Rethinking Brand For The Rise of Digital Commerce - White Paper

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Rethinking brand

for the rise of digital commerce

© Copyright WARC 2021. All rights reserved.


Marketing budgets are under

unprecedented pressure. The events
of 2020 saw deep cuts to marketing
investment in general, and brand-
building in particular. More than ever
before, marketers have to achieve more
with less.
If we hold that a strong brand is key to the long-term Page 3 Page 6
health of businesses, we now face a profound risk
– both to our commercial prospects, and to the
Executive summary Why we need to talk about brand
reputation of marketers as drivers of growth.

As the business world looks toward a post-pandemic

rebound in confidence and budgets, the marketing
discipline needs to rethink the way it talks about
brand, media and performance marketing – and Page 8 Page 32
reframe it for a world of digital commerce, algorithms
and almighty walled gardens. Brand as ‘future demand’ Building brand advantage
James Hurman argues that we’ve taken in the shift to digital commerce
the wrong lessons from digital disruptors, David Tiltman argues that brands still
and that we need to reframe brand in drive an advantage in digital commerce,
terms of future demand but the current industry narrative around
brand-building needs to evolve

WARC subscribers can access a series of evidence decks containing research and insights behind these pieces.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 2


Brand-building still matters

But we need new ways to talk about it
1. 3.
Consistent future demand creation
The focus of e-commerce, tech and This has led to a growing number of
start-up companies on performance companies ‘optimising themselves out • Future demand is consistently built
marketing has influenced the wider of effectiveness’ as they efficiently • Demand is converted at a sustainable rate as it’s created
marketing world. As larger brands convert all available market demand • Conversion activity continues to work as new demand becomes available
pursue digital commerce and attempt with conversion tactics, then see their
to emulate the high growth of performance metrics decline as that
successful early-stage companies, they demand is exhausted.
are switching focus to a shorter-term, SALES
performance-based approach.

2. 4.
The ease of access to short-term metrics Brand-building can be considered
like cost-per-acquisition is intoxicating the creation of future demand.
when compared with the relative Future demand is created when new
difficulty and expense of measuring customers become aware of a brand TIME

the commercial return on investment in and add it to their consideration set.

brand-building. The idea of ‘brand’ has At this point they become more likely
accrued much baggage. Connotations of to respond to performance marketing
fluffy, unmeasurable, vanity-based and efforts. Before this point, converting
wasteful marketing abound. them can be difficult and expensive.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 3


7. 2.
Four drivers of brand advantage Start-up tactics have limited effectiveness A review of the literature points to at
for mature brands, for whom there isn’t least four ways that well-supported
that pool of pre-existing demand to brands still enable effective outcomes
FAME MENTAL AVAILABILITY efficiently convert. Mature brands grow in digital commerce. These can be
most efficiently by focusing on sustaining termed four drivers of brand advantage,
Am I aware of it? Would I consider it? existing demand and generating new and communications plans should be
demand. developed with these in mind.

8. • Fame and mental availability (two

RECOGNITION PERCEPTIONS OF VALUE linked concepts) both matter. Pre-
Converting existing demand and
existing knowledge of a brand helps
creating future demand are both
search outcomes, and consideration
Do I know it when I see it? Do I think it’s worth the price? critical to sustained growth. They’re
of a brand during the ‘active’ stage
compatible and should happen
of a purchase journey is a huge
concurrently. But they require different
marketing approaches.
• Recognition also matters –
5. 6. Brand advantage distinctive brand assets help both
to ease recognition on the digital
Converting existing demand with For good companies, starting up is in digital commerce
shelf and to maximise the impact of
performance marketing is predicated relatively cheap and easy – there’s a
on targeting customers already in pre-existing demand for insightful, 1. performance advertising.

the market. Creating future demand innovative, new products, which can To make the case for building brands • Perceptions of value, built
requires the targeting of customers be efficiently converted with strong as companies shift into online sales, via functional and emotional
who aren’t already in the market, by performance marketing. Scaling up marketers need to be confident that associations, help support pricing.
standing out with engaging advertising, is much harder, as that pre-existing brand strength still delivers some form of
and creating an emotional connection. demand has been exhausted and advantage in online purchase journeys.
companies need to create future

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 4


3. 2. 4. 2.
But research also points to the The result in the current business Given these trends, brand-building The emerging study of attention will be
limitations of communications. Strong climate is that marketers are trying to (creative and media approaches that key for brand managers as they look to
brands risk an ‘expectation gap’ if the achieve more outcomes on challenged build future demand) and performance prioritise media and assess emerging
reputation they build is not matched budgets. Media channels and platforms (conversion of demand) need to be formats. New research connects
in the experience they deliver. Brand- are responding to these needs with planned together to leverage the attention with mental availability, one
building communications, product and new products that blend brand and connections between the two, and of the key drivers of brand advantage
experience (both online and offline) performance – for example, ‘full- maximise the impact. The channels that for online sales. There is potential
must work together. funnel’ platforms that offer a range of convince marketers they can support in the idea of an ‘attention strategy’
formats and buying options, including both will attract investment. that reflects a company’s objectives
‘shoppable’ opportunities. and takes account of existing brand
Challenging the
brand-building ‘silo’ 3. Finding the right
media opportunities
1. This challenges industry assumptions

Research suggests brand investment

on the role of different channels – 1.
for example, the outdated view that
should be three times that of The assumption that online sales require
traditional channels drive brand while
performance for brands selling online online ads also needs to be challenged.
digital channels drive performance.
– but that is not what is happening in All channels have an impact across online
As digital channels mature, and as
the market. One explanation is the and offline sales. The opportunity lies
traditional channels digitise, there
theory of ‘digital rent’, which suggests in understanding how combinations of
will be more opportunities to build
the advertising budget is having to channels might work together to support
brands in what have been thought of
absorb new responsibilities to support specific brand objectives. For example,
as performance channels, and drive
the shift into online sales. This would there is a long-established relationship
performance from brand-building work.
include search spend on the platforms. between TV and search which can
This trend complicates the brand/ arguably be under-leveraged if brand and
performance equation. performance are planned separately.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 5


Why we need to talk about brand

The past year has seen a step-change As money has flowed into formats 2021 investment has shifted heavily Post-pandemic budget cuts
in purchasing online. The peaks we’ve like Amazon search or paid social, into performance media, including largely fell on brand-building
seen at the height of lockdown are the cutbacks have been to brand e-commerce and retail media and related expenditure
unlikely to last, but development has investment – across advertising,
How do you expect the balance Where are budget cuts being made?
been accelerated. Companies in a sponsorship and associated costs.
of your investment to change in the
slew of categories have been forced The upshot is a stark shift towards what
coming year?
to invest in new infrastructure, and are termed ‘performance’ channels –
there is a clear direction of travel. those that drive short-term, measurable Toolkit 2020 Toolkit 2021

sales impact. 60% 80%

For media owners, the biggest winners 70%

have been the companies that span That shift away from brand is an 45% 51%
both digital commerce and advertising. acceleration of a long-term trend. 49%
This is a global trend. It includes In 2019, standing on the WARC stage 30% 40%
Amazon, Alibaba, Shopee, Lazada and at Cannes Lions, the researcher Peter 29% 28%

other marketplaces around the world, Field declared a crisis in creative 15% 20% 20% 14%
the emerging retail media sector, and effectiveness. Marketers were failing to

increasingly social platforms such use creativity to build brands and drive 0% 0%
as Instagram and TikTok that enable growth, he argued.

in performance
Increased investment

in brand
Increased investment


Brand advertising

Agency and vendor fees

Sponsorships & partnerships

New creative development

Tech investment

Performance marketing

Incredibly, at a time when intangible
In WARC’s Marketer’s Toolkit 2021, we assets make up 90% of the S&P 500’s
asked our global audience how these market capitalisation, marketers
trends had affected their budgets. appear to be losing faith in their core
contribution to those assets.

