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14 Recombinant Protein Expression and Purification 43

Fig. 2.15 RNAi method for gene Double stranded RNA (dsRNA)
silencing. Dicer binds to dsRNA and
cleaves it to small fragments. The
fragments unwind and form RISC
Dicer binds to dsRNA
complex. The RISC complex binds to
target mRNA and cleaves its sequence
Dicer cuts dsRNA to siRNA

dsRNA unwinds and forms RISC

Binds to target mRNA and cleaves it

Degraded mRNA

target mRNA sequence specifically and degrades 2.14 Recombinant Protein

it (Fig. 2.15). Expression and Purification
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding
RNAs that are about 22 nucleotides long. They Recombinant protein expression and purification
mediate posttranscriptional silencing of target refers to a set of techniques by which a protein of
genes. miRNAs are complementary to 3′ untrans- interest is produced in a functional form in suffi-
lated region (UTR) of target genes and cause cient quantity in a host organism by using host
silencing by translational inhibition, degradation protein synthesis machineries. The recombinant
of mRNA, or both. They are synthesized in the protein expressed is purified to study its struc-
nucleus as pri-miRNA by RNA polymerase ture, functions, modifications, localization, and
II. Long pri-miRNAs are cleaved by Drosha- interaction. In practical sense it involves cloning
DGCR8 to hairpin-like pre-miRNAs. These pre- the gene of interest in an expression vector and
miRNAs are exported to the cytoplasm by expressing it in a suitable host that enables purifi-
Exportin-5-Ran-GTP complex where they are cation of the recombinant protein in a functional
processed by Dicer enzyme to form short RNA form in sufficient amount.
duplex. One strand of the duplex is incorporated
in RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). The
miRNA loaded into RISC complex binds to the 2.14.1 Protein Expression Systems
target mRNA causing repression of translation or
mRNA degradation. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems are
RNAi technique is widely used in biotechnol- used for protein expression depending on the
ogy to suppress gene expression. It can target and property of protein, the requirements for func-
silence any mRNA. It is used for library screen- tional activity, and yield. The important expres-
ing and is very useful to detect drug targets. This sion systems have been discussed below. The
technology has been successfully used to create advantages and disadvantages of each of them
mutants. They are being developed as new class have been tabulated in Table 2.1 (for further
of drugs. details, refer to Chap. 4).
44 2 Fundamentals of Recombinant DNA Technology

