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Second Grading Period


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Learning Activity Sheet in Science
Grade 5

Copyright © 2020
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Regional Director : ESTELA L. CARIÑO, EdD., CESO IV, DepEd R02
Assistant Regional Director : RHODA T. RAZON, EdD., CESO IV
Chief Education Supervisor, CLMD : OCTAVIO V. CABASAG, PhD
OIC, Schools Division Superintendent : EDUARDO C. ESCORPISO JR, EdD, CESO IV
OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent : GEORGANN G. CARIASO
OIC-Chief Education Supervisor: : MARCIAL Y. NOGUERA
Development Team
Language Editor: FRED V. GIMENEZ, HT-I/Division Science Coordinator; ELENA A. BALDOMAR, SP-I
Illustrators: KYM CLYDE H. MORO, T-III (BNSHS)
Layout Artists: KYM CLYDE H. MORO, T-III (BNSHS)
Focal Persons: FRED V. GIMENEZ, Head Teacher I, Science Coordinator
EVANGELINE D. CASTILLO, Education Program Supervisor-Learning Resource
ESTER B. GRAMAJE, Education Program Supervisor-Science, CLMD
RIZALINO G. CARONAN, Education Program Supervisor-LR, CLMD
Printed by: Curriculum and Learning Management Division
DepEd, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Table of Contents
Describe the parts of the reproductive system and their .....................
functions (S5LT – IIa – 1) 1 – 10

Explain the menstrual cycle (S5LT – IIc – 3) ..................... 11 – 19

Describe the different modes of reproduction in animals such

as butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, cats, and dogs
(S5LT – IIe – 5) ..................... 19 – 27

Describe the reproductive parts in plants and their functions ..................... 28 – 34

(S5LT – IIf – 6)

Describe the different modes of reproduction in flowering

and non - flowering plants such as moss, fern, mongo, and
others (S5LT – IIg – 7) ..................... 35 – 43

Discuss the interactions among living things and non -living

things in estuaries and intertidal zones
(S5LT – IIh – 8) ..................... 44 – 56

Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and

intertidal zones (S5LT – Ii – j – 10) ..................... 57 – 66

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: ______________________

Section: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________


The Human Reproductive System

Background Information for Learners

The human reproductive system consists of the set of organs which produces the sex
cells necessary for reproduction .One of the distinct characteristics of a living organism is its
ability to produce offspring. Every human being has a reproductive system which works
together for the purpose of sexual reproduction and ensure the survival and continuity of the
The major organs of the female reproductive system are the ovaries. Other organs of
the female reproductive system are the: fallopian tubes or the oviduct, uterus(womb), cervix,
and vagina (birth canal. The female reproductive system has several functions. The ovaries
produce the egg cells, called the ova or oocytes. The oocytes are transported to the fallopian
tube where fertilization by a sperm may occur. The fertilized egg can be implanted into the
thickened uterine lining and continue to develop. If implantation does not take place, the uterine
lining is shed off as menstrual flow. In addition, the female reproductive system produces
female sex hormones that maintain the reproductive cycle.

The primary male reproductive organs are the testes. Other organs of the male
reproductive system include the scrotal sac(scrotum), epididymis, vas deferens, prostate gland,
Cowper’s gland (bulbourethral gland), seminal vesicles, vas deferens, urethra, and penis. The
organs of the male reproductive system are specialized for the following functions:
• to produce, maintain and transport sperm (the male reproductive cells) and protective
fluid (semen)
• to discharge sperm within the female reproductive tract
• to produce and secrete male sex hormones.

Learning Competency with code

Describe the parts of the reproductive system and their functions (S5LT-IIa-1)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

The Male Reproductive system

Parts and Functions:

1. Testis (testes in plural) - produces sperm cells and secretes the male sex hormones
(androgen and testosterone)
2. Scrotal sac or scrotum - external pouch-like structure that holds the testis/testes
3. Penis – it is an external organ that contains the urethra
4. Urethra - serves as the passageway for both sperm and urine
5. Epididymis - stores sperm from the testis and provides environment for sperm to mature
6. Vas deferens (sperm duct) - transports mature sperm from the epididymis to the urethra
7. Prostate gland – contributes additional fluid and help nourish the sperm
8. Bulbourethral gland (also known as Cowper’s gland) - to produce fluid that will provide
the sperm with nourishing and balance environment
9. Seminal vesicle - secrete a fluid that contains fructose (an energy source for sperm);
when this fluid is added to the sperm, it is known as the semen

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 1A: Where is it coming from?

Direction: Label the parts of the male reproductive system.

Activity 1B: Describe me

Directions: Identify the following. Write your answers on the blanks before each number.

_______1. Produces sperm cells and secretes the male sex hormones (androgen and

________2. Transports mature sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.

_______3. Stores sperm from the testis and provides environment for sperm to

_______4. Serves as the passageway for both sperm and urine.

_______5. An external pouch-like structure that holds the testis/testes.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

The Female Reproductive System

Internal Parts External Parts

Parts and Functions:

1. Ovary (ovaries in plural) - alternately produce the female sex cells (egg or ova) and
secretes the female hormones (estrogen and progesterone)
2. Fallopian tube or oviduct- a pair of ducts leading from the ovaries to the uterus; pathway
where the ova travels from the ovary to the uterus
3. Uterus (womb) – it is the home for the developing fetus
4. Cervix - neck of the uterus that opens to the vagina; it is the passageway for menstrual
flow; passageway for sperm
5. Vagina (birth canal) - A thin-walled passageway through which sperm can enter;
passageway for menstrual flow and baby to the outside
6. Bartholin’s glands – located beside the vaginal opening and produce a fluid (mucus)
7. Clitoris – a sensitive protrusion that is comparable to the penis in males that is very
sensitive to stimulation and can become erect
8. Hymen – thin piece of mucosal tissue that surrounds or partially covers the external
vaginal opening
9. Labia minora – they lie inside the labia majora and surround the openings to the vagina
10. Labia majora – the majora enclose and protect the other external reproductive organs;
it contain sweat and oil- secreting glands; after puberty, the labia majora are covered
with hair; together with the labia minora and clitoris, they are called the vulva or the
external female genitalia
11. Fimbria - are small, fingerlike projections at the end of the fallopian tubes, through
which eggs move from the ovaries to the uterus. The fimbriae are connected to the

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 2A: Where’s the Egg?

Direction: Label the parts of the female reproductive system.

Activity 2B:

Directions: Identify the following. Write your answers on the blanks before each number.

