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Model: SK-300 / SK-600/ SK-71

Manual No: 00HAA0001149 (Version :5.0)

This operating manual describes the important subjects to maintain the product¡s
functions and to use it safely. Especially, be sure to read <Safety Precaution> carefully
before you use this equipment. Please keep this operating manual close to the equipment to
use it after reading through it once. Please place it where the new user can find it
easily for the safety use when you hand over or lend the equipment to others.

Page 1
Table of Contents
Chapter. 1: Introduction
 Caution about the operating instruction----------------- 5
 Warning mark of the product----------------------------- 5
 Caution for safe operation and reorganization
of the product ------------------------------- 6
 Disclaimer --------------------------------------------- 6
 Introduction of shaking system ------------------------- 7

Chapter. 2: Transportation Confirmation

and Installation
 Unpacking and Transportation Confirmation-------------- 10
 Shaker Components ------------------------------------- 11
 Installation ------------------------------------------ 12

Chapter. 3: Safety Alert and Caution

 Safety Alert ------------------------------------------ 15
 Safety Caution ---------------------------------------- 16

Chapter. 4: Part names and Controller Instructions

 Part names and functions------------------------------- 18
 Operating and functional element ---------------------- 19
 How to operate
 Input shaking speed ------------------------------- 20
 Timer programming --------------------------------- 20
 Time programming -------------------------------- 20
 Examples of Timer programming ------------------- 23
 Shaker movement indication ------------------------ 24

Chapter. 5: Switching Orbital/ Reciprocation Motion

and Stroke width adjustment
How to switching orbital/ reciprocation motion
 Switching motion orbital to reciprocal in SK-300 ------ 26
 Switching motion orbital to reciprocal in SK-600 ------ 27
 Switching motion orbital to reciprocal in SK-71 ------- 28

How to change the stroke width adjustment

 How to change shaking stroke on SK-300, 600 ----------- 29
 How to change shaking stroke on SK-71 ----------------- 32

Page 2
Chapter. 6: Maintenance and Troubleshooting
 Maintenance ------------------------------------------- 36
 Safekeeping and Cleaning ------------------------------ 37
 Troubleshooting---------------------------------------- 38

Chapter. 7: Specification
 Specification ----------------------------------------- 41

Chapter. 8: Warranty and Service

 Warranty standard-------------------------------------- 43

Page 3
Chapter. 1
Thank you for purchasing the Lab Companion Shaker.
Lab Companion shaker is for cultivating animal or plant cells as
well as microorganism cultivation. The system is integrated with
shaking table and motor. Excellent shaking for smooth oxygen
supply, ph uniformity, culture fluid in growth environment.
Lab Companion shakers are realized perfectly the control and
shaking circumstance related to the operator¡s experimental
condition. Before using the shaker, please comprehend the manual
in detail.

Chapter. 1 - Introduction is composed as follows.

 Caution about the operating instruction
 Warning mark of the product
 Caution for safe operation and reorganization of the product
 Disclaimer
 Introduction of shaking system

Page 4
Caution about the operating instruction
1. Always keep this instruction near to the instrument.

2. Copying and distributing part or the whole of this the operating instruction with
no permission are prohibited with the law.

3. The operating instruction promised perfection but please ask an agent or us if you
have any question about insufficient points, error and omission on the operating

Warning mark of the product

1. This operating instruction uses the warning Signal Word for safe operation to
prevent the users from accidents or damage beforehand.

2. Defined by the Symbol Mark about the safety caution.

¡Warning¡ means that the user may have serious

damage and even die by improper handling on this

¡ Caut i on¡ means t hat t he user may have mi nor

damage and uni t may have physi cal damage by
i mpr oper handl i ng on t hi s uni t .

Protective Ground Terminal

It marks the terminal must be connected Ground
prior to operating the product.

I t mar ks addi t i onal i nf or mat i on on t he oper at i on and

f eat ur es of t he pr oduct

3. Be fully aware of the warning contents during operation.

4. Please exchange original label to the new warning label when it is unreadable from
warning out.
☞ Please request the new label to an agent or us.

Page 5
Caution for safe operation and reorganization of the product

1. In order to protect the product and system, please use the product in accordance
with the instructions.

2. We shall not be responsible for any incidental or abnormal operation for breach of
any express or implied warranty on this product or any part thereof.

3. It forbids reorganization of Inside of the product or adds.

4. Please contact the agent or us in case of the component and the consumable parts
of the product will be replaced.

5. Do not give a strong shock to the product. It becomes the cause of product damage
and wrong operations.


1. In no event will Jeio Tech industries be liable for any incidental or

consequential damages for breach of any implied warranty relating to the product.