Table 2.1 Recombinant protein expression system

Systems Merits Problems
Bacterial system Fast growth rate Posttranscriptional modification absent
Simple growth requirements Posttranslational modification absent
Easy genetic manipulation Protein folding options limited
Codon optimization required
Formation of inclusion bodies
Yeast system Fast growth rate Limited size
Simple growth requirements Codon optimization required
Easy genetic manipulation
Posttranscriptional modification
Posttranslational modification
Insect cells with baculovirus Large size of expression protein Expensive
expression system Posttranscriptional modification
Posttranslational modification Needs technical expertise
Cell-free system Not restricted by host Expensive
Expression of toxic proteins Not suited for large-scale production
Mammalian system Suitable for mammalian protein Expensive
Expression of mAb Bacterial System genes expressed at a low level. Usually, the fre-
E. coli by far is the choice of organism for protein quency of the codon usage reflects the abundance
purification as it has a fast growth rate with a dou- of their cognate t-RNAs. Therefore, when the
bling time of 20 min [12]. It can grow to a very codon usage of the target protein differs signifi-
high cell density which would increase expression cantly from the average codon usage of the
of recombinant protein. The growth requirements expression host, this could cause problems dur-
are simple and inexpensive. Finally, there are a ing expression. The problems due to different
large number of tools to genetically manipulate E. codon usages are (1) decrease in mRNA stability
coli and it is easily transformed [3]. causing slowing down of protein expression; (2)
The T7 system is the most popular approach premature termination of transcription or transla-
for producing proteins in E. coli. Here an expres- tion producing truncated protein; (3) frameshift,
sion vector containing a gene of interest cloned deletions, and mis-incorporation of amino acids;
downstream of the T7 promoter is introduced and (4) inhibition of protein synthesis and growth
into a T7 expression host. The host carries a chro- of cells. Codon optimization is replacing codons
mosomal copy of the phage T7 RNA polymerase that are rarely found in highly expressed E. coli
gene under inducible promoter. When inducer is genes with more favorable codons throughout the
added, T7 RNA polymerase is expressed and whole gene.
becomes dedicated to transcription of the gene of Despite several advantages, there are certain
interest. This mechanism has been discussed in limitations to protein expression in bacteria.
details in the promoters section below Multi-domain eukaryotic proteins expressed in
(Sect. bacteria often are nonfunctional because the cells
However, while expressing heterologous are not equipped to accomplish the required
genes in E. coli, it is important to consider codon posttranslational modifications or molecular
usage and optimization. All the mRNA codons folding. Also, many proteins become insoluble as
are not equally used in E. coli. The major codons inclusion bodies that are very difficult to recover
are those that occur in highly expressed proteins, without harsh denaturants and subsequent cum-
whereas the minor or rare codons tend to be in bersome protein-refolding procedures.
2.14 Recombinant Protein Expression and Purification 45 Fungal System of the transfer vector and baculovirus DNA into
Expression of proteins in yeast is a common insect cell line, Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf),
alternative to prokaryotic and higher eukaryotic allows recombination between homologous sites,
expression. Yeast cells offer many of the transferring the heterologous gene from the vec-
advantages of producing proteins in microbes tor. Baculovirus infection of Sf cells results in the
such as fast growth rate, easy genetic manipula- shutoff of host gene expression allowing for a
tion, and simple growth conditions. It has some high rate of recombinant mRNA and protein pro-
of the properties of higher eukaryotic systems duction. Recombinant proteins can be produced
such as posttranslational modifications and at levels ranging between 0.1 % and 50 % of the
secretory expression. Several yeast protein total insect cell protein.
expression systems exist in organisms such as There are several advantages to use this system.
Saccharomyces, Pichia, Kluyveromyces, Functional activities of the recombinant proteins
Hansenula, and Yarrowia. The yeast expression are retained as insect cells are capable of post-
vectors contain yeast promoter, terminator, and transcriptional (splicing) and posttranslational
selectable marker. Many vectors have a secretory modifications (phosphorylation, glycosylation,
sequence that secretes the expressed protein in and acylation). The size of expressed protein is
the medium. Most of these vectors can be main- much larger. It is relatively a simple system.
tained in E. coli as well and are known as shuttle
vectors. Thus, the gene of interest can be cloned Cell-Free System
in E. coli and expressed in yeast. Some of the Cell-free protein expression is performed without
yeast vectors can be integrated into the yeast the use of living cells. All the components needed
chromosome. They are stably maintained along for transcription and translation such as ribo-
with the host chromosome. somes, t-RNAs, enzymes, cofactors, and amino
acids are provided in vitro. Such solutions are Insect Cells and Baculovirus obtained through making a cell lysate from a
Expression System desired cell type. Cell-free mixtures have been
The baculovirus expression vector system made from both bacterial and eukaryotic cells.
(BEVS) is one of the most powerful and versatile However they are not useful for large-scale
eukaryotic expression systems available which protein expression. They are suited for a number
has been used to express heterologous genes of applications where the rapid generation of a
from different sources in insect cells. smaller amount of recombinant protein is
Baculoviruses (family Baculoviridae) belong to a desirable. Cell-free expression is suitable for
diverse group of large double-stranded DNA high-throughput screening of truncated proteins
viruses that infect different species of insects as for structural or functional studies. It is used to
their natural hosts. They are highly species spe- express proteins that are toxic to expression hosts
cific and do not propagate in any non-invertebrate in vivo. It is also used for expression of proteins
host. The baculovirus genome is replicated and with modified amino acids, posttranslational
transcribed in the nuclei of infected host cells modifications, or studies on protein folding.
where the large baculovirus DNA (between 80
and 200 kb) is packaged into rod-shaped nucleo- Mammalian System
capsids. Since the size of these nucleocapsids is In order to produce functional mammalian pro-
flexible, recombinant baculovirus particles can tein, sometimes it is required to express the gene
accommodate large amounts of foreign DNA. in mammalian cell line. The most widely used
In BEVS, several nonessential baculovirus host mammalian cells are Chinese hamster ovary
genes are replaced by heterologous genes. Since (CHO) cells, HEK293T, and mouse myeloma
the baculovirus genome is generally too large to cells, including NS0 and Sp2/0 cells. The vectors
easily insert foreign genes, heterologous genes used for expression in mammalian cell lines are
are cloned into transfer vectors. Co-transfection usually derived from mammalian viruses such as
46 2 Fundamentals of Recombinant DNA Technology

