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Application for Job vacancy

Date: 3-December 2021

Name: Yoseph Kassahun

Live in: Addis Ababa


Phone no: +251942831614

To: Cadilapharmaceuticals PLC

Position : Junior microbiologist
Dear! Sir /madam;
I am writing this letter to apply for job and in response to vacancy announced for the best opportunity in your company
I am a standards-driven, positive, and enthusiastic person who is seeking employment I would like to apply for the
position in your company . If I get the chance of being an employee of your company, I can proudly perform my duties
in the company and contribute valuable achievement to the company through teamwork with my colleagues, customers
and community.
I am applying to work for your company because you have impressive track record of achievement you create superb
service and I believe this is a place I can stay working at for long period of time.
If I am successful in my application, I will work hard to make a positive difference in the role whilst carrying out my
duties to a high standard and in line with company policies and procedures.

With best regards

Yoseph Kassahun

Personal Background

Full Name…………………Yoseph Kassahun

Date of Birth………………..5/05/1990 E.C

Birth place ………………………....Gondar

Marital status…………………Single

Sex…………………………… Male

Health condition………………Normal/excellent

Nationality …………………….Ethiopian

Current address………………..Addis Ababa

Phone No.................................. 0942831614

Educational Background

Education School Year Attended

Primary school----------------------- Aykel Primary School (1998- 2005 E.C )

Secondary and priparatory school----------------- Aykel priparatory ( 2006-2009 E.C )

Higher education---------------------Debark University ( 2010-2013 E.C )


BSC Degree in Aplied Biology with CGPA of: 2.53


Speaking Writing Listening Reading

Amharic Excellent excellent Excellent Excellent

English Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent

Hobby and Interests

Reading books related with my profession and fictions

Helping others

living and working with other people in multicultural environment in position where teamwork is essential

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