2. Any special indirect or consequential property or commercial damage of any nature

whatsoever. Some cases do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above limitation may apply to you.

Page 6
Introduction of shaking system
Shaker is for cultivating animal or plant cells as well as microorganism cultivation. The
system is integrated with shaking table and motor. Excellent shaking for smooth oxygen supply,
ph uniformity, culture fluid in growth environment.

Shaking System Feature

Brushless DC Motor
Enables the user to control the motor speed in a circuit diagram and the motor rev up by a

Fly Wheel System

Excellent in energy efficiency by fixed low level.
Quiet and low vibration with Anti-Weight Fly Wheel System.

Double formation between Motor and Bracket.
Possible to adjust the fixing location of the belt.

Photo Sensor
Photo Sensor can perceive a reciprocating motion. As soon as motion is perceived by the
sensor, the shaking system stops at the position exactly. Photo sensor can control the
stop function at exact position.

Shaking Control Function

Stop function at the exact position.

When stopping the shaking system, the function operates on stopping at the exact position.
This function contains the Brake Function for the automatic system in Shaker.

Forward/ Backward Function

Shaking controller contains Auto Reserve Function which can operate Forward/Backward and
Time set Function which can be programmable to set Forward/Backward Function.

Velocity compensation Function

While rotating the motor, the velocity compensation function checks the set RPM and then
memorize. This function can control changeable velocity as set value.

Page 7
Auto Control Function
Operate stable RPM from 10RPM to 300RPM. The r ot at i on RPM can be pr ogr ammabl e r el at ed
t o t he exper i ment al condi t i on.

Rapid Acceleration and Retardation

Actualize rapid Acceleration and Retardation using of Velocity Compensation Function and
Brake Function.
At the same time, minimize Over Shoot and Under Shoot.

Page 8
Chapter. 2
Transportation Confirmation
and Installation
Before you install Shaker, inspect it for damage that may have
occurred in transportation. Confirm any damage for compensating
following the Compensation regulations and transportation of Lab
Companion. Be sure to check the electric conditions for electric
safe. All persons expected to carry out operation, installation and
maintenance of the unit, read and understand the safety information
and operating instructions.

Chapt er . 2 - Tr anspor t at i on Conf i r mat i on & I nst al l at i on ar e composed

as f ol l ows.
 Unpacking and Transportation Confirmation
 Shaker Components
 Installation
 Select a proper place
 Level off the machine
 Power connection

Page 9
Unpacking and Transportation Confirmation
Protection from any damage occurring in transit, Lab Companion administers excellent
packing and radical transportation.
Any damage or loss during transit, all responsibility is filled with the delivery carrier.
After receiving the unit, carefully unpack and inspect it for damage.
If the unit is damaged or loss during transit, Make sure as follows to be protected from
the ¡Lab Companion Regulations¡

Confirmation a damaged unit

1. Check the front and rear sides of the unit under packed condition.
2. Carefully unpack the package.
3. Check with care any damage during the transportation of the unit
4. Check the parts (i.e. accessories- Page 11) of the unit.

Compensation regulation of damaged unit

If the unit is damaged, contact the delivery service company immediately.

1. Keep the condition as it delivered and wait for the confirmation by the carrier.
2. Within 15 days, submit an application be made in writing to the delivery service

Do not discard the carton or packing material

for the unit until you have checked all of the
damaged parts.

Compensation regulation of transport

1. Any damage that is occurred during the transport is responsible to the delivery
service company.

2. Except for all damage from the transport, we Jeio Tech will service or return.

3. If Jeio Tech or our authorized dealers do not deliver the unit, Jeio Tech disclaims
all the responsibility for the damage.

Page 10
Shaker Components
After unpacking, Please check listed shaker component description as follows.
If you didn¡t receive one or more component as follow, Contact the Jeio Tech Service
center or the distributor where you purchased.

Operating manual Fuse

Af t er unpacki ng, check t he oper at i ng Dur i ng bei ng i n use, i f you cont act
manual . I f you di dn¡ t r ecei ve t he t he ser vi ce cent er or t he di st r i but or ,
oper at i ng manual , Cont act t he di st r i but or you wi l l r ecei ve t he ser vi ce.
or t he Jei o Tech ser vi ce cent er .

Power Cord Spacer-Option

Check the power cord matches the supply SK-300: M5*43L(4EA)
voltage. SK-600: M5*43L(4EA)

Page 11
The machine should be installed on a safe and proper environment following to the below.