adenovirus, vaccinia virus, retrovirus, and bacu- used that has reduced sensitivity to catabolite
lovirus. Mammalian cells are currently the main repression and is expressed in presence of glu-
hosts for commercial production of therapeutic cose (see Fig. 2.16). Lac promoter is negatively
proteins, including monoclonal antibody (mAbs). regulated by LacI which is a suppressor of lac
However, it is an expensive procedure and operon. lacIQ is a mutation of lacI gene that pro-
requires technological skills [6]. duces very high levels of the lac repressor. This
provides a tight regulation of lac promoter and
stops leaky expression in the absence of inducer.
2.14.2 Promoters PlacUV5 in conjunction with lacIQ is present in several
expression vectors and provides stable expres-
Several promoters are present that have their own sion in the presence of glucose and suppresses
advantages and limitations with regards to heter- leaky expression in the absence of inducer.
ologous protein expression. Often combinations However, lac/lacUV5 promoters are weak.
of promoters and regulators are used to obtain a
favorable expression level. We will touch upon tac/trc
the commonly used promoter systems for protein The tac promoter is a synthetic hybrid promoter.
expression. The promoter consists of the −35 region of the
trp (tryptophan) promoter and the −10 region of Plac/PlacUV5 the lac promoter. This is stronger than lacUV5
Most well-studied and commonly used promoter promoter and is used in pMAL series of vectors.
in E. coli system is the lac promoter. It is the key
component of the lac operon and is induced by T7
lactose or its non-hydrolysable analog isopropyl T7 promoter system is extremely popular for pro-
β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). However, tein expression and is present in pET vectors (for
it is repressed by the presence of glucose (Fig. 2.16) figures and further details, refer to pET vectors in
by means of a process known as carbon catabo- Sect. It requires T7 RNA polymerase
lite repression. In absence or low level of glu- (T7 RNAP) that is expressed by λDE3 prophage
cose, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) present in the host. Expression of T7 RNAP is
is produced, which is necessary for complete controlled by PlacUV5 promoter and is induced by
activation of the lac operon. To overcome catabo- IPTG. Basal level of T7 RNAP expression is con-
lite repression, a mutant lac promoter PlacUV5 is trolled by lacIQ and also by the expression of T7


lacI CAP Plac Operator lacZ lacY lacA

Binding CAP protein

RNA Polymerase

Lactose or IPTG

Fig. 2.16 The lac operon and its regulation. The lac of the lac operon. PlacUV5 is a variant lac promoter that is
operon consists of lacZ, lacY, and lacA genes under the used in several expression vectors. RNAP is recruited to
control of lac promoter (Plac) and operator. It is suppressed this promoter more effectively resulting in higher rate of
by lacI that binds to the operator sequences in presence of transcription. Further, it works independently of activator
glucose. In presence of lactose or IPTG, lacI is degraded proteins and other cis regulatory elements other than the
allowing the transcription of the operon by RNA poly- basal promoter. LacIQ is a mutant LacI repressor protein
merase. Under inducing condition, there is an increase in that tightly regulates Plac and PlacUV5 promoters
cAMP and CAP protein that allows further upregulation
2.14 Recombinant Protein Expression and Purification 47

paraC pBAD
I1 I2
Genetic organization of arabinose
araC O2 O1 CAP site araB araA araD

Repressor Operator Inducer Structural genes


Arabinose absent
I1 I2

Arabinose present
O2 O1 I1 I2

CAP protein


Fig. 2.17 Regulation of the arabinose operon. The arabi- mation preventing transcription. In the presence of arabi-
nose operon consists of three structural genes, araB, araA, nose, the AraC repressor changes shape and binds the
and araD. The araC gene encodes a transcriptional adjacent inducer sites I1 and I2, causing the loop to be
repressor. In the absence of arabinose, the AraC repressor released so that transcription may occur. Binding of the
protein binds the operator site, O2, and the inducer site I1, CAP site by cAMP-CAP protein (CRP) leads to full
causing the DNA in this region to adopt a looped confor- induction of expression

lysozyme expressed from a separate plasmid. T7 from the ara promoter. In this way, arabinose is
lysozyme binds to T7 RNAP and inhibits leaky absolutely needed for induction.
expression. After induction, excess T7 RNAP is
produced that are engaged in transcription of the pL Promoter
recombinant gene. pL of phage lambda is expressed during early
A hybrid T7/lac promoter has lacO operator lytic phase. It is tightly repressed by the λcI
downstream of the T7 promoter to control basal repressor protein, which binds to the operator
level of expression. sequences during lysogenic growth. When the
host SOS response is triggered by DNA damage, arapBAD the expression of the protein RecA is stimulated,
This expression system uses ara promoter of which in turn catalyzes the self-cleavage of λcI,
arabinose operon and the dual repressor/activator allowing transcription of pL-controlled genes
AraC protein (Fig. 2.17). In the absence of (Fig. 2.18). This mechanism is used in expression
arabinose inducer, AraC represses translation by vectors containing the pL promoter. Addition of
binding to two sites in the bacterial DNA. The nalidixic acid, a DNA gyrase inhibitor, induces
protein–DNA complex forms a loop, preventing SOS response and recombinant protein expres-
RNA polymerase from binding to the promoter. sion. Alternatively, λcI production can be con-
Upon addition of the arabinose, AraC switches trolled by lac or trp promoters and can be induced
into “activation mode” and promotes transcription by IPTG or tryptophan, respectively. A mutant
48 2 Fundamentals of Recombinant DNA Technology

