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Interpersonal Communication

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Submitted by:

DM22138 Natasha

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Question 1:

A meeting was called on 20 November 2020 at 1600 Hrs to address the failure in the submission of
formal updates on key projects and inconsistent attendance in meetings by Jyoti Agrawal, Senior Analyst.
While she hadn’t been submitting official since being promoted to the SA position in July 2019, it is only
in the last few weeks that it has come up as a problem. Owing to overall inconsistencies in her
department, many other projects of the organization are lagging behind on their deadlines.

The 7 point feedback plan to address and find solutions to problematic behavior was used.

Special care was taken to ensure factual feedback, respectful delivery using the proper tone, and
pronouns. Moreover, I focused on active listening, understanding the problem causes using the 5 why

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technique, and finding reasonable mutual resolutions.

The first problem addressed was a lack of formal updates in the form of company-mandated e-mails. Any

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official communication within and outside of the company is usually done through e-mails with the

relevant parties in carbon copies. However, Jyoti had been consistently skipping on the protocol.
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On confronting her with the issue and making her aware of the snowballing effect her actions are having
on the organization’s projects, her reply was “E-mails take longer to get the work done, I usually prefer
calling the respective parties since it is so much more efficient. While with E-mails the response usually

comes after a day or two and the actions are even more delayed, phone call ensures quick reply and
results.” Another problem for her was “there is simply too much work to actually follow the due
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process.” Therefore to get work done faster she had been resorting to telephonic conversations.

She was quick to understand the consequences of the lack of formal communication and on further
discussion, two solutions came forth. The first was that she can record the telephonic conversations and
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mail them to the concerned parties and the second was that she can send follow up emails after every
telephonic conversation with all the concerned parties in carbon copies. The second solution was found
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to be reasonable and Jyoti assured its execution.

The second problem was that of her inconsistencies in attending group meetings. She had told her

teammates many times that she did not have time to meet with them or to hold meetings. On this, she
somewhat apprehensively mentioned that with her assistant, Vikas Ansari on leave she has been having

problems with organizing her schedules and managing the workload. The new intern Anjali is just getting
the reins and is not as efficient. Moreover, she recently had an appendicitis infection and the treatment
for the same is ongoing for which she often needs to leave early.

The solution options generated were:

 Providing requisite training to Anjali to fill in the shoes of Vikas.

 Communicating directly with her peers about the meets and her schedule.

 Using time management and organization applications available.

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 Being proactive in setting the meetings whenever she gets the time.

 Taking work from home when she needs rest.

 Talking to her peer about health problems.

Jyoti requested for Anjali’s training and help with the organizing and time management application while
assuring that she’ll keep other options in mind and will be more proactive in communicating with her

She agreed to a review date of 7th December 2020 and gave assurance of observable results.

Question 2:

As Jyoti’s supervisor, I’ll ensure progress by observing if formal updates are being sent to the respective

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departments electronically. Moreover, I will be enquiring people in the other departments, Jyoti’s peers

and Jyoti herself about the status of official communications and her consistency in attending the

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meetings. I will also check in periodically on the implementation of the discussed and agreed upon
solutions and her general well-being as well as, if she is facing any problem with the same.

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Simultaneously I’ll be engaging with her team and colleagues to find if their complaints regarding Jyoti
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has been solved or not. If any problem arises, I’ll be providing support and guidelines. Finally, the
appraisal meeting would be held on the stipulated time to review all the improvements and actions
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Question 3:

Jyoti’s colleague didn’t complain earlier since they were adopting an avoidance strategy to handle the
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conflict. It is a general tendency in teams to try to solve problems amongst themselves without
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escalating it to superiors, be it out of concern for both the parties or to avoid conflict as far as possible.
However when the problem went out of hand and they felt the need of intervention they would have
approached the supervisor.

Jyoti herself was taking the route of adopting an avoidance strategy. However her avoidance might have

been coming from a place of passivity and apprehension of not being able to manage the work load. She
didn’t approach either he peers or her supervisors with her problems.

Question 4:

According to me, a combination of collaborative and accommodative strategy would be the best way to
go forward. Jyoti is expected to collaborate better with her peers and other departments by following

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official updating protocols, proactively calling meetings, communicating with her colleagues etc. This will
ensure a comparatively seamless workflow from Jyoti’s side. Moreover, being the senior analyst; these
steps by Jyoti would result in better collaboration in her team and amongst departments as well.

At the same time, some of the personal problems faced by Jyoti are genuine and would require
accommodation to an extent by Jyoti herself as well as her colleagues. Jyoti’s peers need to be willing to
accommodate some of her timings and her request for collaborations in work from home.

As such collaborative and accommodative strategy can be used together to solve the conflict and ensure
smooth working of the organization.

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