.
7)Software Suites (Office), which is used to package several programs together.

2)Programming Languages:
 It includes 2 main types:
a) Procedural Programming Language, which is used to tell the computer exactly what to do (step by
step). It includes: (1)COBOL, (2)C, and (3)C++,
b) Non - Procedural Programming Language, where the computer is told what the user wants, and it
figures out how to get it. It includes Structured Query Language (SQL) and Visual Basic.

3)Fourth-Generation [Object-Oriented] Languages:

 It includes the software languages and tools for specific purposes, which enable the end-users to
develop specific software applications.

Web Software:
 It involves the following main types:
1) Hypertext Markup Language (HTML):
 It refers to the web page-description (markup) (publishing) language for defining the structure of
the webpage and determining how data (text / graphics) is displayed online {how elements are placed
on a web page}.
N.B.: It isn't a programming language, where it is only a markup language, which is a system for
designing a document in a syntactically distinguishable way from the text.
N.B.: HTML5 is latest evolution, where it includes animation and video processing functionality
previously provided by third party add-ons such as Flash

2) XML:
 It refers to the Extensible Markup Language that describes the webpage content by identifying tags
/ labels to the data, which allows computers to process data automatically.
N.B.: It is more powerful and flexible than HTML.
3) Java:
 It is a simple, secure and interactive object-oriented programming language used to write
animations for the World Wide Web.
 It is based on Applets ‫تطبيقات‬, which are tiny programs ‫ برامج صغيرة‬to execute small functions stored on
the network, not on the computer.
 It is a processor-independent operating system.

4) AJAX:
 It refers to the software that allows a client and server to exchange data behind the scenes without
reloading the web page after each change.
‫برنامج يسمح للجهاز و الموقع بتبادل المعلومات دون التحميل مرة أخرى لتخفيف العبء و تقليل الوقت‬.

General Notes
It refers to the process of predicting ‫ توقع‬when the hardware will become
Capacity saturated ‫ ممتلئ‬/ ‫ مشبع‬to ensure that firms have enough computer power for current
Planning and future needs.
‫تخطيط قدرة الجهاز‬ It includes factors such as the (1)maximum number of users, (2)impact of current
and future software, and (3)performance measures.

Scalability It refers to the ability of the system to expand ‫ يتمدد‬to serve large number of
‫توفير موارد إحتياطية متدرجة‬ users without breaking down.

Total Cost It is used to analyze the direct and indirect costs to determine the actual cost
of of owning a specific technology.
Model It includes:
a)Direct Costs, which include the cost of purchasing ‫شراء‬ hardware and software.
b)Indirect Costs, which include the ongoing administration costs ‫مصاريف إدارية‬,
upgrades ‫مصاريف تطوير البرامج‬, maintenance ‫الصيانة‬, technical support ‫الدعم الفني‬, training ‫تدريب‬
‫الموظفين‬, utility ‫خدمات البنية التحتية‬, and real-estate costs ‫التكلفة العقارية‬.
c)Hidden Costs, which includes the support staff, downtime ‫أعطال‬, additional
network management costs.

N.B.: The TCO for the wireless devices ranges from $1,000 to $3,000.
N.B.: The TCO can be reduced by increasing centralization and standardization of
hardware and software resources.
Amount to spend on IT is complex question
Rent vs. buy, cloud computing
Other costs: Installation, training, support, maintenance,
infrastructure, downtime, space, and energy
TCO can be reduced
Use of cloud services, greater centralization and
standardization of hardware and software resources

It involves using external providers through Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
a)Run networks.
b)Host and manage websites.
Outsourcing c)Develop software (offshore software outsourcing).
d)Manage IT infrastructures.

N.B.: Small firms rent the IT infrastructure from other firms to avoid the cost of
maintaining hardware and software on their own.