Source: WARC Marketer’s Toolkit 2021 Source: WARC Marketer’s Toolkit 2021

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 6


There is arguably a Their work is now commonly By labelling brand-building and • A need to invest in formats like Amazon
disconnect between the referenced. But in the retelling, a lot of performance marketing as entirely search as sales shift online and brands
power of brand at a business the nuance around these two ‘types’ of distinct, even opposite, we appear need to maximise their presence close
level, and the everyday communications is lost. to have missed the connections to the point of sale. This requirement
between the two, and siloed brand- will become more acute over time as
activities of the marketing • What we call brand-building building as a long-term endeavour digital commerce grows.
department. communication (reaching beyond that requires a leap of faith to invest in.
‘in-market’ consumers, often with Commentators such as Tom Roach and • A lack of confidence in or
As James Hurman points out in this
a form of emotional messaging) Mark Ritson have made the point that understanding of brand-building and
paper, brand-building is seen as
should still drive sales in the short the importance of doing both activities the effectiveness advantage it gives
fluffy and unaccountable by those
term. It may not always do so as simultaneously seems to have been to marketers, particularly in terms of
outside the marketing department.
effectively as targeted performance lost. And as Professor Jenni Romaniuk driving digital sales.
Commentators like Scott Galloway talk
ads when measured over a short of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute wrote
about the end of the ‘brand age’. This white paper examines these
timeframe, and its full payback on WARC in January: “One of the
occurs over a longer period. But if challenges and explores some ways to
This has not been helped by some of biggest own-goals of the advertising
it isn’t working in the short term, it respond.
the narrative over recent years. industry is the invention of the ‘brand-
won’t start working in the long term. building’ campaign.” First, James Hurman argues that
UK effectiveness researchers Les Binet
• Performance marketing works better we’ve taken the wrong lesson from
and Peter Field have rightly become
digital disruptor brands. He lays out an
industry names on the back of their if it comes from a strong brand. The shift into digital
alternative way of thinking about brand
analysis of IPA case studies. One of This is clear in a recent Facebook commerce is laying bare
study that showed how cost per and performance that helps bring the
the most important contributions they these issues. There are at
acquisition for one brand fell as two closer together as complementary
made was to recognise that marketing least three challenges to techniques.
awareness rose. So for marketers
communications have two roles – brand-building budgets:
delivering sales in the short term, and who scrutinise cost-per-acquisition,
Second, David Tiltman assesses the
building brands that can deliver sales brand should be a key factor. • A shift into performance spend, current evidence for the role of brand
in the long term. From that flowed the at the expense of brand budgets, in digital commerce, and how to plan
60:40 rule and the idea of a ‘two-speed’ driven by the economic shock of the effectively in a fast-changing landscape.
marketing plan. pandemic.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 7


Brand as future demand

How advertisers are optimising
themselves out of effectiveness,
and why brands need to create
future demand while they convert
existing demand
by James
Global Consumer
Founding Partner Planning Director
Diageo PLCUnavailable

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 8


Introduction The focus of e-commerce, tech and start-up companies on
performance marketing has come to strongly influence the
wider marketing world. What gets measured gets managed –
and the ease of access to performance metrics like cost per
impression, click and acquisition, when contrasted against the
relative difficulty and expense of measuring brand marketing,
means that our management efforts (and therefore spend) are
becoming skewed toward performance.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 9


The rise of Yes, the darlings of the start-up world Within ten years, Andreessen Horowitz
performance marketing are seductive. They invent exciting expects all but 20% of those incredible
products, then have a surgical ability to companies to have failed and closed
Large brands in mature categories get people to buy those products in a their doors, or be limping along barely
are seeking to use performance way that sees them grow very quickly delivering a return. Like A16Z, most VC
marketing to emulate the high growth while spending far less on marketing. business models are predicated on the
of successful early-stage companies. Who wouldn’t want that? majority of their investments failing,
while 20% return so much that they pay
On one hand, this is constructive. The trouble is that the majority of those for the rest.
Why not learn from how successful, companies fail in the longer term.
innovative companies are managing The Googles and Facebooks of the
the effectiveness of their marketing? world are among a handful of lonely
Why not experiment with their tactics
Emulating the losers
outcasts thriving in a monumental
to find out if they work just as well for Andreessen Horowitz, one of the graveyard of literally hundreds of
our brand? biggest and best venture capital (VC) thousands of dead companies.
firms in the world, invests in around
On the other, trading the proven Seeking to learn from the best is
20 out of every 3,000 companies that
longer-term effectiveness of strong admirable. But deciding how to
Deciding how to steward apply to them for funding. That is, they
brand marketing for the primarily steward a brand by emulating the
invest in the most incredible 0.7% of
a brand by emulating the short-term, performance-based approach of a sector with a 0.1%
approach of a sector with approach of early-stage start-up success rate is ludicrous.
companies is incredibly risky. Those companies are almost always
a 0.1% success rate is The clear outtake is that high rates of
experiencing high growth, and use
ludicrous. performance marketing in a way
short-term, early stage growth are a very
poor predictor of the future success and
that shows a low cost of acquisition,
sustainability of a company.
supported by other impressive
performance metrics.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 10


Running out of customers

Studying these companies, They just need the solution put in Anecdotal reports suggest
it’s become clear that they are front of them. The company uses this usually happens around
extremely good at converting cost-effective digital marketing to three years from launch.
So why do these get their solution in front of those
demand for their product into
companies, with sales. consumers. It goes brilliantly. Growth What happened?
such strong early happens exponentially, and at a very
low cost. VCs and the media pile in. Those companies deftly created a
But they’re terrible at creating what
performance, almost Techcrunch goes wild. product for which there was pre-
we’re calling ‘future demand’.
always fail in the end? existing, unmet demand. They skilfully
We see the pattern repeat again Then something strange happens. New converted all of that demand. And they
and again. A company launches an customers become more difficult and ran out of customers before they’d
innovative new offering to market. It expensive to find. Growth slows. Cost done the critical job of creating future
solves a very real customer problem in per acquisition begins to rise – and demand.
a totally unique way. There is a naturally keeps rising, to the extent that their
occurring group of consumers who will business model (which was predicated
pay to have that problem solved. on very low marketing costs) is no
longer valid. The path to profitability
suddenly looks long and treacherous.
Eventually, the whole thing peters out.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 11


How big tech changed its tune on advertising

FAANG global adspend, $ billions

Facebook Apple (e) Amazon Netflix Google

While there is clear value One of the factors is brand. “Has it
to activating available built a brand that people love and 20

customers, and doing trust?”, she cites as one of her key

so expediently, where considerations. “White label a Glossier/ 15

Chanel/La Mer product, and chances

performance marketing
are women won’t covet them nearly as 10
lacks is in its ability to build
much, even if the contents inside are
a relationship with future the same.”

And she advocates against an over- 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Li Jin, General Partner at VC Atelier
reliance on performance marketing to
Ventures, which has backed companies Source: WARC Data
scale. “It’s unsustainable to rely heavily
like Patreon and Substack, stated:
on paid acquisition channels to grow, as One of the biggest clues that brand- Jeff Bezos has even admitted he had
“there are over 400 startups trying to
the margin ends up being bid away.” building remains important in the digital “changed his mind” about the value
be the next Warby Parker, but history
shows that 90%+ of e-commerce economy is the fact that the digital of advertising as Amazon has seen
companies will fail. What separates the commerce natives are now major competition increase.
successes from the failures?” investors in advertising. As this chart
shows, the FAANG companies have Others are following in their wake. In a
significantly increased advertising recent earnings call, Etsy’s CEO eulogised
investment in recent years, and now about the power of its emotionally-driven
account for around 4% of total global TV campaign when run alongside a direct-
adspend, according to WARC Data. response push. In other words, companies
like this need strong brands built outside
their algorithms.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 12


The case At any single point in time, there is a finite amount of demand
for a brand.

for future That is, there is a certain amount of people who have need
of the brand’s product category, are aware of a brand and who
demand would consider buying it if the right offer were put in front
of them.*

That finite amount of demand is available to be captured and

converted to sales with sales conversion or performance
marketing activities.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 13


But as that demand is exhausted, sales

conversion and performance marketing
activities become less effective, less
efficient and more expensive.

Eventually, at saturation point, when * Yes, it’s true that consumers will often
all demand has been converted, the results jump at a novel product that solves a real
from sales conversion and performance problem in a highly unique and compelling
marketing activity plateau completely. way, without needing to be aware of the
We have, often very effectively and efficiently, brand in advance. But, (a) there is still a finite
captured and converted all of the available amount of these customers which will at
demand. some point be exhausted, and (b) while we
all think our baby is beautiful, in reality
At this point, the only thing left to do is to very few products are novel, unique and
generate new demand, which then becomes compelling enough to have a pre-existing
available to convert into sales. demand pool as big as the sales ambition of
the company and its investors.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 14