a cI dimer

λ genome lysogenic cycle

cI OR3 OR2 OR1 cro

DNA damage causing RecA mediated cI degradation

λ genome lytic cycle

cI OR3 OR2 OR1 cro

PL GOI Expression vector using lambda PL

Promoter and cI supressor


Fig. 2.18 (a) Regulation of lambda repressor (cI). The protein cI and operator sites are frequently used in expres-
life cycle of λ phage is controlled by cI and Cro proteins. It sion vectors for regulating gene expression. The gene of
remains in the lysogenic state when cI proteins predomi- interest is cloned under the control of phage promoter (PL)
nate, but switches to lytic cycle when Cro proteins pre- and operator sites. The gene encoding cI repressor is
dominate. Transcription of the two proteins is regulated by expressed from the same construct and represses leaky
the cI protein and the operator sites. When cI dimer binds expression. When induced, the cI is degraded causing the
to operators OR1 and OR2, Cro is repressed. When the host expression of the recombinant protein. λcI857 is tempera-
DNA is damaged, RecA protease is expressed that cleaves ture-sensitive cI repressor that is unstable at higher tem-
the cI protein. Cleaved cI proteins cannot bind to the oper- perature. The host strain is transferred to 42 °C for the
ators. Thus, the Cro proteins are produced that transform induction of gene expression. The cI and its derivatives
the λ phage into the lytic cycle. (b) Lambda repressor ensure stringent control over protein expression

λcI repressor protein (λcI857) is temperature lacking the plasmids can also grow in the
sensitive and is unstable at temperatures higher medium. Tetracycline has been shown to be
than 37 °C. E. coli host strains containing the highly stable during cultivation, because resis-
λcI857 protein when shifted to higher tempera- tance is based on active efflux of the antibiotic
ture acts as an inducer. from resistant cells.
Antibiotics are expensive and are major causes
of development and spread of antibiotic resis-
2.14.3 Selection Markers tance. Hence alternative approaches such as plas-
mid addiction phenomenon are being used. Here
They are usually antibiotic-resistant genes that an essential gene is supplied by the plasmid that
stop the growth of E. coli that do not contain the is lacking in the host. Hence the host that loses
plasmid. Resistance to ampicillin is conferred by the plasmid is unable to survive. Different sub-
the bla gene whose product β-lactamase is a peri- types of plasmid addiction systems exist such as
plasmic enzyme that inactivates the β-lactam ring toxin-/antitoxin-based systems, metabolism-
of β-lactam antibiotics. However, it degrades the based systems, and operator–repressor titration
ampicillin after sometime and then the cells systems. For example, dihydrofolate reductase
2.14 Recombinant Protein Expression and Purification 49

