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Nama : Athaya Zafira Yuflih

NIM : 20170320115

Journal Entry
Monday We had a patient named Matthew, 17 years old. He was quite and didn’t talk
with anyone. He also withdrew from socializing. I see something interesting
with him, and I decide to treat him.
Tuesday First, I introduce myself to him. I start to talk about the simple things, like his
daily activities. Then, I try to ask him about his feeling. He says that he has
started having hallucinations for 6 months. He says that he has been hearing
many noises in his head until now. He also describes when he looked at the
world around him, it’s like he’s watching TV. He feels like he’s totally cut off.
From our conversation, I have known that he has been having schizophrenia.
Wednesday On the next day, I try to have conversation again with him. But he’s a little bit
different. Recently, he doesn’t speak. It’s like his voice get swallowed deep
down inside. It also happens on several days after that. And now, he has been
unable to talk for a week.
Thursday But I don’t give up. I have idea to ask him drawing something. I ask him to
draw what he feels right now. He draws some ‘satan figures’ that close his
mouth. I try to make him realize that they aren’t real. I talk to him that he
needs to close his eyes, close his ears, and say, “Go away! You all aren’t real”
to make them disappeared. I ask him to try that way. At several minutes, he’s
still quite and only stare at me. I say that he can do it. After that, he tries to do
what I’ve taught before. He tries to make his voice out, and yes, he really does
it. He’s been trying this way for 30 minutes, and he’s been better now. He says
that the satans have been disappeared. I give him positive reinforcement and
ask him to do that again if he has hallucinations. I also ask him to take some
medicines for keeping him in good condition. And now, he’s been taking all
treatment for 3 days.
Sunday After having treatment for 3 days, he has got better. He has been able to talk
and try to socialize with the others. He also has been able for trying to prevent
hallucinations. I’m sure that several days again, he will be permitted to
discharge from the hospital.

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