_______1. Neck of the uterus that opens to the vagina; it is the passageway for menstrual
flow; passageway for sperm.

_______2. Alternately produce the female sex cells (egg or ova) and secretes the female
hormones (estrogen and progesterone).

_______3. Located beside the vaginal opening and produce a fluid (mucus) secretion.

_______4. It is the home for the developing fetus.

_______5. A pair of ducts leading from the ovaries to the uterus; pathway where the ova
travels from the ovary to the uterus

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 3: Where do I belong?

Direction: Classify the following parts into the male or female reproductive organ. Write
your answer in the box provided.

Cervix Penis Scrotum Ovary Hymen

Vas deferens Uterus Vagina Seminal Vesicle Fallopian tube

Testis Clitoris Foreskin Prostate Gland Epididymis

Male Reproductive Organ Female Reproductive Organ

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 4: Fill me!

Directions: Study the illustration then fill in the blanks below.

Khan Academy

The female sex cells are the ________ (1)________. They are released from the
_______ (2)________ once every 28 days. They are floated down the _______ (3)________
by cilia (hairs). The _______ (4)________ is where a fertilized egg can grow into a baby. The
_______ (5)________ holds the baby in place during pregnancy. The cervix opens into the
_______ (6)________. _______ (7)________ is the external part of the female genitalia.

B. Male Reproductive System

Directions: Study the illustration then fill in the blanks below.

Fairview Health Services

The male sex cells are the _____ (1)_______. They are made in the ______ (2)_______.
The testes are held by an outer bag of skin called the _____ (3)______. The _____ (4)______
stores sperm and transport it from the testes. Sperm travels up to the sperm duct where liquids
are added from the _______ (5)________. The mixture is called _______ (6)________. It flows
out of the _______ (7)________ through a tube called _______ (8)________.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 5: Word Puzzle

Direction: Study the puzzle. Find all the ten (10) parts of the human reproductive system.
The words may be written horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.


In this activity, I learned that


I enjoyed most on

I want to learn more on

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

References for Learners
Grade 5 Science Learner’s Manual
BEAM 5 Unit 1 DLP 1: The Human Reproductive System (LRMDS)

Answer Key

Activity 1A

Prostate gland Seminal vesicle

Bulbourethral gland
Vas deferens

Scrotum Testis

Activity 1B
1. Testis
2. Vas deferens
3. Epididymis
4. Urethra
5. Scrotum
Activity 2A

Fallopian tube



Activity 2B
1. Cervix
2. Ovary
3. Bartolin’s gland
4. Uterus
5. Fallopian tube
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 3
Male Reproductive Organ Female Reproductive Organ
Penis Scrotum Vas deferens Cervix Ovary Hymen

Testes Seminal vesicle Vagina

Epididymis Foreskin Prostate Gland Uterus Clitoris Fallopian tube

Activity 4
A. B.
1. egg cells 1. sperm cells
2. ovary 2. testes
3. fallopian tube 3. scrotum
4. uterus 4. epididymis
5. cervix 5. seminal vesicles
6. vagina 6. semen
7. vulva 7. penis
8. urethra
Activity 5

Prepared by:

Verona F. Agudo
Maria Victoria Y. Facuri
Kathleen E. Castillo


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: ______________________

Section: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________


The Menstrual Cycle

Background Information for Learners

Menstruation is the periodic monthly discharge of the inner lining of the uterus
(endometrium), lasts about 3 to 5 days and occurs on the average, every 28 days.

Once a month an egg cell is released from an ovary. Every time an egg cell is released
the uterus prepares itself for implantation. This is when a thick lining of blood vessels slowly
develops. If the egg is fertilized it passes into the uterus and attaches itself to the thickened
lining. If the egg is not fertilized the uterus lining breaks down and is expelled through the
vagina. This process is called menstruation and is often referred to as a period. The whole
sequence of changes in developing a new uterus lining and producing an egg is call the
menstrual cycle. Menstruation is an indication that a woman is not pregnant.

Factors such as genetics, diet and overall health can affect cycle. Periods or
menstruation usually occurs between age 11 and 14 and continue until menopause at about the
age of 45 – 55.

Besides bleeding from the vagina, the following are also experienced during
menstruation: lower back pain, bloating and sore breasts, food cravings, mood swings and
irritability, headache and fatigue

Learning Competency with code

Explain menstrual cycle (S5LT-IIc-3)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 1: Fill me out!

Directions: Identify the words from the box below that would make the statements correct.
Write your answer on the blanks.

Menstrual Cycle Fertilized month period

Ovary Blood Menstruation

Once a __________, an egg cell is released from an __________. Every time an egg

cell is released the __________ prepares itself for implantation. This is when a thick lining of

__________ vessels slowly develops. If the egg is __________ it passes into the uterus and

attaches itself to the thickened lining. If the egg is not fertilized the uterus lining breaks down

and is expelled through the vagina. This process is called __________ and is often referred to

as a __________. The whole sequence of changes in developing a new uterus lining and

producing an egg is call the __________.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 2: Familiarize Yourself!
Direction: Study the illustrations below and answer the guide questions.

Figure 1. The Menstrual Cycle

Day 19-28 Day 1-5
(Luteal Phase) (Menstruation Phase)

The uterine lining starts to thicken again, The menstrual cycle starts. The uterine
preparing for a possible fertilization and lining breaks down and blood comes out
implantation of a zygote. of the vagina

Day 11- 18 Day 6-10

(Ovulation Phase) (Follicular Phase)

Ovulation occurs. The egg travels from The uterine lining starts to thicken again.
the ovary to the oviduct or fallopian tube Days 6 to 13 is a repair period for the
and waits for a sperm cell to fertilize it. uterine lining and development period for
an egg to mature.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Figure 2. The Uterine Lining during Menstrual Cycle.

Day 1-5 Day 6-10 Day 11- 18 Day 19-28

Guide Questions

1. What happens to the uterine lining during menstruation period?

2. What happens to the uterine lining on the 6th – 13th day of the menstrual cycle?
3. What happens to the egg on day 6th – 13th of the menstrual cycle?
4. What happens to the matured egg during ovulation period?
5. In which stage of the menstrual cycle will pregnancy likely to happen?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 3: You Complete Me!

Directions: Fill in the blanks to complete each statement correctly. Choose from the box

1. The cycle that occurs monthly in the female reproductive system which lasts for 28
days is called the ______________ cycle

2. Menstruation usually lasts for __________ days.

3. Periods usually start between the age _________.

4. The process by which blood and tissue from the lining of the uterus break apart and
leave the body is called ________________.