(DHFR) or glutamine synthase (GS) gene syn- to be cleaved off eventually. Hence a cleavage
thesizes essential metabolite. In medium lacking recognition site is usually incorporated in the
the metabolites, the transformed cells have vector. In the case of tag removal by enzyme
selective advantage due to presence of DHFR or digestion, expression vectors possess sequences
GS genes resulting in their growth. that encode for protease cleavage sites down-
stream of the gene coding for the tag. Some of the
commonly used cleavage sites are enterokinase,
2.14.4 Affinity Tags and Affinity thrombin, factor Xa, and the tobacco etch virus
Purification (TEV) protease that have all been successfully
used for the removal of peptide tags and fusion
Affinity tags allow means for easy detection and partners.
purification of recombinant protein from E. coli. Fusion proteins with specific affinity tags sim-
These are a stretch of amino acids (peptide tag) plify their purification by employing affinity
or a large polypeptide (fusion partner) that are chromatography methods. Immobilized-metal
expressed in tandem with the desired protein to affinity chromatography (IMAC) was first used
form a chimeric protein. Tags are used to increase to purify proteins in 1975 by Porath et al. using
solubility of the protein as well. Small peptide the chelating ligand iminodiacetic acid (IDA).
tags can form N-terminal or C-terminal fusions IDA was charged with metal ions such as Zn2+,
and generally do not interfere with the function- Cu2+, or Ni2+ and was used to purify a variety of
ing of the proteins. They are purified by using different proteins and peptides. However, IDA
affinity columns where the tagged protein binds has only three metal-chelating sites and cannot
specifically and are later eluted. The common bind metal ions tightly. This results in low yields,
peptide tags are the poly-Arg, FLAG, poly-His, impure products, and metal-ion contamination
c-Myc, S, and Strep II tags. Commercial antibod- of isolated proteins. Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA)
ies are available for their detection by Western column developed by QIAGEN for His-tagged
blot analysis. protein purification binds metal ions more stably
The 6xHis affinity tag is commonly used for and retains the ions under a wide variety of
protein purification [11]. It is small, less immu- conditions, especially under stringent wash con-
nogenic, and uncharged at pH 8.0. It does not ditions. NTA matrices can bind 6xHis-tagged
generally affect secretion, compartmentalization, proteins more tightly than IDA matrices, allow-
or folding of the fusion protein within the cell. In ing one-step purification of proteins (Fig. 2.19).
most cases, the 6xHis tag does not interfere with The basic steps of IMAC have been explained in
the structure or function of the purified protein as Fig. 2.20. The His-tagged fusion protein is
demonstrated for a wide variety of proteins, expressed in E. coli. The cells are lysed to obtain
including enzymes, transcription factors, and the protein either in native condition in the pres-
vaccines. It allows the immobilization of the pro- ence of phosphate or tris buffer or in denaturing
tein on metal-chelating surfaces and simplifies condition in the presence of urea or guanidine
many types of protein interaction studies. Anti- HCl. The lysate is loaded on to the column for
His antibodies are available for detection by binding. The imidazole rings in the histidine resi-
Western blot or ELISA. C- or N-terminus fusion dues of the 6xHis tag bind to the nickel ions
with the protein of interest facilitates binding to immobilized by the NTA groups on the matrix.
Ni2+ or Co2+ columns. Subsequently, the column is washed several
Non-peptide fusion partners increase solubility times with wash buffer containing low concentra-
of the protein of interest by working as a chaperon. tion of imidazole to remove impurities and non-
The most popular fusion tags are the maltose- specific protein binding. Imidazole binds to the
binding protein (MBP), N-utilization substance nickel ions and disrupts the binding of histidine
protein A (NusA), and glutathione S-transferase residues in non-tagged background proteins. At
(GST). However the fusion partners are required low imidazole concentrations, nonspecific, low-
50 2 Fundamentals of Recombinant DNA Technology

Fig. 2.19 Interaction of His

molecules with Ni2+ attached
to NTA matrix

Fig. 2.20 Affinity purification Expression vector

of His-tagged protein using
Ni-NTA column. The His Tagged protein
expression vector is induced in Cellular protein
the host. Recombinant protein
is expressed. The cells are
lysed and the lysate is loaded
on to Ni-NTA column for Cell lysis
binding. The column is washed
to remove cellular protein and
impurities. The tagged protein
is eluted in presence of high Binding to Ni-NTA column
concentration of imidazole.


Cellular protein in
wash through

Pure His-Tagged protein

2.14 Recombinant Protein Expression and Purification 51

affinity binding of background proteins is pre- on the host system, type of protein to be
vented, while 6xHis-tagged proteins still bind expressed, and the nature of the experiment. The
strongly to the matrix. Therefore, adding imidaz- important factors to consider while choosing a
ole to the lysis buffer and wash buffer leads to vector have been tabulated in Table 2.2. We will
greater purity. The protein of interest is eluted discuss essential features of E. coli expression
using high concentration of imidazole in the vectors.
elution buffer, which has structural resemblance Plasmid copy number of expression vectors is
with histidine, and thus aids in elution of His- an important consideration while choosing a
tagged proteins (Fig. 2.21). 6xHis-tagged pro- vector. It refers to number of plasmids that are
teins dissociate since they can no longer compete stably maintained in a host. It depends upon
for binding sites on the Ni-NTA resin. the origin of replication of the plasmid. Usually
high copy number plasmids corelate with more
expression of the recombinant protein.
2.14.5 Expression Vectors Commonly used expression vectors of pET
series use pMB1 origin and have 15–60 copies
Expression vectors have all the necessary ele- per cell. pQE vectors from QIAGEN uses ColE1
ments for optimal gene expression. There are origin and has 15–20 copies per cell. pBAD plas-
several expression vectors available depending mids use p15A origin and are maintained at
10–12 copies per cell. However, if the protein is
toxic or imposes metabolic burden on the host, it
NH3+ CH COO- might cause a reduction in the growth rate and
exhibit plasmid instability or loss of plasmids.
Hence moderate to low copy number plasmid is
CH preferred for expression. The pSC101 is a low
copy number plasmid with less than five copies
per cell. It is used when high expression is
disastrous for cell growth. When more than one
plasmid types are used in a same host cell, they
Imidazole Histidine should have different origins of replication;
Fig. 2.21 Structure of imidazole and histidine. Due to otherwise, plasmid incompatibility would lead
similarity in structure, imidazole competes with histidine to loss of one of the plasmids.
for binding to the matrix. It is used for removal of nonspe- Expression vectors are equipped with strong
cific binding and elution of His-tagged proteins during promoter, regulatory elements, appropriate initiation,
affinity purification

