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MCMT 220: Multiple Intelligence

Activity #4
Name: Hannah Jane P. Casipong Date: October 28,2021

a.What is your personal realization? Does it change your manner of thinking?

❖ I realized that the score in an IQ test should never be a basis for intelligence of an
individual because all human beings differ from one another and that includes their field
of expertise. Therefore, I discovered that it’s not about your writ and grit, the key to
success is how you think and know about yourself because by knowing our individual
strengths enable a person to enhance and maximize its full potential and the awareness
of an individual weakness encourage that person to formulate a nurturing plan to
develop that skills and acquired that intelligence.

b. Expound the quotation delivered by Howard Gardner in his special speech in TED
Talks,”Nobody is zero”

❖ Nobody is zero means that the human being's brain is like a computer installed with
different programs that allows individuals to be good and expert in a different field and
this includes Linguistic intelligence “word smart”. Second, Logical-mathematical
intelligence “number/reasoning smart” Third, Spatial intelligence “picture smart”. Fourth,
Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence “body smart”. Fifth, Musical intelligence “music smart”.
Sixth, ``Interpersonal intelligence “people are smart. Seventh, Intrapersonal intelligence
“self-smart” and Lastly, Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”). This new view of
intelligence highlighted the points that each one of us has a chance to be successful
considering we're good at certain fields. On the other hand, this Multiple Intelligence
Theory disapproved of the traditional assessment of intelligence about examining the
individual IQ through paper and pen because it’s a test of language and numbers.
Therefore, the method is used to establish biases for recognizing the intelligence and
uniqueness of the individual.

c. How can you make use of your multiple intelligence to achieve success? Elaborate
on your answer.
❖ Being good means that an individual is showing knowledge and advanced skills in a
specific area of discipline. Meanwhile, ethical means a person who has the character to
lift up the moral standards that highlights the ideas and beliefs that are observable and
not tangible and the roots of being good and ethical are the learnings that he/she gets
from school and real-life experiences that causes permanent change and leads to
growth and development.

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