Computer interfaces ‫ إستخدام الكمبيوتر‬/ ‫ مواجهة‬are complex ‫ معقدة‬for the non-English

Software Accordingly software developers must consider the differences in languages,
Localization local cultures and business processes when developing a new software.
N.B.: This was one of the reasons for using the Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)
Global Business depending on icons ‫متخصصي تكنولوجيا المعلومات إعتمدوا أكثر على األشكال بدال من الكالم‬.
(Local Language Interface)
N.B.: All of these are factors to be added to the TCO of using technology service

Technology drivers of infrastructure evolution

Moore’s law and microprocessing power

Computing power doubles every 18
Law of Mass Digital Storage
The amount of data being stored each
Packing more than 2 billion
transistors into a tiny
microprocessor has
exponentially increased
processing power.
Processing power has
increased to more than 500,
000 MIPS (millions of
instructions per second).

Packing more transistors

into less space has driven
down transistor cost
dramatically as well as the
cost of the products in
which they are used.

Since the first magnetic

storage device was used in
1955, the cost of storing a
kilobyte of data has fallen
exponentially, doubling the
amount of digital storage
for each dollar expended
every 15 months on average.

Metcalfe’s Law and network economics

Value or power of a network grows
exponentially as a function of the number
of network members
As network members increase, more
people want to use it (demand for
access increases)

Declining communication costs and the

An estimated 2.3 billion people
have Internet access
As communication costs fall toward a
small number and approach 0, utilization
communication and computing facilities
One reason for the growth in the Internet population is the rapid decline in Internet connection and
overall communication costs. The cost per kilobit of Internet access has fallen exponentially since
Digital subscriber line (DSL) and cable modems now deliver a kilobit of communication for a retail
of around 2 cents.

Systems for Collaboration and Teamwork:

- Collaboration means working with others to achieve shared and explicit goals
Growing Importance of Collaboration (Reasons of Promoting Collaboration &
1) Changing nature of work. 4) Changing scope of the firm.
2) Growth of professional work. 5) Emphasis on innovation.
3) Changing organization of the firm. 6) Changing culture of work.

Requirements for Collaboration:

Collaboration Tools and Technologies:

1)E-mail and Instant Messaging (IM). 3)Wikis.
2)Social Networking. 4)Virtual Worlds.
5)Internet-Based Collaboration Environments, such as:
-Virtual Meeting Systems (Tele-Presence).
-Google Apps.
-Microsoft SharePoint, which is the most widely adopted collaboration system for small-medium
size firms that use Microsoft server and networking products.

Evaluating and Selecting Collaboration Software Tools:

-What are the firm's collaboration challenges?
-What kinds of solutions are available?
-Analyze available products' costs and benefits.
-Evaluate Security Risks.
-Consult User for Implementation and Training Issues.
-Evaluate Product Vendors.

Time / Space Collaboration Tool Matrix:

 Collaboration technologies can be classified in terms of whether they support interactions at the
same or different time or place or whether these interactions are remote or co-located.

The Information Systems Department / Functions:

1)Programmers. 4)Senior Managers.
2)Systems Analysts. 5)End Users.
3)Information Systems Managers. 6)External Specialists.

 Systems Analysts are the principle liaisons to the rest of the firm.
 Information systems managers are the leaders of teams of programmers and analysts.
 Senior Managers include the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Security Officer (CSO), Chief
Privacy Officer (CPO), and Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO).

 Large business firms are “command and control” organizations in which upper management create
the strategy and middle management carry out their orders. However today, businesses rely on
collaborative teamwork culture.

 Hubs refers to the online workspaces used to share information, documents, and files from one
central location.

Ergonomics refers to the interaction of people and machines in the work environment, which
includes the (1)design of jobs, (2)health issues and the various (3)end-user interfaces. It is a People-
related problem.
Telecommunication services
Telecommunications, cable, telephone
company charges for voice lines and
Internet access
AT&T, Verizon
Network operating systems:
Windows Server, Linux, Unix
Network hardware providers:
Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent, Nortel, Juniper

Internet platforms
Hardware, software, management
services to
support company Web sites, (including
services) intranets, extranets
Internet hardware server market: IBM,
Sun (Oracle), HP
Web development tools/suites: Microsoft
(Expression Studio, .NET) Oracle-Sun
Adobe, Real Networks

How should IT department be organized?

Central IT department makes decisions
Business unit IT departments make own

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