5. The menstrual cycle occurs about every ______________ days.

6. When a mature egg leaves the ovary, it enters the _____________.

7. For most females, the menstrual cycle continues until about age ________.

8. ___________ takes place when the egg cell and the sperm cell meet.

9. When the fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus this is called

10. Each month inside your ovaries, a group of eggs starts to grow in small, fluid-filled sacs
called follicles. When one of the eggs erupts from the follicle this results to _________.

menstruation implantation 28
fertilization 15 45 - 55
11-14 menstrual 3–5
cervix oviduct 7-9
blood uterus ovulation

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 4: Order Me!
Direction: Write the number of the correct sequence of the stages of the menstrual cycle.
Starts with number 1.

Ovulation occurs Menstrual blood


A. _____________ B. _____________

Egg develops Egg enters uterus

D. _____________ C. _____________

Egg moves through

E. _____________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 5: Explain Me

Direction: Briefly explain the menstrual cycle at least 100-150 words.


4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of • Piece was • Piece was • Piece had • Piece had no
Writing written in an written in an little style style and
extraordinary interesting and voice. voice.
style and style and • Gives • Gives no
voice. voice. Information information
• Very • Somewhat but poorly and very
Informative Informative organized poorly
and well and well organized
organized organized

Grammar, • Virtually no • Few spelling • Several • Many

Usage and spelling, and spelling, spelling,
Mechanics punctuation, punctuation punctuation, punctuation,
or errors, minor or and
grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
error. error. error. error that it
with the
thought being

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


In this activity, I learned that


I enjoyed most on

I want to learn more on


References for Learners

Answer Key

Activity 1: Fill me out!

Once a month an egg cell is released from an ovary. Every time an egg cell is released
the uterus prepares itself for implantation. This is when a thick lining of blood vessels slowly
develops. If the egg is fertilized it passes into the uterus and attaches itself to the thickened
lining. If the egg is not fertilized the uterus lining breaks down and is expelled through the
vagina. This process is called menstruation and is often referred to as a period. The whole
sequence of changes in developing a new uterus lining and producing an egg is call the
menstrual cycle.

Activity 2: Familiarize Yourself!

1. The uterine lining breaks down.
2. Day 6 -13 of the menstrual cycle is the repair period of the uterine lining.
3. The egg develops and becomes mature.
4. It is released by the ovary.
5. Day 19 – 28 or the luteal phase.

Activity 3: You Complete Me! Activity 4: Order Me

1. menstrual 6. oviduct
2. 3 – 5 7. 45 – 55 A. 3
3. 11 – 14 8. fertilization B. 1
4. menstruation 9. implantation C. 5
5. 28 10. ovulation D. 2
E. 4

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 5: Explain Me

Menstrual Cycle is the regular change that occurs in the female reproductive system
that usually lasts for 28 days. This is composed of 4 phases: The Menstruation Phase,
Follicular Phase, Ovulation Phase and the Luteal Phase.
The cycle starts at the menstruation phase and is usually the first 5 days. Here, the
lining of the uterus breaks down and blood comes out of the vagina. After this comes the repair
period which is days 6-13. The uterine lining starts to thicken again preparing for the
development period for an egg to mature. This is called the Follicular Phase.
Ovulation phase occurs when the egg travels from the ovary to the oviduct or the
fallopian tube and waits for a sperm cell to fertilize. Lastly, the luteal phase wherein the uterine
lining starts to thicken again, preparing for a possible fertilization and implantation of a
zygote. If fertilization did not take place, the cycle starts again.

Prepared by:

Wilfredo Batallones
Edward C. Valiente
Cathlyn B. Ybay


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: ______________________

Section: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________


Modes of Reproduction in Animals

Background Information for Learners:

Reproduction the process by which plants and animals give rise to offspring and
which fundamentally consists of the segregation of a portion of the parental body by a sexual
or an asexual process and its subsequent growth and differentiation into a new individuals.
Sexual reproduction is the production of a new organism from two parents. A sperm cell from
a male and an egg cell from a female join into a single unit in a process called fertilization.
Dogs, cats, butterflies, mosquitoes, and frogs reproduce sexually. Fertilization in dogs and cats
takes place inside the female’s body (internal fertilization) occurs when male animal releases
sperm cell into the body of the female animal to fertilize the egg cell inside the body of the
female animal. The embryo develops inside the female body until it is born or develop inside
an egg laid by the female. Fertilization in frogs happens outside the body; that is, in water
where they live (external fertilization) occurs when female releases egg into the water or
attaches them to a plant or rock. Male animal releases sperm cells over the eggs to fertilized
them. Asexual reproduction is the production of new individuals from a single parent. This
type of reproduction is generally observed in single-celled organisms. Here, no fusion of
gametes is involved and a single parent divides into two or more daughter cells. The offsprings
produced are genetically and physically identical to the parent and are known as clones.
Asexual reproduction takes place in different ways. The different asexual reproduction
examples include:

Binary fission. In this type of reproduction, parent cell divides into two equal parts
each containing a nucleus. These are called daughter cells. The daughter cells are genetically
and physically like the parent cell. This type of asexual reproduction can be seen in organisms
such as amoeba, bacteria, euglena, etc.

Budding is another method of asexual reproduction where a new organism develops

from an outgrowth from the parent body known as a bud. These derive nutrition from the parent
for growth and development. Once grown, the new organism detaches from the parent
body. This process is called budding. This type of reproduction can be seen in Hydra.

Fragmentation, this type of asexual reproduction is exhibited by Planaria. In this, the

parent body breaks into several pieces where each piece grows into a new individual. The
detachment of the body parts is intentional.

Lastly, Regeneration, if a part of the body of an organism is detached, the detached

part grows into a completely new individual. Regeneration is observed in Echinoderms.
Learning Competency with code:Describe the different modes of reproduction in animals
such as butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, cats, and dogs (S5LT-IIe-5)
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 1: In or Out?

Directions: Study the two (2) types of fertilization - internal and external. Describe each type
of fertilization on the table below.

Figure 1: Internal fertilization Figure 2: External Fertilization

Internal fertilization External fertilization

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 2: In or Out?

Direction: Study the illustrations below showing how the animals reproduce. Identify whether
they undergo internal or external fertilization. Write your answer on the space

1. _______________________________ 2. _________________________________

4. _________________________________
3. ________________________________

5. _________________________________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 3A: Asexual Reproduction in Animals

Direction: Study the illustrations of a binary fission and answer the guide questions that follow.

