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1. After reading this assignment describe any impact positive or

negative it had on your openness and curiosity about cultures?

In my opinion, this is objective. On the positive side, a certain degree of

openness in thinking can help us expand our thinking, and thus help us improve our

perception and cognition of things. It helps us get out of our comfort zone and think

about cultures and problems in a different way. But on the negative side, having an

open mind for a long time will bring us some unnecessary trouble. Because we think

about the answer to the question.

2. Which aspect of the video resonated the most with you and why?
The speaker started the conversation with a little game. He asks the viewer to

connect a 3 *3 percent lattice of dots with four straight lines, keeping the pen on the

paper.Many of us don't do this problem right because we add borders to the dot matrix

invisibly.That's why we don't have the result of open thinking.

3. Will this video forge a change in you? Will you do anything differently
or think differently?
Maybe it would change me a little.Because,I am a relatively closed thinking

person. Open thinking is very important to me, but I can't think of it. So I hope my

friends around me will provide me with open thinking.

4. What do you see as cultural similarities and/or cultural differences

between yourself and those who were referred to in the video?
I think I have cultural differences with them. It may be the reason for Chinese

education. I have listened to my parents and teachers since I was a child. I am used to
closing myself up and locking myself in my cognitive area.

Worldview - The overall perspective from which one sees and

interprets the world; A collection of beliefs about life and the universe
held by an individual or a group. 
1. Describe your worldview vs. someone else’s– how are they different
and or similar?
I will compare my worldview with my mom.We have many differences in life.

Including all living habits and thoughts.It may be because of different ages and

different experiences, our views and cognition of things will be different.Like she

always wants me to live healthy, but I just want to live happy. I always eat takeout,

drink milk tea and go out to play. My mother will only say that you are wrong to live

a healthy life.

2. How has your worldview been changed, if at all, after viewing this
I think the main formation stage of world outlook is in junior high school. Sooner or

later, but the world outlook is not invariable. People will have different ideological

changes in their life experience. But whether these changes will form our own world

outlook needs our choice. We will only make choices and decisions that we feel are


3. What did the speaker reveal about peoples’ worldview?

Everyone has a worldview, our view and perception of the world. He decides what we

do and how we do it. They are the rules and standards by which we behave. But we

also need to understand and tolerate different worldviews of different people. Also

know that there is space and distance between people.

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