Star Wars - d20 - Power of The Jedi

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A/S ea ee ae es aa iLL Re Ca Ree eee ea) ow “JD WIKER, MICHAEL MIKAELIAN, JEFF GRUBB, TWEN K.C. STEPHENS, JAMES MALISZEWSKI ‘BRIAN CAMPBELL AND MICHELE CARTER MICHELLE VUCKQVICH KIM MOHAN Hi 1 CHRISTOPHER PERKINS. LUCASFILM LTD. ‘ANTHONY S. WATERS, ASHLEY WOOD, D, ALEXANDER GREGORY, DAN BRERETON. JEFF CARLISLE, JOE CORRONEY, JOHN VAN FLEET, RK POST, TOMMY LEE EDWARDS CHRISTOPHER WEST ANGELIKA LOKOTZ ‘JON SCHINDEHETTE ‘SEAN GLENN ‘ABIGAIL FEIN TAIN MORRIS ‘ANTHONY VALTERRA ‘DOUGLAS STEVES, MARTIN DURHAM CHAS DELONG: ‘JEFFERSON DUNLAP ronan BILL SLAVICSEK MARY KIRCHOFF Thanks to Lucy Autrey Wilson, Howard Rotfman, and Leland ‘Chee of Lucas Licensing; Pablo Hidalgo of Lucashiim Ltd; the designe of the West End Games editions for their fine work ‘and tall he authors who have contributed tothe expanded ‘Stor Wors univers, Special thanks to George Lucas for creating the Star Wars fms in the fist place ‘cnc & LAT ECA eget neaDQuAeTS ower tte Coss Bogs ‘is d20" Sam pe padi sles mechani eos ft ne ‘omc «Dac ae by ota ee ete oak Ship ar, “ie aot re Coa ame pot contains no Ope Gare Contr. 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PLAYING IN 4 [Hewigur __]!2) Coyostens stg | ‘New Force Skills __ 2) ‘Tott Doneeta, Jedi Knight 105, ss mJ right 10s Dace Diath, Je Kight 18 Shane Gu Jed eight_———— 107 ‘he Halen Bodine eran Halcyon Je Knight Nejaa Halon Je Maser Sse Ti, Je Ace Kad, el Kit “rl fhe ed The Dark Woman, ed Master 120, Darsha Asante Padowan 121 ‘Anon Bondar, Master of Tes Ks) (WI! CREATURES: LAND ARCHETYPES | New specs. 64 7 Bb ry 55 rs 57 Quinn Vos, Armes le 57 Bitar Swan, Je right 82 Kits Jed Master 68 Shashi ed Master wminara Undue Maser 7 Barss fe, ei Padanan- Th The Lstof the Jed TL Oban Kenobi Force Spit Thi Jel aster n % B B ® n 1 n m B m a ai w a 5 The Ne ei Cah ed eer | kata, Combats GHARTIWHERE THE» |199 FORCE IS STRONG © "8° Chuunin iz Great ei Library at Ossis 185 Jedi Academy on Vain 18 Jedi Temple on Couscnt iat ‘Meditative Canyon on Ambra 145 The Oracle at Pelgin ‘ar The Scan of iden Wisdom 15 The aly ofthe edi 158 ‘The Unity of he Force The interna Journey INDEX Introduction “For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the quardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. ‘Before the dark times. Before the Empire.” Obi-Wan Kenobi ‘The Force binds the galaxy together. It has a dark side, full of corruption and hatred and death, but it also has ight, ‘ide. This book explores the light side of the Force an its chosen servants the Jedi Knights, revealing ther secrets and providing a wealth of new options for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, From the caly philosophers who came together after the advent of the hyperdeive to the first supporters unit- ‘ng under Master Skywalker’s Jedi academy, the Jedi nights have been a driving fore for freedom and justice throughout the galaxy, They call on the Force to aid, warn, defend, and even heal themselves, but they must resist the temptation to draw on its darker side, edi are powerful ‘beings wha forsake power; they are great warriors who sitive to avoid war. Generations of Jedi have struggled with the seeming contradictions in ther role as peaceful defend ces Not all traditions of Force-users have arrived at the This book explores all aspects of the Jedi throughout their history, Occasionally, you will come across the name (of a person, place, or event that is explained in detail ese ‘where in this book, f you're looking for information on a specific topic, use the following chapter summary and the index atthe end of the book as your guides. Chapter One offers a history ofthe Jedi Order and de~ sctibes the evolution of the Jedi Code. It explains how the Jedi came to symbolize peace and ordet inthe galaxy and ‘chronicles many of the great