Check Points
Select a proper place

Level off the machine

Power connection

Select a proper place

1. Operating condition: Class 100 ~ Class 10,000 as Clean environment degree for Bio
Clean room is optimal condition for shakers.
Room condition of temperature and humidity should be normal as 18 ℃ ~ 25℃, below

2. Environmental condition: Do not expose the machine to direct ray of light.

3. Setting place: The floor should be on flat and leveled ground.

4. S pace: The machine should be kept at least 1.5m from any illuminators and 20 cm from

The machine should be operated at the optimum

condition for cleanness, electricity and
preparation against fire.

Level off the machine

All of the bottom sides should be leveled.

Page 12
Power connection
Check the ID Plate on the back side of the machine to find the electric conditions.

Check the power plug to find if the

electric conditions are correct. The
voltage fluctuation should be within 10%

Do not connect the power before checking

how to do correct operation.

1. Check i f t he pl ug condi t i on and el ect r i c wi r es ar e nor mal .

2. Check the connection of ground wire.

Page 13
Chapter. 3

Safety Alert and Caution

¡Alert¡ shows t hat user s can

be dead or ser i ousl y wounded by
wr ong oper at i on.

¡Notice¡ shows t hat user s can

be wounded or machi nes br oken by
wr ong oper at i on.

¡ Si gnal Wor d¡ i s used i n t he oper at i on manual f or saf e and

pr oper oper at i on and keeps user s f r om bei ng damaged by
acci dent s.
Each ¡ Symbol Mar k¡ i s i dent i f i ed f ol l owi ng t o t he degr ee of
i mpor t ance and danger .

Pay at t ent i on t o t he ¡ Al er t ¡ and ¡ Not i ce¡ i n t he manual t o

avoi d f r om any acci dent s.

Page 14
Safety Alert

¡Alert¡ shows that users can be dead or

seriously wounded by wrong operation.

 Check the voltage, phase and capacity on the ID plate before installation. Sources
of electricity should be separately wired.

 The sources of electricity should be grounded.

The sources of electricity without ground connection can cause serious damage to
users or the machine. Don¡t earth the machine to gas pipes or water pipes.

 Do not install the machine near to places where inflammable gas can be leaked.
Do not use the machine near to places where explosion can be happened due to
organic evaporating gases.
Explosive materials: Acid, Esther, Nitro compound
Inflammable materials: salt peroxides, inorganic peroxide, salt acids

 Put off the power plug if some sounds and smell, smokes are happened.

 Do not expose the machine in direct sunlight.

 Do not use the machine at places where moisture is high and flooding can be

 Do not disassemble or fix, change the machine.

 Check if there is big vibration while the machine is operated.

Check ¡Troubleshooting¡ on the manual.

 At least 2 persons should move the machine when it is necessary.

The weight of the machine is about 24 ~ 50kgs. Please use other devices to move
the machine.

Page 15
Safety Caution

¡Notice¡ shows that users can be wounded

or machines broken by wrong operation.

 Do not put heavy things on the power line. Do not put the machine on the line.
It causes fire and electric shock.
 Connect the plug correctly and do not touch it with wet hands.
It can cause fire if the connection is not fit.
It can cause fire and damage to users.

 Do not make the machine wet while cleaning. Do not put liquid on the machine.
If the machine is wet, off the power and contact where you purchase the machine to
check it.

 Do not shock the machine or vibrate it.

It can cause damage to the machine.

 Do not clean the machine with solvent abstergent. Use smooth cloths.
Cleaning with solvent can cause fire and deformity.

 Do not touch the shaking table while the machine is operated

Stop the machine by using Start/Stop button and do necessary works.

 Do not put anything near to the turning radius of the machine while operation.
Turning radius of the machine is from 20mm to70mm.

 Do not put the sample in a flask installed shaking table.

It can cause damage to the machine.
Be sure to pull out the flask from the shaking table to put the sample in and then,
install the flasks.

 Do not put the sample over the max scale shown on the flask.
It can prevent from overflowing the sample When the machine operates in max rpm.

Page 16
Chapter. 4
Part names
and Controller instructions

Users should be familiar with how to control the controller before

Please do operate the machine after checking chapter 4 for 2~3 times.
Please do trial test of the machine without loading any sample flask on
Please do contact us if you have request while using the controller.