Figure: binary fission of sea anemone

Guide Questions:
1. What happened to the parent animal?
2. How are the daughter animals produced?
3. Why is binary fission classified as asexual reproduction?

4 3 2 1
All topics are All topics are All topics are
addressed, and all addressed, and addressed, and One or more
Amount of questions most questions most questions topics were
Information answered with at answered with at answered with 1 not
least 2 sentences least 2 sentences sentence about addressed.
about each. about each. each.
Information Information clearly Information
has little or
Quality of clearly relates to relates to the main clearly relates to
nothing to do
Information the main topic. It topic. It provides the main topic.
with the main
includes several 1-2 supporting No details
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

supporting details details and/or and/or examples
and/or examples. examples. are given.

A few Many
No grammatical, Almost no
grammatical grammatical,
spelling or grammatical,
Mechanics spelling, or spelling, or
punctuation spelling or
punctuation punctuation
errors. punctuation errors
errors. errors.
Notes are
Notes are
recorded only
recorded and Notes are recorded
organized in an legibly and are Notes are
Notes peer/teacher
extremely neat somewhat recorded.
and orderly organized.
Information is
Information is The
very organized Information is
organized, but information
with well- organized with
Organization paragraphs are appears to be
constructed well-constructed
not well- disorganized.
paragraphs and paragraphs.
constructed. 8)

Activity 3B: Round and round

Directions: Encircle T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.

______ 1. Sexual reproduction is making a copy of the organism with a single parent.
______ 2. Some tiny animals and marine animals like sea anemone reproduce by Regeneration.
______ 3. Reproduction is the ability of a living organism to make copies of itself.
______ 4. Hydras reproduce themselves through the process of budding
______ 5. When a worm is cut into different segments, it undergoes budding.
______ 6. Budding happens when the parent organism divides itself into two.
______ 7. When a frog loses it leg, it can regenerate its own leg.
______ 8. Regeneration happens when another organism is produced from the outgrowth of
the parent organism.
______ 9. Fission happens when an organism develops from a detached part of the parent
______ 10. when a starfish loses its arm, its detached arm undergoes regeneration.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 5: I’m the Map!

Direction: Complete the concept map by describing sexual and asexual reproduction in
Reproduction in Animals

Sexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction

Example Example Example Example


In this activity, I learned that


I enjoyed most on

I want to learn more on


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

References for Learners

Answer Key

Activity 1
occurs when male animal releases sperm occurs when female releases egg into the
cell into the body of the female animal to water or attaches them to a plant or rock.
fertilize the egg cell inside the body of the Male animal releases sperm cells over the
female animal. The embryo develops inside eggs to fertilized them
the female body until it is born or develop
inside an egg laid by the female

Activity 2
1. Internal
2. Internal
3. External
4. External
5. Internal
Activity 3A, and 4,

4 3 2 1
All topics are All topics are All topics are
addressed, and all addressed, and addressed, and One or more
Amount of questions most questions most questions topics were
Information answered with at answered with at answered with 1 not
least 2 sentences least 2 sentences sentence about addressed.
about each. about each. each.
Information Information clearly Information
clearly relates to relates to the main clearly relates to
has little or
Quality of the main topic. It topic. It provides the main topic.
nothing to do
Information includes several 1-2 supporting No details
with the main
supporting details details and/or and/or examples
and/or examples. examples. are given.
A few Many
No grammatical, Almost no
grammatical grammatical,
spelling or grammatical,
Mechanics spelling, or spelling, or
punctuation spelling or
punctuation punctuation
errors. punctuation errors
errors. errors.
Notes are
Notes are
recorded only
recorded and Notes are recorded
organized in an legibly and are Notes are
Notes peer/teacher
extremely neat somewhat recorded.
and orderly organized.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Information is
Information is The
very organized Information is
organized, but information
with well- organized with
Organization paragraphs are appears to be
constructed well-constructed
not well- disorganized.
paragraphs and paragraphs.
constructed. 8)

10. TRUE

Prepared by:

Carol F. Dela Cruz

Armar C. Covita


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: ______________________

Section: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________


Reproductive Parts of Plants and its functions

Background Information for Learners:

You can see different types of plants everywhere. They differ in size, shape, color, smell
and even in their mode of reproduction. Plants have parts that enable them to produce sexually.
They also have parts that enable them to reproduce asexually. Some plants reproduce through
their roots, stems, and leaves. Generally, most plants reproduce through their seeds.
Flowers are the main parts of plant involved in reproduction. A flower contains
structures needed for sexual reproduction. Most flowers have four main parts – the petals,
sepals. Stamen and pistil. A flower may be complete or incomplete.
The flower is said to be incomplete if the stamen or pistil is not present together in a
flower. A complete flower has the female (pistil) and male (stamen) reproductive parts with
their accessory parts (receptacle, pedicel, sepals, and petals).

Below are parts and function of a flower.

Parts Function
Receptacle The enlarged upper end of a flower stalk which bears the flower or group of
Sepals A modified leaf which encloses and protects the other parts of a flower when
it is still a bud.
 Calyx is a group of sepals.
Petals The most obvious part of a flower which are brightly colored to attract insects
for pollination.
 Corolla is a group of petals.
Stamen The male part of a flower that consists of the filament and anther.
Filament A threadlike stalk that holds the anther in a position tall enough to release the
Anther It consists of two lobes that contain pollen sacs. Pollen sacs have a mass of
powdery particles or grains called pollen grains.
Pistil The female part of a flower that consists of stigma, style and ovary.
Stigma A swollen structure at the end of the style. It receives the pollen grains. The
mature stigma secretes a fluid that stimulates the pollen grains to germinate.
Style A stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary. It is tall enough to trap the
pollen grains.
Ovary The enlarged, rounded lower part of the pistil of a flower in which seeds are

Learning Competency
Describe the reproductive parts in plants and their functions (S5LT-IIf-6)
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 1 Find Me
Direction: Study the puzzle. Find and encircle all the fifteen (15) parts of a complete flower.
The words may be written horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Write them on the
space provided.

1. ______________________ 9. ______________________
2. ______________________ 10. ______________________
3. ______________________ 11. ______________________
4. ______________________ 12. ______________________
5. ______________________ 13. ______________________
6. ______________________ 14. ______________________
7. ______________________ 15. ______________________
8. ______________________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 2 Identify Me

Direction: Fill in the crossword puzzle with the four main parts of a flower. Use the
descriptions of each part found beside it as a clue.