Table 2.2 Expression vector properties

Ori (copy number) Promoter Affinity tag Tag removal Selection marker
pMB101 (15–60) lac/lacUV5 Peptide affinity tags Thrombin Antibiotic resistance
ColE1 (15–20) tac/trc poly-Arg TEV Ampicillin
pUC (~500) T7 poly-His Factor Xa Kanamycin
p15A (10–12) arapBAD FLAG Enterokinase Tetracycline
pSC101 (3–5) c-Myc Chloramphenicol
Fusion partner Plasmid addiction system
MBP Toxin–antitoxin
NusA Metabolic markers
GST Operator–repressor
52 2 Fundamentals of Recombinant DNA Technology

and termination sites and multiple cloning sites,

Plasmids epitopes for protein detection by Western blot or
Plasmid ColE1: ColE1 is a plasmid found in ELISA, and tags for affinity purification. Some
bacteria. Its name derives as it carries a of the commonly used expression vectors are
gene for colicin E1 (the cea gene). It also described below.
codes for immunity from this product
with the imm gene. In addition the plas- pET
mid has a series of mobility (mob) genes. The pET vectors (Fig. 2.22) are developed for the
They are maintained in high copy number cloning and expression of recombinant proteins
in the cell and are used for cloning and in E. coli. The target genes cloned in pET plas-
recombinant protein expression. mids are under the control of strong bacterio-
Commonly used plasmids derived from phage T7 transcription signal and are expressed
ColE1 are pACYC, pUC18, pUC19, only when T7 RNA polymerase is provided by
pBluescript, pBR322, and derivatives [2]. the host cell. The T7 RNA polymerase is very
Plasmid pMB1: pMB1 belongs to ColE1 selective and active. Once induced, almost all of
family of plasmids and is maintained as the cell’s resources are converted to target gene
15–20 copies per cell. pMB1 origin is expression and the desired product can comprise
used in cloning vector pBR322. more than 50 % of the total cell protein.
Plasmid p15A: Plasmid pl5A was first The host E. coli strains are lysogen of bacte-
detected as one of three plasmids in riophage DE3 and carry a DNA fragment
Escherichia coli strain 15T. It is about containing the lacI gene, the PlacUV5 promoter, and
2.2 kb in size and one of the smallest the gene for T7 RNA polymerase (T7 RNAP).
naturally occurring plasmids known. It The working of system is explained in Fig. 2.23.
has been used to construct a cloning vec- This fragment is inserted into the int gene, pre-
tor, pACYC184, which is useful because venting DE3 from integrating into or excising
it is readily maintained by bacteria also from the chromosome without a helper phage. In
carrying a ColEl derivative [15]. a DE3 lysogen T7 RNAP gene is transcribed from
the lacUV5 promoter, which is inducible by
isopropyl-b-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG).
Addition of IPTG to a growing culture of the lyso-
gen induces T7 RNAP, which in turn transcribes

a b 6xHis
PT7lac MCS T7 ter PT7lac MCS T7 ter

pelB 6xHis Thrombin 6xHis

Ampr Kanr

lacI pET-22b lacI pET-28a

5493 bp 5369 bp
ori ori

Fig. 2.22 Schematic diagram of pET vectors. Transcription plasmic localization of the fusion protein and C-terminal
is initiated by T7 promoter, regulated by lac operator/lacI, His-tag sequence for purification. This plasmid carries
and terminated by T7 terminator. They carry pBR322 ori- ampicillin resistance marker. (b) pET-28a carry N-terminal
gin of replication and multiple cloning sites (MCS). (a) His tag, thrombin cleavage site, and optional C-terminal
pET-22b carries N-terminal pelB signal sequence for peri- His tag. This plasmid carries kanamycin resistance marker
2.14 Recombinant Protein Expression and Purification 53

