WME Mathematics Advanced Preliminary Solutions 2019

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Western Mathematics


Mathematics Advanced - Solutions


Section I 

No  Working  Answer 

1. A vertical line can be drawn to cut all curves except C, the straight line. D


No  Working  Answer 


𝑥 2, 𝑥 2 and 𝑥 3

4. The amount of fuel that an engine uses is a quantity that needs to be measured and can be anywhere
on a continuum, so it is a continuous variable.
The number of people who order Ubers, the number of pins landing head up, the number of people
who support a political party are all counted and are discrete variables.
No  Working  Answer 

5. The students who are in the choir and archery club are shown shaded on the diagram.

No  Working  Answer 

6. x intercepts are x = -3, x = -1, and x = 2

The factors need to equal zero when these values are substituted into the function

e.g. for x = -3; (-3 + 3) = 0 so factor is (x+3) similarly , x = -1 gives (x+1) and x = 2 gives (x- 2 )
Extra check constant is 2 1 3 6 which is the y intercept

Equation 𝑦 𝑥 2 𝑥 1 𝑥 3


No  Working  Answer 


Western Mathematics 
2019 Preliminary Final Examination
Mathematics Advanced 

   1.  A       B           C     D 
   2.  A       B           C     D 
   3.  A       B           C     D 
   4.  A       B           C     D 
   5.  A       B           C     D 
   6.  A       B           C     D 
   7.  A       B           C     D 
   8.  A       B           C     D 


Section II 

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

9. a) 6𝑥 5𝑥 30𝑥 1 1 mark for correct answer

3𝑥 3𝑥
2𝑥 5𝑥 10𝑥
b) √3 √12 √27 √12 √9 √3 √4 √3 3√3 2√3 5√3 1 1 mark for correct answer

10. a) 1 1 mark for correct answer

b) 2 2 marks for correct


1 mark for relevant

working involving
finding deviations from
the mean and squaring
Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

11. a) Curve is increasing for 1 1 mark for both correct


b) Curve is decreasing at an increasing rate for 1 1 mark for correct


12. a) 1 1 mark for correct answer

b) 1 1 mark for correct answer

in either form of last 2

c) 1 1 mark for correct answer

in either form of last 2
Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

13. a) 1 1 mark if all are correct

Allow for a single error.

b) 1 1 mark for correct answer

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

c) 1 1 mark for correct answer

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

14. 2 2 marks for correct

equation in any format

1 mark for correct

gradient of perpendicular
or equivalent merit
Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

15. 2 2 marks for either of the

last two lines

1 mark for working

which includes correct
factorisation and/or
correct algebraic
manipulation of fractions

16. a) 1 1 mark for correct answer

b) 1 1 mark for correct answer

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

17. a) 1 1 mark for correct answer

as a fraction or decimal
in terms of 𝜋.
(unsimplified is okay)

b) 1 1 mark for correct answer

as a fraction or decimal
in terms of
𝜋. unsimplified is okay
Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

18. 3 3 marks for complete and

correct derivation

2 marks for correct

substitution and
manipulation with minor
errors or not completed

1 mark for some correct

and valid working

19. a) 1 1 mark for correct answer

b) 1 1 mark for correct answer

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

c) 1 1 mark for correct answer

20. a) 2 2 marks for two correct


1 mark for working

which includes correct
factorisation and/or
correct algebraic after
minor error in

b) 1 1 mark for correct

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

21. a) 1 1 mark for correct


b) 1 1 mark for correct


c) 2 2 marks for correct

expression in any
reasonable form

Can be further simplified but acquires no extra marks.

1 mark for working
which includes some
correct differentiation
using product and/or
chain rule
Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

22. a) 1 1 mark for correct answer

b) 1 1 mark for correct answer

23. 2 2 marks for correct value


1 mark for working

which includes correct
substitution in j(x) and/or
correct substitution in
h(x) after earlier error or
equivalent merit
Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

24. The line y = 2x – 5 has a gradient of 2 and a y intercept of -5 so has the graph shown with dotted line 2 2 marks for correct graph

Absolute value graph is the same when above x axis and the reflection when below the axis

1 mark for graph of y =

2x – 5 or working of
similar merit
Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

25. a) 1 1 mark for correct graph

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

b) 1 1 mark for correct graph

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

c) 1 1 mark for correct graph

26. a) 1 1 mark for correct result

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

b) 2 2 marks for any correct

derivation of the required

1 mark for working with

some relevant and correct

27. a) 1 1 mark for correct answer

b) 1 1 mark for correct answer

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

28. 2 2 marks for correct


1 mark for correct

solution using wrong

29. a) Recognise the curve as a circle, so complete the square: 2 2 marks for correct

1 mark for attempt at

completing the square or
equivalent merit
Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

b) From Sketch 2 𝑥 6 OR 1 1 mark for correct


30. 3 3 marks for single correct

solution 𝑥 5

2 marks for two solutions

𝑥 5 and 𝑥 3
or equivalent merit.

1 mark for working

involving some correct
logarithmic manipulation
Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

31. a) 1 1 mark for correct use of

cosine rule

b) 1 1 mark for correct answer

c) 2 2 marks for correct

1 mark for some correct

working using either sine
or cosine rule

Distance via B and C = 100 + 85 + 164 = 349 m

Compare with distance AD

Method 1

(see alternate solutions over page)

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

Method 2

Extra distance = 349 – 307 = 42 m

Method 3 Find AD using the cosine rule on ∆𝐴𝐶𝐷

𝐴𝐷 1852 1642 2 185 164 cos1210

= 92373.510

𝐴𝐷 √92373.510

303.9301077 304m to nearest m

Then the extra distance is 349 – 304 45m

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

32. The sample sizes of the surveys are varied as are the methods of collection. 2 2 marks for an
explanation which
The estimates get better as the sample size increases and when we have independent observations. includes both sample size
There are two considerably larger samples (2 and 5) and of these, sample 2 is more independent as it is
measured by researchers rather than reported by the participants. So 82.5 would be a good estimate of µ. and independence as
factors in improving the

1 mark for explanation

which mentions one of
these factors

33. a) 2 2 marks for either of the

last two equations

1 mark for correct

differentiation or
equivalent merit
Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

b) 1 1 mark for either of the

last two equations

34. a) 1 1 mark for correct

estimate for correct graph

Or by inspection from graph.

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

b) 2 2 marks for correct value

1 mark for some valid

working involving
solving simultaneous
equations and
manipulation, (or if done
by graphical method to
give estimate of 71.00 to
Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

35. 2 1 mark for each graph

Question Working and answer Marks Mark Allocation

36. 2 2 marks for velocity and


1 mark for either velocity

or acceleration or
working of equivalent

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