Across: Down:
1. The male part of a flower 2. The female part of a flower
3. The modified leaf 4. The most obvious part of a flower
5. The enlarged upper end of a flower stalk

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 3 Compare and Contrast

Direction: Study the illustrations below. Make a comparison by filling out the Venn diagram
indicating the differences and similarities.

Figure 1. Complete flower Figure 2. Incomplete flower


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 4: Match Me Perfectly

Direction: Match the part of a flower in column A to its correct function in column B. Write
the number of your answer on the blank before the letters.

Column A Column B
1. It bears the flower or group of
___________ a. STIGMA
___________ b. RECEPTACLE
2. It encloses and protects the other
parts of a flower when it is still a ___________ c. FILAMENT
bud. ___________ d. ANTHER
3. Usually are brightly colored to attract
insects for pollination. ___________ e. PETALS
4. recast
(Please Holdsyour
the anther in a position
MATCHING TYPEtalldirection ( done for you ) f.
___________ orSEPALS
make Column A , the
enough to release the pollen.
parts of the flower and Column be should be its functions)
5. It releases pollen grains when they ___________ g. OVARY
Activity are mature
5: Show Me ___________ h. STYLE
6. It receives the pollen grains.
Direction: Draw anythe
7. It connects kind of flower
stigma to theand label its parts.
8. It is where seeds are formed.

Activity 5: Draw Me

Direction: Draw any kind of flower and label its parts.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Points Zero (0) Two (2) Four (4) Six (6) Eight (8) Ten (10)
Correct The The pupil The pupil The pupil The pupil The pupil
Labelling pupil was able was able was able to was able to was able to
was not to label to label label three label four (4) label five
able to one (1)
two (2) (3) parts part (5) parts
label part
any part correctly. parts correctly. correctly. correctly.
correctly correctly.

Quality The The The The The The

of illustrati illustratio illustration illustration illustration illustration
Drawing on has n has 7-8 has 5-6 has 3-4 has 1-2 has no
erasures. erasures. erasures. erasures. erasures


In this activity, I learned that


I enjoyed most on

I want to learn more on


References for Learners

Science Beyond Borders Textbook paage 72-77

Science Beyond Borders Textbook page 49-51

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Answer Key:

Activity 1: Find Me Activity 3: Compare and Contrast

Activity 2: Identify Me Activity 4: Match Me Perfectly

1. Stamen 1. F
3. Sepals 2. A
5. Receptacle 3. D
4. E
5. C
Down: 6. B
2. Pistil
7. H
4. Petals
8. G

Activity 5: Show Me

Refer to the criteria.

Prepared by:

Kristine Hazel W. Bidayan

Hazel M. Velayo


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: ______________________

Section: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________


Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in Plants

Background Information for Learners:

Plants reproduce sexually and asexually. Plant sexual reproduction happens when
pollen grains are transferred from the anthers (male) into the stigmas (female) which is called
Pollination. There are two types of pollination- self- pollination and cross- pollination. Self-
pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or
of a different flower that belongs to the same plant. While cross-pollination is the transfer of
pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the stigma of another flower that belongs to another
plant but of the same kind. Once a pollen grain enters the stigma, it swells and grows a long
tube that travels though the style until it reaches the ovary, the tube releases the sperm cells
into the ovule to fertilize the egg cell. The fertilize egg and the ovule itself develops into a seed.
The ovary then enlarges and thickens its walls to become some fruit. These seeds grow into a
new plant.

Asexual reproduction in plant does not involve seed. Vegetative propagation is a form
of asexual reproduction where new plants are produced from one part of a parent plant. New
plant can grow from roots, stems, and leaves of a parent plant. Most shrubs grow through stem
cutting like rose plant, bougainvillea, and sugar cane. Some plants have modified stems and
roots such as bulb (onion and tulip), rhizome (ginger and lotus), corm (gladiolus, taro and gabi),
tuber (potato-stem, sweet potato-root) and runners (strawberry). Leaves such as katakataka
plant can produce young plants on its edge. Ferns and moss can reproduce by sexual or asexual
methods depending on its type. Fern can reproduce spores, rhizomes, and stems.

Learning Competency

Describe the different modes of reproduction in flowering and nonflowering plants such as
moss, fern, mongo, and others. (S5LT-IIf-6)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 1: Match Me

Direction: Match the mode of reproduction in column A to its correct description in column
B. Write the letter of your answer on the blank before the number.

Column A Column B

a. The process of generating


___________1. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION b. It happens when a pollen grains
from the anther are transferred to
the stigma of another plant but of
___________2. SELF-POLLINATION the same kind.

c. A reproduction that involves one

___________3. CROSS-POLLINATION parent plant only.

d. Plant reproduction that involves

___________4. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION pollen grains

e. It happens when a pollen grains

___________5. REPRODUCTION from the anther are transferred to
the stigma of a flower that belongs
to the same plant.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 2: Find Me

Direction: Study the puzzle Find all the ten (10) words which you have learned from the
topic “Plant Reproduction”. The words may be written horizontally, vertically, or
diagonally. Complete the clue letter on the box.

1. S___________________________________
2. F___________________________________
3. P___________________________________
4. S___________________________________
5. A___________________________________
6. R___________________________________
7. S___________________________________
8. L___________________________________
9. R___________________________________
10. P___________________________________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 3: Connect Me
Direction: Connect the pictures of plants (A) to its mode of reproduction (B). Check the
appropriate column whether it is Sexual or Asexual.

(A) Plants (B) Mode of Reproduction

Parts Sexual Asexual









Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 4 Observe Me

Direction: Study and observe the illustrations below to answer the guide questions.

Figure A. Self-pollination Figure B. Cross-pollination

Guide Questions:

1. Based from the pictures, what serves as the agent of pollination or the pollinator?
How does self-pollination happen?
2. How does cross-pollination happen?
How does self-pollination differ from cross-pollination?

Points Zero (0) One (1)

Correct The pupil was not able to The pupil was able to give his/her answer
Answer give his/her answer correctly correctly

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 5: Complete Me

Direction: Check (√) the column that corresponds to the correct mode of reproduction of the
plants listed in the first column.

