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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM-GE-INDI-1ST SEM-2020-2021


Bayombong Campus


PROGRAM Education
YEAR LEVEL All level TIME 3hrs WK NO. IM NO.

I. TOPIC TITLE: The Philippine Cultural Heritage

Required Reading: Salcedo, Lucila, (2001). General Sociology with Introduction
to Anthropology. Chapter II.pp 15-25

This topic discusses in-depth the beginnings of the Filipino nation from an archaeological
perspective and proceeds to an analysis of Western influences on the Filipino culture.


At the end of the chapter, the students should be able to:
1) Have a working knowledge on the history of the Filipino people from archaeological and
anthropological perspectives.
2) Be able to discuss the western influences on the Filipino culture.


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In accordance with Section 185 of the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines on the Fair Use of
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In accordance with Section 185 of the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines on the Fair Use of
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In accordance with Section 185 of the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines on the Fair Use of
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Focused Group Discussion/s; Submission of Assignments


1) Discuss the Filipino culture before the Spanish Period.

In Philippine history, the year 1521 marks the arrival of the first colonial power, and the
beginning of what is often called the Spanish period. This period is thus described as the
pre-colonial era or the pre-Spanish era. The pre-Spanish historical period ending in 1521.
Historian Ambeth Ocampo notes an overlap in the history of pre-colonial Philippines and
the Spanish colonial period, claiming that while Magellan's arrival in 1521 marked the
first documented arrival of European colonizers to this country, it was not until the arrival
of Miguel López de Legazpi in 1565 that the Europeans had any marked impact on the
lifestyle of the residents of the Philippine Archipelago.

An Indigenous form of communication was already in existence evidenced by writings on

barks and bamboos. News were also announced by an umalokohan or the town crier.
Literature was already developing: forms included sabi, (maxim), bugtong (riddle),
darangan (epic poetry), kumintang (war songs), and hudhud (wedding song).

Spanish colonial motives were not, however, strictly commercial. The Spanish at first
viewed the Philippines as a stepping-stone to the riches of the East Indies (Spice Islands),
but, even after the Portuguese and Dutch had foreclosed that possibility, the Spanish still
maintained their presence in the archipelago. Spanish rule for the first 100 years was
exercised in most areas through a type of tax farming imported from the Americas and
known as the encomienda. But abusive treatment of the local tribute payers and neglect
of religious instruction by encomenderos (collectors of the tribute), as well as frequent
withholding of revenues from the crown, caused the Spanish to abandon the system by
the end of the 17th century. The governor-general, himself appointed by the king, began
to appoint his own civil and military governors to rule directly.

2) Describe the impact of western influence on Filipino culture.

LOSS OF CULTURE IN THE PHILIPPINES that many other cultures and not just the
Philippines are being affected by westernization. influenced by western culture through
social media, music, and food. Sometimes, members of the Filipino elite tend to boast
about how the Philippines is the most Westernized. Such manifestations of
'Westernization' among young Filipinos would subsequently in the dance routine and the
blustering, distorted sound effects all characterize these performances.
3) Discuss how industrialization affected the lives of Philippine indigenous peoples.
Culturally-indigenous peoples of northern Philippine highlands can be grouped into the
Igorot (comprising many different groups) and singular Bugkalot groups, while the non-
Muslim culturally-indigenous groups of mainland Mindanao are collectively called Lumad.
Australo-Melanesian groups throughout the archipelago are termed Aeta, Ita, Ati, Dumagat,
among others. Numerous culturally-indigenous groups also live outside these two indigenous
The Spanish and American colonialization of the Philippines institutionalized the distinction
among peoples in the country into mainstream Christian/Muslim and peripheral
tribal/minority/ indigenous populations. Through laws, the tribal/ minority/indigenous
communities were deprived of the right to their ancestral domains. Through so-called
“development” activities, they were dispossessed of the land they till for their livelihood.
Their marginalization, dispossession and other forms of injustices continued long after
colonial rule had gone.

This article briefly traces the historical development of the legal measures that led to the
oppression of the indigenous peoples in the Philippines, as well as discuss the current
measures that address the problem. To prepare for the article, the author reviewed the major
laws as well as the political systems from the colonial period to the present, and analyzed
materials related to the training programs at the Northern Illinois University that contain
critical reflections that arose from the focused group discussions among representatives of
indigenous peoples from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao who attended the programs.
Salcedo, Lucila L, (2001). General Sociology with Introduction to Anthropology.
Chapter II.pp 15-25.

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