Recommend Mackenzie Thomas

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To whom it may concern November 8, 2021

This recommendation is being written on behalf of MacKenzie Thomas. I have been her University Supervisor during her
student teaching experience at Oakwood Middle School, a suburban middle school this spring semester. MacKenzie has
successfully completed her clinical experience teaching 7th grade Math (at level and Co-teach) and 7th/8th grade Science and
STEM Science. She also worked in the after-school program designed to close the learning gap for students who had a math
goal on their IEP, students struggling with math, as well as, those with emotional gaps due to Covid. If I had to identify an
outstanding attribute that MacKenzie displays, it is “she LOVES kids,” particularly middle school kids.

MacKenzie gained much from her the two placements. She had the opportunity to work with two excellent, experienced
Mentors who held her in the highest regard. Oakwood represents a school community with much socio-economic, cultural,
and racial diversity She displayed an awareness of the backgrounds and diversity of these students and planned
appropriate instructional activities. She continually demonstrated excellent connections and rapport with them.

She always displayed an obvious “caring” disposition focused on student success. This was demonstrated daily as she
assisted individual students during her planning time and lunch. Her pleasant, positive personality provided a very
supportive learning environment. She demonstrated skill at classroom management, and communicated high expectations
to students.

Content knowledge and understanding are strengths for MacKenzie. She researched and designed effective instructional
strategies that reflected the Ohio Standards as well as, the district curriculum priorities. In math she demonstrated the
ability to make difficult math concepts understandable to her students in her lessons including, large group, small group
and individual settings. In science she planned and provided numerous resources and various activities that kept students
engaged in varied classroom arrangements.

MacKenzie displayed a strong understanding of assessment types and purposes. She developed and included a variety of
effective diagnostic, informal, and formal assessments when appropriate. She has a keen understanding of the importance
of differentiated instruction and includes modifications when necessary. She displayed an understanding of the
importance of timely feedback to students and the importance of regular communication with parents.

She continually developed lessons to engage students and meet their various learning styles. She designed activities that
were engaging for all students in individual, group and whole class situations. Her lessons were always well-designed in
terms of meeting the learning objective(s) in terms of content, prior knowledge, sequencing and pacing. Another strength
of MacKenzie’s is her attention to individual students in her planning and classroom delivery to achieve individual success.
She is extremely skillful in the use of technology including; web resources, the interactive whiteboard, calculator, and
assessment technologies to engage learners, reach different learning styles, and gain formative assessment data. She is
skillful in making intradisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and real-world connections for students.

MacKenzie had numerous effective communications with parents during the semester and collaborated very effectively
with her Mentoring teacher(s), as well as the other middle school staff. She was an active participant in grade level,
content, and community meetings, actually leading some topic conversations. She continually displayed strong
professionalism: punctual, prepared, incredible work ethic, parental and collegial communications, etc. She always sought
improvement and continually turned suggestions into positive student experiences.

In summary, MacKenzie had an outstanding student teaching experience and grew immensely throughout the semester.
She is very reflective and introspective and was always willing to try new things, either those she discovered or those
suggested by others. She is very student-oriented and willing to do “whatever it takes” for student success. She is the truly
the best student teacher I have had in 11 years of student teacher supervision.

Very Sincerely,

James W. Gertz, University Supervisor
Department of Education
1972 Clark Avenue • Alliance, OH 44601 • (330) 823-2397 • FAX (330) 823-3363

Department of Education
1972 Clark Avenue • Alliance, OH 44601 • (330) 823-2397 • FAX (330) 823-3363

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