Contents of chapter 4

 Parts name and function

 Operating and Functional element
 How to operate
- Input shaking speed
- Timer programming
- SHAKER Movement indication

Page 17
Part names and functions

1. Shaking Table: Orbital and reciprocating motion is performed

2. Receptacle with Fuse: Electric Socket with fuse.

3. Foot: Supporter of the body. The supporter can be adjustable its height.

4. Body: Fly Wheel system is equipped inside the body.

5. Control Panel: Shaking controller, power switch and LED signal lamp are set.

Page 18
Operating and functional element
1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8

Indicates each operating function.

Set time an remaing time display.

Speed of rotation displays.

4. Shaker LED
TIMER LED : In case of Timer mode, it is ON once total run time is set.

F/WARD LED : It is ON, once time for clockwise rotation is set.

B/WARD LED : It is ON, once time for clockwise rotation is set.

PAUSE LED : It is ON, once time for pause is set.

5. Adjust keys

UP key: To increase value. ( value moves faster on pressing and holding.)

DOWN key : To decrease value. ( value moves faster on pressing and holding.)

Enter key : To store value or finish set.

To set shaking speed and timer.

To start and stop unit.

8. Power Switch

Page 19
How to operate
Input shaking speed
1. Press SHAKER/SET key.

2. Press UP/DOWN key.

 Input RPM.

3. Press Enter Button.

 Finish to set value.

4. Press START/STOP key.

 Shaking starts in clockwise rotation.

※ Recall function of RPM value

- Previous RPM value starts if new RPM is set again.

Timer programming

1. Time Programming
- Programming time can not be done during shaking. So, stop shaking by
pressing START/STOP key and start programming.

1) Input total run time

1. Press SHAKER/SET key Twice.

 This section is for setting total run time.
 ¡run.H¡ shown on MODE display.

2. Press UP/DOWN Button to set Time and then press

ENTER key to store the value. (Max Input Time: 1~999
After setting the value, TIMER LED is on.

3. Press SHAKER/SET key.

 This section is for setting minute and seconds.
 ¡run.S¡ shown on MODE display

4. Press UP/Down key to set minute and seconds and then

press Enter key to store the value.
(Max Input Time: 10seconds~ 59 minutes 59 seconds)

Page 20
2) Programming Forward time
1. Press SHAKER/SET key.
Time for  This section is for setting Time Forward.
Clockwise  ¡For.S¡ shown on MODE display.

rotation 2. Press UP/DOWN key to set Time and then press ENTER
key to store the value.
(Max Input Time: 10 seconds~ 59 minutes 59 seconds)
After setting the value, F/WARD LED is ON.

3. If not use F/Ward function, do not press Enter key.

3) Programming Backward time

Time for
Anticlockwise 1. Press SHAKER/SET key.
 This section is for setting Time Backward.
rotation  ¡bAc.S¡ shown on MODE display.

2. Press UP/DOWN key to set Time and then press ENTER

key to store the value.
(Max Input Time: 10 seconds~ 59 minutes 59 seconds)
After setting the value, B/WARD LED is ON.

3. If not use B/Ward function, do not press Enter key.

Page 21
4) Programming Pause time
Time for
Pause 1. Press SHAKER/SET key.
 This section is for setting Pause.
 ¡PAu.S¡ shown on MODE display.

2. Press UP/DOWN key to set Time and then press ENTER

key to store the value.
(Max Input Time: 10 seconds~ 59 minutes 59 seconds)

3. If not use Pause function, do not press Enter Button.

RUN TIME: Total program time.

F/WARD: Clockwise
B/WARD: Anticlockwise
PAUSE: Stop shaking

5) Condition of Timer Programming

Condition to 1.¡ Total program time¡ is the best standing.
set timer After operating total program time¡, the shaker stops.

Run Time value should be

bigger than total time of

2. If not input time of F/Ward or B/Ward , the shaker

operates fixed RPM before pressing START/STOP

3. If input PAUSE Time, the shaker operates fixed RPM forward

before pressing START/STOP Button.

Press Enter button to omit the

function among F/WARD,
B/WARD and PAUSE Time. The
value is not stored and then
press SHAKE/SET button to go
on next section.

Page 22
6) Cancelation of Timer Programming
1. Press SHAKER/SET Button to go on the desired section.
Cancel of  A related section LED is on.
2. Press ENTER Button.
timer  After finishing cancelaton, A related section is off.

2. Examples of Timer programming

1) Total program time + F/WARD + PAUSE

1.¡Shaking control using ofTimer fuction¡1)Input Total program Time.

