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On the night of 31st December, 2012, the Montecito Hotel & Casino owned by Ms Shonli Gujral, on
the ship ‘Aurora’ located on river Mandovi , hosted a high stakes poker game on the Octavious floor.
The chain of events that transpired that night are:

1. Post 11p.m. of that night, the Octavious vault had been breached by four men dressed in
fine suits, though while making their exit the alarm got triggered.
2. Subsequently the four men ran towards the deck to make an exit, and threw eight
waterproof bags overboard into a motorboat. Two of the men escaped by rappelling into a
motorboat, while the other two awaited their turn to rappel down.
3. Just as the remaining two were about to make their escape, Mr. Michael Barbosa (Chief
Security Officer) ordered them to stop.
4. Thereafter Mr. Barbosa fired a warning shot in the air, however when they still did not stop,
he fired at one man’s knee and subdued him, they disobeyed the order and one of them
took a guest as hostage in order to escape; subsequently the accused, Maj. (Retd.) J.S. Rana
(Head of Operations, Security) had shot dead the other man.
5. The police reached the scene of crime at 12.15 a.m and Ms Shonali registered an F.I.R
against the accused.
6. BhaskarSanyal,on4thFebruary,2013confessedtothecrimesunderSec.164oftheCode of
Criminal Procedure, and further provided incriminating evidence against the accused. The
final report of the police was made on the complicity of the accused on the 14th March,
7. On 16th May, 2013, an interim order was passed by the Sessions Court stating that the
charges under Sec.396/302 have been read out to the accused and that the chargesheet has
been served. The accused pleaded not guilty and claimed trial. The matter is listed for final
hearing before the Session’s Court.

Maj. (Retd) J. S. Rana has been charged under Section 396 and Section 302 the Indian Penal Code,

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