First Quarterly Examination Media and Information Literacy S.Y. 2021-2022

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S.Y. 2021-2022

I. Aralinks Multiple Choice.

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and click the appropriate button.
1. Lorraine sent a text message to Kholin telling her that the meeting place has changed. What kind of media was used in
this situation?
a. digital media b. social media c. printed media d. broadcast media
2. During World War II, a new king of media emerged as a new source of news and information. What kind of media is
a. digital media b. broadcast media c. printed media d. media information
3. What invention gave way to the mass production of books and newspapers?
a. computers c. Xerox Machine c. printing press d. printers
4. After World War II another form of media where people can use audio-visual senses was invented. What kind of
media is this?
a. radio b. television c. computers d. film
5. Google Search, Wikipedia, Scribd, and the likes made a big difference to the past. What use of media is being
represented by these sites?
a. entertainment c. creativity
b. public forum d. education and information
6. Leni and Isko are exchanging e-mails as a collaboration for their campaign for the SSC. What component of
communication is email?
a. medium b. message c. noise d. source
7. Digital media has transformed how people live nowadays. What brought about this technological revolution?
a. cellphones c. internet
b. discovery of EMW d. invention of computers
8. How do media and information empower the people?
a. It becomes an avenue for people to create business opportunities.
b. It becomes an avenue for people to adopt business opportunities.
c. It becomes an avenue for people to exercise business opportunities.
d. It becomes an avenue for people to analyze business opportunities.
9. Which statement below best defines information?
a. It covers data, knowledge derived from research, experience, or instruction, signals, and symbols.
b. It covers data from school and other government files only.
c. It covers findings derived from research that is published in a research journal.
d. It covers data experience, or instruction seen or heard at home or school.
10. Kaditha can find, understand, evaluate, and incorporate information from a variety of sources or media.
What literacy does she have?
a. Information literacy c. Media Literacy
b. Critical thinking d. Digital Literacy
11. Who was the inventor of the device that allowed the mass production of books and newspapers?
a. Johannes Guttenberg c. Isaac Newton
b. David Sarnoff d. Guglielmo Marconi
12. The medium of communication that requires face-to-face interaction using one’s voice as the tool to
deliver the message.
a. Digital/ Interactive Communication c. Conversation
b. Public Speaking d. Digital Art
13. Newspaper, television, computers and smartphones are best categorized as ____.
a. Broadcast media c. information technology
b. sources of information d. information and communications technology
14. Twitter, Facebook, Hangout, and the likes are used primarily for _____.
a. information c. entertainment
b. news d. communication
15. An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without
a. Copyright Infringement c. Plagiarism
b. Cyber Bullying d. Computer addiction
16. Which of the following is a reason for computer addiction?
a. family problems c. entertainment
d. escape d. hobby
17. Which of the following is NOT an indication of bullying?
a. repeated maltreatment c. imbalance of power
b. gender bias d. psychological trauma
18. An economic inequality between groups in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of ICT.
a. Digital divide c. Netiquette
b. Cyber Bullying d. Computer addiction
19. Genevive used a song published on YouTube by Sony Records as her BGM in one of her vlogs. This vlog
received an award for best BGM but was then stripped of the title. What must have happened?
a. Sony filed for plagiarism. c. Her vlog was muted in some areas.
b. She was sued for copyright infringement. d. She was sued for intellectual theft.
20. Which of the following is NOT covered by copyright law?
a. literary works b. drama c. paintings d. movies
21. Which of the following is a violation of copyright law for songs?
a. Creating a song with the same theme as another.
b. Using some of the lyrics of another song for your song.
c. Using the same band as accompaniment for your song.
d. Modifying the title of another song as a parody for another song.
22. In the Philippines, what is the most common reason for the digital divide?
a. weak internet connection c. slow internet speed
b. poor network coverage d. network theft
23. Many young people are “addicted” to computer games. When can we say that a person is actually
addicted to the computer?
a. When he/she is always using his/her gadget most of the time.
b. When he/she prefers gadgets more than true people.
c. When he/she likes to play computer games more than physical games.
d. When he/she is a product of a broken family.
24. Which of the following acts is considered cyberbullying?
a. Posting your shameful pictures on Facebook.
b. Sending nude photos in someone’s email.
c. Posting your classmate’s drunk videos.
d. Commenting your political stands which are against the author’s post.
25. During election seasons, a lot of fake news and provocative posts can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram. How will you protect yourself from trolls, flamers, and spreaders of fake news?
a. Do not engage in social networking sites during election periods.
b. Be objective and always verify the truth behind every post.
c. Stand with what you believe and fight against flamers.
d. Troll the trolls by spreading counter troll posts.