Example of 2.¡Shaking control using ofTimer fuction¡2)Input F/WARD Time.
3.¡Shaking control using ofTimer fuction¡
3) Do not Input B/WARD Time, Press SHAKER/SET Button to go on the
shaking mode next section.
4. ¡Shaking control using ofTimer fuction¡4) Input PAUSE Time.
5. Press START/STOP button to operate after checking TIMER,

2) Example of Timer Input

Example of After finishing the timer of Total program time, the shaker stops rotating.
Input Total program time and then select B/WARD,F/WARD,PAUSE to input.
Time input
* Example of Timer
1. Total program Time + F/WARD
2. Total program Time + B/WARD
3. Total program Time + F/WARD + PAUSE
4. Total program Time + B/WARD + PAUSE
5. Total program Time + F/WARD + PAUSE + B/WARD

3) Input rotating time

When Total program time doesn¡t input, the shaker keeps operating by
rotating time. Select B/WARD,F/WARD,PAUSE to input.

* Example of Timer

Page 23
Shaking indication SHAKER Movement indication
on LED

This Function is for displaying the presnt shaking table.

When maintaing rpm, the display starts a circular movement.

Forward Forward Backward Backward

(accelation) (deceleration) (accelation) (deceleration)

Page 24
Chapter. 5
Switching Orbital/Reciprocation
and Stroke width adjustment.

Shaking motion can be changed from Orbital to Reciprocating or from

Reciprocating to Orbital. Furthermore, Stroke length can be adjusted so
that your valued experiment is highly efficient.

Please, choose proper motion and stroke length for optimal experiment.

Chapter 5.
 How to switch orbital motion to reciprocating motion
 SK-300
 SK-600
 SK-71
 How to change the stroke width adjustment
 SK-300 & SK-600
 SK-71

Page 25
How to switch orbital motion to reciprocating motion
- Motion selectable, Factory default: Orbital motion
Switching motion orbital to reciprocal in SK-300

Shaking Table
- Remove the universal platform and miscellaneous
Shaking table accessories from the Shaking table.
- Keep the working area enough for assembling.
- Follow the next instructions.

Spacers for reciprocating motion

Spacers for orbital motion

Spacers for
reciprocating motion
Upper vibrating frame

Lower vibrating frame

[Inside of Shaking System]

1. Remove the Shaking table from the unit.

Remove M5x10, wrench bolt (4mm, wrench handle) from the Shaking table.
2. Remove M5*23L, Spacer (13mm, spanner) from the upper vibrating frame.
The upper vibrating frame is designated to move as the orbital motion.
3. Install M5*43L, Spacer (13mm, spanner) into the lower vibrating frame.
The lower vibrating frame is designated to move as the reciprocating motion.
4. Reinstall the Shaking table onto the unit in the reverse order.

Make sure that a space (M5*43L) complied with our

standard dimension before using.
It may cause serious damage to the unit if it¡s too much
forced to install above parts.

Page 26
Switching motion orbital to reciprocal in SK-600
Shaking Table Shaking Table
- Remove the universal platform and miscellaneous
accessories from the Shaking table.
- Keep the working area enough for assembling.
- Follow the next instructions.

Lower Space
Install position

Lower Spacer
Install position

Lower Vibrating Frame

(Reciprocating Motion)

Upper Vibrating Frame

(Orbital Motion)

[Inside of Shaking System]

1. Remove the Shaking table from the unit.

Remove M5x10, wrench bolt (4mm, wrench handle) from the Shaking table.
2. Remove M5*28L, Spacer (13mm, spanner) from the upper vibrating frame.
The upper vibrating frame is designated to move as the orbital motion.
3. Install M5*43L, Spacer (13mm, spanner) into the lower vibrating frame.
The lower vibrating frame is designated to move as the reciprocating motion.
4. Reinstall the Shaking table onto the unit in the reverse order.

Make sure that a space (M5*43L) complied with our

standard dimension before using.
It may cause serious damage to the unit if it¡s too much
forced to install above parts.

Page 27
Switching motion orbital to reciprocal in SK-71
Shaking Table
Shaking Table
- Remove the universal platform and miscellaneous
accessories from the Shaking table.
- Keep the working area enough for assembling.
- Follow the next instructions.

1. Remove the Shaking table from the unit.

- Remove M5x8, flat head bolt(+, screw driver)
- from the Shaking table.
2. Remove M5*35L, Spacer (13mm, spanner)
from the upper vibrating frame.

Upper Vibrating Frame

Lower Spacer Install
Position Lower Spacer Install

Lower Vibrating Frame

Figure ? [Inside of Vibrating Frame]

3. Install M5*35L, Spacer (13mm, spanner) to the lower vibrating frame.

The lower vibrating frame is designated to move as the reciprocating motion.
4. Reinstall the Shaking table onto the unit in the reverse order.