Name of plant Sexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction

Self- Cross-
Stem Leaves Bulb Corms Runners Rhizome
pollination pollination

Cassava Plant

1. Bougainvillea

2. Rice Plant

3. Corn Plant

4. Rose

5. Manggo

In this activity, I learned that

I enjoyed most on
I want to learn more on

References for Learners

Science Beyond Borders (LM) pages 72-83
Science Beyond Borders (TG) pages 49-54

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Answer key:

Activity 1: Match Me

Activity 2 “Find Me”


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 3 Connect Me

(A) Plants (B) Mode of Reproduction

Parts Sexual Asexual



pollination √

Bulb √


Rhizome √


Leaf √

Runner √

Stem √

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 4: Observe Me

Guide Questions

1. Insects serves as the agent of pollination in the figures.

2. Self-pollination happen when the pollen grains transfer from the anther to the stigma
of the same flower or of different flower that belongs to the same plant.

3. Cross-pollination happen when the pollen grains transfer from the anther to the stigma
of another flower that belongs to another plant but of the same kind.

4. Self-pollination happens on the same flower or of different flower that belongs to the
same plant while cross-pollination happens to another flower that belongs to another
plant but of the same kind.

Refer to the criteria in giving points

Activity 5 Complete Me
Refer to the criteria.

Prepared by:

Kristine Hazel W. Bidayan

Hazel M. Velayo

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: ______________________

Section: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________


Biotic and Abiotic Factors in an Intertidal Zone and Estuarine Ecosystem
Background Information for Learners (Overview of the Lesson)
When organisms of the same kind live together, they form a group called population.
The interaction among two or more population is called community. The community interacts
with nature, air, water, soil, sunlight, and other nonliving things, thus called an ecosystem. An
ecosystem is the relationship between biological indicators / biotic indicators (living things)
such as mosses, lichens, birds, sedges, earthworms, and butterflies. And nonliving factors /
abiotic factors (non-living things) such as air, soil, water, and sunlight in a certain place.
In this lesson, you will learn about two ecosystems; (1) the intertidal zones – these are
zones which are constantly exposed to changing tides and home to different animals.
Furthermore, biotic factors of intertidal zones include several species of animal like crabs,
starfishes, sea urchins, shrimps, corals, and sea anemones, while its abiotic factors include
waves, water depth, salinity, temperature, winds, and sunlight.
(2) The estuaries – bodies of water that are formed when freshwater from rivers flows
and mixes with saltwater from sea or ocean. Biotic factors of estuaries include several kinds of
plants and animals like algae, salt marshes, mangrove trees, fishes, sponges, planktons,
shrimps, and oysters while its abiotic factors include waves, water depth, salinity, temperature,
winds, and sunlight. With the interaction between the biotic and abiotic factors on both
intertidal zones and estuaries, different habitats arise from it such as coral reefs, salt marshes,
mud flats, and rocky shores which serves to different animals and plants as a home and/or
sanctuary for them to populate and live in peace. Find out the components of estuaries, their
importance, and how to protect them.
Learning Competency with Code
Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living things in estuaries and intertidal
zones. (S5LT-IIh-8)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 1: Word Jumble!
Directions: Unscramble the words based on the given description. Make sure that there is only
One letter for each box. Identify the words formed from the circled letters.
1. Amount of salt in water

2. Hotness and coldness of water

3. Commonly known as the nurseries of the seas which serves as the habitat of
organisms, filters water in and out of the seas, and exit points of floods.

4. Relationship between biotic and abiotic factors

5. A mixture of saltwater and freshwater

6. Waves, salinity, temperature, sunlight, and type of soil are ______ factors

7. Trees growing in saltwater areas

8. Zones which are constantly exposed to changing tides and home to different marine
animals and birds.


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 2A: Stop, Look, and Observe!
Directions: Study the two pictures shown below. Write down your observations and answer
the guide questions.


Intertidal Zones

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Guide Questions:

1. What are biotic and abiotic components of the picture shown above? Use the table

Estuaries Intertidal Zones

Biotic Abiotic Biotic Abiotic

2. Why are estuaries and intertidal zones important to humans?


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 2B: Where do I live?
Directions: Using the table provided, describe the different habitats found in estuary and
intertidal zone and identify the animals living in it.

Habitat Description Animals living in it

1. Coral reef

2. Salt Marsh

3. Mud flats

4. Rocky shores

Guide Questions:
3. How are intertidal zones and estuaries harmed by the following?
a. Deforestation (the action of clearing a wide area of trees)
b. Improper garbage disposal (disposal of waste in a way that has negative
consequences for the environment)
c. Air pollution (the presence in or introduction into the air of a substance which
has harmful or poisonous effects)
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 3: Which is which?
Directions: Use a line to match the Biotic factor (living thing) that exist in a certain Abiotic
factor (nonliving thing).

Nonliving factors Biological Indicators


1. Clean air


2. Soil Rich in nutrients


3. High water vapor in air


4. Ground is full of water


5. Presence of flowers


6. Presence of worms and seeds

Guide Question:
1. How will you promote the protection, conservation, and rehabilitation of the
estuaries in your locality?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 4: What’s Next?
Every plant and animal no matter how big or small, depends on another plant or animal
for its survival. It could be photosynthesis of plants known as producers (first trophic level)
as they can make their own food. Bees taking pollen from a flower, or deer eating shrub leaves
known as the primary consumers (second trophic level) which are usually herbivores or plant-
eaters. Wolves eating the deer are classified as secondary consumers (third trophic level) and
are generally carnivores or meat-eaters. Lastly, there are organisms that eat secondary
consumers which are called tertiary consumers (fourth trophic level) as they are carnivore-
eating carnivores.

A food chain shows how energy is transferred from one living organism to another
through food. It is important for us to understand how the food chain works so that we know
what are the important living organisms that make up the food chain and how the ecology is

Directions: Study the food chain below and answer the guide questions.

Guide Questions:
1. What does the arrow mean in a food chain?
2. Name the producer in the food chain
3. Name the third trophic level in the food chain.
4. Name the tertiary consumer in the food chain.
5. What is the ultimate source of energy that drives the food chain?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 5A: Search the Web
A food web represents several paths through which energy and matter flow through an
ecosystem. It includes many intersecting food chains. It shows that most organisms eat, and are
eaten, by more than one species.

Directions: Study the food web below and answer the guide questions.

Snake Eagle

Wild Cat

Field Mouse

Frog Dragonfly

Grasshopper Fruit fly

Plant Fruits

Corn plant

Flowering Plant

Guide Questions:
1. Name two producers in the food web.
2. Name three types of consumers in the food web.
3. Name the animals/insects that the small fish eats.
4. Name the animals that eat the small fish.
5. Explain what could happen to the food web if all frogs suddenly died.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 5B: Web Navigation
A food web represents several paths through which energy and matter flow through an
ecosystem. It includes many intersecting food chains. It shows that most organisms eat, and are
eaten, by more than one species.

