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Everything stopped, everything a statue all around me. Frozen in time.

heart stopped too. For the first time, I could see everything around me clearly.
It was as if someone had wiped my eyes. The world around me started to spin.
I thought I was having a bad dream. But it was no dream. I saw it all. The
sky above me was clear and I could see for miles. I knew then I was floating
through space. Something in my hand caught my eye. The ring. I picked it up
and looked at it. It had no words, just a symbol and a date, 1616. It all fell
into place. The day my life changed. This was my world. I could do anything
I wanted. I looked up and the sky was as endless as I imagined it. The clouds
were flying fast and were so thick that I could not even see the sun.
I was flying. Floating. Floating through space. Floating down to this planet,
Earth. Down to the future. The future I was now living in.
On this planet, something amazing is about to happen. Something I have been
waiting for. Waiting for so long, so many years. Something I can feel, but I
cannot see. Something I feel, but I cannot touch. Something so unbelievable
that it makes me realize just how much I thought I knew. I never dreamed there
was more to this world. There was more to life than I realized. To believe in
the world I live in is impossible. This is a dream I have been living. I have been
living in a dream world. I am here now and I am waking up to this new world.
In the future there is something I know. Something incredible. I can feel it, but
I cannot see it. Something that will bring everything to life. But when I try to
explain it to my friends and family, no one seems to understand. They do not
believe me. They think I am crazy. But I am not crazy. What I am feeling is
real. What I am trying to say is that this is the future. This is what it’s like.
There is something I have seen, and it will happen in the future. Something
I have been waiting for. I will be the first to see it. It will be a wonderful
thing, a thing I would never have imagined. But there is more to life than I
ever dreamed.
What happened to the world? What happened to the world we knew?
The world has changed. The future changed. A new era has begun. Something
incredible is about to happen.
There are two main worlds, a physical world and a spiritual world. The physical
world of matter is real and solid. It has an outer shell of a protective layer. The
spirit world is more fragile, lighter, with no outer shell. It has no solidity, but it
does have permanence. The spirit world can only be seen and not touched. It
is intangible. One can only feel its presence. It is very deep, very old, and very
real. The spirit world cannot be seen or touched, but it can be felt. It is the
unseen yet tangible world, the world of angels and demons.
The two worlds are always here, always existent, but they do not normally
interact with each other. I am the channel between the two worlds.
What do I do? What do I see?

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