It may cause serious damage to the unit if

it¡s too much forced to install above parts.

Page 28
How to change the stroke width adjustment
How to change shaking stroke on SK-300, 600
D. Bracket E. Frame Fixture
A. Shaking Table

B. Body Cover

C. Bracket
F. Position Sensor

[ Figure #1 ] [ Figure #2 ]
1) Loosen M5x10, wrench bolt (4mm, wrench handle)and then separate the shaking table(A).
(See Figure #1)
2) Loosen M4x8, flat head bolt(+, screw driver) in the position of both side of body
cover(B).(See Figure #1)
3) Loosen 2 ea M5x15, wrench bolt(4mm, wrench handle) in the position of Bracket(C)& 2
ea 5mm knot(8mm, spanner)in the position of Bracket(D).(See Figure #2).
4) Loosen 4 ea M5X12, wrench bolt(4mm, wrench handle) in the position of Frame
Fixture(E).(See Figure #2)

Upper/Bottom Vibrating Frame set

Driving Wheel


[ Figure #3 ] [ Figure #4 ]

Page 29
5) Take care and ensure that there will be separated parts Upper/Bottom Vibrating
Frame. There will be Drying wheel and RPM sensor in the Body.
6) Disassemble RPM Sensor (F), (+, screw driver) and then Fix it to the modified
Stroke. (See Figure #4).

G. Belt
Rotary Spin Set

H. Rotary Spin I. Wrench bolt

Stroke Fixture hole

Driving Wheel Set

[Figure #5] [Figure #6]

7) After turning Rotary Spin Fin (H) in the position of Driving Wheel, There is 4 ea
M5 X 10mm,
Wrench bolt under the Hole. (See Figure #5)
8) Remove 4ea M5X10mm, wrench bolt (4mm, wrench handle). Rotary Spin Set (H) will be
9) Locate the position of the stroke fixture hole of the Driving Wheel Set.
(See Figure #6)
10) Fit and Fix out the rotary spin set into the stroke fixture hole after setting it
to the required position. The correct stroke length can either be 20, 30, 40mm.
11) Reinstall the shaking table into the unit in the reverse order.

Page 30
* Installing position for stroke fixture.

Stroke 20mm Stroke 30mm

Stroke 40mm

How to fix
1. Select the Stroke range to be desired
as in the picture, take the right
position of the driving wheel onto the
system unit.
2. Fit and fix out the 4ea M5x10mm, wrench
bolt (4mm, wrench bolt handle) into
the rotary spin set of the fixture
hole according to each stroke.
* Fixture hole consists of 4 holes each
stroke in the position of square

Page 31
How to change shaking stroke on SK-71

E. Frame Fixture

A. Shaking Table D. Bracket

B. Body cover

F. RPM Sensor

C. Bracket

[Figure #1] [Figure #2]

1. Loosen M5x8, flat head bolt(+, screw driver) from the shaking table(A).(See Figure #1)
2. Loosen M4x8, flat head bolt(+, screw driver) in the position of both side and back
side of body cover(B) to separate from the body.(See Figure #1)
3. Loosen 2 ea M5x15, wrench bolt(4mm, wrench handle) in the position of Bracket(C)& 2
ea 5mm knot(8mm, spanner)in the position of Bracket(D).(See Figure #2).
4. Loosen 4 ea M5x8, wrench bolt(4mm, wrench handle) in the position of Frame
Fixture(E).(See Figure #2)

Upper/Bottom Vibrating Frame

Shaking System Unit STROKE 50mm


[ Figure #3 ] [ Figure #4 ]

Page 32
5. Now then, make sure that there will be the vibrating frame set and the system unit
in the unit. (See Figure #3).
6. You can see 4 ea M5x10mm, wrench bolt under the Hole after spinning out the rotary spin
set(G).(See Figure #4).

Stroke Fixture Hole

H. Rotary Spin Set I. Wrench bolt

Driving Wheel Set

[Figure #5] [Figure #6]

7. After turning Rotary Spin Fin (H) in the position of Driving Wheel, There is 4 ea
M5X10mm, wrench bolt under the Hole. (See Figure #5)
8. Remove 4ea M5X10mm, wrench bolt (4mm, wrench handle). Rotary Sin Set (H) will be
separated. (See Figure #6)
9. Fit and fix out the rotary spin set into the stroke fixture hole after setting it
to the position. To be desired for the right stroke which can be possible into 20,
30 or 40mm.
10. Reinstall the shaking table into the unit in the reverse order.