Directions: Study the food web below and answer the guide questions.

Snake Eagle

Wild Cat

Field Mouse

Frog Dragonfly

Grasshopper Fruit fly

Plant Fruits

Corn plant

Flowering Plant

Guide Questions:
1. List down five (5) food chains from the food web with five (5) or more trophic levels.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


In this activity, I learned that


I enjoyed most on
I want to learn more on

References for Learners

Science Beyond Borders Textbook page 84 – 90

Answer Key
Activity 1
Surprise Word:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 2A

1. What are biotic and abiotic components of the above? Use the table below.

Estuaries Intertidal Zones

Biotic Abiotic Biotic Abiotic
Plants Waves Crabs Waves
- Salt
marshes Salinity Starfish Water Depth
- Algae
- Mangrove Temperature Sea Urchin Salinity
- Grasses Sunlight Shrimps Temperature
- Fish Types of Soil Corals Winds
- Shrimps
- Oysters Sea Anemones Sunlight
- Sponges
- planktons

2. Why are estuaries and intertidal zones important to humans?

**Answers may vary**

The estuaries and intertidal zone maintain a balance between the land and the sea. It
provides a home to marine plants and animals. Those organisms, in turn, serve as food
for many us humans.

Activity 2B

Habitat Description Animals living in it

1. Coral reef Areas which are teeming with Corals, different kinds of
many corals. Serves as a fishes, jellyfish, sea
sanctuary for young / small fishes anemones, starfish
2. Salt Marsh Areas which are filled with sea
water during high tide and Clams, oysters, mussels,
becomes drained when low tide. snails, shrimps
Decomposing plant matter are
seen here
3. Mud flats Areas with large amount of mud Crabs, migratory birds,
deposited on it. Mud usually sand dollars, mussels,
comes from sea/river clams, mollusks, shellfish

4. Rocky shores Shores which have many rock Crabs, Prawns, barnacles,
deposits. Rocks serves as a hiding hermit crab, starfish,
place for small crabs and prawns limpets, mollusks, shrimps

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Guide Questions:
1. How are intertidal zones and estuaries harmed by the following?
a. Deforestation
- Deforestation of mangrove forests creates a negative impact on the
organisms living in those ecosystems. Small crabs and shrimps lose their source
of food and fishes lose their shelter on the roots of the mangrove.
(Answers may vary)
b. Improper garbage disposal
- It may lead to water pollution in rivers. Wastes are hazardous to all
organisms. Birds may choke on plastic parts, fishes and turtles get tangled in
plastic, water may be poisonous.
(Answers may vary)

c. Air pollution
- Polluted air decreases the health of mangroves and birds. May lead to
acid rain which increases the acidity of water.
(Answers may vary)

Activity 3

1. Lichens
2. Earthworms
3. Mosses
4. Sedges
5. Bees/Butterflies
6. Birds
Guide Question:

How will you promote the protection, conservation, and rehabilitation of the
estuaries in your locality?
- By practicing proper waste disposal
- By helping in clean-up drives.
- By promoting clean waterways and rivers.
- By educating people on the dangers of throwing garbage in bodies of water
(Answers may vary)

Activity 4

1. What does the arrow mean in a food chain?

It indicates where energy is being passed
2. Name the producer in the food chain
Any of the plant/insect in the food web
3. Name the third trophic level in the food chain.
Secondary consumer – Field mouse
4. Name the tertiary consumer in the food chain.
Field mouse
5. What is the ultimate source of energy that drives the food chain?
Solar energy / Sunlight / Heat from the Sun

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 5A

1. Name two producers in the food web.

Mangoes / Flowering plant / Corn plant
2. Name three types consumers in the food web.
Any of the animal/insect except for the answers in number 1
3. Name the animals/insects that the frog eats.
Grasshopper/Butterfly/Dragonfly/Fruit fly
4. Name the animals that eat the frog.
Snake and Eagle
5. Explain what could happen to the food web if all frogs suddenly died.
**Answers may vary**
When the frog is removed, the organism who eats or hunt them will decrease some
because they lost one of the food sources even though they still have
other food sources. This new organism will break the balance of the ecosystem so
their food sources will decrease by having too many predators that hunt and eat them
Activity 5B

1. Write five (5) food chains from the food web with five or more trophic levels.
Flowering plant – Butterfly – Dragonfly – Frog – Snake - Eagle
Flowering plant – Butterfly – Frog – Snake - Eagle
Corn plant – Grasshopper – Field Mouse –Snake - Eagle
Corn plant – Grasshopper – Frog –Snake - Eagle
Fruits – Fruit fly – Bird – Wild Cat – Eagle

Prepared by:

Kym Clyde H. Moro

Ma. Esperanza D. Joves

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: ______________________

Section: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________



Background Information for Learners:

Do you know where most seafood-like clams, mussels, mollusks and crabs come from?
Intertidal Zones and Estuaries are places where we can find these living things, and just like
humans, these sea creatures need a safe, clean and favorable environment in order for them to
live. Examples of Intertidal zones are beaches, streams, and rivers connected to seas. While
Estuaries filters dirt before freshwater enters the seas or ocean, it filters salt from the seas and
oceans, and it serves as exit points for floods during stormy days.
Protecting these from harm should be a priority to human. Here in our country, the
Philippines, there are many intertidal zones and estuaries, one good example is the Cataggaman
Boulevard at Cataggaman Nuevo, Tugegarao City. This place was a newly accomplished place
for people to visit for recreation and fun. The place has also been rehabilitated for such
purposes. The Sangguniang Kabataan of CNTC spearheaded a clean-up drive to develop the
area with the support of Barangay Employees, CNES Teachers, Kalinga Scholars and many
more volunteers. Clean-up drives are best practices each region should practice ensuring the
cleanliness and development of Intertidal zones and Estuaries. It is essential that we conserve
and preserve Intertidal zones and Estuaries because these are also sources of natural resources,
like fish and clams that we eat.

Photos taken from facebook post Sanggguniang Kabataan-Cataggaman Nuevo, Tugegarao

City FB Page

Learning Competency:
Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zone. S5MT-Ih-j-10
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 1: “Let’s take a Tour!”

Directions: Listed below are consequences or negative effects of some human activities in our
Intertidal zones and Estuaries. Put a check (̷) inside the box if it describes the
effect for estuaries, cross (X) if it describes the effects for intertidal zones.