The demand valley of death

While converting existing continues for as long as it takes for a It’s at this stage that start- base is much greater, which can mean
demand to sales can happen new set of customers to go through up and scale-up companies the business model no longer functions
very quickly – sometimes that process of being introduced to hit the skids, lose investor profitably – often meaning game over,
immediately and with a single a brand, then becoming familiar and confidence, and turn from or a significant pivot, or a sustained
trusting enough in it to be sufficiently period of losses ahead.
strong offer – creating new high-growth darlings into
ready to be converted.
demand takes longer. dead brands walking. In mature organisations, scale and
This period is usually traumatic inertia mean that the business doesn’t
The process of becoming sufficiently Start-up business models are often
and destructive for a business. normally face an existential threat –
aware of, familiar with and trusting of predicated on marketing costs
As sales slow down, the stance of but does face an agonising period
a brand to truly turn into ‘convertible observed during an early period when
a business changes from one of where momentum is lost, faith in
demand’ rarely happens in the space pre-existing demand is being efficiently
growth, confidence, momentum and management is questioned, layoffs
of one ad, campaign, or interaction converted. This can create a false
investment, to one characterised happen, fingers are pointed, and culture
with a brand. understanding of the future marketing
by a sudden absence of growth, is compromised.
costs needed to sustain the business.
Familiarity and trust are created over organisational anxiety, confusion
Our CPA looks fantastically low – we It’s not enjoyable for anyone – not
the course of several interactions with and budget cuts. In this tailspin, it’s
only need to spend $5 to convert shareholders, management or staff.
a brand across a duration that may difficult to coordinate and invest into
existing demand – so we assume we’ll Nor customers, who suffer the
be weeks, months, or even years in the types of marketing activities that
only ever need to spend $5 to acquire a consequences of cost cutting affecting
categories like luxury and automotive will generate new demand. Usually, out
new customer. areas like service and support or
goods. For this reason, if we wait until of desperation, we continue to try to
wring new sales out of our exhausted product quality.
all existing demand is exhausted before In reality, once that demand is
we begin to generate new demand, we pool of demand – an expensive and exhausted, we face the cost of These avoidable outcomes happen
experience a painful period where sales often pointless process that only creating new demand PLUS the cost as a result of failing to create future
flatline or drop, or become extremely causes more scepticism in marketing’s of converting that new demand. The demand while existing demand is
expensive to activate. This period effectiveness, leading to more anxiety business suddenly realises its cost being converted.
and budget pressure.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 15


Crossing the valley

When future demand creation and Plus, because creating demand takes It also should be noted that demand
existing demand capture happen longer and is more expensive than creation with brand-building activity
concurrently, growth is sustainable converting demand, it means we need doesn’t lead to an absence of sales in
How do we avoid and sustained. We have a well-oiled to spend more on demand creation the short term. The data are conclusive
hitting these skids? marketing machine that’s creating than demand conversion. that brand marketing still provides a
demand and then converting it in a reasonable level of short-term sales,
The answer’s a stable and sustainable way. This is why the data show that the most but unlike performance marketing, also
effective brands spend more of their generates future sales.
simple one. We Because converting existing demand overall budget (60%) on brand-building
need to be creating and creating new demand both cost than sales activation activity (40%).
money, this necessarily means either This ratio is even more pronounced
future demand at the spending more, or transferring some for online-only brands – Peter Field
same time as we’re spend from conversion to creation, and and Les Binet have shown the optimal
accepting slightly lower rates of short- mix to be 76% brand and 24% sales
capturing existing term growth. activation for online brands – demand
conversion is very efficient online, while
demand. brand-building is a little more difficult.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 16


The principle The need for investment in building brands as well as to
pursue performance marketing can be rethought as creating

of future ‘future demand’ versus harvesting ‘existing demand’. The

relationship between the two is key.

demand Based on existing research and case studies, we can build

the following models.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 17


No future demand creation

• Demand for the brand stays flat

• Sales plateau when demand is exhausted
• Conversion activity stops working as there is no more demand to convert

Every brand has a ‘demand ceiling’ – in short, the amount

1. of people in the market who have a need for the category
product / service and won’t reject the brand in question.


Demand conversion activity cannot TIME

2. convert demand that doesn’t exist.

Future demand creation after the fact

• Sales plateau when demand is exhausted

• Future demand builds slowly over time
• Demand can only begin to be converted efficiently once sufficient future
Creating future demand takes longer than converting existing demand –
demand has been created
3. therefore when a brand starts creating future demand only when existing
demand is exhausted, there is a period of sales stagnation.


Flat sales period while future demand is created


Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 18


Consistent future demand creation

• Future demand is consistently built

• Demand is converted at a sustainable rate as it’s created
• Conversion activity continues to work as new demand becomes available


When future demand is created consistently,

4. sales growth can be maintained sustainably.

When future demand activity is reduced, sales will

5. continue at first before decaying – temporarily creating

an illusion that brand-building is unimportant to sales.

Future demand activity reduced

• Brand-building actively is reduced or stopped

• Sales do not immediately drop, as prior brand-building activity has created future demand
• There is an initial false sense of security that brand activity is unimportant
• Sales then decay


Misleading period
when sales hold up


Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 19


Creating Future demand means people who are not yet ready
to buy – but may realistically come into the market or

future the category in the future.

That leads to both media and creative considerations,

demand as what will win the attention of somebody in the market
may not be enough to do so for future buyers.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 20


What do we mean by ‘demand’?

Essentially, a brand’s demand is the amount of
people who (a) have a need for the brand’s product
category and (b) would consider satisfying that
need with a product from that particular brand.

At any single point in time, this is a finite Future demand is a second group of people
number of people. These people are in a who don’t yet have a need for the product
position to respond to an offer from the brand. category (or who aren’t yet ready to switch
They are ‘demand’ that can be immediately from whomever they’re currently buying from)
converted. So sales conversion activity – be but who are aware of and would consider
that a conversion ad on Facebook, a price buying from the brand if and when the need
promotion in the supermarket or a direct arises or they decide to switch.
response TV ad – is likely to succeed in
getting them to buy the product. In their case, sales conversion activity won’t
work. At least not immediately. They’re not
ready to buy yet. But they are primed, and so
future sales conversion activity will work on
them as they enter the market.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 21


Influencing demand
The rise and fall of demand is influenced by many variables.

At a category level, demand is often Of course, demand isn’t one-and- interested in that particular feature or
governed by things like the weather done. If Nike went off-air for a period, style, they’ll plateau. Unless, along the
(ice cream), trends stimulated by and other brands seduced those Nike way, they’ve created future demand by
the media and consumer culture customers effectively, Nike may well fall generating awareness, familiarity and
(environmentally sustainable products), off the consideration set and see future trust among a new set of consumers
global pandemics (video-conferencing), demand for its brand decrease. who they can then convert.
or macroeconomic shifts (home loans).
In some cases, category demand is In the case of a brand new shoe It’s this ‘new set of customers’ that are
ubiquitous (electricity, clothing). Some company, they will initially only be able critical. Not the customers already ‘in
categories (e.g. collagen powder to convert a very small amount of the market’ and ready to buy. Hence
supplements) have quickly grown as a pre-existing demand that’s currently the evidence from the Ehrenberg-Bass
result of many, many brands working un-served by others like Nike. They’ll Institute that focusing on penetration
together to make collagen ‘a thing’. probably do this by creating a product (i.e. targeting as many consumers as
Do not be seduced by the with unique features or styling. If they’re possible, regardless of whether they’re
idea that it is wasteful to talk Within categories, individual brands successful, they’ll appeal to a small an immediate conversion prospect)
to people who are not about command a share of the overall segment of the market that’s been is more important than focusing on a
category demand. Within footwear waiting for that unique feature or style tight ‘buyer’ segment if the brand is to
to buy. It is vital to do so.
(ubiquitous category demand), a brand to come along. With a great product, grow. As Peter Field notes, “do not be
Peter Field like Nike commands a very high share it’ll be relatively easy to convert that seduced by the idea that it is wasteful
of that demand. Most people are aware existing demand with performance to talk to people who are not about to
of Nike, and a large proportion would marketing. But once they exhaust that buy. It is vital to do so.”
consider a pair of Nikes. pre-existing demand pool of people

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 22


How to create future demand

Prior research from the Ehrenberg- Paying for impressions is not As the last 20 or so years of
Bass Institute and the IPA has shown the same as standing out or behavioural economics and
that brands grow over the longer earning consumers’ attention. neuroscience has proven, human
Future demand is created term when advertising reaches broad decision-making primarily happens
when we do three things: audiences (rather than tight segments), As Professor Karen Nelson-Field, an emotionally. We make around 95% of
stands out and is well branded with expert in the field of attention, says, our decisions with our ‘System 1’ brain
1. T
 arget large and creative that cuts through, and engages “at the moment, media is sold on – intuitively, subconsciously, and guided
our emotions rather than trying to opportunity or potential to view rather by emotion. And we make just 5% with
new audiences persuade on a rational basis. than whether someone has actually our ‘System 2’ brain which considers
seen the ad or not. As it turns out, rational factors in a ‘pros and cons’
2. Stand out It isn’t that it’s impossible to generate many don’t see it, yet advertisers still way and makes a conscious evaluative
new demand with tightly targeted and pay.” Research from Lumen shows that decision.
3. Bond emotionally rational product comms. It’s just much only 9% of digital ads are viewed for
harder and much more expensive. more than one second. Performance We usually make decisions emotionally,
Product ads don’t tend to stand out marketing that stands out, captures and then those decisions are ‘rubber
as much as big or catchy brand ideas. and sustains our attention is rare – stamped’ with the rational part of
They seek to engage the rational part despite the billions spent each year on our brain. Humans don’t like to make
of the brain with information. And tight impressions. rationally stupid decisions, and so
targeting tends to limit the amount of this rubber stamping ensures that our
new demand you’re creating to a set of emotional decisions aren’t entirely
people who may already be customers foolish ones.
or already demand the product
category or brand.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 23