Page 33
※ Installing position for stroke fixture.
Stroke from a front view
How to fix
1. Sel ect t he St r oke r ange t o be desi r ed as
i n t he pi ct ur e, t ake t he r i ght posi t i on of
t he dr i vi ng wheel ont o t he syst em uni t .
2. Fi t and f i x out t he 4ea M5x10mm, wr ench
bol t (4mm, wr ench bol t handl e) i nt o t he
r ot ar y spi n set of t he f i xt ur e hol e
accor di ng t o each st r oke.

* Fi xt ur e hol e consi st s of 4 hol es each st r oke i n

t he posi t i on of squar e poi nt s.
Stroke 30mm Stroke 40mm

Stroke 50mm Stroke 60mm

Stroke 70mm

Page 34
Chapter. 6
and Troubleshooting

The shaker would be maintained on the best condition by check

the functions and state periodically. In addition to prevent of
pollution of culture fluid or samples that could be occurred
during tests.
The chapter 6 illustrates trouble that could be occurred
operating the unit. Please request the service refer to this
operating manual when trouble occurs.

 Maintenance
 Weekly/ Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annually
 Safekeeping and Cleaning
 Safekeeping way/ Exterior cleaning/ Interior cleaning
 Troubleshooting
 Main power
 Mechanical shaking system

Page 35
 Check the all accessories and volts on the platform
are tight up.
 Check the platform and shaking table are tight up.

Do not cl ean t he sur f ace of uni t wi t h

sul f ur i c aci d, hydr ochl or i c aci d or
or gani c sol vent .
I t may det er i or at e t he abi l i t y of t he
pr oduct .

 Check the main power and plug.

(Refer to the chapter 2 ¡installation¡)
 Check that the setting values and are correctly
inputted to press the buttons.

 Make a routine check weekly/ monthly.

 Check the shaking and timer functions of the

 Check the incubated shaking funtion.

 Make a routine check monthly/ annually.

Follow the safekeeping way and

maintenance standard to care for the
unit so that, keep the best condition
and quality of the unit.

Page 36
Safekeeping and Cleaning
Safekeeping way
Safekeeping way If the shaker is not used for a while, maintain as follow.
1. Please take off the plug to turn off the power switch.
2. Maintain the unit with packing to prevent dust
inserting inside.

Exterior cleaning
Exterior cleaning 1. Clean up the body using a soft cloth with neutral
2. Wipe with a dry cloth the LED screen.

Interior cleaning
Interior cleaning
1. Please turn off the power switch
2. Take off the platform connecting with the shaking table
and then remove interior dust or obstacle.
3. Clean up the body using a soft and wet cloth with
neutral detergent
4. Wipe with a dry cloth.

Cl eani ng t he i nt er i or of uni t may

cause damage on syst em or any ot her
par t s. Be car ef ul l y cl ean up t he
i nt er i or of uni t .

Page 37
If any trouble occurs by operting the unit, please follow the bellow directions.
If the existing soultions will not solve problems or does not exist, please request the
service immediately.

Trouble related with main power

Trouble Causes Solution
The unit does not  Connecting incorrect 1. Check the correct power and
turn on electric power voltage of the ID plate sticking
 Power failure or circuit on the back side of unit.
breaker shuts down 2. Find out the causes of power failure
 Main plug inserts and recovery.
incorrectly 3. Insert the main power plug correctly.
 Socket/ plug/ main power 4. If the socket/ plug/ main power line are
line might be cut cut, request the service.
 Fuse short 5. Exchange the fuses installing on the
back side of unit.
(Refer to Page 18)
6. If the problems do not solve, request
the service.
Fuses ar e of t en  The fuses do not fit the 1. Check the voltage and ampere of fuses.
bur nt out main power
Model Capacity
 The main power might be cut
SK-300 250V/3.15A
or aparted
 Humidity might inflow into SK-600 250V/3. 15A
the main power inserting SK-71 250V/3.15A
part 2. If the main power line is cut or
aparted, exchange it.
3. If there is humidity on the inserting
part, clear it and reconnect.
4. If the problems do not solve, request
the service.
Circuit breaker of  Too many plugs connect at 1. Check the voltage supplied circuit
building(room) is the same time breaker.
often shorted 2. Check that several similar units are
inserted together, if so you should not
use overly.
3. If the problems do not solve, request
the service.