Directions: Identify the correct letter of the answers to the following. Choose your answer from the dropdown choices.
A. Determine The MIL issue seen in the following situations. Choose your answer from the dropdown choices.
[copyright] 1. Soledad uses pictures from the internet. When there is a watermark, he uses Photoshop to
remove them.
[cyber bullying] 2. Tributo post funny pictures of his classmates on Facebook every time there is a school event.
[computer addiction] 3. Saturnino plays ML 8 hours a day as preparation for a tournament next month.
[digital divide] 4. Prescuto is having a hard time accessing the Aralinks because of a poor internet connection.
[netiquette] 5. During Zoom meetings, a lot of students do not unmute their mic causing disruption.
[netiquette] 6. Ibyang is fond of sending funny videos to his friend who only uses data connection for the
[copyright] 7. The vlog of Demetrio is muted in some countries, according to FB.
[cyber bullying] 8. Igma is very scared when she saw her email full of threats from her stalker, Ikmo.
[digital divide] 9. One trending video circulating on the internet is about one professor who told his student
“Pag walang pambili(ng laptop), tumigil!”
[fair use] 10. Based on his 2021 copyright, Segismundo allows anyone can use 10% of his works as a
reference as long as properly cited.
[fair use] 11. Songs can be sung in the videoke even without permission from the recording company.
[plagiarism] 12. Justiniano borrowed the flash drive of Cirrico and found there a thesis. Justiniano opened it,
copy and pasted it to his work, and submitted it to his teacher.
[cyber bullying] 13. The killer of a mother and son in Tarlac was cursed along with his daughter on social media.
They were even called demons and other demeaning words over FB and Twitter.
[digital divide] 14. Chrisanto cannot attend zoom meetings because his cellphone is the “keypad” type.
[computer addiction] 15. A child suddenly loses consciousness while playing ML due to brain seizures.

B. Determine if the following actions show netiquette or not. Choose NETiquette if it does and choose NOTiquette if it
does not.
[NOTiquette] 1. Gudofredo chats with his teacher at midnight to ask her about the thesis he is trying to finish to beat
the deadline.
[NETiquette ] 2. Arturito asks his girlfriend first before sending a video he finds funny.
[NETiquette ] 3. Florentina makes sure she is well-groomed whenever she has a Zoom meeting.
[NOTiquette] 4. Gregoria, a senior high student, shares her expert knowledge on why Pacquiao does not need to pay
taxes from his winnings in boxing.
[NOTiquette] 5. Demetrio and Demetria are chilling under a tree. He is playing ML while she tweeting about their
sweet moment.
[NOTiquette] 6. Dominador uses his FB account to express the feelings he cannot show in his toxic household.
[NOTiquette] 7. Agapito believes that social media is the place to share your rants about how bad you feel the
government is doing.
[NOTiquette] 8. Efifania used her social media to tell her kumare to pay her “utang” which is 5 years overdue.
[NETiquette ] 9. Instead of CC, Luzviminda uses BCC whenever she forwards an email.
[NETiquette ] 10. Digoy changed his FB bio to the real ones before the school year started.
C. Analyze each statement. Choose YES if you think the statement shows responsible use of media and information.
Choose NO if you think otherwise.
[YES] 1. Kurdapya checks the truthfulness of the news she sees online by looking into other news outlets for the same
[NO] 2. FilemonFacebook friend sent him through FB messenger a forwarded message about an upcoming 7.8
earthquake in their locality Rattled, he also forwarded the unverified message to his family group chat, warning
them of such a quake.
[YES] 3. Restituta and her research group mates utilize Google Drive to work on their studies.
[YES] 4. Isang helps her local barangay in their campaign against COVID-19 by designing posters of local emergency
hotlines and fast facts about the novel coronavirus.
[NO] 5. A friend sent me a video of a scandal from Facebook curious as to who the people in the video were, I also
sent it to several of my friends.
[NO] 6. Juanita validates from her friends the source of a Facebook post before she shares it.
[YES] 7. Dominadora uses YouTube crash courses to complement her learnings in school
[NO] 8. Silveria believes that print media like newspapers and books are useless today because everything is already
found on the internet.
[NO] 9. Luciano cites Wikipedia in his research study because he considers it credible enough for academic purposes.
[NO] 10. Manolito Photoshopped a quotation beside a celebrity, published it on social media, and started a flame war
to elicit critical thinking of his fellow youth.

III. Aralinks True or False

TRUE 1. An information literate person does not just verify the truth of a post but also background check the author.
TRUE 2. Reliable information comes from only one source but is verified by several external sources.
FALSE 3. Media creators need a Degree in MassCom or Broadcast media to be reliable.
TRUE 4. Information is difficult to be shared or learned upon if a person cannot understand what it is about.
TRUE 5. Media is a collection of communication mediums such as radio, television, newspaper, and the internet.
FALSE 6. Information found on the internet is reliable if the site it came from does not end in “.com”.
TRUE 7. Understanding which media is appropriate and the process of how media is created is a trait of an MI literate.
TRUE 8. Media is biased in the sense that it is not multi-faceted and cannot show the full truth from all angles.
TRUE 9. The most important skill of an MIT literate is the creation of reliable and verifiable information in the most
appropriate media.
FALSE 10. The relationship of Media, Information, and Technology has not been fully established that is why MIL as a
subject tries to unite these three.

“And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above...”
Daniel 12:9a

Prepared by: Checked by:

Dir. Marck L. Angio Dir. Christine T. Suarez

Teacher Principal

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