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Name – Saksham raj

Class – IX-E

Name of project- flood


Floods are the most common and widespread of all natural disasters. India is one of
the highly flood prone countries in the world. Arowwwund 40 million hectors of
land in India is prone to floods as per natural flood commission report. Floods
cause damage to industries, public utilities and property resulting in huge
economic losses, apart from loss of lives. Though is not possible to control the
flood disaster totally, by adopting suitable structural and non structional measures
latest, reliable , accurate and timely information is required. In this context satellic
remote sensing plays an important role.

Summary of project:
Types of flood:

According to the national survey storms laboratory, there are

five types of flood. They include:
1. River flood
2. Coastal flood
3. Storm flood
4. Inland flood
5. Flash flood

What causes flooding?

While different flood types typically have different causes, most

floods are caused by one of the following activities:
1. Heavy rainfall
2. Overflowing rivers
3. Strom surge and tsunamis
4. A lack of vegetation
5. Melting snow and ice
Flooding effects:
No matter what causes of a flood, it can have clevasting effects
on your community. There are actually many dangerous
flooding effects. Besides physical danger, floods also cause
economic and social performs:
1. Loss of lives
2. Property damage
3. Economic impacts
4. Psychosocial flooding effects

What do I do
before a flood?

 The first thing you should do before a flood is assemble an

emergency kit. Your flood emergency kit should include
food, water and medicine. You should pack a supply of
these items that will last each person’s three days.
Bihar flood case study- in India, Bihar is one of the worse affected states
due to floods. As per one estimate, in Bihar flood affects about 6.880
million hectares of land out of about 9.416 million hectare, which is
about 13.06%. It not only affects the infrastructure but also the social
economic in life of the state. There is a need to minimize negative
consequences and ill effects of flooding by means of flood management.
In Bihar, most the times, the decision makers go for structional measures
like construction of embankments, flood retention walls, flood levees
and channel improvements etc. however, it is felt that structional
measures itself is not sufficient to reduce the adverse impacts of flood in
the state. Hence non-structional measures like flood plain management
policy, building bye laws, and flow and silt management policy are also
required. It components the use of flood plains judiciously. The purpose
of this paper is to highlight the severity of flood impacts of state.


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