Page 38
Trouble related with main power
Trouble Causes Solution
Main power turns on  Blackout 1. Check there might be blackout.
but switch lights  Main plug does not insert 2. Main plug connects with socket correctly.
off correctly 3. If fuses are cut, exchange new one.
 Fuses are cut 4. If the problems do not solve, request
 Faulty connection of main the service.
 Inferior main switch
Mai n swi t ch l i ght s  Inner harness trouble 1. Request the service.
on but di spl ay does  Poor transformer
not show  Cotroller and display
Whole controlling  Might be influenced a 1. Avoid from the unit producing a strong
of the unit stops strong noise noise or put away that.
without cutting 2. If the problems do not solve, request
the service.
main power or any
Pr ess START/STOP  Setting values of the 1. After pressing SHAKE/SET button to input
but t on but does not controller trouble RPM setting value, press START/STOP
wor k button to check operating condition.
2. If the problems do not solve, request
the service.

Trouble related with mechanical shaking system

Trouble Causes Solution
Occur trembleing  The shaker is not 1. Set the unit to keep its balance,
when acceleration, equilibrated refer to the chapter 2.
deceleration and  Driving system troubles 2. If the problems do not solve, request
the service.
uniform velocity
Taking time to  Too many samples installed 1. Decrease the number of samples on the
reach the desired on the shaking table. shaking table.
Make bumping noise  Interference or loosing RPM 1. Request the service.
when operting sensor or its fixing
 Interference of inner
circuit lines
 Driving system troubles.
Differency between  Tension of the drive belt 1. Request the service.
setting RPM and is loosing
speed of the
shaking table

Page 39
Chapter. 7

Confirm the shaker¡s specification and circuit diagram to check

the unit¡s functions. Read this to know its features and
specification, so test to meet its property.
The circuit diagram illustrates the shaker¡s component circuit.

 Specification

Page 40
Model SK-300 SK-600 SK-71

Temperature 5℃ to 40℃
Permissible Maximum relative humidity 80%
environmental condition Altitude up to 2,000m,
Pollution degree 2
Or bi t al (f or war d, backwar d, pause) : St andar d, Reci pr ocat i ng:
Opt i on
Frequency 10 t o 300r pm

20, 30, 40mm avai l abl e
Amplitude avai l abl e
( 30mm st andar d)
(30mmst andard)

Accuracy ¡ 1 at 100r pm

Controller Di gi t al aut o el ect r i c f eedback

Run t i me( 999hr 59mi n 59sec) ,

Pause, For war d & Backwar d( Max. 59mi n 50sec, Mi n. 10sec)

Driving system Br ushl ess DC mot or wi t h f eedback cont r ol

Body Steel, 3.2t & 2.0t, powder coating

Platform Anodi zed al umi num pl at e, 4. 0t

External 410 X 490 X 160mm 510 X 595 X 160mm 820 X 610 X 170m
Platform 350 X 350mm 450 X 450mm 755 X 481mm

Electric requirements AC100V/50, 60HZ, AC120V/60Hz, AC220V/60Hz, AC230V/50Hz

100V 0. 4A

Power 120V 0. 4A
220V 0. 2A

230V 0.2A

Weight(net) 24kg 29kg 50kg

* Above the options could be changed without any notice in accordance with the quality and
efficiency improvement for the product.

Page 41
Chapter. 8
Warranty and Service

Jeio Tech¡s shakers can be protected by our warranty and

service standard. Except for the presented standards, others
would not be warranted

 Warranty standard
 General matter
 Warranty exception
 Service contact

Page 42
Warranty standard
1. Customer can get free warranty service for 1 year from the date of purchase
when the machine is broken while operating.

2. Customer can¡t get free warranty service in case of as below.

① If the machine is broken due to the Act¡s of God.
② If the machine is broken due to overuse of voltage
③ If there is some shock to the machine.
④ If the outer part is damaged by solvent
⑤ If the machine is broken without taking care of the ¡Notice¡ alerted
on the manual
⑥ If persons who are not under the authority of service of Jeio tech
fixed or changed parts of the machine
⑦ If the broken machine is due to customer¡s fault

3. Contact your regional dealer for after service.

General matter
① The term of guarantee about responsibility on manufacture is 1 year from purchase
work under.

Purchase date
Serial number
A trouble part and trouble state
Equipments use environment

Warranty exception
Charge within the term of warranty if as follows.

A use mistake of a user

A mistake of treatment of a user and custody
Unfair change of usage, remodeling of a machine and acceptance
It is trouble by acts of God such as a fire, a brilliant
Trouble by the use that it did not keep operation manual

Page 43

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