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Types of Power

A. Compulsory power
Direct Control Over Another

focuses on the relations that allow an actor to directly shape the circumstances
or actions of others.

uses material resources to control others.

Great powers often use (or threaten to use) resources to influence others.

B. Institutional Power
Actors’ Control Over Socially Distant Others

focuses on the relations that allow an actor to indirectly shape the

circumstances or actions of others

The conceptual focus is on the institutions that mediate between actors.

authority has been socially approved and accepted as legitimate.

It is the power wielded by entities like governments, churches, and

corporations to control people and direct their behavior through the use of
rewards and punishments.

C. Structural Power
Direct and Mutual Constitution of the Capacities of Actors

concerns the constitution, through social structures, of social subjects with

capacities and interests.

It shapes the fates and conditions of existence of actors, structural positions

allocate differential capacities and advantages to different positions

The ability to control the outcomes that derives from the ability to shape the
rules of the system

D. Productive Power
Production of Subjects Through Diffuse Social Relations

Types of Power 1
constitutes actors, their interests, capacities, and self-understanding through
indirect and networked discourse

Actors are entities that participate in or promote international relations.

Types of Power 2

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