Lessons from the Messy Middle

However, as the Google Messy To create and convert demand we need A recent report from Google and the Behavioural Architects underlines the challenges
Middle research (opposite) shows, to align with this reality of how the brain brands face in online purchasing environments – but also their ongoing power.
we will still often forego rationally far works:
superior products and propositions In this experiment, they tried to get consumers to switch from their first-choice brand
in favour of inferior ones from brands 1. Create an emotional bond among to a fictional brand they had supercharged with behavioural nudges like user reviews
that we are emotionally closer to. a very broad audience, especially and money off. In most categories, most consumers were willing to switch.
Emotional connection gives brands a those who are not already ‘in
the market’ with advertising that But it also shows quite considerable numbers of consumers sticking with their first-
valuable buffer against competitors
primarily exists to stand out and be choice brand in the face of all available evidence.
with cheaper or technically better
offers. noticed by people unfamiliar with 1st choice brand Fictional brand
the brand (creates demand)
The data evidence is significant that
28 43 44 48 49 50 50 50 51 53 60 60 62 63 63 63 63 64 65 71 73 73 75 75 76 78 79 79 82 86 87

people who feel emotionally close to 2. Follow through later with rational
a brand are more likely to buy it, more offers to those who are ‘in the 75

likely to accept a price premium, more market’ and ready to notice and
57 56

likely to accept a functionally inferior respond to rational offers (converts 50 52 51 51 50 50 49 47

product. demand). 40 40 38 37 37 37 37 36 35
25 27 27 25 25 25
22 21 21
Again, the take-out is not that 18
14 13

emotional advertising to broad 0

audiences doesn’t create any sales in

Flights – Long haul
Car (SUV)
Face moisturiser
Mobile network provider
Cat food
Children’s toy
Fitted kitchen
Power drill
Flights – Short haul
Energy provider
Broadband provider
Package holiday
Credit card
Car hire
Bathroom suite
Mountain bike
Car insurance
the short term – it does. Even better, it
also generates future sales.

Transfer of preference from first choice to fictional brand – bias supercharging analysis, all categories.

Source: ‘Decoding Decisions’, Google & The Behavioural Architects (2020)

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 24


Performance marketing is This is supported by Direct Line Click-through rates were higher for a brand supported
only sustainable when future Group’s 2018 winning IPA Effectiveness by advertising vs. a brand with no ad support.
demand has been created paper ‘They went short. We went long.’
In that case, ad click-through rates were Privilege click-through rate Churchill click-through rate

New research by Professor Jenni twice as high for Churchill – the brand
Romaniuk at the Ehrenberg-Bass that had invested in brand advertising
Institute, and a separate study by consistently over past years – than
researchers at the New York University Privilege – the brand that had cut ad
Leonard N. Stern School of Business, support to zero (see chart opposite).
shows that consumers gravitate
towards noticing and interacting with So – if we want to grow by getting more
brands that are already familiar to them. consumers to respond to our digital 5.7%

Prior knowledge or usage of a brand advertising in future, we’ll make it vastly

is a much stronger predictor of choice easier for ourselves if we have built up
than the design of a digital asset (e.g. familiarity with the brand in advance of 2.9%

colours, images, fonts). If we’re a new targeting them with those ads. 2.7%

brand, this suggests it doesn’t matter

We will have created future demand 1.4%
how well designed our ads are – it’s
that can then be converted at a much 0.5%
much more important to focus on
more efficient rate. Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
building familiarity with the brand than
it is to neglect familiarity and just focus Source: Direct Line Group: They went short. We went long. IPA Effectiveness Awards, 2018

on tweaking the design elements of


Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 25


Demand at different
company lifestages
A. Start-ups

The role of an innovative start-up Creating a truly unique and superior The same is true for Tesla, Facebook,
is to understand where there is product is a far faster way to early Uber, Amazon and all the other start-
existing unfulfilled demand. That is, a market traction than creating a parity ups that captured their markets without
The way demand is customer need or problem that isn’t product and attempting to differentiate the initial use of brand marketing.
created and captured being adequately served or solved by it with brand.
any other brand or product. It should be noted, however, that
is very different across When Google was created, there was creating a product this good is
innovative start-up Capturing that demand relies on an unserved need for relevant internet extraordinarily difficult. These products
companies, scale-up creating a product that compellingly searches. With their superior search represent a fraction of a percent of
companies and mature serves that need, in a unique or engine and algorithm, Google served all start-up products. Though we
objectively better way. that need far better than competitors might aspire to create a product
brands. like AltaVista or Ask Jeeves. Millions as good as Tesla’s or Google’s, it’s
When that’s done right, cost of of web users chose to use Google vanishingly unlikely that we will succeed
acquisition is very low because all not because it was a brand that they – especially if we are working in a
marketing needs to do is make people were familiar with or had any particular corporate environment where politics,
aware the product exists. Customers affinity with – but solely because the consensus decision-making and other
already have the need, and the product product performed so well, and was such impediments to good innovation
is the only one that’ll solve it. free to use. The role of marketing in exist.
Google’s early days was simply to make
This is the simple reason why start-ups
the world aware of, which
are (and should be) so product-focused.
was an objectively far superior product.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 26


B. Scale-ups

As companies move from start-up to power of their brand to insulate them Scale-ups face a creative challenge
scale-up, the playing field tends to against a raft of competitors who
level. Competitors arrive, often with regularly bring out products with new
similar or even superior products. features well ahead of Apple. And 2.2 2.2

Customers have a range of ways to yet their customers are prepared to

solve their problem, from a range of wait, and to pay more for, the Apple 1.9

different brands. equivalent. Star Rating 1.7 1.7

The main danger for performance- During scale-up, marketing’s role is no
Brand Fluency 49% 50%
focused start-ups is that the longer simply about making people 44%

relationship they develop with their aware of the product – but making them
customers is solely based on product believe the brand’s product is the best 1.02
Spike Ratings 0.92
features. When this is the case, the one for them. 0.88 0.86

scale-up stage is made difficult by

customers who will eagerly shift to a Total demand becomes shared Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 UK
193 ads 120 ads 86 ads 46 ads Total
competitor who brings out a better among a number of competitors, all
feature set. of whom are acquiring customers and
exhausting that demand at a far greater Source: System 1, cited in ‘Scaling up without screwing up’ by Tom Roach

Whereas, start-ups who establish an rate than before. Scaling up requires

emotional connection tend to breed maintaining product superiority as best Scale-ups tend to take time to adapt to When scale-up brands first go on TV,
customers who will stay with them we can, but also building awareness brand-building media like TV, according they try to advertise like they do online
even when competitors close in. This is and consideration among those who to UK research. It takes on average – with the kind of rational, product-
something Apple has excelled at from will be future customers of the category four years for a new-to-TV brand to focused ads that worked for them as
their earliest days – using the emotional and brand. reach ad scores comparable to more a start-up. It takes them a number of
experienced TV advertisers, according years to make more emotional, brand-
to Tom Roach and System 1. centric ads that work much harder. This
process could happen much faster if
scale-up brands properly understood
the role of marketing at their lifestage.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 27


C. Mature companies

In mature categories, we usually see a wide Marketing is about making sure the product
range of products that are only superficially is physically available and priced right –
differentiated at a product level. As and future demand creation is all about
marketers, we might kid ourselves that the creating ‘mental availability’ and an emotional
TV, bank or biscuit we’re selling is better, connection with consumers that will make
but the reality is that consumers won’t see it them choose your pretty-much-the-same
that way. Ehrenberg-Bass Institute research product over all the others.
featured in the book How Brands Grow
shows that across major categories, an
average of 17% of buyers of a product see it
as being different or unique.