a Host DE3


lacUV5p RNAP gene

No inducer

lacUV5p RNAP gene

LacI binds to operator and inhibit expression LacI degradation and RNAP expression

b PT7lac


Ampr Ampr

lacI pET vector IPTG lacI

ori ori

Fig. 2.23 Molecular mechanism of pET vector expres- polymerase binds to the PT7lac promoter present in the pET
sion in DE3 lysogen. (a) The host cell carries RNAP gene vector and induces transcription of the fusion protein
under the control of PlacUV5 and lac operator. In absence of PT7lac. It is negatively regulated by LacI suppressor. In
IPTG, LacI suppressor binds to the operator sequences absence of inducer, LacI binds to the operator sequences
and inhibits RNAP expression. In presence of IPTG, LacI and inhibits leaky expression of the fusion protein
is degraded and RNAP gene is expressed. (b) The RNA

the target DNA cloned in the pET plasmid. In un- They have highly efficient ribosome binding site
induced state, the target genes remain transcrip- from the phage T7 major capsid protein. There are
tionally silent. Target genes are initially cloned several vectors in this family which differ in selec-
using hosts that do not contain the T7 RNAP tion markers such as ampicillin and kanamycin
gene, thus eliminating plasmid instability due to resistance. pET vectors also contain different
the production of proteins potentially toxic to the sequences adjacent to the cloning sites that encode
host cell. Once established, the plasmids are a number of peptide “tags,” which perform vari-
transferred into expression hosts and are induced ous functions when fused with the target protein.
by the addition of IPTG. Two types of T7 pro- Some of the fusion tags facilitate detection and
moter (T7 and T7lac) and several hosts that differ purification of the target protein such as His tag,
in their stringency of suppressing basal expres- S tag, GST tag, and T7 tag. Others increase the
sion levels are available, providing great flexibil- probability of biological activity by affecting sol-
ity and the ability to optimize the expression of a ubility in the cytoplasm (Trx tag) or export to the
wide variety of target genes. The pET vectors are periplasm (PelB/OmpT). N- and C-terminal His
designed to be able to read the target protein in all tag and GST tags are mostly used for affinity puri-
the three reading frames and are designated with fication. They carry protease cleavage sites such
suffix a, b, and c depending on the translational as thrombin, enterokinase, and factor Xa peptide
start site with respect to the multiple cloning site. cleavage site for removal of tags if required.
54 2 Fundamentals of Recombinant DNA Technology

a EK b MCS
PBAD site MCS T7 ter PBAD 6xHis T7 ter

6xHis Epitope myc

Ampr Ampr

araC pBAD/His araC pBAD/Myc-His

4100 bp ori 4100 bp ori

Fig. 2.24 Schematic diagram of pBAD vectors. (MCS), and ampicillin resistance marker. (a) pBAD/His
Transcription is initiated by PBAD promoter, regulated by carries N-terminal His-tag, epitope sequence followed by
AraC, and terminated by T7 terminator. They carry enterokinase recognition site. (b) pBAD/Myc-His carries
pBR322 origin of replication, multiple cloning sites myc epitope

FXa pBAD PT5 site Stop
The pBAD expression vectors (Fig. 2.24) are
derived from low copy pBR322 plasmid and lacO 6xHis MCS
are designed for regulated, dose-dependent
recombinant protein expression and purification
in E. coli. They utilize araBAD promoter (PBAD) Ampr pQE-30 Xa
3500 bp
from E. coli for optimum levels of soluble,
recombinant protein expression. PBAD is turned
on in the presence of L-arabinose and turned off
in presence of glucose. Glucose reduces the lev-
els of 3′, 5′-cyclic AMP and cAMP activator pro- Fig. 2.25 Schematic diagram of pQE vector. It carries
tein (CAP) that is required for PBAD expression. phage T5 promoter followed by two lac operator
sequences for controlled gene expression. It has
By varying the concentration of L-arabinose,
N-terminal His tag followed by factor Xa protease recog-
protein expression levels can be optimized to nition sequence. It has two strong transcriptional termina-
ensure maximum expression of soluble protein. tors. pQE carries ColE1 origin of replication and
The promoter is tightly regulated AraC which is ampicillin resistance gene
present in pBAD plasmid. AraC forms a complex
with arabinose and controls transcription. Hence increased efficiency of recombinant fusion pro-
tight regulation of PBAD by AraC is useful for tein expression, initiation ATG for translational
expression of potentially toxic or essential genes. initiation, multiple cloning sites for insertion of
There are two types of pBAD plasmids, pBAD/ gene of interest, rrnB transcription termination
His and pBAD/Myc-His. pBAD/His plasmid has region for efficient transcription termination, and
N-terminal polyhistidine tag for affinity purifica- ampicillin resistance gene (β-lactamase) for
tion and act as epitope for antibody detection. selection of the plasmid in E. coli. pBAD plas-
pBAD/Myc-His has C-terminal polyhistidine tag mids are available as A, B, and C for expressing
and c-myc epitope. The epitopes are used for the fusion protein in all three reading frames.
detection of the protein by Western blot using
labeled secondary antibodies against them. The pQE
tags and epitopes can be removed conveniently pQE vectors are shown in Fig. 2.25. The vectors
by enterokinase digestion due to the presence of from QIAGEN comprise a family of vectors that
enterokinase cleavage site. The pBAD plasmids is used for expression of 6xHis-tagged recombi-
carry optimized ribosome binding site for nant proteins in bacterial, baculovirus, and mam-
2.15 Chapter End Summary 55

