Ion Chromatography Analysis of Spring Water From The Municipality of Daram, Samar

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Ion Chromatography Analysis of Spring Water from the Municipality of Daram, Samar

A Research Proposal as a Requirement in Research I

I. Statement of the Problem

I.1 Rationale

As problems during pandemic arises, resources for human consumption,

agriculture, and industrial forms has been limited. One of them is scarcity

of water.

Water constituents 75% of the human body and 80% of the total

composition of most vegetables, simultaneously it causes an estimated 80%

of diseases throughout the world (Balbus and Lang, 2001).

The quality of water preside over the life of organisms. Hence, researcher


I.2 Research Problem

What are the ions (anion and cation) that will be found in the spring water

II. Goals/Expected Outcome/Hypothesis

II.1 Goals

General Goal

 To investigate the ionic composition of the spring water found at the

Specific Goal(s)

 To determine if spring water located in the municipality oTo

identify what ions comprises the spring water

 To probe the benefits of the spring water other than human

II.2 Expected Outcome

This study aims to assess a simple, fast, and accurate method for the potable

for using in basic necessities.

II.3 Hypothesis(es)

If the spring water comprises of ion (

III. Methodology

III.1 Materials

Water samples will be obtain and preserve in polyethylene bottles,

according to ISO 5667-1 (1980) and ISO 5667-2 (1991) to acquire

sustainable conditions for analysis. Solutions such as 4-hidroxybenzoic

acid, lithium hydrogen, and nitric acid are also stored in polyethylene

bottles that are thoroughly rinsed. Apparatus for testing will be provided by

testing centers here in to be use.

III.2 Procedure

III.2.1 Experimental Research Design

III.2.2 Experimental Procedure

Water samples collected are stored and solutions are stored in 5ºC

maximum of 24 hours prior the analysis. Water samples are

accumulate in triplicates from the center of the spring water, from a

depth of two meters, all passing through a 0.45 µm membrane filter

before ion chromatography analysis. The samples with ion

concentrations exceeding the calibration range are diluted

accordingly and should be re-analyzed.

Analysis are performed on a laboratory consisting of equipments: a

Prominence DGU 20As online degasser, a Prominence LC-20AP

solvent delivery module, an automatic sample injector SIL-10AF, a

conductivity detector CDD-10Avp, a Prominence CTO-20A

column oven, a FCV-10AH₂ valve unit, an Allsep Anion 7u

column, an Universal Cation 7u, and a Prominence CBM-20A

system controller. Samples are injected in each case; using a

temperature of 40ºC, an Allsep Anion 7u column with a mobile

phase of 4-hidroxybenzoic acid 4mM solution with pH-ul adjusted

to 7.5 with lithium hydroxide 0.11 M, at 0.85ml/min, a total

separation of 23 min. is effective for a good resolution of all seven

anions from the mixed solution; similarly, with a Universal Cation

7u column, using as mobile phase 3mM nitric acid solution, at 0.5

ml/min. for all six cations. The external standard method is used

for quantification, calibrations being achieved using five levels of

concentration, for accurately determine the concentration target

ions. (Muntean ., et al, 2009)

III.3 Data Analysis

III.4 Bibliography

Balbus, J. M. and Lang, M. E. (2001): Is the water safe for my baby.

PediatricClinics of North America 48, 1129–1152.

Grabow W (1996) Waterborne diseases: update on water quality assessment

and control. Water Sa 22(2):193–202.

Arjonilla, M.; Forja, J. M. and Gomez-Parra, A. (1994): Sediment

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