In mature categories, people do not buy

products because they see those products as
being superior. They buy them because they
will adequately serve their need and are either
the most convenient option, the cheapest
one, the one they trust the most, the one
they feel emotionally closest to, or just simply
because they happen to feel like that one at
that moment.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 28


If you’re not a monopoly,

don’t market like one
In most categories, it’s of value platforms. This is why it’s extremely expected by single players in traditional
to customers to have a range of difficult for marketplaces like eBay to categories.
competing brands and products. We’d be challenged by competitors, and
never want there to be just one wine extremely unlikely that a VC would fund In these situations, demand becomes
brand. Or one shoe brand. Or one an eBay competitor. ubiquitous and very easy to maintain
hotel brand. – because competition is naturally
Amazon, Google, Airbnb, Uber, Spotify, repressed. The need to create future
But in some circumstances, it’s in Facebook, LinkedIn, and Netflix have demand in order to compete is vastly
customers’ interests that one company all benefitted from this same reality. lower, and instead these companies
establishes a monopoly position in their It’s in our interests as consumers to turn to brand-building activity to
category. have one giant online store, one search maintain their social licence and
engine, one holiday rental marketplace, acceptability as a monopoly.
In these situations, demand Take eBay. As consumers, we want one ride-sharing app, one source of
becomes ubiquitous and there to be one place where we can all music, one personal social network, In categories where competition is
very easy to maintain – search all second-hand goods in one professional social network, and rife, and success means consumers
one go. Were there ten competing one all-encompassing TV streaming choosing your brand over others,
because competition is platforms, we’d need to search companies would be foolish to try to
naturally repressed. ten different websites to find what emulate the marketing approach of
we’re looking for. This would be time Even though competitors have Airbnb, Amazon or LinkedIn, which
consuming and annoying – and so emerged for most – those major simply isn’t fit for purpose in traditional
the market naturally sticks with one players have maintained far greater categories and would most likely see
major player and rejects competing market share levels than could ever be them fail.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 29


Conclusions Converting existing demand with performance marketing is
easy. It’s also one very important part of any marketer’s job.
But that demand eventually runs out. And when it does, it’s
impossible to get around the need to create future demand.
Demand conversion activity cannot convert demand that
doesn’t exist. Creating future demand takes longer than converting
existing demand – so if a brand starts creating future demand only
when existing demand is exhausted, the platform is already burning.
But – when future demand is created consistently, sales growth
can be maintained sustainably.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 30


Next steps Understand the trade-offs

of performance marketing
Don’t assume ‘thinking
like a start-up’ means
advertising like one
‘future demand’
It’s a valuable tool for converting Use brand tracking research to ensure
existing demand, but ill-equipped Consider the evidence that high your brand is growing its awareness
to create future demand. Review short-term growth and strong and consideration, and thereby building
your budgets in terms of demand performance metrics are a very poor future demand. Understand the
conversion and demand creation, and predictor of the future success and cost of creating this awareness and
take company life stage into account. sustainability of a company. consideration growth, and what type of
advertising best shifts the dial. Factor
these costs and learnings into future
Think carefully business-modelling, planning, and
before reducing spend budget setting.
on brand-building
The evidence is overwhelming that this
is destructive in the mid-long term.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 31


Building brand
advantage in the shift
to digital commerce

by David Tiltman
VP Content

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 32


That means a commitment in terms 1. Does brand still matter in What follows is a summary of the
of messaging (creative, emotional) digital commerce (and if findings, and what that means for
and media (as broad an audience so, how)? marketers in companies shifting into
James Hurman has argued of potential category buyers as can digital commerce. A fuller series of
that the example of digital reasonably be bought or otherwise papers will be published for WARC
disruptors is misleading accessed), in addition to the powerful 2. How do you balance brand- subscribers, bringing together the
techniques that convert existing building and performance evidence we’ve found.
for medium- and large- demand into sales. marketing to optimise
size brands. Even in the digital sales? The focus is on sales through
world of digital start-ups, The assumption is that the result of this marketplaces and platforms, rather
brand-building will be an advantage than direct-to-consumer, though many
sustained growth involves once those consumers become ‘active’. 3. Do you need online ads to of the lessons should apply across
building future demand. drive online sales? different models.
But, in a world of algorithmically-driven
recommendations, how do those
brands confer an advantage? And
what do brand managers need to do to
unlock that advantage?

To unpack this topic, WARC has been

working with leading researchers
and practitioners around the world
to address three questions that our
clients are asking us:

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 33


Does brand There is no consensus here – and conflicting advice. In his book
Post Corona, Scott Galloway talks of a shift from the ‘brand age’

matter to the ‘product age’.

In this new age, he argues, brand and reputation are secondary to

user reviews and convenience. A carefully crafted brand narrative
can be undermined by a better product backed by social proof.

It’s a very rational view of consumers – that given perfect information,

we’ll make better choices. Brand in this worldview is seen as something
fluffy and unaccountable.

“The losers”, Galloway states, “are the media companies that

provided platforms for the big and bold brand-building advertising
of the brand age, and the creative-driven ad agencies that
made them.”

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 34


The pushback to that point of view comes So is there any research

from people like Martin Weigel, Head of to back this up?
Planning at Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam.
Talking on the WARC stage at Cannes Lions In recent months we’ve been reviewing a
in 2019, he stated: “We’ve been suckered number of new studies, working with experts
into believing that we don’t need to build all over the world, as well as reviewing the
memories.” existing literature on WARC. Overall the
research supports the idea that brand still
The important point here is that brand is about matters in online purchasing, and that brand-
memory. The benefit of having a strong brand building communications support this.
has, arguably, been the ability to nudge people
towards a purchase, or pay a little bit more, It does so in four ways. We can call these four
based on knowledge and associations built up drivers of brand advantage – the factors that
over time. should help strong brands overperform during
an online purchase journey (with a focus on
Anecdotally, there is a sense in the industry buying on marketplaces or other platforms),
that brand should matter even more in a and deliver positive commercial outcomes.
world where physical cues are lacking and
purchase journeys are compressed. Simon
Peel, Senior Director for Global Media at
adidas, made this point late last year after
several years experimenting with what works
for digital commerce. “If anything, the laws and
rules of marketing and communications are
Martin Weigel of Wieden + Kennedy speaking on the WARC stage more important than ever when it comes to
at Cannes Lions 2019. e-commerce.”

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 35


Four drivers of brand advantage

Strong brands retain an advantage in digital purchase journeys in at least four ways


Am I aware of it? Would I consider it? Do I know it when I see it? Do I think it’s worth the price?

Why it matters: Why it matters: Why it matters: Why it matters:

‘Prior knowledge’ is an Being easily recalled in buying ‘Distinctive assets’ allow Rational (value for money) and
advantage in search. situations is a major advantage as recognition in crowded digital irrational (emotional/aspirational)
it aids branded search (either on commerce environments. associations justify pricing and
‘Common knowledge’ helps general search or within platforms). help resist commoditisation.
buyers justify purchase decisions. Easily recognised assets aid the
Measures: correct attribution of advertising In certain cases this may support
‘Network effects’ • Salience or mental availability at – and help make performance subscription or membership
are prized by VCs. ‘category entry points’ marketing more powerful. models.
• Share of search
Measures: Measures: Measures:
• Unprompted awareness • Distinctiveness of assets in • Brand equity research
• Organic (non-paid-for) traffic relevant commerce sites • Price premiums
into site or branded properties • Correct ad attribution • Percentage of sales at full price

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 36


As former strategist and author But fame arguably goes beyond
Paul Feldwick has recently argued, awareness. It’s not just knowing about a
successful brand-building is brand – but knowing that other people
about creating fame. And there know about that brand. This is called
are a number of benefits to being ‘common knowledge’. The ability to
well known that extend to digital embed a brand ‘in culture’ – whether
commerce. A recent academic paper at a mass level or among a certain
on the smartphone sector from the audience or community – remains
New York University Leonard N. important.
Stern School of Business showed
that familiarity with a brand is one And the ability to generate fame
matters to the backers of digital
Look at the proportion of of three factors that improve search
outcomes and purchase decisions businesses. Venture capitalists look for
people who come direct to your ‘network effects’ in their investments,
(the others being prior ownership
website versus the proportion and prior experience with product in other words, the ability to reach
that come through paid features). potential new customers cheaply. The
reason they look for these is that they
activation or intermediaries like So top-of-mind awareness remains are aware that cost per acquisition will
price comparison sites. If you’re important – and the CMOs we spoke to rise as the ‘easy’ demand runs out.
a strong brand, people will for this paper still count awareness as a
‘base’ metric for brand-building. There Gymshark and Peloton are often cited
actively seek you out. as examples of brands that excel at
is also growing interest in using forms
of organic (i.e. not paid-for) traffic as a this. Their fame is built on community,
Les Binet, adam&eveDDB
way to assess interest in a brand. partnerships and advocacy as well as

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 37


Mudit Jaju,

Mental availability Global Head of


Then there’s what the Ehrenberg-

Bass Institute calls mental availability.
Small consideration sets mean
Brands should come to mind easily marketers need to build bias
In the US, nearly half of and be associated with purchase
online purchase journeys occasions (“category entry points”
in the Institute’s phrasing). Building A larger majority (62%) of online buyers This is important because people
now start on Amazon
those associations is a key job for already know which brands they want to consider very few brands in the active
when consumers have a communications. buy compared to offline buyers (59%). stage. When buying a smartphone
specific product in mind. In almost every category, online buyers for example, people merely consider
In Asia, Shopee has seen Research by Wavemaker (opposite) have higher bias for the brands they 2.1 brands; and even for a considered
confirms the ongoing importance of bought than offline buyers. purchase like laptops, it is only 2.8.
branded searches double this work for online sales. The rise of If consumers are actively looking at
between 2019 and 2020. branded search is also telling here. The There are of course many steps so few brands, it is mission critical to
recent interest in share of search as a between bias and purchase, but give your brand the best chance to be
proxy for market share reflects the link building strong bias before a consumer considered. Clearly this must be done
between branded search and purchase. begins an online shopping journey by building brand bias and not just
So a major part of the battle is getting massively improves a brand’s odds of excellence in search execution.
people to search for a brand, rather being considered before purchase:
than the category. by 14x. Read the full article
by Mudit Jaju
In fact, recent US research indicates
that branded search on e-commerce
sites is a better predictor of eventual
‘add-to-cart’ actions than generic
search terms.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 38