malian expression systems. The pQE vectors amino terminus and the protein of interest at the
contain an optimized promoter–operator element carboxyl terminus. Expression is under the con-
consisting of phage T5 promoter that is recog- trol of the tac promoter, which is induced by the
nized by E. coli RNA polymerase and two lac lactose analog isopropyl β-D thiogalactoside
operator sequences which increase lac repressor (IPTG). The pGEX vectors carry lacIq gene. The
binding and ensure efficient repression of the lacIq gene product is a repressor protein that
powerful T5 promoter when not induced. They binds to the operator region of the tac promoter,
carry synthetic ribosomal binding site, RBSII, for preventing expression until induction by IPTG,
high translation rates, 6xHis-tag coding sequence thus maintaining tight control over expression of
either 5′ or 3′ to the cloning region, multiple the insert. The fusion protein accumulates within
cloning site, and translational stop codons in all the cytoplasm. GST fusion proteins are purified
reading frames. The pQE vectors have two strong from bacterial lysates by affinity chromatography
transcriptional terminators: t0 from phage lambda using immobilized glutathione. Glutathione is
and T1 from the rrnB operon of E. coli, to pre- attached to Sepharose and the structure of gluta-
vent read-through transcription and ensure stabil- thione is complementary to the glutathione
ity of the expression construct. They have S-transferase binding site. GST fusion proteins
β-lactamase gene (bla) conferring resistance to are captured by the affinity medium, and impuri-
ampicillin and ColE1 origin of replication. The ties are removed by washing. Fusion proteins are
6X His tag can be added to N-terminal or eluted under mild, non-denaturing conditions
C-terminal end of the protein. The fusion protein using reduced glutathione. The purification pro-
tagged with six consecutive histidine residues cess preserves protein antigenicity and function.
can bind to nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) If desired, cleavage of the protein from GST can
metal-affinity chromatography matrices and can be achieved using a site-specific protease such as
be affinity purified. thrombin or factor Xa, whose recognition
sequence is located immediately upstream from pGEX the multiple cloning site on the pGEX plasmid.
pGEX vectors are shown in Fig. 2.26. They are The pGEX vector series consists of pGEX-P,
used for inducible, high-level expression and pGEX-T, and pGEX-X that provide all three
purification of recombinant fusion protein with translational reading frames.
glutathione S-transferase (GST) gene of
Schistosoma japonicum. Expression in E. coli
yields fusion proteins with the GST moiety at the 2.15 Chapter End Summary

• Molecular cloning refers to a set of experi-

Ptac MCS T7 ter ments that is used to construct a recombinant
DNA molecule that can be replicate it in a
GST Protease
host. It includes amplification of the gene of
Site Ampr interest by PCR, restriction digestion of the
pGEX insert and the vector, ligation of the fragments,
4900 bp and transformation into an appropriate host.
pBR322 ori Several kinds of cloning vectors are available
depending upon the fragment size and the
need of the experiment. They are plasmid,
Fig. 2.26 Schematic diagram of pGEX vector. It carries bacteriophage, cosmid, BAC, YAC, and HAC.
Ptac promoter followed by glutathione S-transferase and Bacterial host and plasmid systems are by far
protease recognition sequence. N-terminal GST fusion the most popular. The bacterial lac operon is
protein is expressed. pGEX carries pBR322 origin of rep-
lication and ampicillin resistance gene
modified and used for selection of clones

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