(Photo Credit: Obet Nico) ( Photo Credit: iTravel Cabo)

Figure 1: Siayan Island, Itbayat, Batanes Figure 2: Estero, San Jose, Laguna

□ 1. Thousands of fish will lose their homes.

□ 2. High tide and low tide will not happen.
□ 3. Red tide happens and clams and mussels may poison people as a result.
□ 4. Salt waters will not be salty any more.
□ 5. Mud from the rivers may not be safe for marine life.
□ 6. Mangroves may be depleted and erosion on the coast may happen.
□ 7. Coral reefs and sea grass beds will be protected from harm.
□ 8. Fresh water will separate from the saltwater.
□ 9. Sea weeds that serve as food for some marine life may die.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 2: “Destroying Nature is Destroying People”

Directions: Study the pictures and answer the following guide questions. Write your answers
in the space provided.

Figure A: Manila Bay

(Photo credits : Jeremiah Capacillo)
Intertidal zone: Manila, Philippines

Figure B: Dying Mangrove Forest

Estuaries: Philippines

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Guide Questions:
1. What activities of men affect the Intertidal Zone and Estuaries shown in each picture?
Figure A.
Figure B.

2. How do these activities affect the place?

Figure A.
Figure B.

3. How do these activities affect us?

Figure A.
Figure B.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 3: “Take Action!”
Directions: Make a poster or poem on how you can help preserve and conserve the intertidal
zones and estuaries. Use separate sheet for your outputs.

Rubric in Scoring Poster

1 2 3 4
Originality The project shows The pupil’s The pupil The pupil
little or nowork lacked demonstrated demonstrates a
evidence ofsincere originality. unique level of
original thought originality. originality
Relevance to The pupil did not The pupil The pupil The student
the topic finish the work in finished the completed the gave an effort
a satisfactoryproject, but it project in an beyond the
manner lacks finishing above average requirements of
touches or can manner. this project.
be improved
with a little
Visual Impact The pupil’s The pupil The pupil The pupil
showed poor showed average showed above showed
craftsmanship craftsmanship. average outstanding
craftsmanship. craftsmanship.

Rubric Scoring for Poem

1 2 3 4
Relevance to The project The pupil’s work The pupil The pupil
the topic shows little or no lacked sincere demonstrated demonstrates a
evidence of relevance relevance unique level of
relevance originality and
relevance to the
Organization The pupil did not The pupil The pupil The student gave
of Thought show finished the completed the an effort beyond
organization of project, but it project in an the requirements
thoughts lacks above average of this activity
organization of manner of
thoughts thoughts
Structure of The pupil’s The pupil The pupil The pupil showed
sentences showed poor showed average showed above outstanding
(Grammar) grammar usage grammar usage average grammar usage
and made 4 or and made 3 error grammar usage and had no
more error and made 2 or evidence of
less error grammatical error

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 4: “Why are estuaries and intertidal zones important?”

Directions: Using these two bubble maps, answer the question that is found at the center.
Write your answers on the bubbles radiating from the center.


Why do we need 2.__________________

4.____________________ to protect and ____________________
______________________ conserve our ____________________
______________________ estuaries? ____________________
___________________ __________________


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Why do we need 2._____________________

4._______________________ to protect and ______________________
________________________ conserve our ______________________
________________________ intertidal zones? ______________________
____________ _________


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 5: “What should I do?”

Directions: Read the following situations and answer the questions that follows. Write 1 or 2
sentences in the space provided. You will be given 5 points in each item.

1. My family went to a picnic at Chanarian Beach. We brought foods packed in plastic

containers. And for convenience, we also brought disposable cups, spoons, forks and
plates. Everybody enjoyed eating and we had so much fun. Before leaving the place,
what should we do?

2. Our class attended the clean-up drive of the YES Organization. I saw one member put
the collected non-biodegradable trash in a bin for biodegradables. What should I do?

Rubrics in Scoring
1 2 3 4
Content The sentence The pupil’s The pupil The pupil
(includes shows little or work lacked demonstrated demonstrates a
grammar and no evidence of sincere content understanding of unique level of
structure) content review. review. content. understanding of
Idea expressed The pupil’s The pupil The pupil The pupil
showed poor showed average showed above showed
thoughts in the thoughts in the average thoughts outstanding
subject area. subject area. in the subject thoughts in the
area. subject area.


In this activity, I learned that

I enjoyed most on
I want to learn more on
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Sarte E. T., et al, Science Beyond Borders, “Protecting and Conserving Our Intertidal
Zones and Estuaries” p.102

Answer Key

Activity 1: “Let’s take a Tour!”

□ Thousands of fish will lose their homes.
□ High tide and low tide will not happen.
□ Red tide happens and clams and mussels may poison people as a result.
□ Salt waters will not be salty anymore.
□ Mud from the seas or rivers may not be safe for marine life.
□ Mangroves may be depleted and erosion on the coast may happen.
□ Coral reefs and sea grass beds will be protected from harm.
□ Fresh water will separate from the saltwater.
□ Sea weeds that serve as food for some marine life may die.
Activity 2: “Destroying Nature means Destroying People”
1. What activities of men affect the Intertidal Zone and Estuaries shown in each picture?
Figure A.
People kept on throwing garbage to Manila Bay that it caused over pollution in the
Figure B.
Mangroves die because of the too much garbage in the
2. How do these men’s activities affect the place?
Figure A.
It pollutes the water causing other animals living in the coasts poisoned and die.
Figure B.
Mangrove trees may die if this keeps on.
3. How do these activities affect us?
Figure A.
The source of food will be scarce and people will not have places to go visit.
Figure B.
Houses nearby might be destroyed in case of tidal waves, and other food sources will
not be available.

Activity 4
Why do we need to protect and conserve our estuaries?
✓ It is an ideal place for ships and boats to come into land
✓ They serve as breeding grounds for fishes and birds
✓ It attracts tourists
✓ It gives help to fishing industries
Why do we need to protect and conserve our estuaries?
✓ Animals such as bear, find marine life to serve as their food for survival
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

✓ Provides as a place for outdoor activities during low tide.
✓ During low tide, migrating birds have access to reach food that intertidal
habitats have.

Activity 5

1. We should make sure that there will be no traces of trash in the place, have them
segregated and make sure to leave the place as clean as when we arrived.

2. I will tell this person to keep the trash on the right bin, if he does not respond, I will
do it myself.

Prepared by:

Agnes S. Nico
Maria Lyzette V. Rico
Maria Suzette C. Cultura


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


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