Professor Jenni

Recognition Ehrenberg-Bass
Institute for
Marketing Science

Why distinctiveness
Next, brands should be easy to
recognise – whether that is recognising matters in digital commerce
the brand on the digital shelf, or
An often-cited benefit of online Clutter takes different forms and we
correctly associating an ad with a
shopping is the range, which is great often underestimate its extent. Even
brand. A new study by Professor Jenni
for the category buyer, but challenging more controlled environments such as
Romaniuk at the Ehrenberg-Bass
for the brand. Sales, thy enemy is a brand’s own website or app still have
Institute confirms the importance of
clutter. Plentiful, distracting, mental environmental clutter that the brand
so-called ‘distinctive brand assets’ in
and physical clutter takes away our needs to cut through to succeed. If you
crowded digital environments.
concentration capabilities and visual don’t have a visually cohesive portfolio,
faculties, making any one particular your very own brand’s portfolio can add
A lot of digital experiences But this remains an area where many
companies fall down. A Facebook study brand hard to find. to the clutter, making it hard to find any
are the same. What’s important one item you are selling.
of ads on its platform found that 57%
is finding the unique digital Other brands, images (such as
of brands managed to drive awareness
promotions), words (such as reviews), Read the full article
experience for the brand and uplifts for their competitors through
combined with a distracted buyer brain by Jenni Romaniuk
having a bit of stickiness or their advertising – largely because of a
means your brand is fighting an army
lack of recognisable branding.
friction in the experience if it for attention.

makes it different, memorable And this failure to brand runs into the
world of digital experience, where a set
and worthwhile.
number of templates on a small number
Brent Smart, of tech platforms has led to ‘bland’
Chief Marketing Officer, rather than ‘brand’.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 39


Patrick Miller,

Perceptions of value Co-President

Digital Commerce,

And of course, brand-building should

help reassure consumers that the
Some VCs talk about brand as a
form of ‘defensibility’ for digital start-
Display and search work together
product is worth the price, by creating, ups – that is, the ability to resist new
WARC has been working with its sibling If we dig deeper we can actually look
reinforcing or modifying functional and entrants. This concept of ‘defensibility’,
company Flywheel to explore some of at the change in purchase rate for
emotional associations. originally applied to start-up tech, has
the ways brand strength might work customers that view DSP and click on
potential in the world of brand – though
Brand equity research is a common way within digital commerce platforms. Sponsored Products vs. customers
there may be variations by category.
to track this, but the ultimate goal is to who just click on Sponsored Products.
James Hurman flagged the ‘Messy Our analysis has been driven by diving
look at price sensitivity for a brand, and In these instances we see a Purchase
Middle’ research from Google and the into the Amazon Marketing Cloud
what proportion of its sales are sold on Rate increase by an average of 4%.
Behavioural Architects (“Lessons from (AMC), Amazon’s clean room, where we
a discount. This is especially important the Messy Middle” on (page 24). In can look at the relationship between Both of these data points show how
for companies that need to maintain a some categories it was hard to make mid- to upper-funnel tactics like DSP display and search work together and
price premium online – particularly if consumers switch from their preferred and lower funnel tactics like Sponsored how mid- to upper-funnel investments
they want to extend into new models brands; in others it was relatively easy. Products. can improve lower funnel tactics.
like subscriptions or membership.
It’s important to note these four We’ve observed that 20% of Sponsored
There’s an interesting example of this drivers are mutually supporting. Fame Products clicks are preceded by an
at play in a case study from Direct Line and mental availability are related; Amazon DSP view. This helps prove
Group and Ebiquity, which looked at a catchy tagline or brand character the efficacy of display advertising and
the link between brand and pricing in might help drive fame as well as helps brands think through fractional
price comparison websites. Even in a recognition; perceptions of value are attribution. Amazon has last touch-
market with relatively low emotional reinforced by familiarity and visibility. attribution, but click trumps view. AMC
engagement, a well branded product
allows us to build our own fractional
could command a price premium over
attribution to see how these various
a near-identical product that was not
media types interact.
supported by advertising.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 40


The ‘expectation gap’ Relationship between brand reputation and click decision.
Predictive Margins with 95% CIs
Research also shows the limitations of communications. .70


Extra nuance comes through from a

new piece of academic research. .68

While brand reputations This looked at the correlation between .67

are still useful on what they call brand reputation and

several core digital metrics: click .66
e-commerce platforms, decision, browsing time and purchase. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

they might asymmetrically Brand Reputation

Source: ‘Seller marketing capability, brand reputation, and consumer journeys on e-commerce platforms’,
set up high expectations, The study, which was focused on the Jifeng Mu & Jonathan Z. Zhang, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2021)

smartphone category, found that as

which may lead to post- brand reputation rose, so did the impact
purchase frustration. on those three metrics – to a point.
levels there is a danger of a mismatch power of its brands, the quality of its
There is a clear benefit for unbranded
between brand reputation and the products, the strength of its logistics,
or ‘medium strength’ brands to invest in
experience on-site, during delivery and the investment it makes in
building their brands.
and post-purchase. For any brand experience – not just online experience,
But for all three metrics that impact with aspirations to be premium or but ‘real-life’ efforts such as detergent
tailed off or even declined at the upper super-premium, it’s confirmation packaging specifically designed for
levels of reputation. that product and experience matter delivery.
alongside brand.
The conclusion the researchers came So have we truly left the ‘brand age’?
to was that stronger brands raise That’s exactly the conclusion drawn by In the words of one venture capitalist:
expectations that are not always Procter & Gamble in recent earnings “The losers are big brands who can’t
fulfilled. They argue that at these calls. It attributes its success to the win on the basis of brand alone.”

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 41


What’s changing?
There are a number of emerging areas that need greater scrutiny.

1. 2. 3. 4.
Brand and recurring revenue Automated purchase Category variation Platforms-as-brands
Many companies are trying to build The implications of pre-set shopping The Google ‘Messy Middle’ data The platforms are themselves investing
subscription or membership models lists have yet to be assessed. How do suggested that there could be heavily in building their own brands. That
to capitalise on the strength of their consumers (or algorithms) construct significant differences in the stickiness creates a tension between the platform
products and trust in their brands. The such lists, and how can a brand be of brand preference depending on brand and the manufacturer brand –
relationship between brand and these added to one if a competitor is already category. Sometimes related sectors but ultimately the platform controls the
models (in terms of acquisition rates, on it? How does this work in non-text appear to have different dynamics – algorithm. How can brand-building help
churn, customer lifetime value) is yet to environments like voice? flights and hotels appear at opposite manufacturers resist commoditisation?
be researched. ends of the chart on page 24. What And when can a strong brand sell direct
drives these differences is yet to be to consumers to mitigate this risk (see:
fully researched. Nike and Amazon)?

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 42


The CMO view The biggest challenge on e-commerce is brand-building.

It’s the most important challenge for marketers. How do you build
your brand for e-commerce and not be a brand within e-commerce?
Because by being a brand within e-commerce, you’re always going
to be at the mercy of the channel, not the other way around.
Dhiren Amin
APAC CMO, Kraft Heinz

Experience is everything – irrespective of the brand or

product, consumers are demanding personalised, highly
engaging and differentiated digital experiences. Added to
this, hyper convenience is crucial. Immediate, friction-free
shopping has become the minimum expectation.
Tamara Rogers
Chief Marketing Officer, GSK Consumer Healthcare

Strong brands do well in e-commerce. The convergence of

media, entertainment and commerce offers many exciting
opportunities for brands to grow... Brands need to provide
unmissable services, content and experiences.
Conny Braams
Chief Digital & Marketing Officer, Unilever

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 43


Next steps Make brands fit

for digital commerce
Watch the
‘expectation gap’
Use offline as well
as online experience
Brands still matter in the world of Communications can’t do Delivery and unboxing are
digital commerce, particularly for everything. And at the upper relatively untapped moments for
large organisations that operate levels of reputation, a strong branded experience. DTC brands
at scale. Creative and media brand may raise expectations realised this early; now larger
plans should consider the four a company can’t fulfil. For players like Procter & Gamble are
drivers of brand advantage and this reason, the rise of digital rethinking packaging for digital
look to build and refresh them commerce has been described purchase journeys.
over time. as a ‘back to basics’ moment
that forces marketers to
consider all ‘four Ps’.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 44


How do you If we know that we still need strong brands in a world of digital
commerce, and that communications play a role by building and

invest in refreshing the four drivers of brand advantage, then the question
is how to invest across current and future demand. There aren’t

brand and easy answers here – but as James Hurman has already argued,
rather than thinking of these as siloed techniques, we can see
them as complementary approaches that work together to
performance? create the conditions for growth.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 45


Online brands
should skew towards Optimum split between brand-building and sales activation

UK ad researchers Les Binet and

Peter Field included analysis of online
brands in their work with the IPA. Their

findings underline the importance
of brand-building in an environment
45 %
where product information is very easy
to access. They argued that brand

investment should be roughly three
times that of performance investment
for brands selling online. %
It’s safe to say that’s not what’s
happening in the market, where we’re
seeing marketers lean more heavily into
performance marketing as sales shift
online. How do we explain this?