conficts that have tested the Jedi Knights since their Formation some twenty-five thou Sand years before the Batle of Yavin. Chapter Two presents new Force sil, Force feats, and “Ji prestige classes. It expands the possible roles a Jed ‘an Fulfil inthe different eras of play, from the time period described in Tales of the Jedi comics to The New ei Order era ‘Chapter Three contains advice, campaign ideas, and suggestions for dealing with multiple Jedi characters and diferent Jedi archetypes in your campaign. A thorough discussion details how each fits into the diferent eras. ‘Chapter Four describes Force-relevant equipment, inelud- {ing simple training devices such as the Marksman-H Series training remote, new Jedi weapons such asthe dual-phase lightsaber, ancient relics like Jedi Battle Armor, and items used against the Jedi. This chapter also describes several vehicles and starship associated with the Jedi across the Chapter Five provides information on several alien species and creatures important to the Jedi, such as the gentle Caamast and the deadly taozin. It concludes with rules for Force sprit, a template for creating Force spirits of your ‘own, and pregenerated game statistics for Jedi characters of vatious classes and levels. Chapter Six amines some of the different traditions of Jedi that developed over the millennia. These include the Corellian, Coruscant, and Ossus Jed traditions, as well as the Jensaarai, a near-Jed society. Alongside these diseus- sions are statistics for some of the most important Jedi from all ages, including Master Odan-Urt, Kieran Halcyon, ‘Arca Jeth, Plo Koon, Tionne, and Master Yods. Chapter Seven details several locations where the light side i strong, including the Great Temple on Coruscant and the School of Hidden Wisdom on Baltimn. The history and Inhabitants of each site are explored in depth, and each location includes adventure hooks that GMs ean use to incorporate the location into era-specific campaigns. How to Use this Book The Power ofthe Jedi Sourcebook is designed for use with the revised Star Wars Roleplaying Game. It refers to rules, Force skill, Force feats, nd Jedi class abilities featured in the revised edition specifically. Whereas The Dark Side ‘Sourcebook focuses on darksders, the Sith, and the dark side of the Force, The Power of the Jedi Sourcebook explores the Jed, the Jedi Order, and the tireless struggle to resist the dark side's sinister allure, Whether you're playing {inva Star Wars campaign or running one as @ Gamemaster, this book contains a wealth of information. For players running heroes in a Star Wars campaign, this book serves as a reference forall aspects of the Jedi. From, discussions on the Force and the Jedi Order to write-ups on Jedi through the ages, there's plenty to keep players busy ‘You'l lear diferent methods for exploring the varying philosophies, duties, and roles the Jedi have assumed throughout the history of the galaxy. With your GM's permission, you can attempt to master the Force, become 2 Jed! instructor at Luke Skywalke's Jedi academy, or even join the Jedi Council you're a Gamemaster, The Power ofthe Jed Sourcebook contains an amazing collection of tools for @ ‘campaign centered on or inchuding heroes and villains strong in the Force. Build new allies that defy preconceived notions of the Jedi. Create powerful Dark Jedi who have fallen from the light side. Craft adventures that challenge the philosophies of Jedi players Find advice for running compaigns in which all the heroes are Jedi Enhance your adventures with a large selection of ready-to-use alles and ‘opponents. New ideas and equipment can challenge your Jedi heroes in ways they won't expect. ‘Whether you'e a player or 2 Gamemaster, this book strengthens the light side in your campaign. Use it wisely, ‘and may the Force be with you

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