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Q1. Explain conflict in teams and different conflict management techniques using examples?

Conflict in teams means- The workplace is a place where conflicts are bound to occur because
team members don't always agree or know how to work together despite their differences. These
differences could be in how they manage their tasks or their responsibilities.
Conflict happens in all aspects of life, both in our personal lives and at work. Workplace conflict
happens when team members do not always agree or are not able to work together despite their
differences. It’s a natural part of life to have conflicts; in our personal and professional lives.
Workplace conflicts arise when team members do not always agree or collaborate properly.
These differences might be in the way they manage their tasks or in the way they express their
Workplace conflicts can occur when employees are not always in agreement or do not know how
to work together despite their differences. Examples of these differences include how employees
manage their time and their jobs. We all deal with conflicts both at home and at work. Conflicts
arise because team members fail to agree or don't know how to work together despite their
differences. A difference might be the way they manage their tasks. As far as workplace conflicts
go, they occur when team members disagree or aren't sure how to collaborate despite their
differences. These differences can stem from your administration style or how you handle your
workload. Workplace conflicts occur when team members can't agree on how to work together
despite their differences. This might be related to the way they manage their tasks or resources.
We all experience conflicts in our lives, including those at work. Workplace conflicts occur
because team members are not always able to work together despite their differences. These
differences may arise from the way they manage tasks.
Some of the conflict resolution techniques are as follows:
1. Problem Solving
In this technique, people who are involved in the conflict or if there is any having a difference in
opinion, they come forward to discuss all their problem with a very open mind and want to
change it. They focus on resolving the conflict and finding the best way out which will work for
the team. They discuss by coming above personal emotions with the only intention to finding
what is best way in which they can help the team. This develops a win-win attitude outcome.
Here everyone finds solution to their problem.
2. Compromising or Reconciling
Sometimes, in order to resolve a problem, the parties involved must consider a middle route in
which both parties agree to give up something and find a solution. This type of technique is the
only temporary for the time being and this is not a long-term answer. As both sides may feel they
have lost something, this results in a lose-lose situation.
3. Withdrawing or Avoiding
In rare cases, one of the conflicting sides may opt to withdraw from the conversation and accept
the other's point of view. In some cases, one of the parties may decide to avoid the conflict
entirely by being silent. This method works best in situations where one of the conflicting parties
is emotionally heated or angry. As a result, any conflict resolution is avoided.
4. Forcing or Competing
In some cases, a person with authority and power can impose his or her views and resolve the
disagreement without allowing the opposing party/person an opportunity to respond. As a result,
the outcome is a win-lose situation. Someone may feel like a loser, whereas someone in a
position of authority may feel like a winner. If we believe that disagreements are unnecessarily
and mostly detrimental to the group, we can employ this strategy.
5. Smoothing or Accommodating
This is a tactic that is employed when the environment among the parties concerned appears to
be filled with apprehension/distrust. And no one is willing to help resolve the conflict. In these
types of situations, one of the parties can take the initiative and try to smooth things up by using
polite words and highlighting points of agreement while downplaying grounds of dispute.

Q2- Elaborate “None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things,
with great love, and together we can do something wonderful” – Mother Teresa
This Lines tells us Importance of working in teams. Working together as a team makes our
business run more efficiently. Our team will develop a sense of comradeship as you work toward
a common goal. Teamwork builds morale. We'll feel valued when we contribute. When tasks are
shared evenly by team members and assigned according to their strengths and skills, tasks are
completed faster and more efficiently, resulting in an increase in productivity.
Some benefits of working as teams are:
Workload sharing - when the workload is shared equally among members of a team and tasks
are allocated according to the strengths and capabilities of each member, tasks are completed
faster and more efficiently, which has a positive effect on productivity. A productivity boost
occurs when the workload is evenly distributed among team members and tasks are assigned
based on their strengths and skills. Resultantly tasks are finished faster and more efficiently,
which results in a noticeable increase in productivity.
Builds Strong Relationships - building strong relationships with colleagues enables team
members to communicate freely and more effectively. Members will motivate and encourage
each other to work with their strengths and talents, developing new ones as well.
It's important to have improved communication skills - since no two people are alike, and
sometimes there are conflicts of personalities. Working in a team facilitates conflict resolution by
allowing the team to work collectively towards a common goal.
Network of Support - During challenging times, every business depends on its team members
for support and guidance. It enables them to remain focused on their goal, reduces their stress,
and ensures that their projects are completed on time.
Teamwork improves morale - when the workload is shared by a team, the collaboration allows
all team members to feel a greater sense of accomplishment after a task is completed. Colleagues
feel valued and appreciated, which increases morale.

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