Offline brand Online brand

IPA Databank, ‘Effectiveness in Context’, Les Binet & Peter Field (2018)

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 46


Why ‘digital rent’

explains the disconnect
There are plenty of theories for why Kite argues that ads like search and The point here is that the advertising
marketers have not heeded this affiliates are essentially a cost of budget is straining in order to cover
advice. Maybe risk-averse marketers selling online. They are ways to direct more areas. It is having to cover forms
are hooked on the ‘fast data’ from existing demand to your brand. This is of physical availability (what might
performance techniques. Maybe the what the digital platforms do brilliantly, in offline retail have been a shopper
platforms have done a superb job on because they locate the demand marketing or trade marketing budget)
developing and selling their formats. signals. Professor Byron Sharp has as well as mental availability.
called search ads a form of physical
But one theory, put forward last year availability – it’s about being easy to If that’s the case, marketers have found
by the econometrician Dr Grace Kite, is buy, rather than about being easy to themselves in an unfortunate position
more subtle. It’s called digital rent. recall. – their advertising budgets aren’t going
up, but they have to achieve more from
Perhaps advertisers
So as companies sell more through them. It also complicates the equation
have been forced to marketplaces, they will need to invest when it comes to budget-setting across
devote too much budget to maximise their presence on those ‘brand’ and ‘performance’. For this
to activities that don’t marketplaces. As we’ve already seen in reason Kite advises that ‘digital rent’ be
Google’s Messy Middle research, this is moved to a different budget altogether.
drive incremental sales. important as consumers can still switch
during the ‘active’ phase.
Grace Kite

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 47


The issue of digital rent underlines one of the

biggest problems in ad research – working out
what has driven incremental sales, versus sales
that would have happened anyway.

With the death of the cookie likely to brand and PR. CEO Brian Chesky has argued
undermine some forms of attribution that the role of marketing now is “education”,
modelling, the need for a better read on rather than an attempt to “buy customers”.
what is working and what isn’t will likely
spur renewed interest in econometrics and Most brands do not have the advantages
media mix modelling. of an Airbnb. But some considerations in
search marketing might include:
But sometimes there is a more blunt way
to test what is working and what isn’t – turn • Do you need to invest in pay-per-click
something off and see what happens. on your own brand name if you have
strong SEO?
This is what has happened by default at
Airbnb – it switched off its performance • Are competitors bidding on your brand
advertising during the pandemic and found terms – and if not, do you need to?
that 95% of its traffic came back anyway. It
has now refocused its marketing spend on
Airbnb has refocused its marketing budget on brand-building campaigns.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 48


What’s changing?
Our assumptions around brand and performance will be challenged
over the next five years by the evolution of the media market.

1. 2. 3. 4.
Online as a brand builder Full-funnel platforms Blended approaches The evolution of performance
There’s been an assumption that Platforms are expanding into full-funnel Marketers under extreme budget pressure Performance marketing is evolving fast
online formats drive performance operations, developing formats that help are looking for solutions like this, as they too. The term already covers at least two
while offline works best for building build brand. They will sell themselves on need to achieve both demand harvesting techniques – ‘always-on’ formats like search,
brands. That distinction is out of date – the ability to connect brand and activation and demand creation with reduced and temporary, targeted promotional
there is growing evidence some video – including livestreaming and so-called resources. Brand and performance campaigns. The death of the cookie may force
formats online are effective brand shoppable formats. The point here is that will need to work together much more a rethink for marketers that have been heavily
builders. The interplay between online you can increasingly build brand in what closely. The platforms and channels that invested in data-driven techniques to identify
brand advertising and endorsement by have been thought of as performance make this case convincingly will reap the existing demand. This may leave them more
influencers or creators is another area channels, and drive performance straight benefits. This will give added impetus to dependent on platforms with first-party data.
that will grow in importance. from brand-building work. If a TikTok broadcasters to develop connected TV It may also spur use of modelled techniques
video can lead straight to a purchase offerings. like the ‘movable middle’.
opportunity, is that brand or performance?

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 49


Learning from Adam Epstein,

VP Growth,

the Asia experience

Asia is ahead of Western markets
in terms of digital commerce
click-based performance tools to
maximise conversion potential.
How Amazon is fusing
development. As WARC’s China Editor video and performance
Jenny Chan points out, the shift to a And Tmall itself has been doubling
‘full-funnel’ approach is now several down on its short-form video offering to
years old. upskill its branded-content capabilities. Amazon’s advertising team participated Let’s unbundle that, because it’s
in IAB’s NewFronts, with a star-studded honestly profound: Amazon is
“China’s digital commerce giants Other e-commerce players like JD
lineup to promote its video ambitions. leveraging its vast balance sheet to
have been blurring the lines between have entered the fray, with a ‘closed
Some highlights were: original content acquire exclusive AVOD content, which
brand and performance since 2017 loop’ embedding features like social
for IMDB (an AVOD service), expansion allows advertisers to granularly target
when Tmall first released its ‘OAIPL’ sharing, community management, and
of Amazon’s NFL partnership (also viewers based on their purchasing
consumer journey operation model. livestreaming into the sales process.”
AVOD), greater access for Twitch behaviour on, and then
OAIPL stands for Opportunity, inventory (AVOD), and the ability to creates a closed loop environment to
Those trends toward entertainment
Awareness, Interest, Purchase, Loyalty. create actionable video ads which allow purchase new products direct from the
and video built into digital commerce
platforms are seen outside China too. viewers to “add to cart”, “add to Alexa video ad itself via its voice technology.
The blurring will become even more
Singapore-based Shopee has launched shopping list”, “buy now” or “shop now” Only Amazon is capable of this.
pronounced in 2021. Both Alibaba
an in-app livestreaming feature, with – directly from the ad using their voice
and Bytedance’s platforms are Read the full article
4,500 livestreams from brands a or Fire TV remote.
offering more opportunities like by Adam Epstein
videos, livestreaming, photos from all month. It is developing its own content
angles, shopper reviews, seller ratings programme, including a Korean culture
and gamification tactics, while still convention featuring a week of K-pop
facilitating transactions with advanced concerts.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 50


The CMO view Marketing is no longer just about balancing the short and the long term.
Digitisation is enabling us to serve both long- and short-term marketing and
sales objectives in the same place, because media channels are becoming
commerce channels and commerce channels are becoming media channels.
If you look at retailer platforms, they are now media platforms where you
can both build brands as well as drive conversion.
Conny Braams
Chief Digital & Marketing Officer, Unilever

We don’t think about shoppable media per se, as not all media should
be shoppable. We think about what call to action is appropriate – based on
the point in the shopper’s journey, the brand, the time, weather or shopper’s
implied intent or interest. Within that context, we may add a shoppable
component to our creative as we serve an ad, but we may not if awareness
media is what is needed.
Doug Straton
VP & Chief Digital Officer, Hershey

The e-commerce space is becoming increasingly

blurred within social channels, and is long past being
a channel focused entirely on sales, becoming more
emergent in brand-building, reaching consumers in
all stages of the user journey.
Tamara Rogers
Chief Marketing Officer, GSK Consumer Healthcare

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 51


Next steps Plan brand and

performance together
Pick your battles
Those trade-offs may mean being
Minimise ‘dead ends’
The blurring of the lines allows more
The reality is marketers will have to choosy about which forms of ‘digital opportunities to look for ‘next steps’
make trade-offs to cover all the jobs rent’ are most necessary. Econometrics beyond the ad exposure. Sometimes
they need to do within the advertising may be able to help identify the ads that might be a direct shoppable
budget. Marketers will need to plan truly delivering incremental sales. opportunity. Or it might be knitting
brand and performance together (as in The other, more blunt and probably together channels like TV and search.
James Hurman’s ‘consistent demand brave approach is to test and learn by Part of the campaign planning process
creation’ approach), with more explicit turning things off and assessing the should be to map these routes.
links between the two to generate consequences.
maximum impact.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 52


Do online The third question we sought to answer was the relationship
between different channels and outcomes in digital commerce.

sales need There has been an assumption that a move into online sales requires
a shift of advertising budget into online channels. While that is

online ads? true to some degree, there is far more nuance in the research.
And that means there are a number of opportunities for marketers
to gain advantage by understanding some of the dynamics of
the emerging media landscape.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 53


The short answer is yes… and no

As we’ve seen throughout this paper, And as we have seen, this investment Average sales impact by marketing channel
maximising your presence close to can be thought of as ‘digital rent’, a
the point of purchase – in the form form of ‘physical availability’, or as a E-commerce Brick and mortar

of advertising, product pages and means of harvesting existing demand.

more – is an important factor in driving
online sales. That’s clear in the Google So the shift into online sales does mean Paid search

research. It’s also clear in a recent some shift into online ads. Digital audio

study that found viewing a brand’s Social

There is more nuance when we come
product page or branded search on Digital display
to consider the channels that work to
an e-commerce site is a much better
build what James Hurman terms ‘future OLV

predictor of purchase than visits to a

demand’. Print
brand’s website.
When looking at digital sales, the
problem we’ve had is the way
attribution modelling has favoured
those digital channels close to the
point of purchase. Typically, search Cinema

Halo impact is really will be overemphasised in attribution 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

important to understand if models, masking the impact of offline

channels, and also taking credit for Source: Analytic Partners ROI Genome
we are to be effective with customers who would have bought a
our marketing dollars. product anyway.
Research company Analytic Partners have an impact on sales both online
Mike Menkes The hard part is working out what has studied this problem and found that and offline. Even ads on Amazon can
influenced people before that point. all channels have a ‘halo effect’: they have an impact on offline sales.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 54


TV and web behaviour go hand in hand

Here’s an interesting example from an omnichannel health retailer, analysed by Analytic Partners. The
headline finding is that TV had a bigger impact on website traffic than store traffic. And maybe that
shouldn’t be a surprise. When you watch TV you tend to have a smartphone by your side.

Brand Y Example

Drivers of store traffic Drivers of website traffic

1% 3%
1% Display OTT
18% 35%
Search Display

TV 3%
3% 11%


OLV Radio
Source: Analytic Partners ROI Genome

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 55


Opportunity 1:
Finding the right ‘recipes’

Marketers that understand these And these findings tie in with another TV sponsorship extends peak traffic period on-site
combinations, and are capable academic study that has just come New user traffic onto site by hour during a single month
of planning across brand and out. Said Business School analysed
performance, can start to do thousands of campaigns tracked by Month in 2021 Month in 2020
interesting things. Data from an Kantar to look for the best ‘recipes’
Australian TV research company of media based on client objective. It
called Adgile show how a retailer found that the best channel mix could
used a TV sponsorship property at vary depending on the job to be done,
a particular time to extend its peak and concluded:
traffic period and bring more new
users into the site. • Division of ‘traditional’ vs. ‘digital’
channels is a false dichotomy

• Companies should exploit a range of

attention types

• T V is an effective bedrock but

shouldn’t dominate investment

There are clearly still huge

opportunities for marketers in learning
how these channel combinations can
work together.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Source: Adgile

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 56


Opportunity 2: Using attention

to identify the opportunities

The other opportunity for marketers the channel mix, and maximise the The path from attention to brand growth/decline
lies in the work being done around impact with strong creative work.
‘attention’ as a media planning tool.
One of the biggest issues in terms 2. Research companies Lumen
Partners and Ebiquity argue that
of planning activity across different
brand managers should start Increase in Brand
channels has been the lack of a
common framework for assessing thinking in terms of ‘attention
media opportunities. By measuring strategies’ that plan attention Availability
attention across different platforms around the communications Retention
Attention to
and formats, researchers hope to objective and the pre-existing advertising
create a better approach to planning strength of the brand. A brand with
(Market share gain)
media. little recognition, such as a new
launch, may need to emphasise
Two new studies are relevant for high-attention channels. A brand
the planning of channels for digital with strong distinctive assets that
(Market share loss)
commerce. can be recognised with relatively
small bursts of attention may find Attention to
1. Professor Karen Nelson-Field and its optimum investment mix looks
advertising Memory
the team at Amplified Intelligence different.
Retention Mental
have uncovered early evidence of a Availability
link between attention and mental What all these studies have in common Decrease in Brand
availability. If we accept mental
availability as a key driver of brand
is that the distinction between online
and offline becomes redundant, and
advantage in digital commerce, that media and creativity need to
then the findings of the research work closely together to maximise the
Source: ‘Linking attention to mental availability: early findings’, Karen Nelson-Field (2021)
are significant: optimise attention in opportunities across channels.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 57


The CMO view The advent of retailer media puts all sorts of things in play.
In general, Hershey continues to invest as we always have – where
it makes sense for the overall goals of our company and brands.
The mix will follow effectiveness and ROI. This means regardless
of media channel, we plan and measure holistically, not in silos.
Doug Straton
VP & Chief Digital Officer, Hershey

We’re focused on where the consumer is. Our media mix is always
changing based on the job to be done, rather than one media versus
another. As the number of consumers increases in retail platforms,
and as and when these consumers become addressable via responsible
retailer media options, we will see industry investment increase.
Conny Braams
Chief Digital & Marketing Officer, Unilever

The relationship between awareness and purchase is evolving and

therefore how we plan needs to be approached in an integrated way.
Given the strong shift to e-commerce across all categories and channels/
properties, we are seeking to balance our investment along the consumer
experience journey. The weighting depends greatly on the category,
current brand awareness and strategy.
Tamara Rogers
Chief Marketing Officer, GSK Consumer Healthcare
Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 58

Next steps Ditch channel assumptions

and start with consumers
Look for the combinations
The research suggests there is still
Pay attention to attention
The research around attention holds
If all channels have an impact across much to learn about combining a lot of promise. In particular the
both online and offline sales, it channels to best effect. For example, link between attention and mental
makes more sense to start with the there’s nothing new about TV and availability points to a way to plan
media habits and behaviours of the search working together. But if channels that will deliver a key driver of
target audience rather than making brand-building and performance are brand advantage for digital commerce.
assumptions about channels. managed independently it’s the sort
of combination that can be under-

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 59


Rethinking brand
The purpose of this report has been to make the case
for investing in brand-building as the global economy
recovers from the impact of COVID-19, and as
organisations in a host of categories get to grips with
the requirements of digital commerce.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 60


Changing the language • Being clear on the role of brand- • It’s also important to • It will finally be time to drop the
building at different points in a acknowledge what brand-building distinction between ‘digital’ and
To make the case fully, it has been company’s growth trajectory – start- communications can’t do. Managing ‘traditional’ media, and consider
necessary to look beyond some of up, scale-up and mature brand – will the ‘expectation gap’ requires a combinations of channels that are
the language and assumptions in the be important as digital disruptors focus on product and experience. right for a brand, its audience and its
market. grow. For this reason it is clear that Investing close to the point of objectives.
the advice for big brands to ‘act purchase within the platforms
• As James Hurman has argued, the • New measurement models
like a start-up’ should come with a will be necessary to survive the
term ‘brand’ has acquired negative like attention will gain traction
health warning when it comes to ad ‘messy middle’. This may even be
connotations. At a time when the as marketers look for the best
investment. considered a cost of doing business
language and worldview of tech opportunities across different
on those platforms, or a form of
companies dominate, marketers risk channel types and ad formats.
‘physical availability’.
alienating C-suite colleagues if they Understanding
cannot articulate the value they are the role of brand
driving in terms those colleagues will Joining the dots
For marketers at companies selling Pulling the research together for this
through platforms and marketplaces, It has also become clear that a siloed report has underlined the challenge
• Reframing brand-building and the case for brand-building must approach to brand-building and marketers face in responding to the rise
performance as an integrated show how a strong brand still confers performance is counter-productive. of digital commerce. There is a lot to
approach to managing future an advantage in online purchase The two are clearly different achieve, and a lot of research still to be
demand while harvesting existing environments. That means stripping approaches and different mindsets. done. Ultimately though, there is still a
demand is one way to achieve this. back some of the thinking to focus on Indeed, they might be different teams. need for balance: between harvesting
the elements that really matter. But they need coordination to maximise current demand and creating future
their effectiveness. demand. The marketers that align the
• The report outlined four drivers two, and understand the connections
of brand advantage in digital • Changes in the media market make between them in a changing media
commerce, based on research to this need more acute, as digital landscape, will prosper.
date, that communications (creative commerce platforms make a pitch
and media plans) can support. for ‘full-funnel’ ad investment across
the purchase journey.

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 61


Go deeper
Join us for a WARC Talks 360 WARC subscribers can go deeper into the data and insights behind
series of three webinars, featuring this document. They can access new thinking from the Ehrenberg-Bass
many of the expert contributors Institute, Facebook, Wavemaker, Amplified Intelligence and many more,
to this report. plus extended CMO interviews.

The WARC team will also be releasing three ‘evidence decks’ pulling
together the main data points around the following questions:

• Does brand matter in digital commerce?

• How do you balance brand-building and performance

for digital sales?

• Do you need online ads to drive online sales?

Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 62

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At WARC, our purpose is to save WARC is part of Ascential: a Product Design: WGSN Digital Commerce:
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Rethinking brand for the rise of digital commerce, WARC, 2021. 63

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